Haringey Citizens Enjoy Enhanced Services from their Council · 2017-08-22 · Haringey Citizens...

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programme was restructured tomake effective use of resources sothat overall objectives could be metwithin required timeframes. A threeyear implementation plan wasdeveloped, supported by trainingand communication activities.

The Council’s Customer Servicesdepartment, IT Development teamand Capgemini jointly developedand launched a plan to upgrade theCouncil’s Siebel CRM system. TheCRM programme leveragedCapgemini capabilities in the UKand India via Rightshore™. Theapproach that Capgemini adoptedaccelerated the deployment ofthe solution within agreedcost, quality and timeparameters.

The SituationIn January 2005, the LondonBorough of Haringey engagedCapgemini to help steer its e-Government programme to createbetter services. At the same time,Capgemini was asked to bringCustomer Relationship Management(CRM) and Siebel expertise toupgrade the Council’s existingsystem and develop new CRMprocesses.

The SolutionCapgemini worked with theCouncil’s IT DevelopmentManagement team to develop andimplement a new set of processes tohelp monitor and track its e-Government initiatives.

A Programme Management Office(PMO) was established. The teamtasked to steer the

in collaboration with

Haringey Citizens EnjoyEnhanced Services from theirCouncilPartnership between Haringey Council andCapgemini delivers e-Government strategy andeffective CRM

“Capgemini was refreshinglyfocused on Haringey's best

interests – it operated as part ofone "Haringey team" which

included seamlessly managingother consultants as well as client

staff.”David Airey,

IT Development Programme Manager,Haringey Council

How the Council, its Partnersand Capgemini WorkedTogetherThe Council’s goals for its e-Government programme and Siebeldevelopment were managed asseparate streams of activity.However, their inter-dependencyrequired tight integration and closecollaboration.

Implementing e-GovernmentIn setting e-Government targets, theODPM had started to publish leaguetables to measure BVPI-157 (BestValue Performance Indicator for e-enabled services). The Council hadto ensure the success of its e-Government Programme to meet itslocal targets, as well as those set byGovernment. The key focus was todevelop an appropriate structureand process to address e-Government initiatives.

In partnership with Capgemini, theCouncil implemented a programmeoffice, team structure and processesto assess, plan, deliver and trackBVPI-157 and PSOs. The closeworking relationship went a longway to ensure that the Council metits objectives.

Haringey now has a fully functionalPMO to support e-Governmentprojects, now and in future. Itensures efficient use of resourcesand effective long-term planning ofinitiatives that are aligned toCouncil strategy.

The ResultThe e-Government programme hasbeen underpinned by a closeworking partnership withCapgemini. Having satisfied the 54Priority Service Outcomes (PSOs)set by the Government, the Councilis well placed to achieve Gershontargets for public sector efficiencyand improved service to citizens.

Haringey has also met 100% of theOffice of the Deputy PrimeMinister’s e-Government target, nowmanaged by the Department forCommunities and LocalGovernment. This results inimproved web-based services forcitizens who can now accessCouncil services outside normaloffice hours for lean and efficientinternal processing of transactions.

The Siebel CRM system went livewithin six months of starting thedevelopment phase. The teamsuccessfully migrated customerrecords, addresses and transactionhistory from the original CRMsystem. This now allows Haringeycitizens to conduct their affairs withthe Council through a variety ofcommunication channels.

Public Sector the way we do it

Collaborative decision-making wasinstrumental in resolving technicalissues and ensured that the overallsolution remained within thedefined scope. Training wasdelivered by council trainers to over200 users. These included staff fromCall Centres, Customer ServiceCentres, complaints andadministrative functions.

A major challenge was datamigration. Apart from technicaldemands of large volumes of data,closer scrutiny revealed gaps in dataquality. Integration with QAS helpedto validate addresses and improveoverall quality.


Siebel Deployment The programme started with astrategic review of Haringey’sexisting Siebel CRM system,matching this against strategicobjectives and the Council’s 3 yearCustomer Service Business Plan.

The integrated team recommendedmigration of the CRM solution fromSiebel 7.5 to the public sectormodule of the latest version ofSiebel. They also defined a roadmapfor ongoing development of anintegrated CRM solution into back-office processes and systems.

The team comprised businessanalysts, project managers andtechnical experts from Capgeminiworking together with staff fromHaringey’s Contact Centre and keyusers from the Council. Benefitrealisation was fundamental to theprogramme and in particular to theCouncil and its citizens;performance of end-to-endcustomer interactions and keycomponents were base-lined.

Within four months, the projectmoved into the development cycle.The public sector module of Siebel7.7 was integrated with MicrosoftExchange and QAS. Reports weregenerated using Actuate. Capgeminideployed its Rightshore™ model toleverage Siebel expertise from itsAdvanced Development Centre inMumbai. This ensured that theright, highly cost effective resourceswere brought in at the right time.

The programme was made up ofseveral teams from the Council,Capgemini and other partnersworking from several locations. Thisnecessitated an effective and robustcommunication framework so thatall parties were fully engaged andinformed. As part of theprogramme, some of the Council’sbusiness processes and methodswere reviewed and modified andthese were then integrated into thenew Siebel solution.

"Capgemini has provided excellentservices in shaping and supportingthe e-Government programme atHaringey Council.”

“As well as providing the ProgrammeDirectorship, ProgrammeManagement Office (PMO) and WebProject Management, Capgeminiutilised Subject Matter Expertsacross its local government practiceto ensure that Haringey was alwaysaware of the latest ODPM thinkingwith regards to e-Governmentoutcomes.”

“As ever, delivery on time was thekey test and Capgemini ensured thatall e-Government targets were met(BVPI 157, ODPM Priority ServiceOutcomes etc) and in many cases thesolutions delivered exceeded businessexpectations"David Airey, IT DevelopmentProgramme Manager, HaringeyCouncil

UK & Ireland Public SectorConsulting, Technology & OutsourcingServices CRM – SiebelPackage IntegrationTransformational Outsourcing

Approved by:David Airey, IT Development ProgrammeManager, Haringey Council

Peter Nash, Account Director, Capgemini

Barrie Graham, Business DevelopmentDirector, Capgemini

Lesley Burr, Head of Local Government,Capgemini

“Capgemini provided both the projectimplementation resources and on-going application maintenance. Theproject is seen as a major successstory and was delivered on-time, tobudget and expectation.”David Airey, IT DevelopmentProgramme Manager, HaringeyCouncil




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Public Sector the way we do it

Copyright ©2006 Capgemini. No part of this document may be modified, deleted orexpanded by any process or means without prior written permission from Capgemini.

Capgemini, one of the world’s foremost

providers of Consulting, Technology and Outsourcing services, has a uniqueway of working with its clients, called the Collaborative Business Experience.Backed by over three decades of industryand service experience, the CollaborativeBusiness Experience is designed to help our clients achieve better, faster,more sustainable results through

seamless access to our network of world-leading technology partners andcollaboration-focused methods and tools.Through commitment to mutual successand the achievement of tangible value,we help businesses implement growthstrategies, leverage technology, and thrivethrough the power of collaboration.Capgemini employs approximately 61,000people worldwide and reported 2005global revenues of 6,954 million euros.

About Capgemini and the Collaborative Business Experience

In collaboration with

Haringey, located in the north of thecapital is one of London's 32 boroughs,covering over 11 square miles. Nearlyhalf of its 224,300 people come fromethnic minority backgrounds. Thisdiversity is reflected in the fact that

almost half of all pupils in Haringeyschools speak English as an additionallanguage. It's often said that Haringey isan outer London borough with innerLondon challenges. It ranks as one ofthe most deprived boroughs in thecountry with 7.7% of the economicallyactive (i.e. those working or activelyseeking work) population unemployedin March 2006. This is more than twicethe Great Britain average of 3.6%.

The successful collaboration allowsHaringey Council to offer improvedlevels of service to its diversecommunity and deliver on a keypriority to its citizens called ‘BetterHaringey’.

A Platform for the FutureMigration of transaction historyallows customer service teams tointerrogate and monitor interactionswith citizens and start to refine theservice. Using pre-populatedtemplates makes it easier. Thanks toclose integration with the CouncilWeb Development Team duringearlier stages, citizens use on-lineforms to request council services.

Siebel integration with emailexchange delivers targeted emailsdirectly to customer service agentsand complaints officers. The newstructure facilitates integration withthe LLPG (Local Land PropertyGazetteer) system in a subsequentphase.

Capgemini provides ApplicationsManagement (AM) services forongoing maintenance. This includesuser administration (set-up,maintenance), bug fixing and minorenhancements. The hardwareplatform is managed at a third partysite as part of an agreement betweenthe Council and its previoussupplier. The network is managedby yet another supplier.

The next phase of the Siebel CRMprogramme has already started. Ajoint team from the Council,Capgemini and partners is workingon the concurrent transformation ofbusiness and system processes forline of business integration withinthe overall CRM solution.

The success of the Siebel upgradeproject, Capgemini’s added-value onthe Council’s e-Governmentprogramme and the transition ofservice is evidence of howorganisations can benefit from theCollaborative Business Experiencefrom Capgemini.