Healthy Holiday Presentation for Kendell Anderson Nutrition Center at CSU

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Healthy Holidays Kendall Anderson Nutrition Center Colorado State University

Introduction – about us •  Registered dietitians •  Individual nutrition appointments •  Cooking classes •  Resting metabolic rate •  Diet and recipe analysis •  Practicum for nutrition students •  Programs

– Dining with Diabetes – Healthy You

Holiday Reflection •  Memories •  Thankfulness •  Friends and family •  Food!

Objectives •  MyPlate Guidelines

–  Balancing food groups –  Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats

•  Eating healthfully during the holiday season –  Mindful eating –  Portion management –  Goal setting


MyPlate A way to visualize the federal government recommendations for eating the five key food groups in a healthy diet

MyPlate Suggestions •  Make half of your plate at every meal fruits and

vegetables •  Make at least half your grains whole grains •  Eat lean proteins •  Enjoy your food, but eat less •  Avoid oversized portions •  Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk •  Eat less foods high in solid fats, added sugars,

and salt •  Compare sodium in foods, eat the ones with

less •  Drink water instead of sugary drinks

All About Calories

Carbohydrates  •  45-­‐65%  of  diet  •  Healthy  sources:  •  Fruits  &  vegetables  

• Whole  grain  breads,  cereals,  rice,  oatmeal,  quinoa,  wheat  

Protein  •  10-­‐35%  of  diet  •  Healthy  Sources:  •  Lean  meats  •  Seafood  •  Beans  and  peas  •  Eggs  •  Nuts  •  Seeds  

Fat  •  20-­‐35%  of  diet  •  Healthy  Sources:  •  Nuts  •  Avocados  •  Fish:  salmon,  trout,  tuna,  herring  


Mindful Eating An ancient approach to eating meant to resolve exhausting, troublesome relationships with food Ø  Eating with the intention of caring for yourself

Ø  Eating with the attention necessary for noticing and

enjoying your food and its effects on your body

Mindful Eating

•  How to do it: –  Eat slowly –  Take time to be thankful –  Sit down to eat –  Use silverware –  Put silverware down between bites –  Look at food and smell it before each bite

Mindful Eating

•  What defines a “mindful eater?” –  Mindful eaters are:

•  Aware of what they are doing and feeling •  Accepting of their choices •  Nonjudgmental of themselves •  Compassionate towards their feelings •  Present in the moment •  Able to let it go •  Observant of their choices and surroundings

Mindful Eating During the Holidays

•  Don’t skip meals (eat regularly)

•  Use a smaller plate

•  Fill your plate with vegetables and salad first

•  Be aware of social distractions

–  Try not to eat & talk at the same time.

•  Eat your favorite food last

•  Give thanks

•  Visit with people, not food

•  Rate your hunger

Mindful Eating During the Holidays

EATING DURING THE HOLIDAYS What are some of the biggest challenges?

Make Healthy Substitutions

Instead of this…. •  Butter/oil

•  Half and Half •  Sour Cream •  Salt •  All purpose-flour

•  Sugar

Try this! •  Olive oil (sautéing)

or applesauce (baking)

•  Skim or 1% Milk •  Low-fat plain yogurt •  Herbs and Spices •  Replace ½ flour with

whole wheat flour •  Reduce sugar by ¼ -½

Other Cooking Tips

•  Try roasting instead of pan frying

•  Increase the vegetable content of your dishes

•  Skip whipped topping / whipped cream

•  Choose fresh or frozen instead of canned

Other Holiday Eating Tips

•  Social physical activities after meals

•  Focus on specialty holiday foods

•  Take home leftovers (of foods you want to eat

but are too full for)

Other Holiday Tips

•  Be mindful of your alcohol consumption

•  12 oz beer: 150 calories •  1.5 ounce of hard alcohol: 100 calories •  5 oz. of wine: 125 calories •  8 oz eggnog: 225 calories

•  Alternate alcoholic beverages with water

•  Non-alcoholic beverages can be a substantial caloric intake as well. Opt for water, unsweetened tea, or low-fat milk

Moving Forward

•  Don’t punish yourself

•  Return to normal eating habits right away

•  Focus on physical activity

Making & Maintaining Goals

1.  Set SMART goals •  Specific •  Measurable •  Attainable •  Realistic •  Time-oriented

2.  Think positively 3.  Learn new habits

•  Focus on one change per week

4.  Set yourself up for success

5.  Plan ahead •  Think about what you want to eat •  Make a weekly menu for meals & snacks •  Make a shopping list from the menu – and stick with

it •  Take your time shopping so you can compare labels

Making & Maintaining Goals