Hazmat Review

Post on 08-Jul-2018

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  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    Question 1


    There are three lists that drivers, shippers and carriers use to find out if a material is regulated as

    hazardous. Which one of there choices is not one of those three lists?

    a. List of hazardous substances and reportable quantities

    b. oison inhalation listc. !pa dangerous materials list

    d. "azardous materials table

    #orrect $ns%er& !pa dangerous materials list

      'our $ns%er& !pa dangerous materials list

    Question (


    )rivers of placarded vehicles transporting hazardous materials must stop **** to **** feet from the

    nearest rail of a railroad.

    a. 1+ to ( feet

    b. 1+ to + feet

    c. + to 1 feet

    d. 1+ to + -ards

    #orrect $ns%er& 1+ to + feet

      'our $ns%er& 1+ to + feet



    "o% man- identical placards is a vehicle hauling hazardous materials required to displa- and %here?

      a. /ne 01, on the rear of the vehicle onl-.

    b. T%o 0(, one on the front and one on the bac2.

    c. 3our 04, t%o on the front and t%o on the bac2.

    d. 3our 04, one on the front, one on the bac2, and one on each side of the vehicle.

    #orrect $ns%er& 3our 04, one on the front, one on the bac2, and one on each side of the vehicle.

      'our $ns%er& 3our 04, one on the front, one on the bac2, and one on each side of the vehicle.

    Question 4


    "o% man- different t-pe placards are there sho%ing dot specifications?

      a. 1

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    b. 1+

    c. 15

    d. 1

    #orrect $ns%er& 1

      'our $ns%er& 1

    Question +


    $t %hat time is it required for the driver to have an approved gas mas2 on hand?

      a. $n- vehicle carr-ing an inhalation hazard cargo

    b. $n- vehicle carr-ing chlorine

    c. $n- vehicle carr-ing to6ic materials

    d. $ll of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& $n- vehicle carr-ing chlorine

      'our $ns%er& $n- vehicle carr-ing chlorine

    Question 7


    What is the shape and size of a placard?

      a. 1 84 inch oval

    b. 1 18( inch diamondc. 1 18( inch oval

    d. 1 84 inch square or diamond

    #orrect $ns%er& 1 84 inch square or diamond

      'our $ns%er& 1 84 inch square or diamond

    Question 5


    9t is recommended that %hen hauling a load of e6plosives a or b to use the fussees instead of the

    %arning triangles if in an emergenc- or brea2do%n situation.

      a. True

    b. 3alse

    #orrect $ns%er& 3alse

      'our $ns%er& 3alse

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    Question :


    Whenever -our vehicle is placarded, do not drive near open fires unless -ou&

      a. #an safel- pass the fire %ithout stopping

    b. "ave LTL of a nonflammable material

    c. $re equipped %ith fire sprin2lers.

    d. ;nless -ou can sta- 1

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    a. $n- other hazardous material

    b. 'ou can>t haul a forbidden cargo

    c. Dothing

    d. Eoth b and c

    #orrect $ns%er& Eoth b and c  'our $ns%er& Eoth b and c

    Question (


    The driver must also carr- on his person at all times a dated certificate signed b- the emplo-er. This

    certificate must also be updated ever-

    a. 4 -ears

    b. -ears

    c. ( -ears

    d. 1 -ears

    #orrect $ns%er& ( -ears

      'our $ns%er& ( -ears



    #-linders containing compressed gases ma- onl- be loaded onto a vehicle %ithout a flat floor or

    platform if the c-linders are&

      a. 9n bo6es that %ill 2eep them from turning over 

    b. Loaded into rac2s attached to the vehicle

    c. Loaded in an upright or horizontal position

    d. $ll on the above

    #orrect $ns%er& $ll on the above

      'our $ns%er& $ll on the above

    Question 4


    What t-pe fire e6tinguisher is required in the po%er unit of a placarded vehicle?

      a. $ u.l. rating of 1+ abc

    b. $ u.l. rating of + b8c or above

    c. $ u.l. rating of 1 b8c or above

    d. $n- of the above are acceptable

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    #orrect $ns%er& $ u.l. rating of 1 b8c or above

      'our $ns%er& $ u.l. rating of 1 b8c or above

    Question +==========

    Who is responsible for pac2aging, labeling, and preparing the hazardous material shipping papers for a

    common carrier?

      a. 'our spouse

    b. The shipper 

    c. The carrier 

    d. The driver 

    #orrect $ns%er& The shipper 

      'our $ns%er& The shipper 

    Question 7


    9f hazardous material is spilling from -our vehicle, do not move -our vehicle&

      a. $n- more than safet- required

    b. 9n an up%ind direction

    c. $n- more that 4+ feet

    d. $n- more than + feet

    #orrect $ns%er& $n- more than safet- required

      'our $ns%er& $n- more than safet- required

    Question 5


    $nimals and human foodstuffs should not be loaded in the same vehicle %ith?

      a. 3lammable liquids

    b. !6plosives

    c. 3lammable gases

    d. oisons

    #orrect $ns%er& oisons

      'our $ns%er& oisons

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    Question :


    The transport inde6 of a radioactive material&

      a. 9s another %a- of %riting the %eight of the pac2age.

    b. 9s something that onl- the shipper needs to %orr- about.c. Tells the degree of control needed during transportation.

    d. Done of the above.

    #orrect $ns%er& Tells the degree of control needed during transportation.

      'our $ns%er& Tells the degree of control needed during transportation.



    #lass a e6plosives must not be transported in a combination vehicle if the vehicle includes&

      a. $ placarded cargo tan2.

    b. T%o or more trailers.

    c. $ ( inch %heelbase trailer.

    d. Done of the above.

    #orrect $ns%er& $ placarded cargo tan2.

      'our $ns%er& $ placarded cargo tan2.

    Question 1==========

    Which of the follo%ing must drivers have in their possession %hile transporting class a or b


      a. The carrier>s insurance polic-

    b. The %ritten route plan

    c. Eoth of the above

    d. Done of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& The %ritten route plan

      'our $ns%er& The %ritten route plan

    Test A

    Question 1


    Which of the follo%ing is the proper definition of a cargo tan2?

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    a. $ bul2 container not permanentl- attac2ed to a vehicle.

    b. $ bul2 container permanentl- attached to a vehicle.

    c. Eoth choices a F b

    d. Done of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& $ bul2 container permanentl- attached to a vehicle.  'our $ns%er& $ bul2 container permanentl- attached to a vehicle.

    Question (


    What placard must be used %ith an inhalation hazard load?

    a. 3lammable

    b. )angerous

    c. oison

    d. $ll of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& oison

      'our $ns%er& oison



    $ safe haven is one place -ou can leave a vehicle unattended that is hauling e6plosives. What is the

    best description of a safe haven?

      a. $n- propert- that has been government approved for this use.b. $n- propert- that is totall- fenced in b- an : foot high fence and has a guard on dut- all da- long.

    c. $n- propert- that is totall- fenced in b- an : foot high fence.

    d. $ll of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& $n- propert- that has been government approved for this use.

      'our $ns%er& $n- propert- that has been government approved for this use.

    Question 4


    Which of the follo%ing is one of the three 2e-s to identif- %hich placard to use?

      a. Gaterials hazard class

    b. $mount being shipped

    c. Eoth a and b

    d. Whether the cargo is a liquid or solid.

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    #orrect $ns%er& Eoth a and b

      'our $ns%er& Eoth a and b

    Question +

    ==========When is it necessar- to ground the trailer?

      a. /nl- %hen filling a trailer %ith e6plosives.

    b. When filling or unloading an- flammable liquid tan2. Hround must be maintained until filling hole is

    properl- closed.

    c. /nl- %hen unloading a cargo tan2 filled %ith an- flammable liquid.

    d. Done of the above.

    #orrect $ns%er& When filling or unloading an- flammable liquid tan2. Hround must be maintained until

    filling hole is properl- closed.

      'our $ns%er& When filling or unloading an- flammable liquid tan2. Hround must be maintained untilfilling hole is properl- closed.

    Question 7


     'ou ma- not par2 a vehicle carr-ing hazardous materials %ithin **** feet of an open fire.


    b. (

    c. 1+d. 1

    #orrect $ns%er&

      'our $ns%er&

    Question 5


    With most hazardous materials, -ou ma- par2 %ithin + feet of the road briefl-. 9f -our %or2 requires it.

    The materials that are the e6ception and do not allo% par2ing this close to the road are.

      a. $cids and poisons

    b. !6plosives $ and E

    c. Liquids

    d. #orrosives and o6idizers

    #orrect $ns%er& !6plosives $ and E

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


      'our $ns%er& !6plosives $ and E

    Question :


     'ou do not have a hazardous materials endorsement on -our commercial driver license. When can -oulegall- haul hazardous materials?

      a. Dever 

    b. /nl- %hen the shipment does not cross state lines

    c. /nl- %hen the load is placarded

    d. $ll of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& Dever 

      'our $ns%er& Dever 



    The basic description of a hazardous material includes the hazard class, the id number, and the proper

    shipping name. Which one must appear first on the shipping paper?

      a. The bo6 number 

    b. The identification number 

    c. The hazard class

    d. The proper shipping name

    #orrect $ns%er& The proper shipping name  'our $ns%er& The proper shipping name

    Question 1


    When fueling a placarded vehicle, someone must al%a-s be&

      a. Within 1 feet of the pump %ith a fire e6tinguisher.

    b. $t the emergenc- po%er shut off for the pump.

    c. $t the nozzle, controlling the fuel flo%.

    d. Ee at the rear most corner on the vehicle.

    #orrect $ns%er& $t the nozzle, controlling the fuel flo%.

      'our $ns%er& $t the nozzle, controlling the fuel flo%.

    Test A4

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    Question 1


    $ driver that hauls hazardous materials must attend training ever-&

    a. -ears

    b. ( -ears

    c. 1 -ear d. Done of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& ( -ears

      'our $ns%er& ( -ears

    Question (


    $n Ba8%C the first column of the hazardous materials table means&

    a. This material has no restrictions %hen shipped b- air and8or %ater b. There is no restrictions %ith this material if shipped b- %ater onl-.

    c. 9t is o2 to ship this material b- air onl-.

    d. This material is onl- restricted %hen shipped b- air and8or %ater.

    #orrect $ns%er& This material is onl- restricted %hen shipped b- air and8or %ater.

      'our $ns%er& There is no restrictions %ith this material if shipped b- %ater onl-.


    =========="o% man- different hazard classes are there?


    b. (

    c. (4

    d. 1

    #orrect $ns%er&

      'our $ns%er&

    Question 4


    When a substance in the materials table is %ritten in italics it means

      a. 9t is not the proper shipping name I those in romant-pe above it are

    b. 9t is a foreign substance

    c. The substance is for international transport

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    d. 9t is the proper shipping name

    #orrect $ns%er& 9t is not the proper shipping name I those in romant-pe above it are

      'our $ns%er& 9t is not the proper shipping name I those in romant-pe above it are

    Question +


    #olumn 1 0s-mbols the BiC means&

      a. 9odine

    b. 9nternational restrictions

    c. 9nternational traspotation

    d. 9nvalid substance

    #orrect $ns%er& 9nternational traspotation  'our $ns%er& 9nternational traspotation

    Question 7


    When hauling e6plosives 1.1 F 1.J %hich placard do -ou use?

      a. !6plosives 1.

    b. !6plosives 1.1

    c. )angerous

    d. Eoth a and c

    #orrect $ns%er& !6plosives 1.1

      'our $ns%er& !6plosives 1.1

    Question 5


    When a spill occurs of an BrqC substance the carrier has %ithin ******to report the spill.

      a. 1 %ee2

    b. ( %ee2s

    c. 1+ da-s

    d. 7 da-s

    #orrect $ns%er& 1+ da-s

      'our $ns%er& 1+ da-s

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    Question :


    #olumn 1 0s-mbols the BKC sign means&

      a. The proper shipping name is in italicsb. The proper shipping name is invalid

    c. The proper shipping name %ithout regard %hether the material meets the definition of that class.

    d. )o not use proper shipping name

    #orrect $ns%er& The proper shipping name %ithout regard %hether the material meets the definition of

    that class.

      'our $ns%er& The proper shipping name %ithout regard %hether the material meets the definition of

    that class.

    Question ==========

     'ou have loaded a hazardous material into a cargo tan2. What must -ou do before -ou move the


      a. #lose all manholes and valves. Ee sure the- are free of lea2s.

    b. #all chemtrec b- phone and tell them %here -ou are going.

    c. "ave the loading observers sign the shipping papers.

    d. Het started on -our trip, ever-thing is o2

    #orrect $ns%er& #lose all manholes and valves. Ee sure the- are free of lea2s.

      'our $ns%er& #lose all manholes and valves. Ee sure the- are free of lea2s.

    Question 1


    $ properl- prepared uniform hazardous %aste manifest&

      a. Gust be signed and carried b- an-one transporting a hazardous %aste.

    b. 9s required onl- if there is a loss of cargo during transport.

    c. 9s the same as an- other shipping paper.

    d. 9s definitel- useless form and is not required.

    #orrect $ns%er& Gust be signed and carried b- an-one transporting a hazardous %aste.

      'our $ns%er& Gust be signed and carried b- an-one transporting a hazardous %aste.

    Test A+

    Question 1


    /ne of these shipping paper descriptions for a hazardous material is in the right order. Which one is it?

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    a. "-drogen bromide, non flammable gas, un 14:

    b. #orrosive material, h-drochloric acid. ;n 15:

    c. ;n 15:5, corrosive material, h-driotic acid

    d. "e6ane, un 1(:, flammable liquid

    #orrect $ns%er& "-drogen bromide, non flammable gas, un 14:  'our $ns%er& "-drogen bromide, non flammable gas, un 14:

    Question (


    $ placard is required for a combustible liquid at?

    a. 11 gallons

    b. 1 gallons

    c. Gore than 11 gallons

    d. $n- amount

    #orrect $ns%er& Gore than 11 gallons

      'our $ns%er& Gore than 11 gallons



    To find out if a shipment includes a hazardous material, -ou should&

      a. /pen and inspect ever- pac2age and container.

    b. Loo2 at the shipping papers.c. #hec2 for a fence around the loading doc2.

    d. $s2 the driver.

    #orrect $ns%er& Loo2 at the shipping papers.

      'our $ns%er& Loo2 at the shipping papers.

    Question 4


    When there is a hazardous materials emergenc-. 'ou should&

      a. revent smo2ing and 2eep open flames a%a-.

    b. eep people a%a- and %arn them of the danger.

    c. Eoth a and b above

    d. Done of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& Eoth a and b above

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


      'our $ns%er& Eoth a and b above

    Question +


    Which signals ma- be used to %arn of a stopped vehicle that contains e6plosives?

      a. 3lares or fusees

    b. eflective triangles

    c. @ignal fires

    d. $ll of the above.

    #orrect $ns%er& eflective triangles

      'our $ns%er& eflective triangles

    Question 7


    #olumn 1 0s-mbols the BdC sign means&

      a. )evices

    b. )etonators

    c. )omestic transportation

    d. )omestic restrictions

    #orrect $ns%er& )omestic transportation

      'our $ns%er& )omestic transportation

    Question 5


    $ hazard class name or id number ma- not be used to describe a&

      a. eportable quantit- of a hazardous substance.

    b. "azardous %aste.

    c. Don hazardous material.

    d. #hlorine

    #orrect $ns%er& Don hazardous material.

      'our $ns%er& Don hazardous material.

    Question :


  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    When hauling hazardous materials, -ou must stop -our vehicle and chec2 an- dual tires at least once

    ever- ***. Whichever is less.

      a. 1 hour or + miles

    b. ( hours or 1 miles

    c. hours or 1+ miles

    d. Done of the above.

    #orrect $ns%er& ( hours or 1 miles

      'our $ns%er& ( hours or 1 miles



    9f there is an MrqM before or after the item description on the shipping paper, it means the&

      a. Gaterial is in a pac2age containing no other materials.

    b. Gaterial has an insurance value of over N1,.c. The shipper must report an- spills of this material.

    d. #arrier must report an- spill of this material.

    #orrect $ns%er& #arrier must report an- spill of this material.

      'our $ns%er& #arrier must report an- spill of this material.

    Question 1


    #arriers must give each driver %ho transports class a or b e6plosives&

      a. $ bottle of pep pills

    b. $ cop- of fmcsr part 5

    c. $n e6tra fire bottle

    d. The consignee>s phone number 

    #orrect $ns%er& $ cop- of fmcsr part 5

      'our $ns%er& $ cop- of fmcsr part 5

    Test A7

    Question 1

    ==========$ railroad crossing is ahead of -ou and -ou are hauling hazardous material. When -ou stop for the

    crossing, -ou can stop as far a%a- as **** feet from the nearest rail.

    a. (+

    b. +

    c. 5+

    d. :+

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    #orrect $ns%er& +

      'our $ns%er& +

    Question (

    ==========Who is responsible for safel- transporting a hazardous material shipment %ithout dela- and 2eeping

    the shipping papers in the right place?

    a. The carrier 

    b. The passenger 

    c. The driver 

    d. The shipper 

    #orrect $ns%er& The driver 

      'our $ns%er& The driver 



     'ou find an overheated tire during an enroute inspection. 9f -ou are hauling hazardous materials, -ou


      a. emove the tire and place it in the spare tire rac2

    b. #ool the tire, then chec2 it ever- ( hours

    c. Wait at least ( hours before continuing -our trip

    d. emove the tire and place it a safe distance from the vehicle.

    #orrect $ns%er& emove the tire and place it a safe distance from the vehicle.

      'our $ns%er& emove the tire and place it a safe distance from the vehicle.

    Question 4


    The intent of hazardous materials regulations is to ensure safet-, to contain the material, and&

      a. To ta6 shippers correctl-

    b. To communicate the ris2

    c. To allo% state enforcement

    d. To allo% comstat to get involved

    #orrect $ns%er& To communicate the ris2

      'our $ns%er& To communicate the ris2

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    Question +


    The total transport inde6 of all radioactive material pac2ages in a single vehicle must not e6ceed ****.

      a. 1

    b. +c. (+

    d. 1

    #orrect $ns%er& +

      'our $ns%er& +

    Question 7


     'ou are going to be hauling hazardous materials over a route -ou do not 2no% %ell. When should -ouchec2 the route and get the permits needed for the trip&

      a. Within (4 hours of the finish of the trip

    b. Within the first + miles of the trip

    c. Eefore starting the trip

    d. While -ou are still on a part of the route that -ou 2no%

    #orrect $ns%er& Eefore starting the trip

      'our $ns%er& Eefore starting the trip

    Question 5


    Which three hazard classes should not be loaded into a trailer that has a heater 8 air conditioner unit.

      a. 3lammable liquids

    b. 3lammable gas

    c. !6plosives

    d. $ll of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& $ll of the above

      'our $ns%er& $ll of the above

    Question :


    What is the onl- e6ception to certification b- a shipper?

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


      a. When the shipper is a private carrier of his o%n product.

    b. /nl- %hen the vehicle is placarded properl-

    c. When the shipper is to ill to fill out the proper paper%or2.

    d. /nl- %hen the cargo is pac2ed incorrectl-

    #orrect $ns%er& When the shipper is a private carrier of his o%n product.  'our $ns%er& When the shipper is a private carrier of his o%n product.



    $ truc2 carr-ing e6plosives has crashed %ith another vehicle. 'ou should not pull them apart until.

      a. The shipper>s loading foreman is present.

    b. $t least minutes have passed.

    c. The e6plosives have been placed at least ( feet a%a- from the vehicles and occupied buildings.

    d. $t least 4+ minutes have passed.

    #orrect $ns%er& The e6plosives have been placed at least ( feet a%a- from the vehicles and

    occupied buildings.

      'our $ns%er& The e6plosives have been placed at least ( feet a%a- from the vehicles and occupied


    Question 1


    When handling pac2ages of e6plosives, -ou must&

      a. )ouble %rap %et bo6es in plastic to prevent stainingb. Dever use hoo2s or other metal tools

    c. eep b-standers 1 feet a%a-

    d. $ll of the above.

    #orrect $ns%er& Dever use hoo2s or other metal tools

      'our $ns%er& Dever use hoo2s or other metal tools

    Test A5

    Question 1


    Which of the follo%ing choices is a hazard class -ou are not allo%ed to smo2e around?

    a. /6idizers

    b. 3lammables

    c. !6plosives

    d. $ll of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& $ll of the above

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


      'our $ns%er& $ll of the above

    Question (


    Who is responsible for finding out %hat permits or special routes -ou %ill need to haul hazardous


    a. The state governor 

    b. The driver 

    c. The shipper 

    d. The carrier 

    #orrect $ns%er& The driver 

      'our $ns%er& The driver 



    9f an M6M or MrqM is in the MhmM column of a shipping paper entr-, the&

      a. @hipment is regulated b- hazardous material regulations.

    b. !ntr- refers to the materials that must be top loaded.

    c. Gaterial listed on that line in the largest part of the shipment.

    d. Gaterial listed on that line in the smallest part of the shipment.

    #orrect $ns%er& @hipment is regulated b- hazardous material regulations.

      'our $ns%er& @hipment is regulated b- hazardous material regulations.

    Question 4


    Which of the follo%ing, if required, must the shipper put on the pac2age.

      a. The required label

    b. The hazardous materials shipping name and identification number 

    c. The name and address of shipper or consignee

    d. $ll of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& $ll of the above

      'our $ns%er& $ll of the above

    Question +


  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


     'ou are hauling hazardous materials and -ou find that one of -our tires is lea2ing. 'ou must&

      a. @top at the nearest safe place and fi6 it

    b. eport it to -our carrier immediatel-.

    c. #ontinue at reduced speed and chec2 that tire ever- (+ miles

    d. $ll of the above are true.

    #orrect $ns%er& @top at the nearest safe place and fi6 it

      'our $ns%er& @top at the nearest safe place and fi6 it

    Question 7


    @hipping papers must al%a-s be 2ept in one place %hen driving %ith hazardous materials. Where %hen

    %earing -our seat belt?

      a. /n the drivers seat at all times.b. Within reach at all times.

    c. 9n a pouch on the drivers door.

    d. Eoth b and c above

    #orrect $ns%er& Eoth b and c above

      'our $ns%er& Eoth b and c above

    Question 5

    ==========$ vehicle contains + pounds each of e6plosives a and b, -ou must use&

      a. MdangerousM placards

    b. Me6plosives aM placards

    c. Mblasting agentsM placards

    d. Done of the above

    #orrect $ns%er& Me6plosives aM placards

      'our $ns%er& Me6plosives aM placards

    Question :


    Who is responsible for chec2ing to be sure the shipper correctl- named, labeled, and mar2ed a

    hazardous materials shipment?

      a. The carrier 

    b. The driver 

  • 8/19/2019 Hazmat Review


    c. The shipper 

    d. The manufacturer 

    #orrect $ns%er& The carrier 

      'our $ns%er& The carrier 



    The shippers pac2age hazardous materials, the- must certif- that this %as done according to the

    regulations. The onl- e6ception is %hen&

      a. The driver is given a sealed cargo compartment.

    b. The shipment is a hazardous %aste.

    c. The shipper is a private carrier carr-ing his or her o%n product.

    d. $ll of the above.

    #orrect $ns%er& The shipper is a private carrier carr-ing his or her o%n product.

      'our $ns%er& The shipper is a private carrier carr-ing his or her o%n product.