Heart Research UK London marathon presentation 2010

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Congratulations to all our London Marathon runners

And a big thank you to our London Marathon runners and

their generous supporters

Who is Heart Research UK?Who is Heart Research UK?

• National charity based in Leeds

• Founded in 1967

by heart surgeon

Mr David Watson

What does HRUK do?

We fund pioneering research into the• prevention• treatment• and cure

of heart disease

What have we achieved so far?

• £16million medical research projects

• £750,000 lifestyle grants

• Our founder transplanted 1st tissue valve

• 6 of first 8 successful UK heart transplants

Who have we helped? Beth Pallas - born with 2 holes in heart & defective valve

Underwent 13 hour operation to replace defective valve

Now a happy, healthy little girl thanks to HRUK

Guinness World Record HRUK funded world’s 1st heart pump implant operation on Peter Houghton in 2000

Pump supports weak heart by performing the heart’s own pumping action.

Peter is now in Guinness Book of Records - longest surviving person with an artificial heart pump

Breakthroughs on the horizon Artificial heart muscle

Assists weak heart - wrapping artificial blanket around heart

Tiny motor on each band assists heart beat

Cutting edge science with worldwide significance – funded by HRUK

Healthy Heart Grants

Communities spreading Healthy Heart message

Circus skills to teenagers

Tandem bikes for visually impaired people

Brownies’ Healthy Heart badge

Heart Facts

The distance that blood travels around your body is the equivalent of flying from UK - Hong Kong

and back every day

Heart Facts

Over 50 years, the heart expends enough energy to lift a battleship out of the water

Heart Facts

Octopuses have three hearts

Heart Facts

Humpback whale’s heart weighs same as 3 human adults (195kg)

Congratulations to all our London Marathon runners

And a big thank you to our London Marathon runners and

their generous supporters