Harry Pickens - Protege Marketing Consultant (OCR Optimized Workbook)

Post on 21-Oct-2015

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Hot, New, Amazing Secrets Of Maximum-Leverage Marketing That Will

Give You An Almost Unfair Advantage Over The Competition And Help

You Earn An Additional $50,000 – 600,000 Per Year-Guaranteed!

How To Think Like A

‘Marketing Genius’ Keys To Success As A Jay Abraham

Protege/Mentor Developed and presented by

Harry C Pickens

How To Make $50,000 - $600,000 + Every Year (Working Only A Few

Hours Per Week) As A Non- Traditional Marketing Consultant/Practitioner

The Five Key Skills That You Must Master

1. Developing the ‘Marketing Genius’ Mindset

Mindset=Principles + Experience (yours or others) W. Clement Stone – R2A2

2. Eliciting The Information You Need From Your Prospects

and Clients

Rapport-building Questioning Listening Checklist

3. Generating Breakthrough Marketing Ideas

All great marketing ideas are the answers to specific questions. Master

the questions and you can generate great ideas effortlessly!

4. Creating Persuasive Marketing Communications

Documents Scripts ‘Benefit-speak’ (WIFM) Marketing “X-Ray Vision’ (problem-solver orientation) Technical Devices

5. Planning & Implementation

How to market your consulting services How to help your clients develop and implement effective marketing plans

Secrets of Maximum-Impact Learning

How To Develop Any Skill Up To 400% Faster

Follow this simple five-step formula and you can master the most

Challenging skills with ease.

Outcome - What specifically do I want to be able to do?

Models Of Excellence – Who do I want to model my performance


Strategy – What are the key principles underlying the effective execution

of this skill?

Practice – What are the key components which, when combined, results in

mastery of this skill, and how can I most effectively practice them?

Feedback – How can I monitor my progress on an ongoing basis?

Eight marketing principles that will

give you an almost unfair advantage

over the competition









Harry C. Pickens & Associates

Marketing Needs Analysis Questionnaire

Please answer each of the following 50 questions as completely as possible. The answers to these questions will help us: 1) target the prospects most likely to need your product/service; 2) persuasively communicate how your product/service fill their needs; 3) convert the maximum number of prospects into new customers; and 4) convert first-time buyers to repeat customers. 1. What is your primary product/service?

2. How many clients do you serve per week?

3. What is the cost (range) of your products/services?

4. How many new customers/week?

5. How many clients have you served since establishing your business?

6. How long have you been in business?

7. Do you have the names of your active and inactive customers on


8. Does your average customer come back after the first purchase?

9. How have you built your business most successfully?

10. Who is your competition?

11. How does your competition get customers?

12. Where do you get your present customers?

13. What kind of marketing/advertising have you done?

14. What has worked? What has not worked?

15. What demographics subcategories do your customers come from? (ex.

doctors, nurses, attorneys, unemployed people, housewives, etc)

16. What organizations do your customers belong to?

17. What businesses do they patronize?

18. How much could you afford to spend on marketing over the next 90


19. Of the clients you currently have, where did most of them emanate


20. Right now, how much more business could you comfortable

accommodate without having to add any more staff?

21. How much of your business currently comes from referrals?

22. Have you every given away free samples of your product/service?

23. How big is the marketing area you serve?

24. Where do most of your customers come from? (Geographical


25. What is the average income of your typical customer?

26. Do most of your customers own their own home or rent?

27. After a new customer busy the first time, do you have a follow-up

procedure of any kind?

28. Are you price-competitive?

29. How often do you communicate with your customers?

30. How much have you spent in the last year on advertising?

31. How much do you typically gross for each $100 spent in advertising?

32. What’s the lifetime value of a customer – how much money does the

average customer spend with you from their first to their last purchase?

33. Do you have any special incentives for multiple purchases?

34. Do you regularly solicit customers to come back?

35. Who could refer customers to your business?

36. How large is your staff?

37. Can you identify, from the prospect market, what kind of business you

get? Are they all kinds of people, or can we identify the thousand or so

most probably prospects in your marketing area, and if so, who would they


38. Can we assemble a listing by name of those most viable prospects?

39. Who would know and have a great positive relationship with people

who would be prospects for you?

40. What professional organizations are you a member of?

41. What kind of guarantee can/do you offer?

42. What is the industry standard re/guarantees?

43. Describe the results your product/service gets for your clients.

44. Of 100% of the business in your market area, how much do you get

(market share)?

45. What specific problem (s) are you solving in your customer’s life?

46. Why should someone buy from you? What do you have to offer that’s


47. How much background information do you have about your

products/services? (how developed, interesting facts, etc)

48. What advantages do you have over your competition?

49. What are the objectives for 1990?

Number of new customers

Gross Sales

Net Profit


50. List below any further comments, observations, etc. about your current

marketing program.

Discovering the hidden profit opportunities With in your business

What noncompetitive businesses serve my target market?

What preexisting groups of prospects can I market to and through what channels can I do


ãOrganizations ãAssociations ãNonprofits ãSchools ãClubs ãPublications ãConventions/Expos/Trade Shows Who is in a position to refer clients/customers to me?

What salespeople/organizations currently serve my target market?

Who could profit from accessing my customer base?

Who can give my product away as a premium?

How can I let prospects sample my product?

How can I use consignment to sell my product/service?

What kind of repeat/subscription-based contract can I offer?

What additional products/services do my customers want and need?

What related special events will get prospects to ‘try me out’?

How to capture the names and addresses of all your


1. Arrange for customers to pay bills (Electric/gas + phone) – copy addresses. 2. Checks 3. Credit cards 4. Lucky # contests – weekly prize – in-store boxes/d.mailer 5. Staff scripts – make sure every customer fills out 6. At cash register – 5% discount for filling out form 7. Coupon ads in papers, fliers, etc. – D. Mail 8. Treasure chest 9. Drawing – leave business card 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Idea Jogger – Marketing Methods

Audiocassettes Gift Certificates Tabloid Audiotapes (personalized) Group Mailers Television Articles Inserts Trade Shows Ad Specialties Invitation-Only Events Take Ones Advertorial Services (guest even; breakfast; T-Shirt Ads Advisory Board seminar, etc.) Videotapes Answering Machine Letters (Personalized) Videotape (Personalized) Messages Listings Videocassette Box Ads Business Cards Lossleaders Vehicle Ads Business Card Ads Licensing Vanity Radio Books Magazine Ads Workshops Brochures Matchbooks Word-Of-Mouth Booths (Trade Shows, Movie Theater Ads Yellow Pages Conventions, Expos, etc.) Newsletters Bulletin Boards News Releases Billboards (Highway, bus, Newspaper Ads subway, bench) Personal Contact Coop Mailings Postcards Crosspromotions Party Plan Conferences Posters Community Service Public Speaking Coupons PSA’s Catalogs Parking Meter Ads Consultations Point of Purchase Contests Preferred Provider Clinics Placemats Centers Of Influence Publicity Coop Mailings Per Inquiry Ads Car Cards Premiums Celebrities Personal Letters Courses Positive Picketers Card Decks Rolodex Review Calendar Listings Radio Spots Canvassing Radio Talk Direct Mail Show/Interviews Distributors Reports Donations (high-profile Referrals non-profits) Recorded Phone Demonstrations Messages/Infolines Directories Seminars Doorhangers Sales Reps Education Statement Stuffers Exhibits Sponsorships Electronic Bulletin Boards Special Events Fairs Signs Feature Stories Surveys Fliers Telemarketing-Outbound Funraisers Telemarketing-Inbound Gifts Teleprospecting

Pick a specif ic business or industry and go through

this ent ire l is t , brainstorming and wri t ing down any

workable ideas you generate .

Amazing Secrets Of Maximized Marketing Leverage

Marketing Tactics

1. How to find new customers

2. How to sell more to existing customers

Direct Mail Offer To Existing Customers (w/wo phone followup) Upsell Offer To Every Current Customer – Scripted/POP Sign Sponsor Info-Based Event; collect names; special offer; follow-up Space Ads Fliers Non-Profit giveaway Endorsement letter w/check or ticket Give away tape or transcript of seminar as a bonus. Rent list of prospects & send letter to them—generic and occupational targets (Dentist’s special, etc.) Subscription-type service Bigbuyer discount card (like bookstar) Individualized, ongoing service Monthly offer to house list (ongoing) private sales special promotions, contests Separate offer – customers vs. prospects Contest w/2nd prize letter – have to come in to get prize Have sales people telephone prospect/customer list Value Dollars Corporations/Organizations/Clubs—value cards good for special offer only to organization’s members/employees

Thank you letter to each customer after the sale Preferred provider – esp. odd hours (ex – for your business – Monday 6-9 PM) Free/loss leader to 1st 100 to show up Send samples out via direct mail to lists Get host businesses to give to their customers (offer to reciprocate – gift, customer list, % in exchange) your product as a bonus for min $$ purchase discount certificate special package offer samples info products-report/tape seminar tickets special coupons (in envelope-personal-look letter w/offer exclusively for customers of X – give out to customers with scripted statement – ‘this is a special gift from Ruben’s to you – or very low-key teaser copy on envelope) flier-type statement stuffers Hire student to go to host businesses everyday/hire person to test different approaches every week.

Let charity sell product and keep all the profit; you get names for backend promotions Offer special -- $X discount for every $$ donated to Y charity/every item donated to Y Find expert on popular subject solving needed problem – host seminar/workshop in your store/office – pay him/her % of sales Direct mail to influencer (spouse, secretary, etc.) Combine upsell w/subscription – ex. w/$40 purchase free quarterly consultation normally worth $65 Give each customer referral certificate – Dear ______, For almost 6 months now, I’ve been buying all my K’s from Rubens. Why? Three reasons: 1) they’ve got the best quality; 2) the price is competitive; and 3) they treat me like a king (+offer)

Get referral name from customer and send them gift certificate: ___ has arranged for you to receive a $25 floral arrangement free of charge. Just bring this letter in before March 15 and come pick it up. Look forward to hearing from you. We’re located on 1224 Broadway, right next to McDonald’s. Find Speciality newletters, house organs, and other tightly target publications and run ads in them with free high-perceived-dollar item just for coming in. (Ex. restaurant – dentist special – in dental newsletter) Find ancillary high-profit items to sell your customers; promote them: in store, direct mail, telephone – split profit w/ancillary item provider Consignment items – in your store; your’s in other retailer’s outlets – support w/news ads (Suarez) layout ad – w/retailers name in it Immediate thank-you/upsell letter to every new customer – personalized Invite key (influencer/center-of-influence/20%) customers to luncheon or dinner – as thank you for their business: Dear John, We’ve got this new computer that tells us exactly what’s going on in our business. To my pleasant surprise, when I looked at our customer purchase report, there was John Smith as one of our twenty best customers of all times! John, I really appreciate your business and would like to say thank you. I’ve enclosed a gift certificate good for two tickets to the La Boeheme presentation coming to town next week, since I know you’re a big opera buff. Thanks again for your business. OR-I’m holding a special banquet to honor my top 20 customers and would love to have you and Mary attend as my guests. I need to let the hotel know how many to expect soon, so give me a call to let me know if you can make it as soon as possible. Thanks again, etc… Endorsement letter from key customers to their associates introducing your services + offer [“I’ve arranged for a 5% discount on your first purchase/free introductory consultation/etc.] PI deal w/media – great offer (1 medium per offer) Coop ads w/ noncompetitive peers (in or outside your market area) Service businesses only: give community centers of influence free service for limited time period – exchange – endorse program to associates, appear on media, use testimonials -- only if happy with product – same w/ other high-leverage prospects

Call sample % of customer base – survey, how can we serve you better, invite in for free XX just for participating in survey. Create testimonial book/folder POP signs in related retailers – “Ask about our resume preparation services” Clothing – fashion/style shows at prof. association luncheons Info lines- 976/900/800/local – recording + offer Who else can sell my product?? Who else can give my product away as premium?? Door-to-door lead generation – (ex. Big O) sell < $30 package w/$200+ perceived value (you get the backend) Create info-products related to customers needs and sell them – full retail and loss leaders Sales reps (working w/your target prospects – ex. golf supply store – get caddies to pass out tickets to free seminar at your store – ‘the ultimate golf swing, etc.) Free sample of related product – (ex. shoestore –free shoeshine, foot massage – reflexology class – socks –shoecare kit --) New profit centers – info products (list types); seminars (have every employee list topics they could talk/teach about – Free publicity Retailers – free food/snacks/donuts, etc –every Saturday – daily from 4-7 PM, etc. Salesperson in other retail stores w/display/set up consignment areas in dozens, hundreds of stores Maximedia – Radio, TV, Newspaper

Advertorial service w/offer Offer other’s products/services to your customers for % (or sell/rent customer names) -- Direct mail -- In-store salesperson -- Outside salespeople -- Telephone -- All media Wholesaler/business-to-business – find concepts that help customer sell more – license these, offer as bonuses Hire sales manager to do licensing deals for you – moneymaking/saving systems (turn- key) Talk to customers – person or phone – systematically and regularly 00 satisfied? other products/services needed? educate them Call inactive accounts Make USP an acronym – run ads for people to guess what it means (S=24/365) Coupons – super discounts – below cost – crosspromotion (bonuses to their customers + 10% commission for each coupon redeemed) Noncompetitive peers – send each others’ coupons as inserts in monthly statements

Linkage Ideas –

How To Connect With Your

Customers Often Enough To

Maximize Both How Often They Buy

And How Much They Buy

1. Ongoing communication w/customer 2. Database development 3. Unsolicited gift to client list (ex. book) 4. New offer to house list at least monthly 5. Wholesalers – help retailers sell better – teach them sales, marketing, give them ads, etc. 6. Sponsor info-based activities monthly (ex. seminars, lunches w/speaker, etc) 7. Monthly personalized letter – helping your customers – educational – something they will value and want to save (maybe case study oriented, or special report type w/finite # of tips) 8. Minireport on postcard (how to make $; save $; serve clients better, etc.) 9. Monthly article reprint, tape, transcript, etc

How To Create Irresistible Offers

1. Bonuses

2. Extended guarantee

3. Free Samples

4. Contests - winner gets something related to product/service

5. Recorded Message Infoline – Postcard

mailer/Classified/ Tickler Ads

6. Better-Than-Risk-Free guarantee

7. Treasure chest promotion (pharmacist)

8. Private sales – postcards, personal letters, and telemarketing

9. Free report/audiocassette/consultation/etc

10. Packaged services – combine base product w/ancillary products/services

11. Preferred customer club – annual fee entitles special deals/etc.

12. Offer – Local ___ Offers Free ____ To Anybody Considering


13. High-end bonuses – Free $5000 golfclub membership/ Free week Rolls-

Royce rental/etc

14. Puppydog close – free trial (high ticket items)

15. Charity crosspromotions –

1) You give X (dollars, goods) to charity – I’ll give you Y (great

deal, discount, free merchandise, etc.)

2) Fundraiser – sell tickets w/my offer which raises perceived value

of ticket/even (50% off on sandwich, etc.)

16. Distributors – include ad allowance in pricing – ‘for every 100 units

you buy – you get $4000 in advertising’

17. Organizations – one free for every x# that sign up from that

organization (like tour organizers)

18. Send 1st segment of bonus free (‘send rest when you buy your 1

st X

from me)

19. ‘I’ll buy your first X if you’ll Y (come to workshop to learn how to use

it, commit for z months if the system works, etc.

20. Service contracts – extended time period – give bonuses for longer

times (higher perceived value)

21. Find an expert in area relevant to your clients/prospects – tape them

and give info product as bonus (like HCP w/TLC)

22. Info product to distributors/hosts to give away as premium

23. Report (sell for $3-20) – self liquidating for lead generation

24. Let charity sell product and keep 100% of gross – exchange for names

25 Send samples of what you’re selling to selected individuals – known

names in your field/other typical prospects – include response device –

followup by phone

26. 1 month free (chiropractic care)(Professional)(3 month free, etc.)

27. Special offer only to friends/acquaintances of current customers

28. Exch for fee – client send glowing testimonials to peers/customer list –

get names for followup

29. For referrals - $500 bonus coupon

30. Miscellaneous free offers




resource guide


information kit

invitation to seminar/talk program



use of product

product sample

gift certificate




phone call



problem evaluation

product demonstration




sample issue

information if requested on corporate letterhead

information to qualified buyers only

How To Profit From The ‘Law Of Affiliation’:

How You Can Use ‘Crosspromotions’

To Let Other Businesses,

Organizations, And Non-Profits

Bring You Tons Of New Customers –

- For Pennies!

Harry C. Pickens Swears Under Oath That None Of The

“Supercharged” Cross-Promotion Ideas In This Report Are

Illegal…No Matter How Much Money They Make You!

Rolodex review – 2 noncompeting business owners go through database to

Discover potential clients & brainstorm how to approach them

Host companies – endorsement letters/coupons/gift certificates/etc

Fundraisers w/nonprofits (Streetsmart book)

Affinity discount clubs – send package of coupons to club president for

members w/special offer

Interview influential people for your newsletter/cultivate them

Outside salespeople/reps currently serving your target prospects - add to

their existing line

Go through phone book Yellow Pages for hosts, parasites, niches,

associations, nonprofits, etc

Buy leads from other business (unconverted leads)

Host Newsletter Inserts/Articles

Find Sales Organizations Currently working your target prospects – offer

Generous deal to get your product out – include turnkey pitches, letters,

Sales aids, etc. (who could instantly have 100 people around the US calling

every prospect for you?)

Hire college students to call vertical applications for host companies

Who Can Give Away My Product As A Premium?

PI deals/Joint Ventures

Solicit other mail order companies to sell your product for a %

Get others to promote you for a % of the action

Who would have lists of people who could be your customers? (ex. car

dealers’ credit turndowns = prospects for credit repair service)

Organizations – send letter – next mtg. – fill out these needs and send back –

we’d like to send everyone at your meeting a 60-minute tape/when you

listen to tape…

Check yellow pages/news ads for retailers who work your prospect base –

get them to carry your line, give out inserts, etc.

Go through magazines read by your customers – contact every advertiser,

ask them to take on your line – give them big % (ex. Roger Lane w/SDBJ


Commissioned person (on site) in host retailer w/info on your


Relationship w/’competitors’ to extend their product/service lines

Offer great deal to hosts for doing mailing (if they’re current clients – free

service for 2 years, etc.)

Look to current client base for host relationships

Become ‘official’ provider (dentist, chiro, etc.) for their

employees/customers (w/special discount) – or special gift/deal to host

Retailers – you go onsite and have special day when all their

customers/employees can get a free X

All host concepts equally valid for customers and employees and peers (like

letter from one general manager to all his peers)

Have reps sell intro. seminar tickets – keep 100% commission (I get

backend, names, etc.)

Exclusive supplier to conventions, meetings, special events

Seminar for charities/nonprofits – how to raise $100 – 1000/day for your


Consignment in host companies (ex. book on Europe in travel agencies)

Barter for space in retailers/merchants establishments

12 points of (often free) distribution: (Streetsmart Marketing)

Neighborhood businesses to their customers

Employers to employees

Associations to their members

Educational institutions to their students

Business suppliers to their customers

Special event promoters to their audiences

Nonprofits to their supporters

Employees to their friends

Customers to their friends, clients, suppliers

Self to customers

News media

Paid media

Go to businesses – let them access your customers w/their

products/services for a %

Marketing Idea Box Lifetime Customer Value (LCV) Lifetime Referral Value (LRV) Pricetesting Become educational resource in your market area – workshops, info. products, etc. Minimarkets niches/segments that can be dominated totally Develop USP around primary buying criteria of customers Become perceived expert in field License business-boosting ideas to noncompetitive peers nationwide License proven marketing/selling concepts to noncompetitive peers Free Sample Information in your promotional materials (teach immediately applicable and self-validating principles) Integrated, timed media mix (IDM) – maximum synergy Print 1st- Mail (2-5 Days) – Telemarketing (2 days) = response compression Vertical Publications – customize to industries/markets (seniors, women, etc) Spend $ on market validation before $ on product development, manufacturing, etc. Model most successful competitor strategies Get lists of all probable prospects in market area – create 5-10 different offers & test Targeted media (DM, Telemark., Hosts) more efficient than mass (TV, Newspaper, Radio) usually

Spend 4 hours/month personally speaking w/customers/prospects 2 purposes to every communication w/customer/prospect: tell why p/s is superior & Tell them what to do next (programming) Brainstorm weekly w/peers – noncompetitive industries – Problemsolve/brainstorm/exchange ideas LG/LC/CC – three functions of all marketing Call/resolicit former customers regularly Solicit suggestions – suppliers, employees Marketing assessment – vehicle/#customers/revenues/revenue per customer/cost/net per customer Monthly loss-leaders – just to get them back in the store & get them to initiate contact!!! LCV=annuity/autopilot/cashcow/profit center Upselling – new combinations of products – ex. candy box + costume jewelry – 20% discount on combination Would you throw out $1000? (hold up 10 $100 bills) – That is value of each customer – if you can help me capture avg. of 50 new customers/month – I will give you commission – Once you know LCV – spend whatever it takes to get them in – then court and seduce and service and educate them constantly In-house – mailing to own list – up to 25% response!

Uncovering market niche opportunities Describe your most likely customer— geography age ethnicity children? how many? income? own/rent? What organizations do they belong to? - associations? - clubs? - non-profits? what are their favorite charities? what do they do for a living? what companies do they work for? what magazines do they subscribe to? what publications do they read? what kind of car do they drive? what radio stations do they listen to? what TV stations/shows do they watch? where would they be most likely to hear about your product? what social activities do they participate in regularly? how do they decide where to purchase a product like yours? who makes the buying decision? what products and services do they purchase? what businesses do they patronize? what mailing lists would they be on? what contacts do they have with other people, institutions, and media within a typical month?

what schools do/did they attend? if small business owners – who are their suppliers? their clients? their non-competitive peers (local and national)? what special events do they attend? (concerts, trade shows, festivals, sparts events, etc.) what are their greatest frustrations? what are their greatest aspirations? what problem does your product solve in their life? who do they trust?

Advertising Basics Reasons Why

Preemptive – explain/illustrate process – educate

Comprehensive Fact Sheet

Benefits Sheet

Leverage –

Headline to 2100%

Offer to 1000%

Price to 400%

Layout to 400%

Total to 10,000% +

Editorial space ads

Newspaper ads – front or back of section

Pepper ads, letters w/subheads

Personalize headlines wherever possible

Testimonial headlines

Ad headline – Don’t X before you Y (X=product-related – buy a house in

Vista – Y= read this ad/see this video/listen to this tape/etc)

Headlines – brainstorm w/list of 100+

800# - 1st 2 ¶s, body, PS, brochure (3-4x), BRCard

Swipe File

Case studies – before/after – how you got result

Multiple tiny ads – various headlines – run in same publication

2 step whenever possible

Test ads – each of which addresses common

considerations/misperceptions/objections about your product/service

Generic publications (ex. daily papers) – 2 ways to work: 1) free offer

w/wide appeal; 2) tightly targeted headlines (like Dr. Chan)

Solicit testimonials by letter – send gift for responding

2 testimonials/page in each marketing document

When do seminar – take tape recorder – tape every comment –

Collect testimonials – tape recorder, phone survey, written – specific case-

study oriented

Address why people don’t come back – integrate and address those points

in sales literature

The “Lazy Business Owner’s” Way To Riches

How To Use Direct Mail To Get

More Customers Than You’ll Ever

Need – And Make More Money

Than You’ll Ever Spend!

Direct mail marketing is the most powerful form of direct

marketing. Master these essentials and watch your profits


Dollar bill letter/other grabbers/follow w/phone call

Run full-page ad-reprint & mail

Celebrity endorsement letter (only for preexisting product w/successful

track record)

Direct mail lists to rent – Similar product, Recency, Frequency, Unit Of


Send $1-5.00 check w/checklist – lead generation

Letter of appreciation endorsement w/gift cert/invitation/check (pay for this

in %, free services, flat fee, reciprocity, ????)

Certified/registered/overnight/odd shaped/courier-delivered mail

Reprint reviews/articles – use in mail pieces

Assumptive letter w/sample of product

10 minute introductory videotape + personal letter

Mail first-class

Personalize mail whenever possible

Send letters w/photos

Use prospect name in personalized letter/article headlines

Customize mailers psychographically (ex – Hustler readers vs. GQ)

Tips For Successful Newspaper


1. Use a headline. 2. If possible, mention your offer in your headline and/or subhead. 3. Be sure to articulate the reasons why your prospective client should buy from you. 4. Benefits, benefits, benefits! 5. Follow the AIDA formula: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. 6. Put a border around your ad. If it’s a small ad, make your border distinctive. 7. Forget about being artistic, clever, or creative. If the ad doesn’t sell, it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. 8. Include testimonials wherever appropriate. Make sure your testimonials cite specific benefits provided by your product/service. “It’s wonderful”, “Fantastic”, “Incredible”, etc. are not believable, and may actually decrease credibility and response! 9. Use full names in testimonials whenever possible. 10. Include a limited-time offer whenever possible. Anything you do to add urgency will boost response. 11. Set your headline in large type. 12. Always include your address and phone number. Make it easy for readers to contact you. 13. Experiment with different ad sizes and shapes. 14. Use as much copy as you need to get your message across. Don’t be afraid of using long copy. 15. Study your competitor’s ads. Analyze them and make your ads better. 16. Arrange to share advertising ideas with your peers in other geographic areas, as well as non-competitive local businesses. Schedule regular brainstorming sessions for business-boosting ideas. 17. Keep precise records of the results of every ad you place. Testing is meaningless unless you track results. 18. Make sure your ad is consistent with the needs, desires, and values of your intended market and the publication you’re advertising in.

19. Target your ad to your ideal customer. Speak in terms of his/her needs and desires. Demonstrate specifically how you have the unique solution to his/her problems. 20. Ask every client/customer where he/she heard about you. 21. Talk to your customers frequently. Ask for feedback on your product/service. Ask them, “If you were me, what would you say in your advertising that would convince readers to buy your product?” Sooner or later, you’ll get an idea that dramatically improves your ad!

Sample Article

Keys To Marketing Success by Harry C Pickens

No matter what your business, marketing your products and services is critical for your success. “Many businesses fail because they fail to understand marketing”, according to Kathryn Retzler, president of the Greentree Group management consulting firm. She continues, “With the increased competition in business today, every business man and woman....must become and expert in the practice of cost-efficient marketing.” Brian Tracy, world-famous speaker, trainer, and author of the bestselling audiocassette program The Psychology Of Achievement, says: “We know that the purpose of a business is to create customers, and that the success or failure of the marketing strategy determines the success or failure of the company.”

Tracy continues, “If your company is succeeding, it’s because your marketing strategy is good. If your company is failing, it’s because your marketing strategy is poor.” Last month, I shared with your five fundamental marketing principles I’ve discovered after studying hundreds of businesses, from one-person operations to Fortune 500 corporations. In this article, you’ll learn four more keys to marketing success. #1. Serve your cl ients so well that they are natural ly inspired to ‘brag’ about your

business to others. Roger Lane, developer of The Finance Course, shares this idea in his audiocassette, “The Money Game – How To Play It And Win”. He asks, ‘how often have you gone to a business and really been served in an extraordinary fashion? When you are, don’t you tell others about it? Of course you do. Why? Because your interaction with that business exceeded your expectations.”Deliver more in value than you’re paid in dollars and your chances for success will be dramatically enhanced. How can you accomplish this? How can you make dealing with your business a pleasant, empowering experience? In his excellent book, Marketing Without Advertising (published by Nolo Press,) Michael Phillips discusses a number of points that you should pay special attention to, including the following: 1. My product or service is the best it can be. 2. I’m prepared to handle an increase in the number of customers generated by my marketing plan smoothly and efficiently. 3. The physical appearance of my business and of all my products, packaging, and other materials encourages customer to trust my management skills. 4. My pricing is clear, complete, and fair. 5. The people around me, including employees, suppliers, friends, and even those who dislike me, are treated as honestly and professionally as possible. 6. I can clearly describe my business and so can most of my customers and suppliers. 7. My customers know as much as they want about my product or service, including what is superior and unique about the way I conduct my business. 8. Customers who have problems with me or my business are aware of my recourse procedure and feel they will end up satisfied. 9. I schedule and carry out marketing activities on a regular basis. 2. Be scrupulous ly honest in a l l your market ing communicat ions . Adver t i s ing exper t Hershel Gordon Lewis describes the last quarter of the 20th century as the age of skepticism. Consumers – your

prospective customers – are tired of hype and exaggeration. They want to make up their own minds, without fear of manipulation. They want to be sure your product delivers/measures up to expectations. Here’s how you can counter their natural skepticism: 1. Avoid making unrealistic-sounding, exaggerated claims, even if you can prove them. 2. Provide the names of others who have benefited from your product/service. 3. In advertisements, always print the full name when you use testimonials. 4. Reverse risk by offering free trials or samples and/or a liberal guarantee policy. If your product performs, there is no reason why the customer should have to take any risk. 5. Articulate the specific reasons why someone should do business with you in every ad, letter, flyer, brochure, or other marketing document you produce. 3. Collect the names, addresses , and phone numbers of your current and prospective

customers and communicate with them regularly. Your mailing list, or customer database is your biggest source of lifetime profits. Here’s why: 1) according to Fortune magazine, it costs 5 times as much to generate a new customer than to resell an existing customer. Your existing customers trust you. They’ve already had a positive experience with your business. They know you’ll deliver on your promises. All you need to do is create a systematic way of asking them to buy from you more often. The one individual who perhaps exemplifies this principle more than anyone is Joe Girard. Now a premier sales trainer, Joe Girard was a car salesman who sold more cars every year, for 11 years running, than any other salesperson. The key to Joe’s success was his realization that only by establishing a long-term relationship with his customers and prospects could he maximize his success. First of all, Joe established a reputation for exemplary service. He would intercede personally with the service manager to make sure his customers were completely satisfied. Secondly, Joe would send a greeting card every month of the year to his entire 13,000 name database. Each month, the card would come in a different colored envelope, and would contain a simple message: “Thinking about you”, “I like you!”, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”. This simple strategy of keeping in touch helped Joe develop a business that was over 80% referrals and repeat sales. Stay in touch with your customers. Here are a few more ideas for staying in touch: Sponsor some kind of information-based event (workshop, seminar, luncheon with a guest speaker, etc.) that would be of interest to your list; send a postcard announcing a ‘private sale’ – with special discounts or added services exclusively for your customers; if you work with businesses, send them information that will help them become more successful ( for example, a copy of this article ) along with a personal note – “I thought this might be of interest to you”); send a postcard with problem-solving tips (for example, a meditation center might send a card on the topic: ten ways to reduce stress).

4. Always ask for some kind of response in your advertising and promotions materials.

As a small business owner, you need to make every dollar spent on advertising product maximum results. When you measure the response generated by each ad, flyer, or brochure, you know immediately if your approach has been successful. The public tells you by its response. If your ad fails, you can determine exactly where you failed by isolating its various components and testing each one separately. Here are a few techniques that tend to increase the number of responses, your ad generates: 1. Offer a free item of relatively high perceived value just for responding to your ad. (booklet, tape, introductory seminar, consultation, etc.) 2. If offering a free booklet, report, or other information product, give it a title that promises a clear and practical benefit independent from the benefits provided by your product/service. (For example, a clinical hypnotist specializing in weight loss might offer a free report titled, “Why diets don’t work – new discoveries about the true cause of weight loss”) 3. Feature your offer with larger type. Incorporate your offer into the headline. The more you emphasize the offer (providing it is a good one), the more inquiries you will receive. 4. Leave price information out of your ad. 5. Increase the size of your ad. (Test this in small increments)

6. If you’re running the ad in a newspaper or magazine, request that the ad be placed on a right-hand page above the fold. This position generally gets greater readership. 7. Make a commitment to advertise consistently for a minimum of three, preferable six, months. Research shows that repetition dramatically increases response. Marketing consultant Jay Conrad Levison explains why in his book, Guerilla Marketing: “Consistency equates with familiarity. Familarity equates with confidence. And confidence equates with sales. Provided that your products or services are of sufficient quality, confidence in yourself and your offering will attract buyers more than any other attribute. More than quality. More than selection. More than price. More than service. Confidence will be your ally. And consistent marketing will breed confidence.”

Harry C. Pickens is an entrepreneur and direct marketing specialist. In 1989, his non-traditional approach to marketing earned his clients over 4.3 million dollars. Harry is also the developer of the MetaMarketing™ training, a comprehensive, hands-on marketing program for small business owners/operators. He can be reached at (619) 466-7747.

Unique seminar reveals secrets of low-cost, high-impact marketing – Only $29 to XYZ

members and their guests

In the past seven months, my unusual, non-traditional marketing concepts

earned my clients over $4.3 million dollars.

Now I’d like to do the same for you.

Give me three hours and I’ll show you how to

increase your sales—and profits— by up to 450% within the next 90 days.

Dear Business Owner: If you’re not making enough money with your business, it’s probably because of at least one of the following reasons: 1. You haven’t identified your target market -- you don’t know how to find the prospects who need

what you’re selling.

2. You’re not contacting enough prospects – too few people know what you’ve got to offer


3. When you do contact potential customers, you’re not persuading enough prospects to buy now – your ads, sales letters and other marketing documents don’t do the job.

If you’re sick and tired of financial frustration, and are ready to increase your sales, generate

more new customers, and increase your net profits, I can help. How? Simple. In three hours, I’ll show you exactly how to integrate proven, high-impact (but little-known) marketing ideas, concepts, and strategies into your business. Techniques that will help you put more money in your pockets – fast.

How to get maximum results out of every marketing dollar

My name is Harry C. Pickens. I’m an entrepreneur and direct marketer who specializes in helping small and medium-sized firms get maximum results out of every dollar they spend on


Unlike most ‘marketing consultants’, my work with clients is designed for fast, measurable results. In the past seven months alone, my high-impact marketing concepts have generated over $4.3

million in sales for my clients. In my three-hour MetaMarketing™ seminar, I promise to ‘cut through the fluff’ and give you the practical, step-by-step tools you need to immediately increase your income. During the seminar, you’ll learn strategies that you have helped businesses in over 100 different industries increase their sales – and profits – as much as 450% within 90 days or less. In three intense, fact-filled hours, you’ll pinpoint the key marketing obstacles that are

holding your business back, and discover how to get all the customers/clients you’ll ever need.

Here’s what you’ll learn

¶ How to get maximum impact for every marketing dollar and produce two, three or four

times the sales results for as little as half your current marketing cost;

¶ How to establish a differential competitive advantage that makes your business stand out

from the competition;

¶ How to find hundreds of new, highly - qualified prospects for your products

and services;

¶ The 17 critical marketing mistakes made by virtually every small business (the probably

cost you at least $15,000 last year!);

¶ How to increase the dollar amount of the average new customer’s first

purchase by 35- 200% ;

¶ How to get organizations, nonprofits, and other businesses to promote your products and

services – for FREE;

¶ The single most common (profit-draining) mistake in direct marketing – and

how to avoid it before you throw away thousands of dollars;

¶ And more! You’ll walk out of this seminar with literally dozens of practical, maximum-impact marketing

tools and techniques that you can use immediately to sell more products and services to your new and current customers. In fact, in the first forty-five minutes of the seminar, I’ll show you 33

proven ideas that businesses just like yours have used to increase their sales –

practically overnight.

The best part – seminar tuition only $29

That’s right. Because of your affiliation with XYZ, your cost is only $29- a tiny fraction of the value of the information you will receive. What’s the catch? There is none.

I also teach the MetaMarketing™ Intensive, a comprehensive, hands-on marketing training program. Most of the people who attend my three-hour seminar are so impressed with the quality and quantity of practical information delivered, they immediately see the value of the longer program. Of course, there’s no obligation, no high (or low) pressure sales pitch - just three solid hours of solid, concise information that will help you reach your financial goals.

Unconditional risk-free guarantee

If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let me know and you’ll receive a full refund. No questions asked, no hard feelings. The seminar will be held from 6:30 – 9:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 28, 1990 at the Raddison Hotel in Mission Valley (3223 Camino del Rio South). Call me today at (619) XXX-XXXX to confirm your reservation. Seating is limited. Call today.

Thank you. I look forward to helping you take control of your financial destiny. Sincerely, Harry C. Pickens P.S. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can increase your sales and profits within the

next 90 days. Call me today at (619) XXX-XXXX.

Unique seminar reveals secrets of low-cost, high-impact marketing – Only $29

($19 to XYZ members)

In the past seven months, Harry Pickens earned his clients over

$4.3 million dollars with his unusual, non-traditional marketing concepts.

Now he’d like to do the same for you.

I’ve persuaded Harry to conduct a one-time-only,

‘no holds barred’ seminar for XYZ members and their associates.

In just three hours Harry will show you how to

increase your sales – and profits – by up to 450% within the next 90 days.

Please read every word of this letter. It could be

worth thousands of dollars in extra income for you.

Dear Friend, I’d like to ask you four very important questions: 1. Would you like to make more money? 2. Have you ever wondered why your business is not as profitable as you hoped it would


3. Would you like to learn exactly how to earn – and keep – all the money you need – so that your business can help you live the kind of life you’ve always wanted? 4. Have you ever wondered how much you could accomplish if you could really ‘release your financial brakes’ once and for all – and cut through every single limitation that holds

you back from making more money than you can spend?

If you’ve every pondered the answers to any of these questions, what I’m going to share with you in this letter could be worth literally tens of thousands of dollars to you in the next few months. Please read on.

If you’re sick and tired of financial frustration, and are ready to increase your sales, generate

more new customers, and increase your net profits, I’d like to introduce you to a man

who can help you dramatically increase your income faster than anything else I know.

His name is Harry Pickens. Harry’s an entrepreneur and direct marketer who specializes in helping small and medium-sized companies get maximum results out of every dollar they spend on marketing.

Unlike most ‘marketing consultants’, Harry’s work with clients is designed for fast,

measurable results.

I’ve persuaded him to present a special three-hour seminar to a select group of serious, profit- minded entrepreneurs in which he will reveal many of the breakthrough marketing concepts that have, in the past seven months alone, generated over $4.3 million in sales for his clients. Normally, Harry only works with large corporations who gladly pay him $1500 a day and more just to brainstorm. However, he’s agreed to spend three intensive hours with XYZ members and affiliates sharing with them the exact techniques they need in order to integrate dozens of proven, high-impact (but little-known) marketing ideas, concepts, and strategies into their businesses. Harry’s an absolute master at coming up with low-cost, maximum impact marketing ideas that can easily boost your sales – and profits – as much as 450% or more within a 90-day period. Here’s what I mean. Harry recently spoke for 15 minutes are our monthly XYZ meeting. His audience was comprised of 43 seasoned and savvy entrepreneurs – open minded but not easily impressed. Within the first 60 seconds of his talk, Harry showed the group how to increase their sales by 60-250%. During the next 9 minutes, he shared no fewer than 7 specific non-traditional concepts that generated over $2 million just last year for one of Harry’s corporate clients. Then he worked his way around the room, showing selected participants how to use these concepts in their businesses. Every member of the spellbound audience walked out that night with a totally new perspective on marketing – and with money-making ideas they could put to work immediately!

I’m telling you, this man can generate more high-profit marketing ideas in one day than most ‘marketing consultants’ come up with in a lifetime. Plus, he’s a born teacher. Time after time, I’ve seen Harry ‘cut through the bull’ and explain the most intricate concept so simply than any 12-year-old could understand and use it to make a lot of money. You’re probably thinking, “Great. But how can this guy help my business? My business I different.” You’re right. You business is unique.

However, every business that’s not making enough money has at least one of two problems: You don’t have enough new customers, or you’re not selling enough to your existing customers. Harry’s marketing techniques can solve both problems – fast. Plus, he’s done his homework. First of all, Harry’s no ‘ivory tower theoretician’. He’s in the trenches – every day – working with businesses in a wide variety of industries ) he’s masterminded marketing strategies for one-person operations, best-selling authors, and $25 million corporations) And that’s only the beginning. You see, Harry’s not satisfied to learn just from his own experience – he knows that the fast-

track requires learning from the successes – and failures – of others.

In fact, he’s a compulsive learner. He reads at 2000 words a minute and drinks information like most people drink coffee. He’s a walking marketing encyclopedia who spends no less than 90 hours every month in intensive research, investigating winning marketing ideas, interviewing successful entrepreneurs, analyzing successful ads, reading the latest books, specialty magazines, and exclusive newsletters – just to distill the best, most solidly verifiable ideas into practical action steps you can take today to dominate your marketplace. And, since Harry’s investigated over 2300 businesses in over 100 industries, chances are extraordinarily good that he’s uncovered ideas, strategies, and tactics that could be extremely profitable for you. Techniques that will help you put more money in your pockets – fast. When you join Harry for the seminar, you’ll be able to pinpoint the key marketing obstacles that are holding your business back. You’ll also discover how to get all the customers/clients you’ll ever need. Here are some of the specific topics Harry will cover during the seminar:

¶ How to get maximum impact for every marketing dollar and produce two, three, or

four times the sales result for as little as half your current marketing cost;

¶ How to establish a differential competitive advantage that makes your business stand out

from the competition:

¶ How to find hundreds of new, highly - qualified prospects for your

products and services;

¶ The 17 critical marketing mistakes made by virtually every small business (they probably

cost you at least $15,000 last year!);

¶ How to increase the dollar amount of the average new customer’s first

purchase by 35-200%;

¶ How to get organizations, nonprofits, and other businesses to promote your products and

services – for FREE;

¶ The single most common (profit-draining ) mistake in direct marketing –

and how to avoid it before you throw away thousands of dollars;

¶ And much more! You’ll walk out of this seminar with literally dozens of practical, maximum-impact

marketing tools and techniques that you can use immediately to sell more products and services to your new and current customers. In fact, in the first forty-five minutes of the seminar, Harry’s promised to show

you no less than 33 proven ideas that businesses just like yours have used to

increase their sales – practically overnight.

The best part – seminar tuition only $29 ($19 to XYZ members)

That’s right. Because of your affiliation with XYZ, your cost is only $29 ($19 to members) – a tiny fraction of the value of the information you will receive. What’s the catch? There is none.

Harry also teaches the MetaMarketing ™ Intensive, a comprehensive, hands-on marketing training program. Most of the people who hear Harry speak are so impressed with the quality and quantity of practical information delivered, they immediately see the value of working with him personally for four-and-one-half full days in his Intensive.

Of course, there’s no obligation – just three solid hours of solid, concise information that will help your business become more successful than you’ve probably ever imagined. The seminar will be held from 6 – 9 P.M. on Thursday, March 29, 1990 at the Sheraton

Harbor Island East (1380 Harbor Island Drive). Give me a call today at (619) 283-3854 to confirm your reservation. Seating is limited. Thank you. Sincerely, John Jones P.S. This is an opportunity you really don’t want to miss. Harry will teach you more solid,

proven money-making concepts in three hours than you could learn in four years at the top business schools in the country. He’s that good.

You’ll kick yourself if you miss this.

Harry can help you make a lot of money. Give me a call to reserve your seat. I look forward to seeing you on the 29th.

How To Create A “Killer” Marketing Plan That Will

Help You Find The People Who Want What You’re Selling And Persuade Them To Buy NOW!

16 Essential Questions You Must Answer

1. What are your objectives? # New Customers Gross Sales Net Profit # Ancillary Sales to Existing Customer Base 2. Who is your target market? 3. What are the needs and desires of your target market? 4. What are the key frustrations of your target market? 5. What singular, unique benefit do you have to offer your market? 6. What specific problem are you solving in your customer’s life? 7. What is your marketing budget? 8. What are the most effective methods of reaching your market? 9. What media will you use to reach your prospects? 10. What are the features of your product/service? 11. What are the specific, client-centered benefits of your product/service? 12. How many low-cost media can you exploit to communicate persuasively with the maximum number of prospects? 13. What modes of free publicity will you use? 14. What marketing documents will you need? 15. What personal contacts and centers of influence can you tap to ‘spread the word’ about your product/service? 16. What are the specific tasks to be completed and who is responsible for each?

10 Step Marketing Action Plan

1. Determine Your Business Identity Product/Service Problem Solved Typical Customer Target Market Competitive Analysis Primary Non-Addressed Needs In Industry Differential Competitive Advantage Industry Leaders Analysis 2. Conduct An Inventory Of Your Business Success Factors Marketing History Current Sales 3. Determine Your Marketing Objectives 4. Evaluate & Prioritize Available Tactics General Resoliciting Past Customers Cross- Promotions Generating Referrals Ancillary Products/Services New Niches/Market Segments 5. Create 1-year Marketing Calendar One tactic per week 6. Write Action Plan for each week’s activity 7. Create Master Calendar 8. Write Marketing Document Templates 9. Implement Marketing Tactics 10. Evaluate/Modify Tactics based on test results

General Offer # 1 Media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Offer #2 Media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Offer #3 Media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Documents Needed:

Resoliciting Past Customers Offer #1 Media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Offer #2 Media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Offer #3 Media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Offer # 4: Media: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Documents needed:

Crosspromotions Tactic #1 Offer Business Categories Specific Businesses 1. a. b. c. d. 2. a. b. c. d. 3. a. b. c. d. 4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. b. c. d. 6. a. b. c. d. 7. a. b. c. d. Documents needed:

Referral 1. Tactic Offer Media 2. Tactic Offer Media 3. Tactic Offer Media 4. Tactic Offer Media 5. Tactic Offer Media 6. Tactic Offer Media 7. Tactic Offer Media Documents needed:

Ancillary Products/Services 1. Item

Market: Offer: Media: Documents needed: Marketing Calendar Week Date Tactic Media Goal Actual Rank

Customer Media Survey Please check the appropriate boxes. Thank you. Newspapers How often do you read: Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never San Diego Union Light Connection San Diego Reader Others: (please list) Radio Stations Daily 2-3x/week once/week occasionally never FM Stations KSDS 88.3 KJPO 98.3 AM Stations KMON 1200 WESC 1130 TV Stations 3+ hours/day 1-3 hours/day 1 hour or less/day 2/3x/weeketc Have you recently seen our advertising? Where? Thanks for your help. Return this form and receive a free ________.