Handy tips for creative thinking

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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***UPDATE: much of this content is now available in my book 'A User Guide to the Creative Mind'*** Find out more at: UserGuideToTheCreativeMind.com --- I did this talk for the Ogilvy Idea Shop. It was directed at small businesses, charities and organisations that need a little help with problem solving. This is a special slideshare version with additional text on the slides to explain them better. If you're the copyright holder for any of the images, please get in touch so that I can credit you or remove them.


Tips to get the ideas flowingDave Birss

Jolting yourself out of the rut

Much of this content and a whole lot more is now available in my book.


Hit the pubGo somewhere different.Different environments give you a different state of mind.

Give yourself a soundtrack

Research proves it works.Cows that listen to soothing music produce more milk.The tempo of Baroque music is similar to the speed of the brain waves that are associated with creative thinking.

Hit the pub again

If you’re putting pressure on yourself, a pint or two might help you relax. Or maybe some coffee. It’s worth a try.

Write down the problemIf you ask the right question, you’re half way to solving the problem.Or maybe more.

Keep rewriting the problem

Maybe you’re still asking the wrong question.Rewriting it in a different way may help you think about it differently too.

Solve a sudoku instead

Do something that requires a lot of concentration.It clears your mind and pushes the problem to your more powerful back brain.

What would Stephen Fry do?

If you can’t solve the problem as you, do it as someone else.Imagine you’re someone extra smart and try to solve it as them.

Deliberately come up with bad ideas

You may be setting your standards too high. Deliberately lower them to get the ideas flowing. You can raise them again later.

Go read some stuffMaybe you don’t have enough information. Do more. The answer may come from a small insight hidden away.

Have a nap

They say that dreams are your brain’s way of sorting out data.Have a nap and let it go to work.

Do the opposite

If there’s a way people usually try to solve a problem, think about the opposite way.It probably won’t work but it’ll get you thinking differently.

Map your thoughtsIt’s a great way of seeing that you’re exploring lots of areas.

Finish those Post ItsDon’t settle for the first idea.Set yourself a goal and don’t give up until you reach it.

Hit another pub

Buy someone a drink and talk to them.Get their opinion.Business advice for under a fiver (with Pork Scratchings thrown in).

Give up

Give up

****Just for the moment.If it’s not working right now, don’t push it.You’ll only push yourself further into the rut.

Now go and buy the book!


