Healthy Singing Habits

Post on 20-Feb-2016

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singing habits for beginners


Healthy Singing Habits

1. Stand up straight


Correct posture helps so stand tall with one foot slightly in front of the other one, feet shoulder width apart. This allows you to breathe easily and to allow maximum lung capacity to allow better notes and phrases.

2. Breathe properlyis crucial to the fundamental workings of the voice. Without breath there would be nothing to power the voice, or even to ensure that the vibration of the vocal folds can be heard. Quite simply, the voice cannot exist without the breath.

3. Practice your warm - ups

Before you begin singing or doing practice exercises, it's always best to warm up. Try this: sing in your middle range, low range, then high range, then back to middle.

4. Pronounce your vowels correctly

Practice all your vowels at every pitch (high, low and in between). In English there are very few pure vowels.

5. Practice scalesPractice this often, especially if you have pitch problems. Most coaches will recommend 20-30 minutes a day when starting out, as practicing scales will also strengthen the muscles used for singing and give you better control

The Attitude

1. Be Confident!Do not care what people think, just keep practicing. If you are limited by your inhibitions, your voice will be, too

1. Be Confident!

In order to do new things with your voice, you must be fearless.

2. Be reasonable with your expectations

Regardless of where you are coming from, if you can devote 20 minutes or more a day to practicing scales and songs, you can expect measurable improvement within four weeks.

The Performance

1. Make sure you have practiced

By the time it comes to performing your piece to anyone, you should have practiced lots and are confident with yourself that it will be comfortable and sound amazing.

2. Stay confident throughout the performance

Audiences often have misleading expressions. If they don't look impressed, don't worry about it. Keep singing, and smile too- it will cheer them up endlessly

2. Stay confident throughout the performance

Audiences often have misleading expressions. If they don't look impressed, don't worry about it. Keep singing, and smile too- it will cheer them up endlessly

3. Keep your head upNobody wants to watch someone who is singing to their feet. Keep your posture straight, head up, singing right to the back of the room. This will make you look and feel confident, which will shine through in your performance.

3. Keep your head upNobody wants to watch someone who is singing to their feet. Keep your posture straight, head up, singing right to the back of the room. This will make you look and feel confident, which will shine through in your performance.