Post on 20-Jul-2016

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This is a Draft copy of My UNSC BFG Ruleset, these rules are in a trial stage.



For too Long Humanity has been on the back foot, reacting to threats instead of preventing them, the rest of the galaxy was bigger then us, stronger then us, we suffered defeat after defeat saw our worlds burn a thousand times, but humanity is no longer on the defence, we are the giants now…Fleet Admiral Lord Hood

United Nations

Humanity first reached the stars in the mid 21st century, during this time political powers changed rapidly from divided national Governments. Too a global United Nations leading Humanity to a golden age of peace and prosperity, but this peace did not last by 2160 the threat of an interplanetary war was imminent with the rise of rebels who didn’t wish to stand with the UN, War soon broke out and for the first time the UN was forced into a military action. During this time the UNSC was pushed back to earth due to the UN having nearly no military forces in this age of peace. finally in the year 2162 the UN deployed Blitzkrieg tactics and Nuclear weaponry to crush the rebel forces. At the end of the war the UN had decided that to protect earth and her colonies required a dedicated military force beginning the United Nations Space command (UNSC)

United nations Space Command

During this time the newly formed UNSC held great trust and Awe with the citizens it had to protect the UNSC grew with power and man strength at an extraordinary rate. With the newly achieved shaw-fujikawa slip-space drive humanity expanded outside the sol system by 2490 the UNSC had over eight hundred worlds in its charge. in 2517 the UNSC was threatened by a second civil war on a much larger scale starting the Spartan programs, his soon proved to be the least of there worries. In 2525 a colony on the edge of UNSC controlled space. The UNSC sent a force to investigate they uncovered a non human enemy force known as the covenant. This alien race’s technology seriously outmatched the UNSC . Humanity entered a war were they where on the back foot humanity suffered defeat after defeat and lost world after world

United nations space commandThe covenant finally reached earth but they made one mistake they underestimated humanity but most importantly the underestimated the master chief the hero of humanity. The UNSC fought the covenant for every inch of earth and for the first time the covenant lost. Humanity deal a decisive kick to the covenant. Since then the UNSC regrouped and rebuilt with a speed the covenant couldn’t match and the tide had turned the UNSC had surpass the covenants technology humanity was no longer the weak humanity was the giant and they would never again. Be the mice.


UNSC Special Rules Archer Missile Pods:The UNSC standard anti ship weaponry is the Archer missile capable of semi active tracking and being fired over an incredibly large distance dealing devastating damage.Archer missiles function as weapons batteries in all respects.

Mass Linear Accelerators (MLA): MLA’s lunch solid projectiles at .3 the speed of light although not with the power of a MAC gun,.MLA’s count as Lances in all respects.

Rapier Missiles: Rapier Missiles are the UNSCs Equivalent of torpedos, and even have limited tracking capabilities. They count as torpedoes for the strength listed in a given ship’s profile they have a movement of 20-30cm and may once turn up to 45 Degrees in mid-flight.

Mass Accelerator Cannons (MAC): MAC gun are the most Devastating anti-ship weapons in the UNSC capable of crippling enemy ships in one shot. Mac guns fire a 500 tonne projectile at .4 the speed of light with devastating effects. MAC hit on a 4+ no matter what the target's armour is. However, if a MAC shot hits, then you may roll to hit again and you may keep on rolling to hit until you miss or the MAC has scored a total of 3 hits. For each hit inflicted on the targets hit points, it will also suffer critical damage on a 4+ mac guns are line of sight weapons and are unaffected by Reload Ordinance or lock on special rules. A crippled ship cannot fire its MAC. Mac guns have a minimum range of 25cm and a max range of 60cm. MAC weapons must be fired before any other weapon excluding Ordinance.Shields: shield technology is a recent addition to UNSC forces they function as normal.teleport Attacks: the UNSC cannot make any Teleport attacks.

Leadership: UNSC ships roll on the following table for leadership1-2=Ld7 3-4=8 5=LD 9 6=Ld 10OrdinanceLongswords: Longsword: the Longsword is the UNSCs commonplace Fighter Interceptor and is very effective in this role. Long swords may move up to 30cm per ordinance phase and have the resilient special rule.

Broadsword: the Broadsword is the UNSCs commonplace Bomber, the reason for the classes success is its speed. Broadswords may move 25cm per ordinance phase and count as bombers in all respectsAssault Pelicans: these modified Pelicans are a experimental design intended to get boarding party’s on broad enemy ships. they count as assault boats and have a movement of 20cmOther Notes:Spartans: Spartans are the Best the UNSC has to offer. Trained for any operation. a ship Equipped with Spartans adds 2+ to its boarding Action and 2+ to any hit and run attack it makes.

Trafalgar Class Super Carrier…410pts Type/hits Speed turning shields Armour Turrets

Super Carrier/12

15cm 45 degrees 2 6+ 5

Armament Range/Speed Firepower/STR Fire ArcProw MAC 25-60cm 2 front

Starboard Archer pods

45cm 4 right

Port Archer pods 45cm 4 left

Prow Archer Pods 45cm 10 Left/front/right

Port launch bay Longswordsbroadswords

3 squads N/A

Starboard Lunch bay


3 squads N/A

Rapier Missile pods

20cm-30cm 4 front

The Trafalgar class is the largest class of ships in the UNSC, armed with 2 MAC’s and a huge force of Aircraft there is few that can stand in her wake. The Trafalgar class is solely designed to outmatch any foe ensuring dominance of the UNSC Navy.Famous ships: UNSC Trafalgar

The Trafalgar class is a large and slow vessel it may not make come to new heading orders. The Trafalgar may carry Spartans for 25pts and be equipped with assault pelicans for 35pts.

Valiant Super Heavy cruiser…360pts Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour Turrets

Super Heavy Cruiser/10

20cm 45 degrees 2 6+ 4

Armament Range/Speed Firepower/STR Fire Arc

Prow MAC 25-60cm 2 Front

Port MLA 30cm 2 Left/front

Starboard MLA 30cm 2 Right/front

Port Archer pods 45cm 12 left

Starboard Archer pods

45cm 12 right

Papier missile pods

20cm-30cm 4 front

Dorsal Lunch bays Longswords 2 squads n/a

the Valiant-class super-heavy cruiser is Among the most powerful vessels in the UNSC fleet, there Primary role is fleet command and coordination. The Valiant class is the most heavily armed ship in the fleet.Famous ships: UNSC Everest UNSC Vailent

The Valiant class is a large vessel it may not make come to new heading orders. The Marathon class may carry Spartans for 25pts and be equipped with assault pelicans for 15pts.

Marathon Heavy cruiser…295pts Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour Turrets

Heavy Cruiser/10

20cm 45 degrees 1 6+ 4

Armament Range/Speed Firepower/STR Fire Arc

Prow MAC 25-60cm 2 Front

Port Archer pods 45cm 10 left

Starboard Archer pods

45cm 10 right

Rapier missile pods

20cm-30cm 4 front

Dorsal Lunch bays Longswords 1 squads n/a

the marathon-class heavy cruiser are the Frontline capital ships of UNSC fleet, they are armed with two MACs and a huge supply of Archer pods make them incredibly powerful ships. Famous ships: UNSC Australia UNSC Marathon

The Valiant class is a large vessel it may not make come to new heading orders. The Marathon class may carry Spartans for 25pts and be equipped with assault pelicans for 15pts.

Athens class carrier…260pts

Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsCarrier/8 15cm 45 degrees 1 6+ 4

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow Mac 25-60cm 1 Front

Port Archer Pods 45cm 4 Left

Starboard Archer Pods

45cm 4 Right

Prow Archer Pods 45cm 4 Left/Front/Right

Port Lunch Bay LongswordBroadsword

3 squads N/A

Starboard Lunch Bay


3 squads N/A

The Athens class carriers are the UNSC’s primary carrier at the forefront of any naval engagement the Athens Class is a formidable warship in her own right but it is her air group that makes her a vital asset to the UNSC .

Famous ships: UNSC All Under Heaven UNSC Magellan UNSC Stalingrad UNSC Atlas UNSC Musashi

The London class is a large vessel as such it may not make come to new heading orders. The London class may carry Spartans for 25pts and be equipped with assault pelicans for 30pts.

Halcyon Class Cruiser…140ptsType/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsCruiser/8 15 cm 45 degrees 1 6+ 3

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 45cm 2 Front

Port Archer Pods 45cm 4 Left/front

Starboard Archer Pods

45cm 4 Right/front

Port Lunch Bay Longswords 1 squads n/a

Rapier Missile Pods 20cm-30cm 3 front

Halcyon class Halcyons were sorely underpowered and under gunned. Their Mark II fusion engines provided but a tenth of the output of modern reactors and their armament consisted of a single MAC gun and little over 1000 archer Missiles. The most noteworthy design feature was a series of internal cross bracings and honeycombs that made the ships almost indestructible ships of the class were able to remain operational despite sustaining breaches to all compartments and losing 90% of their armour.Famous ships: UNSC Dawn under Heaven UNSC Apollo

Unlike normal warships halcyons do not become crippled when they are reduced to half hits but instead become crippled when they are reduced to 2 hits.

Halcyon class Cruiser MK 4 (refitted) 185pts Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsCruiser/8 20 cm 45 degrees 1 6+ 3

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow Mac 25-60cm 1 Front

Port Archer Pods 45cm 5 Left/front

Starboard Archer Pods

45cm 5 Right/front

Rapier Missile Pods 20cm-30cm 4 front

The Halcyon class cruisers underwent a significant Refitting period during the war the end result was an incredibly fast, powerful and near indestructible warship. The MK4 Halcyons are often deployed in pairs or with destroyer escorts making them extremely powerful flanking units.

Famous ships UNSC Pillar of Autumn.

Unlike normal warships halcyons do not become crippled when they are reduced to half hits but instead become crippled when they are reduced to 2 hits.

Phoenix class Cruiser…110pts Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsCruiser/6 15 cm 45 degrees 1 5+ 2

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 30cm 2 Front

Port Archer Pods 30cm 4 Left

Starboard Archer Pods

30cm 4 Right

Rapier Missile Pods 20cm-30cm 2 front

Refitted Ships: Phoenix Classes are Refitted civilian Ships in service with the UNSC. for 30pts the Prow MLA may be Replaced with a Range 20-60 STR 1 fire Arc :front MAC Gun. Or it may add two lunch bays capable of launching three squadrons (Longswords and Broadswords only) For 40pts

Phoenix class Colony ships were used as long range ships to support the colonisations of new worlds, but when the war broke out they were retrofitted to be used as armed support cruisers to UNSC battle groups.

Famous ships UNSC Phoenix, UNSC Spirit Of Fire

Lord Hood Class Light Cruisers…150pts

Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsLight Cruiser/6

25 cm 90 degrees 1 5+/6+ prow


Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 45cm 2 Front

Port Archer Pods 30cm 4 Left/front

Starboard Archer Pods

30cm 4 Right/front The Lord Hood Class cruiser were put in service near the end of the war, the class had a unique design as they were used as fast flanking ships rather then more heavily armed Capital ships. The class proved invaluable in the hunting of CCS class Carriers.Famous ships: UNSC HoodUNSC Rocket

Montana Class Heavy Destroyer…70pts Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsEscort/2 15 cm 45 degrees 1 6+ 2

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 45cm 2 Front

Archer Pods 45cm 3 Left/front/right

Rapier Missile Pods 20cm-30cm 2 front

The Montana class destroyers can take a large Amount of damage. they are not automatically destroyed by critical damage like other escorts.

Montana class Destroyers are the backbone of the UNSC the ships are incredibly heavily armed and armoured for there missions as Fleet escorts and task group command ships. Famous Ships: UNSC Montana UNSC Sovereign UNSC Washington

Gorgon Class Destroyer…50pts

Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsEscort/1 20 cm 90 degrees 1 6+ 2

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 30cm 1 Front

Archer Pods 45cm 2 Left/front/right

Rapier Missile pods 20cm-30cm 1 frontThe Gorgon-class comprised the first true Destroyers of the United Nations Space Command, and dramatically changed warship design. Armed with the first shipboard magnetic accelerator cannon, over two hundred missiles, and a dozen point-defence guns, equipped with vastly tougher armour than previous designs, the Gorgon-class rendered all prior destroyers effectively obsolete.

Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsEscort/1 30 cm 90 degrees 1 5+ 1

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 30cm 2 Front

Archer Missile pods 30cm 2 front

Daring Class Light Destroyers…45pts

The Daring class is unlike other destroyers in the UNSC as it sacrifices Armour and Weaponry in exchange for speed and movability, Famous Ships: UNSC Anzac

Charon Class light Frigate…40pts

Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsEscort/1 30 cm 90 degrees - 5+ 1

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 30cm 1 Front

Lunch Bays Assault pelican 1 squad n/a

Charon Class frigates are primarily used for ferrying troops into the field and for strikes by ODST’s , in a space engagement the ships normally try to get close to the enemy and deploy ODST’s to board the target vessel

The Charon class frigates carry a platoon of ODST’s they add 1 to any boarding or hit and run attack they make.

Stalwart Class FrigateType/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsEscort/1 30 cm 90 degrees - 5+ 1

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 30cm 1 Front

Prow Archer Pods 30cm 2 front

Paris class Heavy frigate….40pts

Type/Hits Speed Turning Shields Armour TurretsEscort/1 25 cm 45 degrees 1 5+ 1

Armament Range/speed Firepower/STR Fire arc

Prow MLA 30cm 1 front

Archer Pods 45cm 3 left/front/right

Your fleet may includeA Admiral in your fleetTo lead it (all admirals come with one reroll)Vice Admiral (Ld8): 30ptsAdmiral (Ld9): 50ptsFleet Admiral (Ld10): 70pts

Artificial Intelligence The Admirals ship may be upgraded with an AIDumb AI (one extra reroll): 25ptsSmart AI (two extra rerolls):50pts

CAPITAL SHIPSBattleshipsYou may include up to one Capital ship in yourfleet for every three cruisers in your fleet.• Trafalgar class CVSHG 410ptsMax of one per 1000pts • Vigilant Class CCSHG 365pts• Montana Class CCHG 295pts • London Class CVG 260pts

CRUSIERS: you may Include any amount of cruisers in your fleet. • Halcyon class CCG 150pts• Halcyon class MK4

CCG*(refitted) 195pts • Lord Hood Class CLG145pts• Phoenix Class CCG 110pts*For each Halcyon Class CCG in the fleet a Mk 4 may be taken

Escorts: for every Frigate in your force you may include one destroyer • Montana class DDHG 70pts• Gorgon class DDG 50pts• Daring class DDLG 45pts• Charon class FF 40pts• Stalwart Class FFG 35pts• Paris class FFHG 40pts