Health academy project

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by: Lauren Hoebener

Orientation Week• When I first signed up for

Health Academy, all I knew we were going to do was shadow doctors. However when that first week came I got a newsflash, it was going to be so much more than that. The first week we went through the syllabus and learned all the rules. We had speakers come to talk to us about HIPPA and where not to park at the hospital. We learned that we had to write thank you’s to our mentors, get a mentor form signed, and blog after every rotation. I realized this class would be a lot of work.

Professional Thank Yous


Hand Made Thank Yous


Rotation Blogs (1)

NICU: Rotation 10

Posted by lauren hoebener at Monday, October 31, 2011 1:13:33 PM CDT

This week I went to the NICU. It was a lot of fun. I got to listen to the baby's

vitals and check his feeding tube. I learned a lot about the different things

premature babies can have wrong with them. For example, underdeveloped

organs/lungs, brain problems, skin being to thin, and many other things. I

really enjoyed this unit. The babies were too cute.

(2) Continued..• OR: Rotation 8 • Posted by lauren hoebener at Thursday,

October 13, 2011 10:49:04 AM CDT

• This unit was a blast. I had a lot of fun. The surgeons were all really cool and showed me a lot. The first day I saw an open heart surgery. They completely stopped the heart by cooling down the blood and putting ice on the heart it was so cool because after they were done I got to see them warm up the blood and shock the heart to get it started again. Then I watched them sew it all up. On the second day I saw them remove a lady's breast because she had breast cancer. It was all really interesting and not as gross as i thought it'd be. I like how everything is covered because it doesn't really seem like your working on a person. The OR is a fun unit.


rehab services: Rotation 7

Posted by lauren hoebener at Thursday, October 6, 2011 1:46:22 PM


I love love love love love this unit. I had a blast. The first day my

mentor and I went to the burn unit and saw a guy who had been

burned in a field fire. She made him a split to stretch out his fingers so

that he could still move them. Then we went and helped a bigger

woman walk like she sat up and was evaluated. The second day is

what really made me love this unit. There was a little boy who was 18

months old. He was huge! When he was born some of his fingers

didn't develop fully so the lady was making him a splint to separate

his fingers so that they didn't get tight and he could still use them. He

was so precious. He was playful and happy until she tried to put the

splint on then he'd cry until she moved it away. He was so funny. I

watched him get worked with, they moved his hands and helped him

start to walk. Then my mentor had a patient come in who

punched through a glass door and she stretched his arm out. Then

finally she ended our day with walking an older man. It was so much


(4&5) Continued..

• NCCU: Rotation 13 • Posted by lauren hoebener at Thursday,

November 17, 2011 1:50:16 PM CST • This week's rotation was spent at the

neuro critical care unit. I actually really enjoyed this unit. The nurses all were really nice and made it easy to ask questions. They kept me involved and they tried to show me everything that they had to offer in this unit. The first day I spent in this unit there was two admits so it was a little crazy in the unit. I took a patient down to radiology to get an x-ray. Then the next day i saw a man receive plasma. I refused to watch someone die because it was so sad. That's my rotation.

LAB&& pathology: Rotation 14 Posted by lauren hoebener at Thursday, December 1, 2011 1:21:14 PM CST This week I went to the lab. However the first day they sent me to pathology. I saw them cut a uterus and even a 21 week old baby. The baby was sad to watch because it was fully developed and looked like a real baby besides the fact it had brain matter spilling out of the back of it's head. The next day I went back to the lab and I got to work with all the techs. I made a slide and looked at it. It was actually really cool to see. Overall I really liked this unit.

Mentor Forms


Resume & Cover Letter

ReferencesBrenda Schawe, Division Director of Sales

Sheplers Western Wear- 6501 West Kellogg

Wichita, KS 67209


Mark Griggs, Owner

Mustang Softball Academy- 2250 North Hoover Road

Wichita, KS 67205-1139


Steven O’Hair, CounselorBishop Carroll Catholic High School- 8101 West Central Avenue

Wichita, KS

Career List (1)

• Physical Therapy Assistant:

• Being a physical therapy assistant interests me because I like to help people and what better way to help someone than to help rehabilitate them after an injury. In order to become a licensed physical therapy assistant, most states require students to earn an associate's degree and pass a certification examination.The degree requirements include general education, supporting courses, and physical therapist assistant theory/clinical courses. In order to help you kick start your career you could become a physical therapy aid or you could volunteer to work at the hospital. The more you see, the more you learn.

Career List (2)

• Dental Assistant:

• I think that I would enjoy being a dental assistant because I really like teeth. I loved going to the dentist and my dentist’s assistants were always happy and seemed to love their job. Plus by becoming a dental assistant you can get your foot in the door so to speak which I think would be a cool way to edge into a career as an orthodontist if that’s what I choose to become. Dental assistants must have a high school diploma or GED certificate.  They must receive additional training at a community college, vocational school, or dental school to learn their skills.  Lengths of these programs vary between six months and one year.  To become certified, dental assistants must pass an examination from the Dental Assisting National Board. However becoming a dental assistant requires many tough courses as well such as Basic Body Systems and Functions, Orientation to Dental Assisting, Oral Anatomy, Oral Radiology Basics, Chair Side Assisting one and two, Dental Office Emergencies, Dental Science one and two, Dental Materials one and two, Career Developments, Office Applications, Computer Applications, and Clinical Oral Radiology. In order to start a career in this field you could talk to your local dentist and see if you could shadow them because most of the training you have is from learning from the doctor themselves.



• Biomedical Engineer…• To be honest I have no idea why I chose this field for

my paper, except for the fact it just looked interesting. I don’t really know what about it that interests me but I want to find out more information on it. All biomedical engineers have at least a bachelor's degree in engineering. Courses that are required to study include a sound background in mechanical, chemical, or industrial engineering, and specialized biomedical training.  Most programs last from four to six years, and all states require biomedical engineers to pass examinations and be licensed. To help start this career would require connections that you have had or will make. Like most of the other fields the best way to start would be to watch someone who is certified and learn as much from them as possible.

Career List (4)

• Pediatrician…• Becoming a pediatrician catches my attention because I love to work with

babies and little children. I work really well with children so I think it would be a good match. The school requirements to become a certified pediatrician include graduating from high school. You will also need four years of undergraduate courses at a college/university which will help you obtain a Bachelor's degree. Once you have completed college, you will need to attend four years of Medical School which will get you an MD or DO degree. After that congratulations you are a general doctor. Most of the time, these new doctors go on to learn a specialty in medicine, such as pediatrics. This entails at least three years of residency. Finally after completing these three years, you are now a pediatrician and are able to become licensed in pediatrics by passing an insanely hard test that deals with medical conditions related to infants and children. College courses that are recommended include biochemistry, pharmacology, psychology, anatomy, microbiology, pathology, and physiology. To help start your career in this practice you would be able to shadow doctors, become a nurse, become a nursing assistant, or a physician’s aid.

Career List (5)

• Orthodontics…

• I want to become an orthodontist because I like the flexibility of the work hours, the money that you make, and because I know how it feels to have teeth your embarrassed of. Orthodontists still have a long way to go after high school. They are required have a Bachelor of Science degree, or at least two years of undergraduate education along with passing an entrance exam to dental school. The next step is to receive a degree from a recognized dental program. Then orthodontists must take a three-year program in orthodontics to receive a certificate or master's degree in orthodontics upon completion of the program. These programs also make sure you have taken courses in anatomy, physics, mathematics, mechanical drawing, and the use of materials used in the making of devices. As for work experience it’s smart to have worked as a dental assistant or maybe even with your own orthodontist. You should try to work as closely as possible to an already successful orthodontist and try to mimic what they do.

Summaries from Newman Lectures• Lauren Hoebener

• Dr. Singh • 12/5/11• Newman Paper• Veterinarian• The first guest speaker we had this

week discussed his career of being a veterinarian. Veterinarians have the duties of many people all wrapped up into one job. They do the job of dentists by working on animal teeth. They can perform surgeries on animals like surgeons do on people. They can do anesthesia on the animals, like anesthesiologists do on people. As well as many other things that takes multiple people to do on humans.

• To become a veterinarian you must go to college and veterinarian school for four years. You will have to learn both human and animal medicine. However unlike human medicine animal medicine is not limited to one species. You will work with both big and small, normal and exotic animals. It was required to take immunology, anatomy, physiology, developmental biology, dairy science, poultry science, animal science, animal industry, nutrition, and western horsemanship. However these classes are no longer the only thing that can get you into veterinarian school. Now all you need is prereqs.

• The job as a veterinarian is not the best for making money right now in the economy we are in. People are not as willing to put money into their pets when they don’t even have very much money for themselves. However there are many chances for a job due to the many places that require veterinarians, such as a private practice, government

Lauren HoebenerDr. Singh and Mrs. Hang 11/28/11Newman PaperDNA Analysis

This week we had a speaker come to talk to us about

her career as a DNA Analyzer. In her job she works particularly on

three types of cases; baby deaths, suicides, and public interests. In

working with these cases you can be apart of three branches they

are pathology, forensic lab, and administrative. Pathology and

forensic lab can be further broken down into the different jobs that

make them. Pathology includes the options of becoming a

forensic pathologist, pathologist assistant, medical investigator, or a

medical examiner. Where as the forensic lab has toxicology, drug ID,

trace evidence, firearms/ tool marks, biology, and DNA. Pathology is

involved more with the body where as the forensic lab deals mainly

with the means of the death. She went on to explain that her job requires her to screen evidence,

extract DNA, check quantity, generate and compare results, issue,

and testify. All of which are very precise steps that take great care in

following through with. She said that you have to be able to decide

where the DNA will be and be able to get DNA to test. She added that

this can be very difficult on a huge tarp or other things that the DNA

may not be visible on. This job requires you to work closely to cops

and lawyers; which makes sense due to the high profile cases she’s

dealt with. She has worked on Belt’s case where she found a blood sample that

linked him to the rape and beheading of a girl as well as the rape of 7

other women. Another well known case in Wichita was the Davis

case in which she found blood on a rug in the trash linking him to a

body found dead in Grove. She had many more cases including the

ones of Glynn, Ditges, Green, and Papen. However the most well

known case she worked on is that of BTK. He killed over ten victims

in twenty years. She found his DNA on a tape he sent in to the

police. All in all I think that it would be exciting to do what she does

because it’s basically the same thing each day but with a different

story each time.


Lauren HoebenerDr. Singh and Mrs. Hang 11/28/11Newman Paper

This week we had a lady come to speak with us about becoming a nurse and the nursing program at Newman. I learned a lot of helpful information about both.

Nurses can work in clinics, houses, or hospitals and can make up to thirty one dollars and hour. However they don’t just work with one certain age group, nurses can work with anyone. As a nurse you can never stop learning, you are required to keep up in classes to keep your license fresh. You must have people skills and be able to work as a team with anyone who may come into your line of work. Not to mention a nurse has to be a quick thinker. Nurses require a lot of special skills that can’t be learned in a classroom as well as those that can be taught in a classroom.

There are two different paths a nurse can go through in schooling. They can go to school for two or four years. The two year schooling gives you an associate degree. Where as the four year degree gives you the Bachelor’s degree; sometimes jobs require this and it creates more flexibility. This also sets you up to enter a graduate program. At Newman the program’s curriculum is classroom and clinical. The size of the program also allows each student to work closely with the staff and better prepare them for their job ahead. They also have a high rate of students who pass the test to become nurses where as most of the bigger schools don’t. She also informed us that if we were interested that we could come and visit the classroom or lab.

Lauren HoebenerDr. Singh12/5/11Newman Class PaperOccupational Therapy

The second speaker that came to talk to our class last Friday spoke to us about becoming an occupational therapist otherwise known as an O.T. An occupational therapist is someone who helps people turn disabilities into abilities. There are three different branches of an occupational therapist. These include physical which pertains to the body, psychiatric which pertains to your mental capacity, and developmental which deals with mental disorders. They also have three areas of concern they deal with. Self care, work, and play is what they work to make easier for the patient.

Occupational Therapists can work in many places, thus making this job very convenient. They can work in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and even some home care. Depending on where they work they can make 45,000 dollars per year or more.

When contrasted with physical therapy, occupational therapy seems to focus more on calculating and improving a person’s functional ability. An occupational therapist really doesn’t directly treat a person's injury using techniques such as labor-intensive therapy or anything like a physical therapist would but more commonly helps a person utilize their independence and their ability to accomplish their daily activities following an injury or in situations of physical impairment.

Occupational therapy or any therapy is a good career to go into thanks to the baby boomers getting older. A lot more care is needed to rehabilitate them.

Lauren Hoebener11/17/11Lecture Paper over Dentistry

I found Dr Troilo’s presentation very interesting. I have always liked the thought of dentistry (I want to be an orthodontist) and his speech made me like it even more. I learned that it takes only four years to become a dental hygienist which is a very noble field. You get to be around a lot of people, you have the ability to basically choose your hours, and the pay is great.

Even though I don’t want to go into dentistry Dr Troilo had a lot of useful information about insurance companies. He said to be careful of the companies belittling you and not paying enough even though there isn’t much you can do about it. I learned that the densistry schools seem to treat you a lot differently than medical schools. The teachers tend to be demeaning and by no means do they evoke confidence. Also the school itself makes a difference. Students from UMKC (University of Missouri Kansas City) tend to have less confidence and are not as able as those from other schools.

I also learned that having a relationship survive school is very hard to do. There is a lot of stress involved in going to school and a lot of stress in new marriages so the combination can be lethal to the marriage. Dentists have a high rate of suicide and divorce and are also more likely to abuse substances. However you can learn to handle these in many different ways and as long as you don’t let them overtake your life you will be fine.

On the plus side you can limit your practice to what you want to do. You can open your own boutique or you can have a basic practice that deals with everything. You also have the ability to choose your own hours which is a great feature to being a dentist. There are so many pluses to being a dentist and working in this field.

Service Projects/ Volunteer Hours

• Health Academy requires each student to have ten hours of service given to the hospital. So in order to complete mine I worked the golf tournament and baked cookies for the units.

• Health Academy taught me a lot about what I do and don’t want to do in the health field. It provided me with many opportunities most people don’t get to experience. I’ve learned a lot of useful information that will help me later on in my career. I’ve met many great people along the way as well. If I had the chance I would do it all again. It was a blast. So thank you for everything you’ve done for our class Mrs. Hang.

Final Reflection