Half Yearly Report Duration- January to June 2008 Centre ... · Half Yearly Report Duration-...

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Half Yearly Report

Duration- January to June 2008

Centre Name- Amagarh

Right to Development Prayas is covering 450 children through its four centres and is focusing on the overall development of every child. We believe in making our children competent and efficient in every field and so apart from education, we also have dance, music, drawing, debates, sports and other competition for the children. We are glad that our children have become expressive and outspoken and they love to come to school regularly. Our Vibha project area, Amagarh is the biggest slum area in Jaipur. Through our regular, determined and sincere efforts, we have been able to attain 90% attendance in schools. There we have classes from Nursery to 5th standard and special classes for differently abled children. But due to dearth of place in the school, we are not able to give admission to many children. So we had insisted the parents to send their children to the Raja Park School where classes are till 8th standard. But Raja Park being far off from Amagarh, parents are not ready to send their children. We are having continuous discussions with parents and trying to convince them to send their children to Raja Park School.

• National Open School A total of 26 children (12 boys and 14 girls) have been prepared for the examination of National Open School for the three levels viz A, B, C. The examinations were held in the beginning of May. All the students have passed the examinations with good results.

• Description of the Children in the Amagarh Centre

In the Amagarh centre that is being run by the organization Prayas Jaipur, the total enrollment of children with special needs is as follows Special Children Boys Girls Total MR 8 2 10 CP+MR 2 1 3 Autism 2 0 2 Total 12 3 15


Apart from these children, the centre caters other children also. Boys Girls Total Special 12 3 15 Slow Learner 9 4 13 Normal 37 44 81 Total 58 51 109

• Home based Program

In these six months from January 08 to June 08, under the House Work Program in the Raja Park and Amagarh branch, a total of 15 children have taken part. The 9 boys and 6 girls are given special education on physical training. Progress in every child is being noticed and all the teachers are very sincere and regular in service delivery. From the month of April, the number of children in the Home based program has been increased. Apart from these children, there are other children in the home based program in the Sanganer and Jhalana branch whose records are kept in the Jhalana branch.

• Educational activities

In these 6 months in the Prayas Amagarh centre, all the special and normal classes have been carried out according to all the subjects. The courses have been completed and revision work has also been started which in one way have also helped the children to prepare for their examination. Apart from these the children had also been taken for educational tours as practical sessions which have helped the children to have a better grasp over what they have learned theoretically. On 16th of January 2008, students of classes 3, 4, 5 had been taken to the police station of Galta Gate as a part of educational tour. The Thana Incharge was very cooperating and he even discussed with children regarding different laws, legal formalities and other different punishable activities.


He even discussed regarding different crimes that are prevalent and different ways of preventing such crimes. The Thana Incharge also said as how one can make use of law for fulfillment of their rights. The children even told the criminals not to commit such crimes further in their lives.

Sit and Draw Competition On 20th of January 2008, in the temple of Akshar Dham in Baishali Nagar, a picnic and sit and draw competition was organized by Prayas. A total of 27 children from Prayas participated in the competition. Apart from these, children


from other schools of Jaipur participated in the competition. Among all these children, the first prize was backed by a small child, Nazmeen from Amagarh centre. To encourage this small girl, she was also awarded by the program facilitator. Media persons also participated in the program and they even took an interview of Nazmeen. Like every year this year also we celebrated Republic Day with pomp and show in the Jhalana centre of Prayas. All the children participated in acting, dancing and other cultural activities. Everyone was very happy to see such a program.

Republic Day Celebration On 28th January, 2008, wife of honorable State Foreign Minister, Mr. Anant Kumar visited the Amagarh centre of Prayas. She monitored all the educational activities that are being carried out in the centre. Children even performed some cultural activities in front of her. She was very pleased to see all these and appreciated our efforts and the children’s sincerity and the zeal to learn. To encourage every child, she even gave Rs 1000 to all the children.

Visit by wife of State Foreign



On 7th February 2008, all the children of 3rd, 4th and 5th classes of Amagarh centre were taken to Bird Fair in Jal Mahal. They were given information on different varieties and species of birds and even shown through binocular. They were even told as how many species of birds are present, their living and food habits. They were even provided with reading materials to have better knowledge on these issues.

Bird Fair On 19th February, 2008, all the children of 2nd and 3rd classes were taken for a visit of the nearby government school. They at first noticed the teaching techniques that were carried out in the school. Prayas children even discussed with government school children regarding various issues like health and hygiene and other good habits that should be followed regularly like punctuality and regularity in school, indulging in good manners etc. Along with these the children of Prayas even requested the government teachers to follow the teaching techniques that are being used by the teachers of Prayas. This will help them to give quality education to all the children. They even made friends with children of this government school and made 5 children members of their child club. Presently the total children in the club have risen to 35. On 20th March, 2008, all the children of 3rd, 4th and 5th standard of Amagarh Centre were taken to Kapur Chand Kulish Ban Samriti Uddhyan, JLN, and Jaipur for practical sessions of Science and Social subjects. They were showed how one can help in preventing erosion of soil. They were even told about the different varieties of grasses growing there, different ways of irrigation, various species of animals, trees and plants. They were also taken to the museum to show every item in details.


From 25th March to 27th March, all the children were taken to the celebrations of Rajasthan Day. They were taken to the fairs, shown pictures and other entertainment shows. Children enjoyed to the fullest in three days and were also very happy and satisfied with these types of programs. On 30th March, 20, 52 children from Amagarh centre were taken to S.J Public school to participate in the SMILE Program organized by ISAC. The main objective behind such a program was to increase the spirit of sports in every child. Children participated in different types of sports. They even gave their full participation in singing and dancing and were entertained to the brim.

SMILE Program Children even won prizes from different sports competition. All the children have worked with the spirit of togetherness and have imbibed brotherhood among them.


Right to Survival Under the survival rights, Prayas organization conducts a survey on pregnant women in Amagarh with the objective of proper and healthy development of the foetus that is growing up in the womb of the mothers. The main purpose and objective behind such a survey are as follows:

• To aware them regarding the immunization programs and timely utilization of all the vaccines.

• To aware them regarding the diet and food that should be taken during this period.

• To aware them to go for timely medical check ups.

• To make use of the medicines according to the advices of doctors.

It is also seen through this survey that all the newly born children are healthy and they are immunized on time. Not a single case of female foeticide has been found in these six months and even every pregnant woman are made aware foeticide is legally punishable and should not be practices. They are even made aware about the advantages of having small family. In these six months total no of newly born children are 15 among which 9 are boys and 6 are girls. The numbers of presently surveyed pregnant women are 6 and so the total numbers of pregnant women are 18. All total the total number of pregnant women surveyed are 165 and the total number of children that has taken birth are 147 (73 boys and 74 girls). Women Empowerment

• Training on stitching In the Amagarh centre of Prayas, training on stitching works had been initiated from the month of August 04. In the 3 years till December 07, 7 batches had been trained. The training duration is 6 months per batch and the total number of women receiving this training is 98. These women have now started their own business at home and have even started working in export companies.The 8yh has started from January 08 to June 08 and the total participants are 15. Community work

A two day seminar had been organized by the Central Labour Education Board, Jaipur on 16th and 17th January in the Amagarh centre. In this seminar, 20 couples had been made sensitized on various issues. The main agenda of the seminar was health, hygiene, employment, individual rights, and savings for future and education. The participants were very attentive in the seminar and even promised to apply all those they learned in the seminar in their daily life. Along with these all the couples were given Rs 300 and certificates by Prayas through the officials of Central Labour Education Board.


Seminar in Amagarh On 25th of January 2008, a community based meeting was organized in the Parbat colony of Amagarh. The total participants were 45. The main agendas that were discussed by Shri Ram Kishan Meena and Santosh Kumar of Prayas in the community meeting were as follows:

• Sensitizing parents on sending their children regularly to schools.

• Sensitizing parents on keeping special attention to health and hygiene of their children.

• Sensitizing parents on influencing their children to study regularly at home

• Parents were told not to allow their children to move around without wearing shoes

• They were also told to give full attention to their children’s education and help them in their studies.

A Parents Teacher meeting was held on 16th February in the Amagarh centre. Parents of 45 children participated in the meeting. The whole staff of Amagarh centre sat with them and had discussions on Education, Health and hygiene and sending their children to schools regularly. All the parents were attentive listeners and even promised to go by all the discussions in the meeting. They even requested to lessen the duration of the school timing as they don’t get time to teach their children their religious book.


Parents Meeting On 23rd February, 2008, a community meeting on health had been organized in Bedpuri of Amagarh. The meeting had been facilitated by Shri Ram Kisan, Shri Sohanlal and Shri Santosh. The meeting had been organized in one of a child’s house. The slum was very unhygienic and so children used to remain sick and physically unwell. Maximum was suffering from skin diseases and so awareness was spread on the causes and prevention of such diseases. They were even told to keep their surrounding neat and clean. Those children who come to Prayas schools have become aware and have started to pay special attention on health and hygiene. On 1st March 2008, in Parbat colony of Amagarh, a meeting was organized on education and health by the team of Prayas comprising of Shri Ramkishan and Sohanlal along with a guest member Dr Mohammad Faraz. A total of 25 females and some children had participated in the discussions. The main agendas discussed by Dr Faraz were regarding the various diseases, their causes, clinical features and different prevention measures. Sohanlal and Shri Ramkisan also discussed hygienic habits and problems regarding studies.