Heartlands Exhibition Catalogue

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Catalogue for the BA Media Students at the Heartlands Exhibition



WHEAL BA Applied Media ExhibitionFilm,Video & Photography

HeartlandsRobinson’s Shaft. Dudnance Lane, PoolRedruth, Cornwall, TR15 3QYRegistered charity: 1142215

Call 01209 722320info@heartlandscornwall.com


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WHEALThe work in this programme catalogue was made in response to a module titeled:CREATIVE PRODUCTION IN A LOCAL CONTEXT

“Wheal is an exhibition of work produced by the newly established BA Applied Media top-up degree at Truro College. The work covers a range of media from photography to film to audio production, all working from the starting point of the geographic space of Heartlands.”


This programme aims to equip you with the opportunity to develop the requisite skills needed to work at graduate level. The suite of modules will provide a path to a final Specialist Production. The range of modules within the programme enables you from an array of different media backgrounds to study the Bachelor Degree. You will be encouraged to develop your own practice as well as a deeper professional practice and produce an appropriate portfolio that demonstrates your production expertise.

The course is suitable for students from varied media backgrounds including photography, animation, advertising, digital visualisation, television and film production.

The philosophy of the programme is underpinned by the concept of ‘360 Degree Media’. This contemporary approach will ensure that students are fully equipped for the media Industries of the twenty-first century.

The concept of ‘360 Degree Media’ has evolved in response to the requirements of production and consumption in a media industry continually in flux. It builds on the notion of media convergence, of technological change which brings all media closer together in methods and capabilities. ‘360 Degree Media’ incorporates not only the changes brought about by the shift in new media technologies but also the interrelationship of social, cultural, industrial, commercial and promotional environments. In essence this will allow the programme to create media practitioners who will understand the balance between their specialist knowledge and a wider awareness and understanding across media industries.

knowledge, skills and media practices in collaboration with others to create enterprising media product(s). The media product(s) will be created in response to an identified complex employer or voluntary sector problem.


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The Miner Statue, Redruth 2013

View from Tresavean, Redruth 2013

Hoby Allen

The Journey

The Journey is a short film documenting the journey Cornwall has been on over the last century. Starting in the mining era of Cornwall’s past, it travels along the old tram lines, showing what once was. Followed by driving through Redruth to show the recent depression, and onto Heartlands to show the mass amount of regeneration that has occured in recent years.

Hoby Allen is a 21 year old sound engineer, who runs a small recording studio based in Lanner. He has taken part in the creation and production of multiple releases from local music acts over the past few months and has a strong desire to take the music industry in Cornwall to the mainstream. On this particular project, Hoby Allen was the creative force behind the conception of the film, as well as the composer of the soundtrack, which was produced over a number of weeks in his studio.

www.cfap.moonfuit.comemail: hobyallen_cfap@hotmail.co.ukfacebook.com/cabinfeveraudioproduction

Mural, Redruth Town Centre 2013

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Images( top left donw)

Chain Display, Heartlands 2012Visitors, Heartlands 2012Miner Picture, Heartlands 2012

Matt Binny

Heartlands Promotional Video

My Project is a short promotional video that shows the variety of displays and activities that Heartlands has to offer. The use of handheld camera work gives a first person view impression of what a visit to Heartlands is like.

Matt Binny’s time as a Moving Image HND student has given him the opportunity to create a variety of film based projects, ranging from promotional videos to short films. He has developed a variety of practical skills and theoretical knowledge of the film making process. Matt specialises in extreme sports videos which has helped him develop alternative filming techniques. His second year final major was short a video showing the local Roller-blading scene, which was very well received by its audience.

Future: After completing the BA Applied Media course Matt will continue to make films and gain work experience wherever possible.

www.vimeo.com/mattbinnyEmail: mattbinny@hotmail.co.uk

Morning sun burst

Rainbow Tower Sun grasses

Matthew Davis

Regeneration through Regeneration

Looking at regeneration through a regenerated camera. Contrasting modern technology with traditional, original and raw photography.

My photographs offer a unique, unaltered view of the modern world. Implementing new ideas, with old techniques. Inspiration and ideas comes from a variety of sources. With a great empathy for the surroundings, and a keen interest in history my images show compassion and soul. Far away from from ultra high resolution crystal clear images, Matthew’s photographs depict heart with an understanding for the land and the space that sired Heartlands.

www.mtdimages.co.ukemail: mtfd@gmx.com

tumblr: mtfd@tumblr.comtwitter: @topmat1980

Rainbow pool

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Heartlands, Camborne


Andrew Harvey

The Journey

Andrew Harvey and Hoby Allen have collaborated together to make a road movie that takes us to Heartlands. Andrew Harvey produced and edited the film whilst Hoby Allen produced the soundtrack. with contributions coming from a local band. The film was shot using a Go-Pro which was suctioned to the front of the car.

Andrew Harvey is a 21 year old media student at Truro College. He is currently completing his BA in Applied Media having progressed from the HND Moving Image course last year.

Andrew specialises in short filmaking, but he also enjoys getting in front of camera to act. His favourite genre is the Western which is evident when looking back at some of his recent short films.

email: aharvey2607@talktalk.net

Heartlands, Camborne

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Vic Hill

A Heartlands Carol

Heartlands executive Phil is transported to a void of nothingness where a spirit guide shows him visions of Heartlands past, present and future in order to help him understand what Heartlands really is.

Vic is one of the members of Hat Day Films - a group of people who love getting together and making films and videos. They make weekly videos and have numerous on going creative and corporate film projects.

After she finishes her degree, Vic will coninue with her creative filmmaking as part of Hat Day until the day she dies.

www.hatdayfilms.comemail: vic@buttonpress.net

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Jason Hoole-Jackson


D’ruth is a photographic study of a regerneration project. Redruth was a small market town until the rise of the mining industry in the 18th century and at its height became one of the richest towns in Britain. Although now a shadow of its former glory Redruth is still held in high regard by the Cornish.

Jason Hoole-Jackson’s Redruth is a photographic documentation of the state of the towns regeneration three years after its completion. His aim is to convey to the viewer that reneration projects are not always the econmic saviour for an area that was promised.

Jason is planning to take a teaching qualifi¬cation once he has finished BA with a view to leave his current employment to pursue a career in education.

www.jhoolejackson.comemail hoolejackson282@btinternet.com

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Chris Hopkins


Using Heartlands as a central location, Chris Hopkins visited particular geographic areas and by busing a compass application on his smart phone, he recorded land co-ordinates. He then made a series of photographs pointing in the directions where many of the Cornish Diaspora travelled in the past.These images attempt to explore a visual representation of the different routes the Cornish took after the decline of mining.

Chris Hopkins completed a two year foundation degree in Photography and Digital imaging and is now studying for a BA (Hons) in Applied Media.

After completing his degree Chris will continue undertake art projects and work on commissions for clients.

go to facebook and type“cornish tin miners reunited”www.chrishopkins.moonfruit.com

Demolition Reflection, 2013

Poker, Heartlands, Pool, 2013

Railway, 2013

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The images in this catalogue are digital representations of the finished work.

Chris Jones

Robinson’s Desseni

Robinson’s Dessini consists of a short film and a collection of Argyrotype prints. Their purpose is to remind us of Cornwall’s prolific industrial mining past.

Chris Jones’ mining images are printed by use of the Argyrotype process. This iron based silver printing process is a modern method of printing that replicates the look of the Calotype process that was prevalent in the pictorial movement of the late 19th Century.

As with Chris’ photographs, the short film, also entitled “Robinson’s Desseni” is a visual representation of the site at Heartlands being haunted by its’ human and industrial past. The use of industrial mining sounds and miner’s stories, reveal tales of life down in the mine. A crescendo of sound building throughout to culminates in a defining silence.

www.cjonesphoto.co.ukemail: jones79@live.co.uk

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Paul Keppel

Heart of Cornwall

Heartlands use an array of different forms of communication to promote its work and identity. In addition to their advertising I chose to make a promotional video to extend the Heartlands branding within the local community.

Paul Keppels’ photographic work specialises in wedding and portrait photography. Born in 1978 in Falmouth Cornwall, he is studying a BA Hons degree in Applied Media. The degree in Applied Media is a vocational course which covers every aspect of photography from studio work, traditional film and darkroom practice, the history of photography, through to designing marketing material and self-promotion. I dedicate myself to creating fresh and contemporary images and keep myself in touch with current and emerging trends in the world of fashion.

Future: To keep building my wedding and portraiture business.

www.paulkeppel.co.ukemail: info@paulkeppel.co.uk

Screenshot, Shaft Wheel, 2013

Screenshot, Blowing Grass, 2013

Screenshot, Angel Landing, 2013

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Cloud Trail, 2013 Screenshot, Sun Burst, 2013

Screenshot, Horse Carriage, 2013

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Aaron Massie

Heartlands: A Frame of Mined

This piece is a short promotional video for the Heartlands project. It attempts to epitomize the look and feel of being at Heartlands. The film utilizes the Heartlands branding and stylish effects to give the audience the perspective of visiting Heartlands. The music is by local musician ‘Jo Noon’, the electronic sound giving the video a modern feel.

Aaron Massie has developed his film making skills through studying the HND Media Moving Image course at Truro College. He is now currently studying the BA (Hons) in Applied Media. He has created many short films during his time studying at the college. His recent short film ‘Buried Men’ was a finalist in the film competition ‘Film The House’. Aaron aims to achieve a first in his degree, and continue on gaining work experience in the media industry.

Still from the “Heartlands: A Frame of Mind” Video. 2013

Still from the “Heartlands: A Frame of Mind” Video. 2013

Email: aaron_massie@hotmail.comTwitter: www.twitter.com/aaronmassieTumblr: www.tumblr.com/blog/massiesmoviesYoutube: www.youtube.com/user/sickdogfilms

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Still from the “Heartlands: A Frame of Mind” Video. 2013

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Sammie Stairs

Time In The Mines

Time in the Mines is a short film, bringing the past and present together through audio and moving image. The film focuses on the historical features of the Heartlands site.

Sammie is a short film maker, part of Hat Day Films. Hat Day films is a group of people who love collaborating and making films, on a weekly basis.

After completing her degree, Sammie will continue to make short films with Hat Day.

www.hatdayfilms.comemail: sammiestairs@googlemail.com

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Martin Stephens

No More Cornish Metal

Heartlands is a place with many mechanical/industrial structures such as the beautifully preserved engine houses.

Martin Stephens has gone to Heartlands and used the location for automotive shoots. The cars in his images show how the metals that were once mined in Cornwall are being incorporated into modern car production.

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Donna McDonald

A Changed World

Using a combination of archive footage and recently captured images, this short piece entwines past and present to explore the transition of Robinson’s Shaft and the South Crofty landscape from it’s heyday as the “mining capital of the world”, to it’s current status as Cornwall’s cuktural playground.

Donna’s work is laregly focused on Cornish culture and community, working closely with local charities

and organisations.

Future: Donna will continue to work freelance

email: dlmcdonald@live.co.uk

Robinson’s Shaft, Pool. 2012

South Croft Mine, Pool. 2012

Model of a “man-engine” 2012

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