Harbor UCLA Medical Center Event Schedule · Wednesday, April 06, 2016 Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn...

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Monday, April 04, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Med Student Orientation (DrRyan Pedigo)


Health Information Management Deposition Hearing: JosephCarpenter, MD (LAC Atty PStockalper/Case: Nishihira vCOLA)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department OB Senior Resident ResearchDay (Dr Erin Saleeby)

Parlow Auditorium

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Ob/Gyn - Department Women's Health/"Every WomanCounts" (Minda Madrid)

MFI Boardroom

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery-Education Surgery Resident EducationMeeting (Lauren Kendrick)

Room 2-Parlow Library

10:30 AM

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

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Monday, April 04, 2016

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Division Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Surgery - Trauma Trauma Research Team Meeting(Dr Dennis Kim)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Off-Campus Org: CIR CIR Communications (JordanDeLano)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Department of Mental Health Options for Recovery ParentingGroup (Dr Karen Rathburn andDarlene Walker)

MFI Boardroom

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Blood Bank Committee (MarinaKelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:00 PM

Internal Medicine Core Education (Jean Crowder) 5th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration Council of Clinical Chairs (DrTimothy Van Natta, CMO)

8th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Hospital Administration ORCHID-Hospital Admin (SheliaMitchell)

Room A-Parlow Library

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, April 04, 2016

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


Tuesday, April 05, 2016

6:00 AM

Nursing Education Nsg Std Pre Conference(Instructor Zenobia Ivory)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

7:30 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Faculty Mtg (Dr Roger Lewis) D9

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Chemistry Lab Mtg (Dr Paul Fu,Sr.)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Hematopathology Seminar (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

Quality Assessment/ResourceMgmt

Ambulatory Care QI Comm Mtg(Dr Anish Mahajan)

Room 1-Parlow Library

11:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety ORYX (Arlene Malabanan) Room A-Parlow Library

Hospital Administration NMA Monthly Program (LorenaToro)

Assembly Room

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Infection Prevention Weight Watchers at Work (ErikaSweet/Employee Wellness)

1 East

Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Radiology H-UCLA School of RadiologicTechnology AdmissionsOrientation (Tuyen Bui, ProgramDirector)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety TeamSTEPPS Steering Comm(Dr Clinton Coil CQO)

6th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Hospitalist Monthly Meeting (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-3WICU/CTU Improving Care and Services in3W ICU/CTU (Laura Santana)

Room A-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Neurology Stroke Education Meeting (DrBijal Mehta)

Room 2-Parlow Library

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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Nutrition Svcs - Morrison's HealthCare

Fluid/Electrolyte Lecture (JanaNicholl)

1 East

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Patient Safety Council (DrJennifer Chen, PSO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

3:30 PM

Hospital Administration Managed Care Committee (CEODelvecchio Finley)

Room 1-Parlow Library

4:00 PM

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Mechanical Services/FacilitiesManagement

HEMS (David Chambers) MFI Boardroom

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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Hospital Administration Webinar (Julie Rees) Room 1-Parlow Library

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Environmental Readiness (YvetteRuiz)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

Volunteer Services March of Dimes Meeting (BerniceHill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

Finance-Registration Finance/Registration MonthlyMeeting (Alicia Valdivia)


11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing - Administration Performance Management(Debbie Rhodes)

Room 1-Parlow Library

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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

1:00 PM

Infection Prevention CAUTI Task Force (ArleneMalabanan)

Room A-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Path Faculty Mtg (Dr RachelFinck)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Hospital Administration OIC Ops Implementation Council(Azar Kattan)

Assembly Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Event Debriefing (Dr JenniferChen, PSO)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Infection Prevention Hand Hygiene Task Force(Arlene Malabanan)

Room A-Parlow Library

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Zenobia Ivory)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Janette Linke)

5th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Nursing - Administration House Supervisors/PFF MonthlyMtg (Cynthia C. Guzman)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - CPD/ER/OR/PACU PACU Nursing Ed (MoniqueEriksen)

6th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics Pediatric Physical ActivitySeminar (Benjamin Grace)

Assembly Room

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Thursday, April 07, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

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Thursday, April 07, 2016

7:00 AM

Mechanical Services/FacilitiesManagement

HEMS (David Chambers) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Nursing Quality Improvement Super User Meeting (Vivian MaeDiaz)

Doctors' Dining Room

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Rehabilitation Services Rehab Svcs Staff Meeting (CathyTaylor)

4th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - 3East Bariatric Surgery-New PatientSeminar (Dr Stanley Klein/ElizaCamba, NP)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-OB Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes(Artie McCullough and MicheleBragger)

MFI Boardroom

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - 3East Dr Stanley Klein Deposition (DrStanley Klein)

4th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Nurse Managers Council Meeting(Pat Strayer)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Thursday, April 07, 2016

11:00 AM

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Acute Services (Rachel Jones) Room A-Parlow Library

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics PPEC Meeting (Dr Sylvia Yeh) PCDC 109

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry House Staff Testing(Dorina Orozco)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Kaizen Promotion Office Little Company of Mary Visit toHarbor-UCLA (Susan Black)

Parlow Auditorium

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing - Administration Nursing Leadership Council(Pattie Soltero)

Assembly Room

2:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Faculty Meeting (DrAdam Jonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

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Friday, April 08, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing Education Nursing Orientation (MariaMorales-Educator, Orientation)


Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Didactic (Dr Scott Filler/DrDavid Sears)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Kaizen Promotion Office KPO Interviews (Denise Ventura) Doctors' Dining Room

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Nurse Family PartnershipMeeting (Jocelyn Shorts)

MFI Boardroom

10:00 AM

Nursing - Administration NOY Announcement (FayeChacon)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

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Friday, April 08, 2016

11:00 AM

Medical Administration Hospitalist Meeting (Dr SusanStein)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:00 PM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB Care Collaborative Meeting(Veronice Marroquin)

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

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Saturday, April 09, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

6:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Kathy Cleland)

Doctors' Dining Room

Sunday, April 10, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, April 11, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma ATLS (Dr David Plurad) D9

8:30 AM

Medical Administration Ambulatory Care Council (DrGriselda Gutierrez)

Room 2-Parlow Library

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Monday, April 11, 2016

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing Quality Improvement Outpatient Representatives(Trecilla Samson)

Parlow Auditorium

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration 3WICU Leadership Meeting(Pattie Soltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Graduate Medical Education TY Monthly Mtg (Dr DarrellHarrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Noon Conference for GIM Faculty(Dr Katherine Ward)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nutrition Svcs - Morrison's HealthCare

Nutrition Committee (Dana Denis) Doctors' Dining Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, April 11, 2016

1:00 PM

Department of Mental Health Options for Recovery ParentingGroup (Dr Karen Rathburn andDarlene Walker)

MFI Boardroom

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration PSARC - PSA Review Committee(Dr Brant Putnam)

PCDC 109

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Blood Transfusion UtilizationComm (Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration AMI Monthly Meeting (Yoshi Arai,RN)

Room A-Parlow Library

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Respiratory Care Series (DrKathy Sietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

4:30 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Faculty Meeting (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

3 8:00 AM

Surgery - Trauma ATLS (Dr David Plurad) D9

6:00 AM

Nursing Education Nsg Std Pre Conference(Instructor Zenobia Ivory)

4th Floor Conference Room

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Basic Life SupportClasses (Shelley Martin/RuthBala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

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Indicates event starts on previous day3

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Special Chem Lab Mtg (Dr PaulFu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma ATLS (Dr David Plurad) D9

8:30 AM

DHS-Performance Management Performance Management(Hasan Karwa)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Executive Leadership Council(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

Volunteer Services Harbor-UCLA Guild Meeting(Frances Braham)

Doctors' Dining Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

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Indicates event starts on previous day3

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration NMA 50th AnniversaryCommittee (Lorena Toro)

8th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pharmacy - OPD/Admin Outpatient Pharmacy Staff Mtg(Tam Pham, Pharm D)

1 East

Utilization Review UR Committee Meeting Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Medical Administration Interrater Reliability for HAPUPhotos (Dr Susan Stein)

PCDC 109

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Emergency Medicine Peds ED Community Council DrPatricia Padlipsky)


Hospital Administration Magnet Status (Pattie Soltero) Room A-Parlow Library

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Neurology Stroke Education Meeting (DrBijal Mehta)

Room 2-Parlow Library

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

3:30 PM

Surgery - Trauma ATLS (Dr David Plurad) D9

4:00 PM

LABioMed - CTSI/CTRC (ClinicalResearch)

CERP HSR Network Meeting (DrChristina Wang)

Room 2-Parlow Library

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Kaizen Promotion Office LEAN 101 Training (SusanBlack)


Nursing - Administration ARTS Team Meeting (PaulaSiler)

Room A-Parlow Library

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety Quality and Safety Rounds (DrClinton Coil, CQOl)

Assembly Room

Health Information Management Coders Meeting (Alfreda Watkins) Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Journal Club (DrsMina Patel and Shipra Hingorany

PCDC 109

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Neurology Neurology Resident Meeting (DrMark Morrow)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety QRS Committee (Dr JenniferChen,PSO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Transfusion Medicine In-Service(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration DOM Peer Review Committee (DrRonald Oudiz)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Janette Linke)

4th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Zenobia Ivory)

Room A-Parlow Library

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Transfusion Med QI Committee(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Psych Leadership Meeting(Kimmalo Wright)

8th Floor Conference Room

3:30 PM

Nursing Quality Improvement Hourly Rounds and Falls (PatriciaSoltero)

Assembly Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Thursday, April 14, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Nursing Education DHS Testing (Ruth Bala, RN) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Clinical ProfessionalDevelopment

Clinical Practice Council (Tracidela Cruz/Susan Ulit)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Surgery - 3East Bariatric Surgery-New PatientSeminar (Dr Stanley Klein/ElizaCamba, NP)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Health Information Management Ilan Presti Pre-Depo and Depo(LAC Atty Mitzie Dobson/Seo vsCOLA)

MFI Boardroom

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Pathology QI Comm Mtg (DrMarcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration NMA Professional Development(Yvette Ruiz)

1 East

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - General and EM General Peds Division Mtg (DrCarol Berkowitz)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. Peds Surgical Case Conf(Elizabeth Alvizar)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - Critcal Care PICU Steering Comm (DrRichard Mink)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety SEPSIS (Dr Susan Stein,Associate Medical Director)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Hospital Administration Performance ManagementMeeting (Kim McKenzie)

8th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Psych Hospital Svcs Comm Mtg(Dr Michael Makhinson)

Room 1-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, April 15, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing - Administration Critical Care Education Session(Susan Ulit)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nursing Education Nsg Ed PCDC109 3rd Fri (RuthBala, CPD Director)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Friday, April 15, 2016

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Employee RecognitionCommittee (Paula Siler)

Room A-Parlow Library

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration Pathology Section Meeting (JulieRees)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

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Friday, April 15, 2016

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:00 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Women's Health Care StaffMeeting (Minda Madrid)

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration PROC (Dr Robert Hockberger) 8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

4:30 PM

Volunteer Services Junior Society Meeting (DiegoGarcia/Bernice Hill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

Saturday, April 16, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


8:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education PALS Recertification (MelissaSilva)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

6:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Kathy Cleland)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


1:00 PM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

Monday, April 18, 2016

3 1:00 PM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

12:00 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

7:00 AM

Nursing Education Nsg Ed PCDC109 3rd Mon (RuthBala, CPD Director)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Nursing Operations Meeting(Pattie Soltero)

Doctors' Dining Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

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Monday, April 18, 2016

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn QI Meeting (Dr JoyBrotherton)

PCDC 109

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

Surgery-Education Surgery Education Meeting (DrChristian de Virgilio)

1 East

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM CPR Committee( Dr TheresaNevarez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine - Admin. DOM Relocated Conferences(Jean Crowder)


Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pharmacy - OPD/Admin OPD Pharm Systems Mtg (TamPham, Pharm D)

1 East

1:00 PM

Department of Mental Health Options for Recovery ParentingGroup (Dr Karen Rathburn andDarlene Walker)

MFI Boardroom

Hospital Administration Master Plan Meeting (AzarKattan)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Neurology Neurology Research Comm (DrAaron McMurtray)


Nursing - Administration CTU Leadership Meeting (PattieSoltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Blood Bank Committee (MarinaKelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

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Monday, April 18, 2016

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

QI/Risk Management Roundtable-Okeke (Lan Soeur) Room 1-Parlow Library

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

3 12:00 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

12:00 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

6:00 AM

Nursing Education Nsg Std Pre Conference(Instructor Zenobia Ivory)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Nursing Education Nursing BLS Support Classes( Shelley Martin/Ruth Bala, CPDDirector)

Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Chemistry Lab Mtg (Dr Paul Fu,Sr.)

Pathology Conference Room

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

QI/Risk Management Roundtable: Gomez, Lugo andWiggins (Kim Wright)

Room 2-Parlow Library

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Hematopathology Seminar (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Interdisciplinary Practice Comm(Fran Todd)

Doctors' Dining Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety ORYX (Arlene Malabanan) Room A-Parlow Library

Hospital Administration NMA Board Meeting (LorenaToro)

1 East

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

11:30 AM

Health Information Management Health Information Committee(Sandy Mungovan)

Doctors' Dining Room

12:00 PM

Emergency Medicine Peds EM Fellowship Conf (DrKellyYoung)


Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Mechanical Services/FacilitiesManagement

Infection Control ContainmentPresentation (EstherRendon/David Chambers)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Critcal Care Peds Crit Care Comm (DrRichard Mink)

6th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Tues PM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration DOM QI Comm Meeting (DrWilliam Stringer)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Ob/Gyn - Department CME Meeting (Dr Anita Nelson) PCDC 109

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pediatrics - Critcal Care Peds Fellowship ScholarlyActivity Conf (Dr Richard Mink)


Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

4:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Nurse/Physician Communication(Patricia Soltero)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

5:00 PM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

3 5:00 PM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

12:00 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Environmental Safety Environment of Care Meeting(Louise Flowers)

Room A-Parlow Library

Medical Administration Clinical Data Monitoring Panel (DrClinton Coil)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. Steering Committee Meeting(Elizabeth Alvizar)

4th Floor Conference Room

Volunteer Services March of Dimes Meeting (BerniceHill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Journal Club/FacultyMeeting (Dr Mark Morrow)


Nursing - Administration Product IntegrationCommittee-IPC (Paula Siler)

Doctors' Dining Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine Schwartz Rounds Comm(Tunisha Bruce)

7th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine - Admin. DOM Relocated Conferences(Jean Crowder)


Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Pre-Mtg:RN LMC (Pattie Soltero) PCDC 109

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Quality Division Mtg (Dr ClintonCoil, CQO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Path Faculty Mtg (Dr RachelFinck)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Nursing - Administration RN LMC (Pattie Soltero) PCDC 109

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Janette Linke)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Zenobia Ivory)

Room A-Parlow Library

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration CME Committee Mtg (Dr AnitaNelson/Dr Darrell Harrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Hospital Administration -Emergency Management

Emergency Preparedness(Essence Wilson/Julie Rees)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Graduate Medical Education GMEC Committee Mtg (Dr DarrellHarrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

5:30 PM

Off-Campus Org: CIR CIR Leadership Meetig (KevinHom)

Doctors' Dining Room

Thursday, April 21, 2016

3 12:00 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

12:00 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


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Thursday, April 21, 2016

7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Rehabilitation Services Rehab Svcs Staff Meeting (CathyTaylor)

4th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Multidisciplinary Trauma PeerReview (Dr Brant Putnam)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Health Information Management Cancer Ed & Outreach Mtg (DrDanielle Hari)

PCDC 109

Internal Medicine - Admin. DOM Relocated Conferences(Jean Crowder)

Parlow Auditorium

Med Admin-MSO Credential Advisory SubComm(Dr Janine Vintch)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic Spa 8 Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pharmacy Pharmacy & Therapeutic CommMtg (David Tanen)

Room 2-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

Volunteer Services Volunteer Orientation (FeliciaMelocoton)

Parlow Auditorium

3:00 PM

Infection Prevention CLABSI Waiver Team (ArleneMalabanan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:00 PM

Medical Administration Primary Care and Managed CareJoint Operations Meeting (DrCarmen Mendez)


Pathology Pathology Notification toProviders (Dr Rachel Finck)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, April 22, 2016

3 11:30 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Didactic (Dr Scott Filler/DrDavid Sears)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Kaizen Promotion Office KPO Interviews (Denise Ventura) Doctors' Dining Room

9:30 AM

Internal Medicine - Admin. DOM Executive Meeting (Dr EricDaar)

PCDC 109

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

ObGyn-Ambulatory OB ObGyn Collaborative CareMeeting (Minda Madrid)

7th Floor Conference Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

Saturday, April 23, 2016

3 11:30 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

7:00 AM

Nursing Education 2016 DHS Licensed MandatoryTesting (Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

6:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Kathy Cleland)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, April 25, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources 2015-2016 New EmployeeOrientation (Michelle Dean)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

8:30 AM

Hospital Administration Space Committee Mtg (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration Ambulatory Care Council (DrGriselda Gutierrez)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Path Administrative Staff Mtg (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

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Monday, April 25, 2016

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Patient Flow Steering Comm(Pattie Soltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine Bioethics Comm Mtg (Dr DarrylSue)

8th Floor Conference Room

Med Admin-MSO MEC (Dr Brant Putnam) Doctors' Dining Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Ward OperationsCommittee (Dr Maritza Ruiz)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Department of Mental Health Options for Recovery ParentingGroup (Dr Karen Rathburn andDarlene Walker)

MFI Boardroom

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Blood Transfusion UtilizationComm (Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. NICU M & M (Dr Rohit Passi) 6th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Administration OR Committee Meeting (DrChristian de Virgilio/DawnaWillsey, RN)

1 East

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Monday, April 25, 2016

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/ResilienceClass-Monday (VanessaCardona)

PCDC 109

10:30 PM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

3 10:30 PM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

5:00 AM

Nursing Education DHS Unlicensed Training (RuthBala)

Assembly Room

6:00 AM

Nursing Education Nsg Std Pre Conference(Instructor Zenobia Ivory)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Special Chem Lab Mtg (Dr PaulFu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine Adult Community Council (DrAndrea Wu)


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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Executive Leadership Council(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Hematopathology MonthlyLecture (Dr Xin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:30 AM

Emergency Medicine EDQI Meeting (Dr AdedamolaOgunniyi)


Medicine - GIM GIM Faculty Meeting (DrKatherine Ward)

Doctors' Dining Room

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing-OB Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes(Artie McCullough and MicheleBragger)

MFI Boardroom

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration Joint Labor Mgmt Committee(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Infection Prevention Weight Watchers at Work (ErikaSweet/Employee Wellness)

1 East

Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Pediatrics M&M Conference (DrAdam Jonas)

Assembly Room

1:00 PM

Medical Administration Interrater Reliability for HAPUPhotos (Dr Susan Stein)

PCDC 109

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing Education DHS Unlicensed Training (RuthBala)

Assembly Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration Psych PRC/ QI Comm Mtg (DrMichael Makhinson/Dr JuliaChung)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

4:00 PM

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Nursing - Administration 4W Unit Council (PaulaSiler/Faye Chacon)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education Program Coordinators' Meeting(Melissa Silva)

Doctors' Dining Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psych InPatient Case Conference(Dr Michael Makhinson)

Assembly Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

10:00 AM

Nursing - Administration Nurse Mgrs Meeting (Paula Siler) Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Medicine - HIV Women's HIV Support Group (DrMallory Witt)


12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration ESRD Committee (Dr Lilly Barba) Doctors' Dining Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Journal Club (DrsMina Patel and Shipra Hingorany

PCDC 109

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Grand Rounds (DrNathaniel Soriano)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety QRS Committee (Dr JenniferChen,PSO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - I.D. Antimicrobial StewardshipCommittee (Dr Michael Bolaris)

PCDC 109

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Transfusion Medicine In-Service(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Janette Linke)

7th Floor Conference Room

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Zenobia Ivory)

Room A-Parlow Library

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing - Administration 4W Unit Council (PaulaSiler/Faye Chacon)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

3:00 PM

Medical Administration Amb Care Nursing LeadershipMtg (Valerie Rogers-Owens)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration Ad Hoc Anticoagulation Meeting(Dr Susan Stein)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics Pediatric Nutrition & WellnessClass (Benjamin Grace)

6th Floor Conference Room

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Thursday, April 28, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Grand Rounds (RuthBala, CPD Director))

Assembly Room

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Multidisciplinary TraumaSystems/Ops Comm (Dr BrantPutnam)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

9:00 AM

Health Information Management Forms Committee (Dr WilliamStringer)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration JCR Webinar (Shelia Mitchell) Room 1-Parlow Library

Medical Administration Managed Care Services DHS (DrGriselda Gutierrez)

8th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Hospital CC Comm Mtg (Dr BrantPutnam)

PCDC 109

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Critical Care Clinical PracticeCouncil (Traci Dela Cruz)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Nursing-Clinical ProfessionalDevelopment

Critical Care Clinical PracticeCouncil (Traci Dela Cruz)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Quality Council (Dr Clinton Coil,CQO)

Assembly Room

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Hospital Administration Patient Grievance Committee(Yvette Ruiz)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, April 29, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Kaizen Promotion Office KPO Interviews (Denise Ventura) Doctors' Dining Room

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Friday, April 29, 2016

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:30 PM

Internal Medicine Criley Heart Sounds Lecture (DrsGoodman and Bryson-Cahn)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing Education DHS Unlicensed Testing (RuthBala)

Assembly Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

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Friday, April 29, 2016

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

4:30 PM

Volunteer Services Junior Society Meeting (DiegoGarcia/Bernice Hill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

Saturday, April 30, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

6:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Kathy Cleland)

Doctors' Dining Room

Sunday, May 01, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, May 02, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, May 02, 2016

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Med Student Orientation (DrRyan Pedigo)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery-Education Surgery Resident EducationMeeting (Lauren Kendrick)

Room 2-Parlow Library

10:30 AM

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Division Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Surgery - Administration Surgery Education Meeting (DrChristian de Virgilio)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Trauma Trauma Research Team Meeting(Dr Dennis Kim)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Off-Campus Org: CIR CIR Communications (JordanDeLano)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Monday, May 02, 2016

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Department of Mental Health Options for Recovery ParentingGroup (Dr Karen Rathburn andDarlene Walker)

MFI Boardroom

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing - Administration Nurse Recognition WeekActivities (Pattie Soltero)

Assembly Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Blood Bank Committee (MarinaKelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration Council of Clinical Chairs (DrTimothy Van Natta, CMO)

8th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/ResilienceClass-Monday (VanessaCardona)

PCDC 109

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

7:30 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Faculty Mtg (Dr Roger Lewis) D9

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Chemistry Lab Mtg (Dr Paul Fu,Sr.)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Hematopathology Seminar (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety ORYX (Arlene Malabanan) Room A-Parlow Library

Hospital Administration Labor Management Safety andSecurity Committee (Azar Kattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Hospital Administration NMA Monthly Program (LorenaToro)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

11:30 AM

GME HOLD- Rivetti Housestaff Event Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Infection Prevention Weight Watchers at Work (ErikaSweet/Employee Wellness)

1 East

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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety TeamSTEPPS Steering Comm(Dr Clinton Coil CQO)

6th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Hospitalist Monthly Meeting (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-3WICU/CTU Improving Care and Services in3W ICU/CTU (Laura Santana)

Room A-Parlow Library

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Tues PM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Neurology Stroke Education Meeting (DrBijal Mehta)

Room 2-Parlow Library

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Patient Safety Council (DrJennifer Chen, PSO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

3:30 PM

Hospital Administration Managed Care Committee (CEODelvecchio Finley)

Room 1-Parlow Library

4:00 PM

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Nursing - Administration 2016 Nurses' RecognitionCelebration (Paula Siler)

Assembly Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Environmental Readiness (YvetteRuiz)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

Volunteer Services March of Dimes Meeting (BerniceHill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine - Admin. DOM Relocated Conferences(Jean Crowder)


Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Infection Prevention CAUTI Task Force (ArleneMalabanan)

Room A-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Path Faculty Mtg (Dr RachelFinck)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Infection Prevention Hand Hygiene Task Force(Arlene Malabanan)

Room A-Parlow Library

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Janette Linke)

4th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Nursing - Administration House Supervisors/PFF MonthlyMtg (Cynthia C. Guzman)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - CPD/ER/OR/PACU PACU Nursing Ed (MoniqueEriksen)

6th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics Pediatric Physical ActivitySeminar (Benjamin Grace)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

5:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Nurse Recognition Week Dinner(Pattie Soltero)

Assembly Room

Thursday, May 05, 2016

3 5:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Nurse Recognition Week Dinner(Pattie Soltero)

Assembly Room

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Rehabilitation Services Rehab Svcs Staff Meeting (CathyTaylor)

4th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - 3East Bariatric Surgery-New PatientSeminar (Dr Stanley Klein/ElizaCamba, NP)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

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Thursday, May 05, 2016

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Nurse Managers Council Meeting(Pat Strayer)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Acute Services (Rachel Jones) Room A-Parlow Library

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics PPEC Meeting (Dr Sylvia Yeh) PCDC 109

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing - Administration Nursing Leadership Council(Pattie Soltero)

Assembly Room

2:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Faculty Meeting (DrAdam Jonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

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Thursday, May 05, 2016

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, May 06, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Kaizen Promotion Office KPO Interviews (Denise Ventura) Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing - Administration Employee RecognitionCommittee (Paula Siler)

Room A-Parlow Library

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

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Friday, May 06, 2016

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration Pathology Section Meeting (JulieRees)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Trauma Division Research Team(Dr Dennis Kim)

1 East

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

Volunteer Services Harbor-UCLA Guild BoardMeeting (Frances Braham)

Room A-Parlow Library

12:30 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:00 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Women's Health Care StaffMeeting (Minda Madrid)

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Nurse Recognition WeekActivities Essay Contest (PattieSoltero)

Assembly Room

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Medical Administration Managed Care Leadership (KayCampbell and Dr CarmenMendez)


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Friday, May 06, 2016

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

Saturday, May 07, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


8:00 AM

Surgery - Trauma Hospital and Morgue Program(Antoinette Salas, RN)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Sunday, May 08, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, May 09, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources 2015-2016 New EmployeeOrientation (Michelle Dean)


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Monday, May 09, 2016

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

8:30 AM

Medical Administration Ambulatory Care Council (DrGriselda Gutierrez)

Room 2-Parlow Library

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Radiology-Radiation Oncology Pre-Cancer CoordinatingCommittee (Dr Danielle Hari)

Room 1-Parlow Library

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration 3WICU Leadership Meeting(Pattie Soltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nutrition Svcs - Morrison's HealthCare

Nutrition Committee (Dana Denis) Doctors' Dining Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

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Monday, May 09, 2016

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Department of Mental Health Options for Recovery ParentingGroup (Dr Karen Rathburn andDarlene Walker)

MFI Boardroom

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration PSARC - PSA Review Committee(Dr Brant Putnam)

PCDC 109

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Blood Transfusion UtilizationComm (Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration AMI Monthly Meeting (Yoshi Arai,RN)

Room A-Parlow Library

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Respiratory Care Series (DrKathy Sietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

4:30 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Faculty Meeting (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/ResilienceClass-Monday (VanessaCardona)

PCDC 109

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Basic Life SupportClasses (Shelley Martin/RuthBala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Special Chem Lab Mtg (Dr PaulFu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

8:30 AM

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Executive Leadership Council(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

Volunteer Services Harbor-UCLA Guild Meeting(Frances Braham)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

11:00 AM

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration NMA 50th AnniversaryCommittee (Lorena Toro)


12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Graduate Medical Education TY Monthly Mtg (Dr DarrellHarrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pharmacy - OPD/Admin Outpatient Pharmacy Staff Mtg(Tam Pham, Pharm D)

1 East

Utilization Review UR Committee Meeting Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Medical Administration Interrater Reliability for HAPUPhotos (Dr Susan Stein)

PCDC 109

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Tues PM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Emergency Medicine Peds ED Community Council DrPatricia Padlipsky)


Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Neurology Stroke Education Meeting (DrBijal Mehta)

Room 2-Parlow Library

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

4:00 PM

LABioMed - CTSI/CTRC (ClinicalResearch)

CERP HSR Network Meeting (DrChristina Wang)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Kaizen Promotion Office LEAN 101 Training (SusanBlack)


Nursing - Administration ARTS Team Meeting (PaulaSiler)

Room A-Parlow Library

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

10:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety Quality and Safety Rounds (DrClinton Coil, CQOl)

Assembly Room

Health Information Management Coders Meeting (Alfreda Watkins) Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Journal Club (DrsMina Patel and Shipra Hingorany

PCDC 109

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Grand Rounds (DrNathaniel Soriano)

Pathology Conference Room

Neurology Neurology Resident Meeting (DrMark Morrow)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety QRS Committee (Dr JenniferChen,PSO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pathology Transfusion Medicine In-Service(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration DOM Peer Review Committee (DrRonald Oudiz)

Room A-Parlow Library

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Janette Linke)

4th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Transfusion Med QI Committee(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Psych Leadership Meeting(Kimmalo Wright)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Thursday, May 12, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Clinical ProfessionalDevelopment

Clinical Practice Council (Tracidela Cruz/Susan Ulit)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Surgery - 3East Bariatric Surgery-New PatientSeminar (Dr Stanley Klein/ElizaCamba, NP)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration Child Care Center (Yvette Ruiz) Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Pathology QI Comm Mtg (DrMarcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration NMA Professional Development(Yvette Ruiz)

1 East

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - General and EM General Peds Division Mtg (DrCarol Berkowitz)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. Peds Surgical Case Conf(Elizabeth Alvizar)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Pediatrics - Critcal Care PICU Steering Comm (DrRichard Mink)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety SEPSIS (Dr Susan Stein,Associate Medical Director)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Hospital Administration Performance ManagementMeeting (Kim McKenzie)

8th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Psych Hospital Svcs Comm Mtg(Dr Michael Makhinson)

Room 1-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, May 13, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

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Friday, May 13, 2016

8:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Didactic (Dr Scott Filler/DrDavid Sears)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Medical Administration Hospitalist Meeting (Dr SusanStein)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:00 PM

Nursing - CPD/ER/OR/PACU OB/Perinatal/OB-MFI Meet andGreet (Theresa Carnes)

7th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department OB Care Collaborative Meeting(Veronice Marroquin)

MFI Boardroom

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Friday, May 13, 2016

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

4:30 PM

Volunteer Services Junior Society Meeting (DiegoGarcia/Bernice Hill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

Saturday, May 14, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Sunday, May 15, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, May 16, 2016

7:00 AM

Nursing Education Nsg Ed PCDC109 3rd Mon (RuthBala, CPD Director)

PCDC 109

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Nursing Operations Meeting(Pattie Soltero)

Doctors' Dining Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn QI Meeting (Dr JoyBrotherton)

PCDC 109

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

Surgery-Education Surgery Education Meeting (DrChristian de Virgilio)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture D9

Pediatrics - General and EM Community AwarenessForum-Maternal Mental Health(Dr Carol Berkowitz)

Assembly Room

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Monday, May 16, 2016

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM CPR Committee( Dr TheresaNevarez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pharmacy - OPD/Admin OPD Pharm Systems Mtg (TamPham, Pharm D)

1 East

1:00 PM

Department of Mental Health Options for Recovery ParentingGroup (Dr Karen Rathburn andDarlene Walker)

MFI Boardroom

Hospital Administration Master Plan Meeting (AzarKattan)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Neurology Neurology Research Comm (DrAaron McMurtray)


Nursing - Administration CTU Leadership Meeting (PattieSoltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Blood Bank Committee (MarinaKelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


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Monday, May 16, 2016

5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/ResilienceClass-Monday (VanessaCardona)

PCDC 109

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing BLS Support Classes( Shelley Martin/Ruth Bala, CPDDirector)

Assembly Room

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Chemistry Lab Mtg (Dr Paul Fu,Sr.)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

Kaizen Promotion Office True North Senior Leaders Only(Susan Black)

MFI Boardroom

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Hematopathology Seminar (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Interdisciplinary Practice Comm(Fran Todd)

Doctors' Dining Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety ORYX (Arlene Malabanan) Room A-Parlow Library

Hospital Administration NMA Board Meeting (LorenaToro)

1 East

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

11:30 AM

Health Information Management Health Information Committee(Sandy Mungovan)

Doctors' Dining Room

12:00 PM

Emergency Medicine Peds EM Fellowship Conf (DrKellyYoung)


Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Infection Prevention Weight Watchers at Work (ErikaSweet/Employee Wellness)

8th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Critcal Care Peds Crit Care Comm (DrRichard Mink)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration DOM QI Comm Meeting (DrWilliam Stringer)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nutrition Svcs - Morrison's HealthCare

Dietetic Intern Presentations(Jana Nicholl)

1 East

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

3:00 PM

Pediatrics - Critcal Care Peds Fellowship ScholarlyActivity Conf (Dr Richard Mink)


Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

4:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Nurse/Physician Communication(Patricia Soltero)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


Surgery - Administration Mock Orals (Lauren Kendrick) D9

8:30 AM

Environmental Safety Environment of Care Meeting(Louise Flowers)

Room A-Parlow Library

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Medical Administration Clinical Data Monitoring Panel (DrClinton Coil)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-OB Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes(Artie McCullough and MicheleBragger)

MFI Boardroom

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. Steering Committee Meeting(Elizabeth Alvizar)

4th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Journal Club/FacultyMeeting (Dr Mark Morrow)


Nursing - Administration Product IntegrationCommittee-IPC (Paula Siler)

Doctors' Dining Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Pre-Mtg:RN LMC (Pattie Soltero) PCDC 109

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Quality Division Mtg (Dr ClintonCoil, CQO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Pathology Path Faculty Mtg (Dr RachelFinck)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Nursing - Administration RN LMC (Pattie Soltero) PCDC 109

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor-Janette Linke)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration CME Committee Mtg (Dr AnitaNelson/Dr Darrell Harrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Hospital Administration -Emergency Management

Emergency Preparedness(Essence Wilson/Julie Rees)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Graduate Medical Education GMEC Committee Mtg (Dr DarrellHarrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

5:30 PM

Off-Campus Org: CIR CIR Leadership Meetig (KevinHom)

Doctors' Dining Room

Thursday, May 19, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Education-3rd Thurs(Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Rehabilitation Services Rehab Svcs Staff Meeting (CathyTaylor)

4th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Multidisciplinary Trauma PeerReview (Dr Brant Putnam)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Infection Prevention IP and C Committee (ArleneMalabanan)

Doctors' Dining Room

Med Admin-MSO Credential Advisory SubComm(Dr Janine Vintch)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic Spa 8 Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


Surgery - Trauma Surgery Resident TeachingConference (Dr Jennifer Smith)

1 East

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pharmacy Pharmacy & Therapeutic CommMtg (David Tanen)

Room 2-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Volunteer Services Volunteer Recognition (BerniceHill-Shepherd)

Assembly Room

2:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Infection Prevention CLABSI Waiver Team (ArleneMalabanan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:00 PM

Medical Administration Primary Care and Managed CareJoint Operations Meeting (DrCarmen Mendez)


4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, May 20, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing Education Nsg Ed PCDC109 3rd Fri (RuthBala, CPD Director)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine RAD-EM Orientation (Dr TimothyHoreczko)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Employee RecognitionCommittee (Paula Siler)

Room A-Parlow Library

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration Pathology Section Meeting (JulieRees)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:00 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Women's Health Care StaffMeeting (Minda Madrid)

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration PROC (Dr Robert Hockberger) 8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

Saturday, May 21, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


8:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education PALS Recertification (MelissaSilva)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, May 23, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources 2015-2016 New EmployeeOrientation (Michelle Dean)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

8:30 AM

Hospital Administration Space Committee Mtg (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration Ambulatory Care Council (DrGriselda Gutierrez)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Path Administrative Staff Mtg (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Patient Flow Steering Comm(Pattie Soltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine Bioethics Comm Mtg (Dr DarrylSue)

8th Floor Conference Room

Med Admin-MSO MEC (Dr Brant Putnam) Doctors' Dining Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Ward OperationsCommittee (Dr Maritza Ruiz)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Department of Mental Health Options for Recovery ParentingGroup (Dr Karen Rathburn andDarlene Walker)

MFI Boardroom

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Blood Transfusion UtilizationComm (Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Administration OR Committee Meeting (DrChristian de Virgilio/DawnaWillsey, RN)

1 East

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, May 23, 2016

4:00 PM

Family Medicine Family Medicine Well Being-PGY2 (Diana Jochai)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/ResilienceClass-Monday (VanessaCardona)

PCDC 109

10:30 PM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

3 10:30 PM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Special Chem Lab Mtg (Dr PaulFu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine Adult Community Council (DrAndrea Wu)


Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Executive Leadership Council(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Pathology Hematopathology MonthlyLecture (Dr Xin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:30 AM

Emergency Medicine EDQI Meeting (Dr AdedamolaOgunniyi)


Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration Joint Labor Mgmt Committee(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Infection Prevention Weight Watchers at Work (ErikaSweet/Employee Wellness)

1 East

Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Clinical Lab Comm (Dr RachelFinck)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Pediatrics M&M Conference (DrAdam Jonas)

Assembly Room

1:00 PM

Medical Administration Interrater Reliability for HAPUPhotos (Dr Susan Stein)

PCDC 109

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Volunteer Services Volunteer Recognition (BerniceHill-Shepherd)

Assembly Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Tues PM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration Psych PRC/ QI Comm Mtg (DrMichael Makhinson/Dr JuliaChung)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

4:00 PM

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Nursing - Administration 4W Unit Council (PaulaSiler/Faye Chacon)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education Program Coordinators' Meeting(Melissa Silva)

Doctors' Dining Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psych InPatient Case Conference(Dr Michael Makhinson)

Assembly Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing - Administration Nurse Mgrs Meeting (Paula Siler) Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing-OB Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes(Artie McCullough and MicheleBragger)

MFI Boardroom

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Medicine - HIV Women's HIV Support Group (DrMallory Witt)


12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Journal Club (DrsMina Patel and Shipra Hingorany

PCDC 109

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety QRS Committee (Dr JenniferChen,PSO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - I.D. Antimicrobial StewardshipCommittee (Dr Michael Bolaris)

PCDC 109

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

GME Resident Research Day Assembly Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Transfusion Medicine In-Service(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing - Administration 4W Unit Council (PaulaSiler/Faye Chacon)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Medical Administration Amb Care Nursing LeadershipMtg (Valerie Rogers-Owens)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration Ad Hoc Anticoagulation Meeting(Dr Susan Stein)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics Pediatric Nutrition & WellnessClass (Benjamin Grace)

6th Floor Conference Room

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Grand Rounds (RuthBala, CPD Director))

Assembly Room

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry -Psychology/Behavioral Med

ACES Training (Lynn McFarr,PhD)

MFI Boardroom

Surgery - Trauma Multidisciplinary TraumaSystems/Ops Comm (Dr BrantPutnam)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Health Information Management Forms Committee (Dr WilliamStringer)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration JCR Webinar (Shelia Mitchell) Room 1-Parlow Library

Surgery - Trauma Hospital CC Comm Mtg (Dr BrantPutnam)

PCDC 109

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Critical Care Clinical PracticeCouncil (Traci Dela Cruz)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Nursing-Clinical ProfessionalDevelopment

Critical Care Clinical PracticeCouncil (Traci Dela Cruz)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Quality Council (Dr Clinton Coil,CQO)

Assembly Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

Volunteer Services Volunteer Orientation (BerniceHill-Shepherd)

Parlow Auditorium

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, May 27, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

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Friday, May 27, 2016

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry -Psychology/Behavioral Med

ACES Training (Lynn McFarr,PhD)

MFI Boardroom

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Didactic (Dr Scott Filler/DrDavid Sears)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Internal Medicine - Admin. DOM Executive Meeting (Dr EricDaar)

PCDC 109

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:30 PM

Internal Medicine Criley Heart Sounds Lecture (DrsGoodman and Bryson-Cahn)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

ObGyn-Ambulatory OB ObGyn Collaborative CareMeeting (Minda Madrid)

7th Floor Conference Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

4:30 PM

Volunteer Services Junior Society Meeting (DiegoGarcia/Bernice Hill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

Saturday, May 28, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Sunday, May 29, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, May 30, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Med Student Orientation (DrRyan Pedigo)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

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Monday, May 30, 2016

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Medical Administration Medico-Legal Committee (DrTimothy Van Natta, CMO))

Doctors' Dining Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Blood Transfusion UtilizationComm (Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. NICU M & M (Dr Rohit Passi) 6th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Administration OR Committee Meeting (DrChristian de Virgilio/DawnaWillsey, RN)

1 East

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, May 30, 2016

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Special Chem Lab Mtg (Dr PaulFu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine Dr Yadav's Meeting (Dr KabirYadav)


Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

8:30 AM

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Faculty Meeting (DrKatherine Ward)

Doctors' Dining Room

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Infection Prevention Weight Watchers at Work (ErikaSweet/Employee Wellness)

1 East

Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Tues PM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

4:00 PM

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Environmental Readiness (YvetteRuiz)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Governing Body Meeting (KimMcKenzie, CEO))

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Infection Prevention CAUTI Task Force (ArleneMalabanan)

Room A-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Path Faculty Mtg (Dr RachelFinck)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Hospital Administration OIC Ops Implementation Council(Azar Kattan)

Assembly Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Infection Prevention Hand Hygiene Task Force(Arlene Malabanan)

Room A-Parlow Library

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Nursing - Administration House Supervisors/PFF MonthlyMtg (Cynthia C. Guzman)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - CPD/ER/OR/PACU PACU Nursing Ed (MoniqueEriksen)

6th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Pediatrics Pediatric Physical ActivitySeminar (Benjamin Grace)

Assembly Room

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

6:00 PM

Pediatrics - General and EM Medical Examiner Peer Review(Dr Carol Berkowitz)


Thursday, June 02, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Rehabilitation Services Rehab Svcs Staff Meeting (CathyTaylor)

4th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - 3East Bariatric Surgery-New PatientSeminar (Dr Stanley Klein/ElizaCamba, NP)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

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Thursday, June 02, 2016

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Nurse Managers Council Meeting(Pat Strayer)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Acute Services (Rachel Jones) Room A-Parlow Library

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics PPEC Meeting (Dr Sylvia Yeh) PCDC 109

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing - Administration Nursing Leadership Council(Pattie Soltero)

Assembly Room

2:00 PM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Post Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Faculty Meeting (DrAdam Jonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

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Thursday, June 02, 2016

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, June 03, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Student Pre Conference(Instructor Kathy Vo)

4th Floor Conference Room

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine LLSA Review (Dr Kabir Yadav) D9

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Six Month CCC ResidentMilestone Evaluation Meeting (DrLance Betson)


Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Employee RecognitionCommittee (Paula Siler)

Room A-Parlow Library

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Friday, June 03, 2016

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration Pathology Section Meeting (JulieRees)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Trauma Division Research Team(Dr Dennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Donor Council (Dr Angela Neville) PCDC 109

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

Volunteer Services Harbor-UCLA Guild BoardMeeting (Frances Braham)

Room A-Parlow Library

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:00 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Women's Health Care StaffMeeting (Minda Madrid)

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

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Friday, June 03, 2016

3:00 PM

Medical Administration Managed Care Leadership (KayCampbell and Dr CarmenMendez)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

Saturday, June 04, 2016

7:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education ACLS Recertification (MelissaSilva)

Assembly Room

Graduate Medical Education PALS Recertification (MelissaSilva)


Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Sunday, June 05, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, June 06, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, June 06, 2016

8:00 AM

Human Resources 2015-2016 New EmployeeOrientation (Michelle Dean)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery-Education Surgery Resident EducationMeeting (Lauren Kendrick)

Room 2-Parlow Library

10:30 AM

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Division Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Surgery - Administration Surgery Education Meeting (DrChristian de Virgilio)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Trauma Trauma Research Team Meeting(Dr Dennis Kim)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Off-Campus Org: CIR CIR Communications (JordanDeLano)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Monday, June 06, 2016

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Blood Bank Committee (MarinaKelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration Council of Clinical Chairs (DrTimothy Van Natta, CMO)

8th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/ResilienceClass-Monday (VanessaCardona)

PCDC 109

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

7:30 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Faculty Mtg (Dr Roger Lewis) D9

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Pathology Chemistry Lab Mtg (Dr Paul Fu,Sr.)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Hematopathology Seminar (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

Quality Assessment/ResourceMgmt

Ambulatory Care QI Comm Mtg(Dr Anish Mahajan)

Room 1-Parlow Library

11:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety ORYX (Arlene Malabanan) Room A-Parlow Library

Hospital Administration NMA Monthly Program (LorenaToro)

Assembly Room

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Infection Prevention Weight Watchers at Work (ErikaSweet/Employee Wellness)

1 East

Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

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Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety TeamSTEPPS Steering Comm(Dr Clinton Coil CQO)

6th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration Interrater Reliability for HAPUPhotos (Dr Susan Stein)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Medicine - GIM Hospitalist Monthly Meeting (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-3WICU/CTU Improving Care and Services in3W ICU/CTU (Laura Santana)

Room A-Parlow Library

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Tues PM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Patient Safety Council (DrJennifer Chen, PSO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

3:30 PM

Hospital Administration Managed Care Committee (CEODelvecchio Finley)

Room 1-Parlow Library

4:00 PM

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Kaizen Promotion Office LEAN 101 Training (SusanBlack)


Nursing - Administration ARTS Team Meeting (PaulaSiler)

Room A-Parlow Library

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-OB Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes(Artie McCullough and MicheleBragger)

MFI Boardroom

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety Quality and Safety Rounds (DrClinton Coil, CQOl)

Assembly Room

Health Information Management Coders Meeting (Alfreda Watkins) Doctors' Dining Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Journal Club (DrsMina Patel and Shipra Hingorany

PCDC 109

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Neurology Neurology Resident Meeting (DrMark Morrow)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety QRS Committee (Dr JenniferChen,PSO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pathology Transfusion Medicine In-Service(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration DOM Peer Review Committee (DrRonald Oudiz)

Room 2-Parlow Library

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Transfusion Med QI Committee(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Psych Leadership Meeting(Kimmalo Wright)

8th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Thursday, June 09, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Clinical ProfessionalDevelopment

Clinical Practice Council (Tracidela Cruz/Susan Ulit)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - 3East Bariatric Surgery-New PatientSeminar (Dr Stanley Klein/ElizaCamba, NP)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Thursday, June 09, 2016

11:00 AM

Pathology Pathology QI Comm Mtg (DrMarcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration NMA Professional Development(Yvette Ruiz)

1 East

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - General and EM General Peds Division Mtg (DrCarol Berkowitz)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. Peds Surgical Case Conf(Elizabeth Alvizar)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - Critcal Care PICU Steering Comm (DrRichard Mink)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety SEPSIS (Dr Susan Stein,Associate Medical Director)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Hospital Administration Performance ManagementMeeting (Kim McKenzie)

8th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Psych Hospital Svcs Comm Mtg(Dr Michael Makhinson)

Room 1-Parlow Library

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Thursday, June 09, 2016

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, June 10, 2016

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Didactic (Dr Scott Filler/DrDavid Sears)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department 2016 ObGyn New InternOrientation/Workshop (Drs LanceBetson and Tajoos Yazdany)

Room A-Parlow Library

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

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Friday, June 10, 2016

11:00 AM

Medical Administration Hospitalist Meeting (Dr SusanStein)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:00 PM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB Care Collaborative Meeting(Veronice Marroquin)

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

4:30 PM

Volunteer Services Junior Society Meeting (DiegoGarcia/Bernice Hill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Saturday, June 11, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Graduate Medical Education ACLS recertification Assembly Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Sunday, June 12, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, June 13, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Quarterly Transport TeamMeeting (Thelma Travina/PaulaSiler)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

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Monday, June 13, 2016

8:30 AM

Medical Administration Ambulatory Care Council (DrGriselda Gutierrez)

Room 2-Parlow Library

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration 3WICU Leadership Meeting(Pattie Soltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Graduate Medical Education TY Monthly Mtg (Dr DarrellHarrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

Nutrition Svcs - Morrison's HealthCare

Nutrition Committee (Dana Denis) Doctors' Dining Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, June 13, 2016

Medical Administration PSARC - PSA Review Committee(Dr Brant Putnam)

PCDC 109

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Blood Transfusion UtilizationComm (Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration AMI Monthly Meeting (Yoshi Arai,RN)

Room A-Parlow Library

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Respiratory Care Series (DrKathy Sietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

4:30 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Faculty Meeting (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/ResilienceClass-Monday (VanessaCardona)

PCDC 109

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

6:30 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Basic Life SupportClasses (Shelley Martin/RuthBala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Special Chem Lab Mtg (Dr PaulFu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

8:30 AM

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Executive Leadership Council(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

Volunteer Services Harbor-UCLA Guild Meeting(Frances Braham)

Doctors' Dining Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration NMA 50th AnniversaryCommittee (Lorena Toro)

8th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Infection Prevention Weight Watchers at Work (ErikaSweet/Employee Wellness)


Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pharmacy - OPD/Admin Outpatient Pharmacy Staff Mtg(Tam Pham, Pharm D)

1 East

Utilization Review UR Committee Meeting Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Tues PM

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Emergency Medicine Peds ED Community Council DrPatricia Padlipsky)


Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

Neurology Stroke Education Meeting (DrBijal Mehta)

Room 2-Parlow Library

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Grand Rounds (DorinaOrozco)

Parlow Auditorium

4:00 PM

LABioMed - CTSI/CTRC (ClinicalResearch)

CERP HSR Network Meeting (DrChristina Wang)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Environmental Safety Environment of Care Meeting(Louise Flowers)

Room A-Parlow Library

Medical Administration Clinical Data Monitoring Panel (DrClinton Coil)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. Steering Committee Meeting(Elizabeth Alvizar)

4th Floor Conference Room

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/Resiliency Class-Round5 Weds AM

MFI Boardroom

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

Neurology Neurology Journal Club/FacultyMeeting (Dr Mark Morrow)


Nursing - Administration Product IntegrationCommittee-IPC (Paula Siler)

Doctors' Dining Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine Schwartz Rounds Comm(Tunisha Bruce)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Grand Rounds (DrNathaniel Soriano)

Pathology Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Pre-Mtg:RN LMC (Pattie Soltero) PCDC 109

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety Quality Division Mtg (Dr ClintonCoil, CQO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Path Faculty Mtg (Dr RachelFinck)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Nursing - Administration RN LMC (Pattie Soltero) PCDC 109

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration CME Committee Mtg (Dr AnitaNelson/Dr Darrell Harrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Hospital Administration -Emergency Management

Emergency Preparedness(Essence Wilson/Julie Rees)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Graduate Medical Education GMEC Committee Mtg (Dr DarrellHarrington)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Thursday, June 16, 2016

7:00 AM

Nursing Education Nursing Education-3rd Thurs(Ruth Bala, CPD Director)

Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Rehabilitation Services Rehab Svcs Staff Meeting (CathyTaylor)

4th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Multidisciplinary Trauma PeerReview (Dr Brant Putnam)

PCDC 109

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

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Thursday, June 16, 2016

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Health Information Management Cancer Ed & Outreach Mtg (DrDanielle Hari)

PCDC 109

Med Admin-MSO Credential Advisory SubComm(Dr Janine Vintch)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic Spa 8 Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pharmacy Pharmacy & Therapeutic CommMtg (David Tanen)

Room 2-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Infection Prevention CLABSI Waiver Team (ArleneMalabanan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:00 PM

Medical Administration Primary Care and Managed CareJoint Operations Meeting (DrCarmen Mendez)


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Thursday, June 16, 2016

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, June 17, 2016

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Graduate Medical Education ACLS Full Certification (MelissaSilva)

Assembly Room

Graduate Medical Education PALS Full Certification (MelissaSilva)


Nursing Education Nsg Ed PCDC109 3rd Fri (RuthBala, CPD Director)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Employee RecognitionCommittee (Paula Siler)

Room A-Parlow Library

9:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

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Friday, June 17, 2016

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration Pathology Section Meeting (JulieRees)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:00 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Women's Health Care StaffMeeting (Minda Madrid)

MFI Boardroom

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration PROC (Dr Robert Hockberger) 8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

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Saturday, June 18, 2016

7:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education ACLS Full Certification (MelissaSilva)

Assembly Room

Graduate Medical Education PALS Full Certification (MelissaSilva)


Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Sunday, June 19, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


8:00 AM

Surgery - Trauma Hospital and Morgue Program(Antoinette Salas, RN)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, June 20, 2016

7:00 AM

Nursing Education Nsg Ed PCDC109 3rd Mon (RuthBala, CPD Director)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources 2015-2016 New EmployeeOrientation (Michelle Dean)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Pathology Frozen Section Conference (DrPaul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Nursing Operations Meeting(Pattie Soltero)

Doctors' Dining Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn QI Meeting (Dr JoyBrotherton)

PCDC 109

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM CPR Committee( Dr TheresaNevarez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pharmacy - OPD/Admin OPD Pharm Systems Mtg (TamPham, Pharm D)

1 East

1:00 PM

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Neurology Neurology Research Comm (DrAaron McMurtray)


Nursing - Administration CTU Leadership Meeting (PattieSoltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Blood Bank Committee (MarinaKelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Prenatal/ResilienceClass-Monday (VanessaCardona)

PCDC 109

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

7:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Assembly Room

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Doctors' Dining Room

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Parlow Auditorium

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Pathology Chemistry Lab Mtg (Dr Paul Fu,Sr.)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Hematopathology Seminar (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:30 AM

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Clinical Quality & Safety ORYX (Irene Jung) Room 1-Parlow Library

Hospital Administration NMA Board Meeting (LorenaToro)

1 East

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Emergency Medicine Peds EM Fellowship Conf (DrKellyYoung)


Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Medical Administration Interrater Reliability for HAPUPhotos (Dr Susan Stein)

PCDC 109

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Critcal Care Peds Crit Care Comm (DrRichard Mink)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration DOM QI Comm Meeting (DrWilliam Stringer)

Room 1-Parlow Library

2:00 PM

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pediatrics - Critcal Care Peds Fellowship ScholarlyActivity Conf (Dr Richard Mink)


4:00 PM

Nursing - Administration Nurse/Physician Communication(Patricia Soltero)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

7:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Assembly Room

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Doctors' Dining Room

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Parlow Auditorium

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Nursing - Administration 4W Unit Council (PaulaSiler/Faye Chacon)

4th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Ob/Gyn - Department ObGyn Faculty/Sr CREOG StudyGroup (Dr Lance Betson)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


Surgery - Administration Surgery Grand Rounds/M&MConf (Drs Klein and Kumar)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing - Administration Nurse Mgrs Meeting (Paula Siler) 4th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Medicine - HIV Women's HIV Support Group (DrMallory Witt)


12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine - Admin. DOM Relocated Conferences(Jean Crowder)


Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Journal Club (DrsMina Patel and Shipra Hingorany

PCDC 109

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

1:00 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety QRS Committee (Dr JenniferChen,PSO)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - I.D. Antimicrobial StewardshipCommittee (Dr Michael Bolaris)

PCDC 109

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Pathology Transfusion Medicine In-Service(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Medical Administration Amb Care Nursing LeadershipMtg (Valerie Rogers-Owens)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medical Administration Ad Hoc Anticoagulation Meeting(Dr Susan Stein)

8th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pediatrics Pediatric Nutrition & WellnessClass (Benjamin Grace)

6th Floor Conference Room

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Thursday, June 23, 2016

7:00 AM

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Assembly Room

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Doctors' Dining Room

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Parlow Auditorium

Graduate Medical Education 2015-2016 Intern/ResidentOrientation (Melissa Silva)

Room A-Parlow Library

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


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Thursday, June 23, 2016

7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Multidisciplinary TraumaSystems/Ops Comm (Dr BrantPutnam)

PCDC 109

9:00 AM

Health Information Management Forms Committee (Dr WilliamStringer)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Hospital Administration JCR Webinar (Shelia Mitchell) Room 1-Parlow Library

Surgery - Trauma Hospital CC Comm Mtg (Dr BrantPutnam)

PCDC 109

11:30 AM

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing - Administration Critical Care Clinical PracticeCouncil (Traci Dela Cruz)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Nursing-Clinical ProfessionalDevelopment

Critical Care Clinical PracticeCouncil (Traci Dela Cruz)

Room 2-Parlow Library

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Thursday, June 23, 2016

1:30 PM

Clinical Quality & Safety EPIC (Dr Clinton Coil, CQO) 7th Floor Conference Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

Friday, June 24, 2016

7:00 AM

Family Medicine FM Morning Report (Dr TheresaNevarez)

Doctors' Dining Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Pathology Grand Rounds (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - OMFS Div. OMFS WeeklyConference/Lecture (Dr ColonyaCalhoun)

Room 2-Parlow Library

8:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Didactic (Dr Scott Filler/DrDavid Sears)

PCDC 109

Pediatrics Pediatrics Clinical CaseConference (Dr Adam Jonas)

Assembly Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Internal Medicine - Admin. DOM Executive Meeting (Dr EricDaar)

PCDC 109

Neurology Neurology Grand Rounds 6th Floor Conference Room

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Friday, June 24, 2016

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology UCLA MS Conf (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Neurosciences/NeuropathSeminar (Dr Marcia Cornford)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Medicine - ID ID Grand Rounds (Dr Scott Filler) Assembly Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Didactics (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Intern Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psychiatry Housestaff Meeting(Dorina Orozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

Surgery - Neurosurgery NeuroSurg Journal Club (Dr DMcBride)

1 East

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - Hem/Onc Oncology Clinic Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

PCDC 109

1:30 PM

Medicine - Endocrinology Endocrine Grand Rounds (DrRonald Swerdloff)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

ObGyn-Ambulatory OB ObGyn Collaborative CareMeeting (Minda Madrid)

7th Floor Conference Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Clinical Biochem Conf (Dr P Fu,Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

3:00 PM

Pathology Path Admin Staff Meeting (DrRachel Finck)

Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Surgery - Administration Wellness Meeting (LaurenKendrick)

1 East

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Friday, June 24, 2016

4:30 PM

Volunteer Services Junior Society Meeting (DiegoGarcia/Bernice Hill-Shepherd)

Doctors' Dining Room

Saturday, June 25, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Sunday, June 26, 2016

7:00 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work Sunday Service (Rev JamesTemidara)

Assembly Room

Monday, June 27, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn M&M/Grand Rounds (DrErin Saleeby)

Assembly Room

8:30 AM

Hospital Administration Space Committee Mtg (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Medical Administration Ambulatory Care Council (DrGriselda Gutierrez)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Path Administrative Staff Mtg (JillKimbrell)

Pathology Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Hospital Administration Move Management (Azar Kattan) Room A-Parlow Library

Pathology Hematopathology Conference (DrXin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Medicine - Hem/Onc Hem/Onc Conference (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

10:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Patient Flow Steering Comm(Pattie Soltero)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pathology OB/Gyn (Path) Conference (DrLaron McPhaul)

Pathology Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing - Administration ORCHID Q & A (Pattie Soltero) Parlow Auditorium

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Evidence Based Lecture Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine Bioethics Comm Mtg (Dr DarrylSue)

8th Floor Conference Room

Med Admin-MSO MEC (Dr Brant Putnam) Doctors' Dining Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

7th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Diagnostic LectureSeries (Dr David Hsia)

4th Floor Conference Room

OB/GYN - Gyn Div/Administration OB/Gyn Pre-Op Meeting (Dr ErinSaleeby)

PCDC 109

Pathology Dermatopathology Seminar (DrShi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Ward OperationsCommittee (Dr Maritza Ruiz)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

1:00 PM

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Medicine - Nephrology Nephrology Grand Rounds (KathyRowley)

Parlow Auditorium

Pathology Blood Transfusion UtilizationComm (Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics - Neonatology Div. NICU M & M (Dr Rohit Passi) 6th Floor Conference Room

2:30 PM

Pathology Blood Bank (Marina Kelterborn) Pathology Conference Room

Surgery - Administration OR Committee Meeting (DrChristian de Virgilio/DawnaWillsey, RN)

1 East

3:00 PM

Surgery - 3East Surg MSIII Lecture (Dr DennisKim)

7th Floor Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Surgery - Administration MSIII Lectures (Dr Ravin Kumar) 1 East

5:00 PM

Surgery - General Surgery General Surgery Learning ModuleMeeting (Dr Christine Dauphine)


10:30 PM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

3 10:30 PM

Medical Administration ED Patients Seen In Clinics (DrAnish Mahajan)

Room 2-Parlow Library

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Special Chem Lab Mtg (Dr PaulFu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine Adult Community Council (DrAndrea Wu)


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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Human Resources HR Benefits Enrollment (MichelleDean)

4th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Grand Rounds (JeanCrowder)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Hospital Administration Executive Leadership Council(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Hematopathology MonthlyLecture (Dr Xin Qing)

Pathology Conference Room

9:30 AM

Emergency Medicine EDQI Meeting (Dr AdedamolaOgunniyi)


Medicine - GIM GIM Faculty Meeting (DrKatherine Ward)

Doctors' Dining Room

Medicine - GIM GIM Tuesday AM Lecture (DrKatherine Ward)

PCDC 109

10:00 AM

Medicine - Dermatology Dermatology Grand Rounds (DrMeiling Yuen)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clinical Biochemistry Conference(Dr Paul Fu, Sr)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Residency Staff Mtg (DrSylvia Yeh)

6th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Pathology Transfusion Medicine Staff Mtg(Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health MSW Supervision (Rachel Jones) 5th Floor Conference Room

11:30 AM

Hospital Administration Joint Labor Mgmt Committee(Kim McKenzie, CEO)

8th Floor Conference Room

12:00 PM

Family Medicine FM Intern Lecture Series (DrManuel Campa)

7th Floor Conference Room

Health Information Management Breast Onc Tumor Board Conf(Dr Christine Dauphine)


Internal Medicine DOM Rotating Topics (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Cardio Cardiology Grand Rounds (ChiefFellows)

PCDC 109

Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics Pediatrics M&M Conference (DrAdam Jonas)

Assembly Room

1:00 PM

Nursing - Home Health/NICU NICU/Nursery MultidiscplinaryRounds (Miriam Garcis, RN)

5th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Infection Prevention Infection Control Staff Meeting(Arlene Malabanan)

Room 1-Parlow Library

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Medical Administration Psych PRC/ QI Comm Mtg (DrMichael Makhinson/Dr JuliaChung)

Room 2-Parlow Library

Pathology Safety Training (Doris Kramer) Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Pathology Chest Conference (Dr SamuelFrench)

Pathology Conference Room

7:30 PM

Pathology PM Chem Mtg (Dr Paul Fu, Sr. Pathology Conference Room

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

6:30 AM

Orthopaedic Surgery Ortho Surg Trauma Conf-Dr DZinar (Dr Louis Kwong)

Doctors' Dining Room

7:00 AM

Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Grand Rounds(Dr J Derdemezi)

Assembly Room

Nursing - Administration 4W Unit Council (PaulaSiler/Faye Chacon)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Weekly Pathology Meeting (DorisKramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Administration Surg Grand Rds/ M&M Conf (DrsKlein and Dauphine)

Parlow Auditorium

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

8:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - K.I.D.S. Clinic KIDS Hub Staff Meeting (Dr KellyCallahan)


8:30 AM

Pediatrics Perinatal Conference (DrVirender Rehan)

6th Floor Conference Room

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

9:30 AM

Nursing - Administration Smoking Cessation SupportClass (Lorna Ordinario)

PCDC 109

Pathology Path Res In-Service Training(Adriana Flores)

Pathology Conference Room

10:00 AM

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Surgery - Administration Surg GI Conf/Tumor Board (DrsDauphine & Hari)

1 East

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Primary Care Lectures (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Internal Medicine DOM Medical Board Prep (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - GIM Internal Medicine Board Review(Dr Carmen Mendez)

4th Floor Conference Room

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Pulmonary Grand Rounds (DrNathaniel Soriano)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

12:30 PM

Medicine - GI GI Video Case Conf/Journal Club(Dr Viktor Eyesselin)

Parlow Auditorium

1:00 PM

Internal Medicine Discussion of Major Diseases(Jean Crowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Mental Health Length of Stay (Rachel Jones) 4th Floor Conference Room

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Pathology Transfusion Medicine In-Service5th Weds (Marina Kelterborn)

Pathology Conference Room

2:30 PM

Clinical Social Work CSW Staff Meeting (JenniferMurray, LCSW)

Parlow Auditorium

Nursing - Administration 4W Unit Council (PaulaSiler/Faye Chacon)

4th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Clin Path Conf (Dr Rachel Finck) Pathology Conference Room

4:00 PM

Medicine - Respiratory/CC Critical Care Series (Dr KathySietsema)

Room 2-Parlow Library

4:30 PM

Pathology Anatomic Path Review Seminar(Dr Shi-Kaung Peng)

Pathology Conference Room

5:30 PM

Women's Health and Innovation Weds FT Round 5 (VanessaCardona)

7th Floor Conference Room

Thursday, June 30, 2016

7:00 AM

Pediatrics Peds AM Conference(Dr AdamJonas)

6th Floor Conference Room

Surgery - 1East MSIII Lecture/Orientation (DrDennis Kim)

1 East

Surgery - Trauma Pass-On Rounds (Dr BrantPutnam)


7:30 AM

Ob/Gyn - Department OB/Gyn Res Fel Conf (Dr ErinSaleeby)

7th Floor Conference Room

8:00 AM

Emergency Medicine EM Res Conf (Dr MadonnaFernandez)


Internal Medicine DOM Morning Report (JeanCrowder)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology AM Anatomic Path Conference(Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

8:30 AM

Pediatrics Pediatrics Grand Rounds (DrAdam Jonas)

Parlow Auditorium

9:00 AM

Internal Medicine DOM Discharge Planning Rounds(Dr Carmen Mendez)

5th Floor Conference Room

Pathology Lab Supervisors Mtg (DorisKamar)

Pathology Conference Room

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Thursday, June 30, 2016

10:00 AM

Hospital Administration Denied Days Workgroup (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Nursing-Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Classes (NiaBakewell)

7th Floor Conference Room

11:00 AM

Nursing-OB Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes(Artie McCullough and MicheleBragger)

MFI Boardroom

Pathology Hematology Lab Seminar(Joselita Tan)

Pathology Conference Room

11:30 AM

Internal Medicine Med M&M Conference (JeanCrowder)

Assembly Room

12:00 PM

Medicine - Hem/Onc HemOnc Case Conf (Dr JamesYeh)

5th Floor Conference Room

Neurology Neurology Clinic Mtg (Dr MarkMorrow)


Pathology Laboratory Methods Lecture(Doris Kramer)

Pathology Conference Room

Pediatrics Peds Res Noon Conf (Dr ChieKurihara, Chief Resident)

6th Floor Conference Room

Psychiatry - Administration Psych Reading Seminar (AKAForensic Lecture) (DorinaOrozco)

Doctors' Dining Room

1:00 PM

Hospital Administration Psych ER Project Meeting (AzarKattan)

8th Floor Conference Room

Pediatrics - Child Crisis Child Abuse Team Meeting (SheriLovall CPNP)

Room A-Parlow Library

1:30 PM

Medicine - ID ID Teaching Rounds (Dr ScottFiller)

Doctors' Dining Room

2:00 PM

Pathology Infectious Diseases Conference(Karie Nakamura)

Pathology Conference Room

4:30 PM

Pathology PM Anatomy PathologyConference (Chief Resident)

Pathology Conference Room

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