Harrassment Workshop

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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•Extensively involved in the development of this Harassment workshop •Proficiency in MS PowerPoint at an advanced skill level •Embedded video clips to PowerPoint •Researched harassment statistics •Presented this workshop before live audience


BCC- Bollinger Communication Consulting

“Integrity, Dependability. Dedication. Our genuine commitment to you from our staff in providing optimum service.”

Introducing our BCC training and development team…

Brittany Bryant has been trained at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in the field of Communication Studies and has exceptional customer service skills and has over eight years of experience in the this field.

Yanet Diaz-Grenell has been trained at both the University of Miami as well as at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. She possesses advanced skills with MS Office and is bilingual in both Spanish and English and has basic knowledge in French and Portuguese. Before joining our team, Yanet was in healthcare and education administration as a transcript specialist at the Registrar’s office at UNCW.

Introducing our BCC training and development team…

Matthew Easton has been trained in Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington as well as completing studies at Hochschule Bremen University of Applied Sciences. Matthew is skilled in interpersonal communication and possesses basic conversational skills in Spanish.

Jared Sales was trained in Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and possess expert skills in peer leadership, public speaking and productivity training.

Harassment Training SessionAny views or opinions presented in this video clip are solely those of the “The Office”© producers and writers and do not reflect nor represent those of BCC and its affiliates.

Types of Harassment we will be discussing:

Sexual Harassment presented by Jared Sales

Racial Harassment presented by Matthew Easton

Religious Harassment presented by Brittany Bryant

Gender Harassment presented by Yanet Diaz-Grenell

Q & A session presented by Jared Sales

Legal Definition of Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Definition of Sexual Harassment

Harassment Situations

Harasser is in a position of power

Harasser can be anyone

Harassment can happen indirectly

Harasser can be any gender

Harasser may be unaware

Common Effects on the Victims

Decreased performance

Being objectified and humiliated by gossip

Loss of trust

Stress upon relationships with significant others

Weakening of support network

Loss of references and recommendations

Sexual Harassment Study According to the EEOC- equal employment opportunity commission, in 2007

They received over 12,510 charges of sexual harassment and recovered over 50 million in monetary benefits for the charging parties (not including monetary benefits obtained through litigation)

Within this study 31% of female workers claimed to have ben harassed at work 7% male claimed to have been harassed

62% of the targets took NO action OF THE WOMEN WHO WERE HARASSED

43% were harassed by a supervisor

27% were harassed by an employee Senior to them

19% were harassed by a co-worker at their level

8% harassed by a Junior employee.

Sexual harassment and cultural engagement study the cultural norms of the people that you are dealing with things such as:

Eye contact

Kissing of the cheeks

Hand shakes

And hugs

…may be misinterpreted as sexual harassment.

Effects of Sexual Harassment on an Organization

• Decreased productivity

• Decreased job satisfaction

• Loss of staff

• Loss of respect for Senior officials

• Company image may suffer

• Legal costs

How to Avoid Sexual Harassment


Make certain that you will not tolerate sexual harassment

State that one will discipline or fire any wrongdoers

Set a clear procedure for filing complaints

State that you will investigate fully any complaint

State that you will not tolerate any retaliate against anyone who complains

This video is a (comedy) representation of unfortunately real scenarios that may occur in a

workplace- YES; this video itself may be offensive and crude in it’s portrayal of situations that happen

in the work place- EVERYDAY.

Racial Harassment


•Know when to speak-social settings are not a place for business

•Do not use high pressure tactics

•Rank is extremely important-do not misunderstand your status

•Punctuality is a virtue

•Wear appropriate attire

The Middle East•The meet and greet

•Only promise what you can deliver

•Keep a flexible schedule

•Patience is everything

Europe•Relationships and Communications

•Business Meeting and Etiquette


•Dress Etiquette

South America

•Relationships and Communication

•Meeting Etiquette


•What to Wear


•Title XII

•Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

•The Employment Quality Directive

Religious Harassment

FOUR Major Religious Groups we will be discussing:









Gender Harassment

Examples of the kinds of GENDER DISCRIMINATION scenarios your company might face when operating in emerging economies:







Gender Gap Report 2010-by Guy Dresser of World Economic Forum

Still not clear…let us briefly demonstrate.

Scenario #1Mihai persists in asking his co-worker Maria out to dinner, even though she turns him down each and every time he requests a date. She has told him several times to stop asking. Mihai is certain she is playing hard to get because she consistently jokes with him, touches his arm lightly sometimes and smiles every time she says good morning.

Mihai’s behavior does not constitute sexual harassment, because sexual harassment may only occur between a male boss and a female subordinate and obviously Maria is send mixed signals.

True or False? Explain why.

Scenario #2Two employees, Marcus (male) and Latvia (female), are interviewing for the same promotion; VP of Marketing and Sales division in Israel. Latvia is "perfect" for the job, clearly more qualified for the position and has been an exemplary employee.

However, Marcus received the promotion. The company explains to Latvia that Marcus will be more respected throughout negotiations because of the customs in Israel pertaining to women.

Was this a fair decision? Yes or No?

Explain Why.

Scenario #3Haamid interviews for a position as a Sales Manager at a company. Eric, the hiring manager feels that of all the candidates, Haamid is by far the most qualified. However, he hires the second most qualified interviewee, John, instead of Haamid.

Eric really wanted to hire Haamid, but he walked into the interview wearing a “turban” and felt that Haamid would be in danger of a hate crime due to the September 11 incident in this particular area where the company branch is located.

Was this decision based on a racial attribute? Yes or No?


Scenario #4Abigail Goldstein is a top marketing executive at her company. She has successfully gained several clients in Japan, China, Latin America, South Africa and several in Europe. Abigail speaks to her manager about a few clients that have shown interest via email in Saudi Arabia.

Her manager, however, declines her request to travel to Saudi Arabia and tells Abigail to give her co-worker the contacts so that he can handle these accounts instead. Abigail is upset because she has built a repor with these clients and demands to know why she cannot continue with them.

Her manager tells her that she fears for her safety because she is Jewish and there is recent unrest where she is traveling to between the Jews and Muslims.

Is this an appropriate stance against Abigail's visit to Saudi Arabia?
