Haptic Technology #Manoj_Rockstar

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Haptic meaning Introduction Working Types of haptics Haptics Information Applications Conclusion


Haptic is derived from Greek word ‘haptesthai’ which means ‘touch’.

It generally means being able to come into contact.

Touch is at the core of personal experience.

Introduction  Haptic is the technology of

adding the sensation of touch and feeling to computers.

A haptic device gives people a sense of touch with computer-generated environments, so that when virtual objects are touched, they seem real and tangible. 

Haptic senses link’s to the brain’s sensing position and movement of the body.


How it works....???

Types of HapticsPhantom Interface Cyber Grasp Interface

Phantom Haptic Interface It was developed by Sensible

technologies. It Allows the user to feel the texture and

shape of the Virtual Object.  providing a 3D touch to the virtual


Cyber Grasp InterfaceCGI fits over the user’s entire hand like an Exo – Skeleton.

Adds Resistive to each of the finger.

Haptic Information

Tactile Information- Refers to the sensations felt by the

skin. It allows the user to feel things such as the texture of surfaces, temperature and vibration.

Force information- It reproduces the directional forces that

can result from solid boundaries. E.g. the weight of virtual objects, inertia, etc..


Medical applications


Arts and Design


Gaming Application

Museum display

Textile industry


 Continued implementation of tactile devices to aid people with disabilities will advance further

Currently limited to consumersFuture generations of mobile

devices and game console accessories will implement more haptic feedback

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