Handy Holiday Vocab 3

Post on 11-Feb-2016

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Handy Holiday Vocab 3. Getting Away with the Wandering Spanish Omelette. When you travel you need to use some of the following. la parada de taxis. Taxi rank. la parada de autobús. Bus stop. la estación de tren. Train station. el andén. Platform. la taquilla. Ticket office. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Handy School Vocab _

Handy Holiday Vocab 3

Getting Awaywith the Wandering Spanish Omelette

When you travel you need to use some of the following.

Taxi rankla parada de taxis

Bus stopla parada de autobs

Train stationla estacin de tren

Platformel andn

Ticket officela taquilla

Airportel aeropuerto

Waiting Roomla sala de espera

Departure Lounge la sala de embarque

Boarding Gatela puerta de embarque

Ferry terminalla terminal de ferry

Portel puerto

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