HAWAIIAN SACRED BODY “TEMPLE” STYLE” · 2018-12-18 · Body draining systems and underbody...

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“TEMPLE” STYLE”level 1, 2

& 3





Tutor- Paulina Buatava McGrath DRM

ATMS Natural Therapist/Trainer &




Each session is of 6 hour’s duration


Huna Philosophy & Huna 7 Principles

Practical hands on

Practical Assessment

Certificate of Attainment


Note pad & pen

Wear casual clothing and bring a few sarongs


This beautiful form of Hawaiian full body massage provides a holistic approach to healing by

balancing the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual. It is a unique style

where the practitioner uses hands, forearms and elbows, and moves around the massage table

(using Hula and TaiChi style movements) working with energy while applying soft and deep

tissue massage strokes.


Huna is an ancient tradition, an intelligent system of spiritual psychology, sacred initiation,

meditation, chanting, advanced healing, creating and manifesting practices. It represents both a

unique expression of the teachings of ancient Polynesia and a remarkable approach to life. Huna

is the sacred spiritual teaching of Hawaii. Huna means “secret, hidden,” and it describes the

esoteric teaching behind the spiritual way of life of the ancient Hawaiian people.


The Essence of Healing:- Movement is the natural rhythm of the universe. When we stop moving, physically, emotionally and spiritually, part of our being becomes stagnate. As we move or allow those parts of ourselves to be touched, we reconnect with heal and remember who we are. Merging the Mana (power) of spirit and your willingness to learn will bring a lasting change to your life. From now on each day should be aimed at restoring balance, and harmony to yourselves and to others you come in contact with, in your life.


To understand the depth of Lomi Lomi massage, it helps to have an understanding of the Hawaiian philosophy called Huna, and how the philosophies of Huna relate to bodywork and healing.

A Lomi Lomi usually commences with a stillness between the practitioner and client, often with the

practitioner’s hands gently resting on the clients back. The massage is given in fluid, rhythmic

motion using the forearms as well as the hands. It has been described that the massage feels like

gentle waves moving over the body. Another feature is that different parts of the body may be

massaged at the same time, for example one arm or hand may be working on a shoulder and the

other hand may be working on the opposite hip. This assists the recipient in totally relaxing as it is

impossible or at least extremely difficult for the brain to focus on the two different areas at once.

By not working on areas in isolation a deep sense of balance and harmony is achieved.

Another major difference from other massage is that the person lays directly on the vinyl of the

table and not on a towel and rather than being covered completely by towels, is covered by a

small sheet or towel leaving most of the body exposed during the massage, whilst maintaining the

recipient’s modesty. This makes it a lot easier to perform the underbody and full body strokes

without interrupting the flow of the massage.


In this three-day intensive and immersive workshop, student will learn:

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Learn the flight of the navigator, the albatross dance, and how to apply these dances to

massage strokes

Using your forearms and hands, you will learn to dance over the whole body in prone and

supine position

Flying (Ka Lele) is a sacred shamanic dancing from left to right and right to left. In its

simplicity, it brings into alignment ~ your body (Kino), ~your breath (Ha) and ~your Spirit

(Uhane). It is creating inner balance (Pono) and a deeper connection with your heart

(Aloha). This sacred step, Ka Lele, is a very powerful tool to set intentions and to energize

prayers and visions for humanity and the world as well for ourselves.

Main tool is basically your forearm/hand techniques for working the body, prone and supine, and the principles behind them

Self-care and movement to improve body mechanics to save your hands, wrists, & body from burnout and fatigue

Deeper methods to center yourself and become more present & heart centered in your sessions

How Lomi Lomi can be integrated into your current practice

In depth focus on the Hawaiian sacred principles of Aloha (love) & Pono (alignment) and Ho’omaluhia (to spread peace) to deepen your connection to clients and your heart centered self

You will learn techniques that will enable you to give a deep massage without straining


Body reading to develop skill in recognizing tension

Exercises to develop intuition

Meditations for healing, relaxation and goal setting and shamanism journeying

How to keep the energy flowing without getting tired and burned out

The emotional and spiritual effect of massage therapy

Balancing of masculine and feminine energies

Personal transformation through Shamanism Huna Principles and Philosophy

How to work powerfully, using breathe Piko Piko

Learn about the power of blessings and the Aloha way


ADVANCE LEVEL: Body draining systems and underbody techniques – New strokes and underbody

techniques which facilitate deeper work and stretching of the muscles and spine

Specific stretches to various muscle groups and joint rotations.

Polynesian floor work on the massage table

Meditation and Exercises to build Mana

Working with breathe and guiding recipient how to heal through breathe work

How to harness the healing power of intention

Shamanic techniques to assist in your development as healer

Spiritual healing techniques and body awareness will be explored

Revise techniques, receive stroke correction

You will extend on your skills to give a powerful and transformative massage

At the end of this course, you will be able to perform 1 ½ Sacred Kahuna Temple

Style Hawaiian massage

CLIENT: The recipient may set their intention for any healing, they would like to receive. The massage then works very intuitively with the client. Dance-work or hula movements are all important to assisting the energy flow both within the therapist and recipient and helps keep the energy high level, combined with breathing techniques. .

How to Enhance Your Power to Bless This technique enhances your power to bless by increasing your personal energy. It is a

simple way of breathing that is also used for grounding, centering, meditation and healing. It requires no special place or posture, and may be done while moving or still, busy or resting, with eyes open or closed. In Hawaiian the technique is called pikopiko because it means both the crown of the head and the navel.



Become aware of your natural breathing (it might change on its own just because of your

awareness, but that's okay).

Locate the crown of your head and your navel by awareness and/or touch.

Now, as you inhale put your attention on the crown of your head; and as you exhale put

your attention on your navel. Keep breathing this way for as long as you like.

When you feel relaxed, centered, and/or energized, begin imagining that you are surrounded with an invisible cloud of light or an electro-magnetic field, and that your breathing increases the energy of this cloud or field.

As you bless, imagine that the object of your blessing is surrounded with some of the same

energy that surrounds you.

For the practitioner:

Allow to relax your upper body and your arms and allowing to be supported by your weight

of your body into your tool pressure.

In the beginning, work superficially with light pressure, learn to navigate around the

protrusions on/of the body in the prone and supine position

The elbow and thumb never allow around the scapula

Importantly stay in the moment and consciously when, and if you are practicing or working

– fourth principle of Huna- Being Centered in Presence

Emotional calm is a valuable, benefit for being more in the present. The Fourth Principle of

Huna is Manawa—Now is the Moment of Power. In Hawaiian language there is neither


past tense nor future tense, therefore, all time is present. Fourth Principle technique called

i’ano (translates as “being here”) to increase calm presence:

1. Look - and be aware of colours. Pick out all the whites you see, then the reds,

oranges, yellows, greens, blues, violets, and blacks. Next look at all the straight lines, and

then curved lines. Finally look at the shapes of objects and how they relate to each other in


2. Listen - to all the sounds you can hear, first high ones and then low ones. As you

listen, you will begin to hear more sounds. Try to be aware of how what seem to be single

sounds at first are often made up of several other sounds.

3. Touch - shapes, textures, also hardness, softness, temperature, flexibility, and weight.

4. You may also want to include smelling and tasting.

When a person practices this technique enough, they will discover three things: (1) Release

of stress and tension; (2) An increased feeling of energy, vitality, and well-being; and (3) an

expansion of sensory awareness that might possibly change the way they think about the

world around them.

We are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe. Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole. All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings, and deeds are listened to by all that is.



The Name

In the mythology of old Hawaii, Kanaloa was the god of the ocean, a healer god, and the close companion of Kane, the god of creation. They would journey together, share the sacred drink of 'awa/kava, and use their staves to strike the ground and cause springs of fresh water to burst fourth.


Rare statues of Kanaloa feature him with round eyes, unlike those of any other representations of the gods. According to a Kauai tradition, if you could look into the eye of Kanaloa you would see the pattern above . In the Hawaiian language, "kanaloa" is also used as a word that means "a sea shell; the young stage of a certain fish; an alternate name for Kaho'olawe Island; and secure, firm, immovable, established, unconquerable." A root translation of the word, ka-na-loa, means "the great peace, or the great stillness." The word also has the connotation of total confidence. In the esoteric tradition of Huna Kupua, Kanaloa represents the Core Self, or the center of the universe within oneself.

The Pattern

As a whole, the pattern represents the Aka Web, or The Web of Life, the symbolic connection of all things to each other. In this aspect, the star at the center is the spider/shaman, or the individual who is aware of being the weaver of his or her own life, a dreamweaver. In another aspect, the eight lines represent "mana", or spiritual power, because another meaning of "mana" is "branching lines" and the number eight in Hawaiian tradition is symbolic of great power. The four circles represent "aloha", or love, because the "lei" or garland, a symbol of love, is circular and is used figuratively in Hawaiian to mean a circle (as in "Hanalei - Circular bay"), and because the word "ha" is a part of the word "aloha" and also means "life" and the number four. Together the circles and lines represent the harmony of Love and Power as an ideal to develop. The star pattern is composed of a dot in the center representing the Aumakua, or Higher Self; a ring representing Lono, or the Mental Self; the seven limbs of the star representing the Seven Principles of Huna; and the ring around the star representing Ku, the Physical or Subconscious Self. One point of the star is always down, aligned with a straight line of the web, representing the connection of the inner with the outer.

The Energy The Eye of Kanaloa symbol generates subtle energy, known as "ki" in Hawaiian. This energy can

be used for healing, for stimulating physical and mental faculties, and for many other purposes.

Most people can sense the energy, which may feel like a tingle, a current, a pressure or a

coolness, by holding the hand, fingers, cheek or forehead near the symbol. By itself the symbol

will help to harmonize the physical, emotional and mental energies of a room or other location.

The energy may be accessed more directly by meditative gazing or by holding the symbol near

something that needs harmonizing. The symbol can also amplify and harmonize other energy

sources by placing it behind or in front of the source.


The Rediscovery of Huna:

What is Kahuna…….”ka” means “the” or “light” (keeper) and Huna means “secret”.

It means secret in the sense of esoteric or hidden. Huna is about empowerment, increasing

your spirituality, energy, and metaphysical healing power. What if you could experience and

connect physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually with a higher power that can

empower you to bring into your life whatever you desire.


The most fundamental idea in Huna philosophy is that we each create our own personal

experience of reality, by our beliefs, interpretations, actions, and reactions, thoughts, and

feelings. It is not that our reality is created for us as a result of these personal expressions,

but that we are creators, co-creators with the Universe itself. Huna is all about learning to do

that consciously. In Huna God and the Universe (meaning everything that is, was or will be)

are one and the same. The name for this eternal infinite presence in Hawaiian is Kumulipo,

usually translated as “source of life), but which can also mean “the great mystery”. While

different Huna teachers may present the principles in various ways, the following summary

describes the principles as taught and practiced by the Order of Huna International.

1. IKE - The World Is What You Think It is……this is the cornerstone principle of

Huna, and it means that you create your own personal experience of reality through

your beliefs, expectations, attitudes, desires, fears, judgements, feelings, and

consistent or persistent thoughts and actions. This principle also contains the idea that


Changing your thinking you can change your world.

2. KALA - There Are No Limits…….there are no real boundaries between you and

your body, you and other people, you and the world, or you and God. Any divisions

used for discussion are terms of function and convenience. In other words, separation

is only a useful illusion. An additional meaning of this principle is that there are

unlimited potentials for creativity. You can create, in some form or another, anything

you can conceive.


3. MAKIA - Energy Flows Where Attention Goes……..the thoughts and feelings

that you dwell on, in full awareness or not, form the blueprint for bringing into your

life the nearest available equivalent experience to those same thoughts and feelings.

Directed attention is the channel for the flow of biological as well as cosmic energy.

4. MANAWA - Now Is the Moment of Power……..you are not bound by any

experience of the past, nor by any perception of the future. You have the power in the

present moment to change limiting beliefs and consciously plant the seeds for a future

of your choosing. As you change your mind you change your experience, and there is

no real power outside of you, for God is within. You are free to the degree that you

realise this and act upon it.

5. ALOHA - To Love Is to Be Happy With……..the universe exists because of love,

in its two aspects of being and becoming. Human beings exist because of love, even

when they don’t acknowledge it. When they do acknowledge love, they are happy as

they are and happy in becoming more. In Huna, love involves the creation of

happiness. It is not just a side effect. Everything works better, is better, when this

principle is followed consciously. For very practical reasons, then love is the only

ethic needed in Huna.

6. MANA - All Power Comes From Within……..as mentioned above, there is no

power outside of you because the power of God, or the Universe, works through you

in your life. You are the active channel for that power; your choices and decisions

direct it. No other person can have power over you or your destiny unless you decide

to let him or her have it.

7. PONO - Effectiveness Is the Measure of Truth………..in an infinite Universe,

which Huna postulates, there cannot be an absolute truth. Instead, there must be an

effective truth at an individual level of consciousness. This principle is an utterly

practical one which allows you to organise and act upon information in the most

suitable way for the purpose at hand, so that “facts” do not get in the way of



8. Any organisation or system of knowledge is seen as convenient, not factual, because a

different organisation of the same knowledge could be just as valid for other purposes.

Another way of saying is that all systems are arbitrary, so feel free to use what works.

All the techniques used in Huna stem from applications of these principles. What makes

Huna so useful for self-development is that it is based on principles, not techniques, and so

we always seek out the simplest techniques that will serve the purpose. Once you know the

principles you can understand the true nature of all techniques and create your own.

Now your self-development is in your hands, and as you creates and develops yourself, keep

in mind the essence of the Huna Philosophy, these deceptively simple guidelines for the

practice of Huna.

Bless the Present

Trust yourself

Expect the Best

As the power behind these simple statements is understood and experienced, you become

more and more able to create your own happiness and to direct your own destiny.


Aloha Mana Curriculum ~

Hawaiian Spirituality & Healing Principles, HULA~ Ka Uhane Nui, Hawaiian Chants for blessing your sessions with calls to Spirit "Temple Style" Lomilomi strokes Prone, Ka'alele - The flight of the Iwa bird, the basic dance steps, with Deep Joint Rotations for the elbows, wrists, knees and ankles "Temple Style" strokes Supine Face, neck, Opu huli, legs and Deep joint Rotations for the shoulders and hips and then putting it all together for a full body Temple Style Lomilomi or Kahuna Bodywork routine

Under body and full body strokes also help to free the energy, make the body soft, promoting free and abundant flow of life energy in the recipient. According to Huna philosophy, energy also gets blocked in the joints. Gentle stretches of the body and gentle rotations of the joints are therefore also incorporated to assist the release of tensions and assist the flow of energy, once again not forcing, but feeling the level of the client’s resistance or comfort. The therapist may also hum at various points during the Lomi Lomi as the vibrating and amplified energy that results also aids the release of blockages.

o Center yourself - Step back with right foot / arms across then exhale o Step back with left foot, embrace arms then exhale o Always cross the other foot in front then exhale o Sacred space for your client to build trust and safety o Hands are light as a feather as approaching the body o Honoring the body with gentle hands on the body o Clean Body / Hair away from neck o Adjust the shoulders, arms and the legs o Your main tool is the softer inner of your forearm o Wider Runs and the palm is always open


In sessions, it’s recommended we work on the back of the body first because most

people experience the back as more protected. Front of the body can sometimes

feel more vulnerable. By working on the back first, clients are able to “LET GO” and

“SURRENDER” and enter a more receptive space before turning over.

The front of the body has protrusion that require the practitioner be very skilled and

navigating around the body while also being energetically sensitive to the more

vulnerable areas, like the belly.

All of these makes it important to learn to use the tool properly and embrace the

body with presence and ALOHA.


Sequence: Supine position: Leg & upper thigh, x 6 times using your tool - inner forearm and hands

Leg – outside run x 3

outside run with forearm, & inside run with hand x 3 times

cross both tools (hands) outside and inside run x 3 times on leg then cross

both hands on thigh only x 3 times

Outside run with one tool (hand) and other hand lifting leg x 3 times

Outside run with open arm, on back, then with one hand on stomach and

other underneath (circles above & below in circular motion clockwise x 3


Hand over hand placed on stomach gentle circular motion

Outside run on arms

Point work on either side of spine - sacrum to occiput

Wave up back – slow deep breath

Point work again

One arm at a time

Massaging the heart > open palm & finger tips

Intercostal massaged

Figure of 8 on chest

Rib cage & iliac crest with finger point

Ending with 3 long effleurage/strokes on each side of body

Disconnecting yourself from the recipient

Hold a safe and sacred space for integration and realization