Healthy Home Presentation

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Who we Are

Jenkins named Texas Custom Builder of the Year

22Jenkins Custom Homes is a leader in innovation and quality in the high-end custom home (or luxury custom home) industry. Our homes are primarily in the just-under $1M to multi-million dollar price ranges. Voted Custom Builder of the Year for the state of Texas by the Texas Association of Builders TWICE, as well as numerous awards local and statewide awards for product quality, innovation, and financial strength, we are consistently ranked in the Top 5 Custom Home Builders by the Austin Business Journal, as well as featured in many local and national publications. In essence, we work hard to remain the leader in providing our market with a home that truly enhances our clients quality of life!

Why we are Here

33With the convergence of the Whole Foods and the overall health movement in our country today, combined with the emergence of new technologies in the building industry, there is a tremendous opportunity for someone to offer a Healthy Home.

We run into some confusion when we talk about a healthy home because, by some definitions, a home is healthy if it is environmentally-friendly. Thats NOT what we are focused on today. In our world of what have you done for me lately?, we wantto focus on the health of the family living within the home. Its like what one realtor told me, My clients love me until its a choice between paying my fee and getting a pool. Then, Im suddenly a luxury they cant afford.

Our Homes are a System

Fresh air

44As the air system (AC or heat) starts up, we push air into our homes, which creates positive pressure. It is this pressure which, as the air is forced through the exterior walls, dries out moisture behind the walls and prevents mold and other problems. Infiltration rates, the number of times each hour that indoor air is replaced by outside air is has changed over time with our tighter homes. Generally, older homes have an average of one to two ACH while newer homes might replace the indoor air with outdoor air approximately once every three hours.

The ProblemScientific evidence has indicated that the air within our homes can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air.Allergy-sufferers may have exacerbated symptoms by the introduction of fresh outdoor air.

55The problem with our nice, tight homes is that scientific evidence has indicated that the air within our homes can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities. Indoor air in homes has been found to contain: mold and fungus, lead, allergens like dust and pollen, carbon monoxide,Formaldehyde, radon & more!

Its hard to believe, but the risks to health may be greater due to exposure to air pollution in our own homes! However, the conflicting component to this problem is that allergy sufferers may suffer more by the introduction of the fresh, outdoor air. So, what can we do?

The Solution

1.Ensuring a Clean Environment

Behind-the-Walls Clean yields immaculate results!

The Healthy Home StandardSetting the standard for a healthy homeDeveloped in collaboration with Greater Austin Allergy

66Unfortunately, the solution isnt a silver bullet. It is a combination of products and systems that work together to create almost hospital-grade air quality within the home.

Ours is a 3-part approach. 1. Building a Home is a dirty, dusty, messy business. Dust particles accumulate in massive quantities during construction from sawdust, sheetrock dust, and many other byproducts of the construction process. In addition to the Jenkins Neat & Clean system for keeping the jobsite and home clean during construction, the Jenkins Behind the Walls Clean is a copyrighted system to ensure all that dust and dirt behind the walls is removed BEFORE it gets trapped there. Most builders just install the sheet rock right over the dust and dirt, thinking that no one will ever see it.

The Solution

2.Eliminating Unnecessary/Unwanted Toxins

The Healthy Home StandardSetting the standard for a healthy homeDeveloped in collaboration with Greater Austin Allergy

77In addition to countless chemicals in carpets, paints, waxes, wallpaper, fabrics, plastics, cleaning products and varnishes, we bring into our homes hairspray, perfume, makeup, mascara, lipstick, hair dye, soaps and shampoos, and the list goes on. When we add all these chemical assaults to the effect of the chemicals used to construct or clean our homes, we are adding to the build-up of chemicals in our bodies. The result is that our bodies must work harder and harder to eliminate the toxins we have been exposed to. Depending on our particular weakness, the result could be carcinogenic, allergic, or otherwise. Carpet, alone, contains 120 known toxins,formaldehyde being one of the most prominent. As you add features like Stain Resistance, the amount of toxic chemicals increase. It takes 10 years for formaldehyde to fully off-gas in your home. That means for 10 years you will be breathing formaldehyde gasses as you sleep, eat and live in your home.

The Jenkins Healthy Home Standard uses a series of non-toxic products as well as a series of allergen-reducing techniques second to none. Examples include no-VOC paints and low-VOC stains, a formaldehyde-free insulation, and a series of careful screenings and certifications to ensure we make your home as healthy as possible.

The Solution

3.CleanEffects Air Cleaner

Performance-tested by LMS Technologies and Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc. (EH&E), with the results verified by professors from the Harvard School of Public Health, this system removes up to 99.98% of allergens.

CleanEffects is unlike anything else out there.

The Healthy Home StandardSetting the standard for a healthy homeDeveloped in collaboration with Greater Austin Allergy

88When it comes to clean air, a big part of the solution can be the right HVAC system. At this years International Builders Show in Orlando, our owner, Shan Jenkins, spent a significant amount of time researching the right product for The Healthy Home, and this is the product he felt did the job.

Performance-tested by LMS Technologies and Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc. (EH&E), with the results verified by professors from the Harvard School of Public Health, the Trane CleanEffects Air Cleaner removes up to 99.98% of allergens. For comparison, most hospital-grade air filtration systems eliminate 99.97% of air particulants.

CleanEffects Air Cleaner

.1 Micron can be Huge

CleanEffects filtration can bring welcome relief to anyone with respiratory difficulties. Many common allergens are small enough to bypass the bodys natural defenses and embed deep in the lungs, aggravating breathing ailments. Since CleanEffects filters down to .1 micron, or 100 times smaller than a human hair, it is extremely effective at removing spores, mold, pollen, pet dander, dirt and dust, preventing them from entering your air, and your lungs.

The Healthy Home StandardSetting the standard for a healthy homeDeveloped in collaboration with Greater Austin Allergy

24-hour Allergy Clean

99This exhibit simply illustrates how the filter eliminates particles down to .1 micron, or 100 times smaller than a human hair making it extremely effective at removing spores, mold, pollen, pet dander, dirt and dust. Since many common allergens are small enough to bypass the bodys natural defenses and embed deep in the lungs, CleanEffects filtration can bring welcome relief to those with respiratory difficulties. The thermostat even has a 24-hour allergy clean cycle which will cause the system to run for 24 hours, eliminating the tiny particles in the home and leaving the air 99.98% allergen-free.

Most filtration systems work like a vacuum cleaner bag. Small holes let air pass through but not particles.CleanEffects Air CleanerSince your furnace or air handler isnt struggling to work against a clogged filter, clean air flows freely. The CleanEffects filter is different.

The Healthy Home StandardSetting the standard for a healthy homeDeveloped in collaboration with Greater Austin Allergy

1010Most filtration systems work like a vacuum cleaner bag. Small holes let air pass through but not particles. Unfortunately, the more dirt these systems collect, the more clogged they become. This creates a bottleneck that reduces clean air output, robs system performance and reduces system life. Trane CleanEffects uses a powerful, patented electromagnetic field to charge incoming air, causing particles to adhere to the CleanEffects collection cells as air passes through.

Since your furnace or air handler isnt struggling to work against a clogged filter, clean air flows freely. No other filtration system can compare.

Other Healthy Home Enhancements

Water Quality

The Healthy Home StandardSetting the standard for a healthy homeDeveloped in collaboration with Greater Austin Allergy

1111Hazardoustoxinscan enter the water supply from many sources, including industrial contamination, improperly disposed waste,prescription medications,and fertilizers. Many toxins in water, such as arsenic and fluoride, are naturally occurring. In addition, there are more than 84,000 different chemicals in the US, but the EPA only regulates about 90 of them in the water. While no one can argue that in the US we have among the best water quality in the world, there are unwanted toxins that have entered our water, as well as unwanted additives, and even some good elements have been stripped out of the water by processing facilities. Salt (or sodium), for instance, is present in water sources across the US, and around the world. You can see in the graphic how a few different cities rate in sodium content. The AHA recommends that no more than 10% of dietary sodium intake should come from drinking water. Their guidelines recommend a maximum of 1500 mg per day for most people, and a maximum of 500 mg per day for those on severely sodium-restricted diets. According to these guidelines, many of us surpass the 10% limit just from drinking city water!

The Jenkins Healthy Home addresses this with the most technologically-advanced water filtration system on the market today.

Other Healthy Home Enhancements* Lighting

* Cleanliness

* Healthy Lifestyles

The Healthy Home StandardSetting the standard for a healthy homeDeveloped in collaboration with Greater Austin Allergy

1212Lighting as we get into our 40s and beyond, lighting and using lights reflective qualities in an effective way becomes more important. Our Healthy Home includes the important features for lighting comfort. This can be everything from using glass doors to enhance the homes natural light to things such as motion detectors that cause LED lights to illuminate your pathways at night.

Cleanliness reduces the likelihood of allergens collecting throughout the home, and theres no better way to keep a house clean than to design it so that you can SEE & REACH the dirt, grime, and dust. Another component to this is the importance of closing off any potential pest entrances throughout the homes exterior so that harmful pesticides can be reduced or even eliminated.

Our platinum package even includes personalized sessions with leading industry health experts to design the Kitchen for healthy eating (and an in-home cooking lesson once you are in your home) and an exercise room for optimal workouts (with a site visit from a personal trainer once you are moved in).

What do we need from you?* Your Exclusive Endorsement

* Your Involvement

1313We dont need any funds. In fact, we feel very passionate that this cannot be a marketing gimmick or simply another baseless, useless health-related claim. So to legitimize the effort, we do need your input and knowledge both as allergists as well as medical doctors. We chose you because you are medical doctors as well as one of the leading allergist groups in Austin. We do, however, need your endorsement to be exclusive to our healthy home and not endorse other builders products, and we would like to see a link on your website to the healthy home when we launch the product.

That said, we hope that this is a win-win for us both in terms of the advertising and marketing we will both receive from it. We plan to hire a PR specialist who can get us national attention, and we hope to bring a spotlight to what is really the most important aspect of home building, and thats families health. We feel that it is sometimes lost in shuffle of other politically-charged agendas and sometimes just difficult to understand and achieve with the plethora of products and claims out there. Although we hope to set the healthy home standard, we would love to see other builders really emphasize the health of the families living within their homes. We are predicting that there will be such a demand for the product and that other builders will follow suit.

As far as how much time, it really depends on you. You can give us just a little time, answering a few emails and speaking with us occasionally on the phone, or you can be more proactive and even plan to hold seminars when we do launch the product.