HAVEN MESSENGER · Birthdays, Anniversaries . 5 JULY 2020 1 THREE WORSHIP OPTIONS EACH WEEKEND ......

Post on 06-Jul-2020

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Worship Services ............ 1

Up Coming Events ........... 2

Haven Ministries, Worship

Readings .......................... 4

Birthdays, Anniversaries . 5

JULY 2020



The following worship offerings are what we will try for the

month of July. Since we are in new COVID territory, we may

need to make small adjustments or bigger changes as we learn

through experience. We ask for your prayers, thoughts and un-

derstanding. Haven is strong in spirit and love, thanks be to God.

Let us worship our Lord gladly together.

ON-LINE WORSHIP will continue to be taped

in the sanctuary and posted on-line for a

Sunday, morning premiere. It can be watched

any time after 9:30 am. We pray this brings

God’s word and church to those who do not

consider it safe to venture out of their homes.

If you have a place outside your home where

social distancing can be practiced, Pastor

Alessandri can bring holy communion to you at a scheduled time.


WOSHIP 9:30 am - Stay in your car and

listen to worship at 106.5 FM. OR, you can

bring a lawn chair, wear a face mask and sit

6 ft. away from others on the lawn. Cars are

to park in every other space and bulletins

will be brought to your car by an usher who is

masked and using gloves.

Folks in their cars are asked not to get out of their cars unless

they have a face mask and practice good social distancing.

Restrooms are available in the building. Again, please wear

masks, stay 6 feet from others and follow the guidelines posted at

HAVEN MISSION STATEMENT (adopted 2/26/06 by Haven Church)

“To honor God, to reach out with love to our members and the community

and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

July Worship Service Schedule

For up to date information on our Haven building

re-opening and all other Haven news please visit

our website at www.havenlc.org

(under the “News” tab)


the restrooms.

We hope to be able to have holy communion available at these services, initially using bread/wafer


If the weather is uncertain, please call the church before you leave for church. After

8:30 am there will be a message if we need to cancel due to anticipated weather conditions. Call 301-

733-5056 and AS SOON as the regular recorded message starts, you can punch the star button (*)

which will take you to messages for cancellations and special events.


STARTING JULY 17 This is a service w e have had during the

summer on Saturdays for quite a few years. It is the same order of worship

used on a Sunday morning but there is no music. We will practice social

distancing and all must wear face masks. There will be blue tape on pews

where people may sit. We will serve communion using bread alone.

These are indeed strange and strained times as we navigate our way to liv-

ing safely with COVID still spreading. Haven’s Re-Opening Team has been carefully gathering infor-

mation and advice about best and safe practices for worship and moving activities back into the

building. Our movement may seem slow but caution is important for the health of all.

We hope you will worship each weekend. It is one way you can stay grounded in God’s Word and

participate in God’s community at Haven. Anchored in God’s word and church, we are fortified for

the challenges of our days and future.

Block Party And School Supply Project Reimaged For 2020




It soon became clear that having a Block Party and dis-

tributing school supplies as we have for the last years

would not be possible. Between the limits on crowd sizes

and the need to social distance, it was not safe.

We know that many families are facing additional finan-

cial hardships. Providing all the school supplies children

may be asked to have could be even more difficult. So,

yes, lets help these children be ready for a new school year.

Usually, we would be asking members of the congregation to look for those back to school sales and

buy certain items. Every year it has been a Godsighting to see the bags and piles of supplies that

come in. This year, however, we have many more people who do not find it safe to go out to stores,

especially during sales where there might be crowds.

Marge Cunningham gathered a great team of folks to help us think through a way to help our chil-

dren this year. Ideas, questions, possibilities were shared during a ZOOM meeting on June 29. We

think we have a good plan to “reach out with love to our community.”

We are putting together lists of items needed by student in Pre-K – 8th grade. Using last year’s num-

bers, we will decide how much of each item we will need. We will then buy these item in bulk on-line

or through a few willing shoppers. That means we need SPONSORS to help finance the supplies

needed by an elementary or middle school child. Averaging the cost of each grade, we estimate it will

cost about $20 per child.

SO HOW MANY CHILDREN CAN HAVEN SUPPLY FOR SCHOOL? A full sponsorship for each stu-

dent is $20 but please know that ANY contribution will be greatly appreciated. We will have enve-

lopes available at the Saturday evening and Drive-up/Outdoor services. But you do not need an enve-

lope to participate. Just send a check to Haven Lutheran Church with “school supplies” on the memo

line. You can mail it or drop it off at the offering box on the parsonage porch. SO HOW MANY CHIL-


We are setting an August 2nd deadline for contr ibutions. Of course, we W ILL accept dona-

tions after August 2nd. But we’d like to be able to have a good sense of our available funds by August

2nd so we know how many supplies we can purchase.

This may be a tougher challenge than usual since we are not gathered together in one place or taking

reminder tags off our giving tree. Haven hasn’t been thwarted yet when it comes to helping others.

Decide what you can give to this community project and send it in now before you forget. Imagine

children, excited to be back in the classroom, seeing their friends and teachers and likely facing unu-

sual restrictions. We can help make sure that for 100 children, having needed school supplies does

not have to be an added problem.

The team working on this community project will meet again via ZOOM on July 13. At that time, we

will begin to determine how to distribute the supplies and to which schools. If you have any thoughts

or suggestions, please contact Marge Cunningham.

SEND IN YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLY CONTRIBUTION BEFORE AUGUST 2ND. We CAN make a dif-ference. We CAN reach out with love to our community’s children and families.


OTHER HAVEN MINISTRIES HOLLY PLACE is a non-profit organization that aims to provide senior residents with the best

possible care in a “home-like” setting. When we begin to gather again for worship, we will resume

collecting items needed for the ministry of Holly Place. Until that time, you may send monetary do-

nations for Holly Place and we will forward those funds to Holly Place Alternative Living, Inc. so they

can buy needed supplies during this time.

Sunday Readings for July

July 5

Zechariah 9:9-12, Psalm 145:8-14, Romans 7:15-25a, Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

July 12

Isaiah 55:10-13, Psalm 65:[1-8] 9-13, Romans 8:1-11, Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

July 19

Isaiah 44:6-8, Psalm 86:11-17, Romans 8:12-25, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

July 26

1 Kings 3:5-12, Psalm 119:129-136, Romans 8:26-39, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52


50 Years of Ordained Women

With gratitude for those who have gone before and hope for the future, the ELCA gives thanks to God for the ministry of women. In 2019 and 2020 we celebrate 50 years of Lutheran women being or-dained in the United States, 40 years of women of color being ordained, and 10 years of LGBTQIA+ individuals being able to serve freely.

As part of this anniversary year, we lament that women have been barred from serving and have been bullied, dismissed and excluded. We also cele-brate the gifts and service that women have brought to our church and our world as pastors.

Congregations are encouraged to hold commemorative events throughout the year! Below are three resources to help congregations observe these anniversaries, including a five-session adult forum, a four-session Bible study, and a liturgy with Scripture and hymn suggestions.

If you want to dig deeper, this website explores the history of the ordination decision and what came after. Here is a playlist of ELCA videos related to the anniversary. To read the stories of rostered women of color, check out "God's Faithfulness on the Journey." Living Lutheran has a series of arti-cles reflecting on the anniversary as well!

( The link below will take you to the article above and ‘digging deeper’ links for printed copy users https://www.elca.org/50yearsofordainedwomen.)


Contributions may be mailed to the church at 1035 Haven Road, Hagerstown, MD 21742.

Please DO NOT leave envelopes in the mailbox that have not gone through USPS,

as that is illegal and the church can be fined for it.


Birthdays & Anniversaries

Look who’s celebrating special days this month!!!

Is your special day missing?

Please contact the church office if your birthday or anniversary is missing from our list.

We want to celebrate all of our members special days with them. We celebrate all of God’s children!

Betty Getz 07/01

Todd Faith 07/02

Larry Hartsock 07/02

Terry Trovinger 07/05

Robert Webb 07/08

Charlotte Loveless 07/09

Jackie Webb 07/12

June Hess 07/18

Grant Wills 07/19

Irene Giffin 07/20

Veronica Bergschneider 07/22

Mary Fortson 07/24

Austin Suchy 07/25

Georgetta Kauffman 07/28

Adam Tice 07/29

Korben Defriece 07/31

Pat Manspeaker 07/31

Maura Haupt 07/01

Otelia Dumpe 07/11

Dick & Pat Manspeaker 07/04

Larry & Sharon Hartsock 07/05

Jim & Jamie Cannon 7/07

Eric & Stephanie Meredith 07/08

Dave & Sue Resh 07/14



Evangelical Lutheran

Church 1035 Haven Road

Hagerstown, MD 21742

Haven Messenger

Haven Lutheran Church

1035 Haven Road

Hagerstown, MD 21742







9:00 AM—1:00 PM


LINDA M. ALESSANDRI Pastorlma@havenlc.org



We will CONTINUE TO update you as we safely re-open the Haven CHURCH building. See page 1 for all the ways we

are worshipping at Haven in July.