Happy diwali 2013

Post on 12-May-2015

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Check Out > My Globe > Home Page > Happy Diwali 2013Creative Rangoli IdeasPuja Thali ingredients Do’s And Don’ts of festival First aid for burns Suggestive Care for pets

Creative Rangoli Ideas

Rangoli with



Grains, Pulses

Lights, Candles,


Puja Thali Ingredients

Rice: It is generally referred as Akshat which means unbroken rice grains

Kalalava or Mouli: An integral part of the puja, the thread is used as an offering of cloth to the deity.

Roli or Sindoor: a 'tilak' on the forehead and also for decorating the thali with varied religious symbols like a “Swastika” or an “Om”.

Sweets, Dry Fruits and Fruits: Various kind of dry fruits, fresh fruits and sweets are used as offerings in pooja thali.

Betel nut and Betel Leaf: The betel leaf symbolizes freshness and prosperity

Diyas, incense sticks and fresh flowers:. The diya symbolizes lighting up life and chasing away darkness.

Do’s on

• DO light fireworks away from combustible materials like buildings, trees, dry grass and other obstacles.

• DO bury your fireworks at least halfway down into a bucket of sand angled on a trajectory away from spectators and combustibles.

• DO have water handy (garden hose and bucket) to soak fireworks after firing.

• DO light a firework at arms length, standing back and keeping your face away.

• DO douse sparklers with water and allow them to cool in a safe place away from children.

Don'ts on

• DON'T attempt to relight a dud. It could still go off and have even less of a wick. Let it sit for several minutes and then douse it with water.

• DON'T use fireworks or sparklers indoors.

• DON'T carry fireworks in your pocket. They're explosives and can go off prematurely even if they're not lit.

• DON'T light fireworks in metal or glass containers

First Aid for Superficial Burns

• Remove clothing from the burned area immediately.

• Run cool (not cold) water over the burned area, cold compress on the burn for approximately 3 to 5 minutes

• If the burned area is small, loosely cover it with a sterile gauze pad or bandage.

• If the area affected is small (the size of a quarter or smaller), keep the area clean and continue to use cool compresses and a loose dressing over the next 24 hours.

Care For Pets On Diwali• Try to sensitize your pet to the noises by

playing similar sounds ahead of time.• Take your pet for a good walk during the day

before the fireworks start.• Do not leave your pet alone and keep them

away from firecrackers.• Never burst crackers in front of pets.• Do not let your pet enter any common area

like terrace or walkway where crackers are being burst.

• Let your pet stay in a closed room with soft music playing and the family members accompanying him/her.

• Read Full article:http://pettribe.wordpress.com/2012/11/12/taking-care-of-pets-during-diwali/