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Heaven now in ruins

A vision how it happened

(the evidence exists)


Ernest Norman Paquin


This manuscript Heaven now in ruins is written and owned by Ernest

Norman Paquin, Copyright March, 2010.

First published as .pdf file February, 2010.

Other books by Ernest Norman Paquin;

Paradise unrest (every soul remembers)

Find Me, Eve

Mortal Echoes (reality lost)

Just a few poems - poetry



The Universe began, that being true, on

a whim or by chance by intelligent design, we’ll

say God wanted it so. However, it was also most

wanted that each of us enter into this existence.

All could still argue why are we here? The

answer to that alone may not initiate the

undoing of anything. But we all do exist and it

was wanted so.

The next few pages describe the (how) part

of this equation, taken from visions and

sufficient evidence that remain still after all this

time. A vision I was fortunate to have linked me

directly up with or connected me to another

Angel now captured in human form. Perhaps

even with an original member of this same

intelligent life that was actually there when the

events had taken place. I could have witnessed

through this being's own eyes every angels

miracle birth, or it was my own personal radiant


angel captured inside me who was actually there

in the beginning making me recently aware of

this triggered by hints. It has to be one of them.

I say again, even if it were still argued that

we exist now by chance or merely on a whim,

the truth to that is it was still most wanted by

some kind of intelligent life. I’ll share the

visions of this beginning with added evidence

that does still exist.


Chapter 1

This world, like some scientist agree,

began with tiny elements in space that met each

other on a whim or perhaps even by chance.

The truth is, they did in fact meet. These tiny

little elements had just enough magnetic

attraction each and when one met the other and

bonded these two elements met others and they

bonded, and so on and so on. The now

combined magnetic attraction began to grow

evenly forming a sphere. It had already been

captured long before by the Sun's attention

which then decided to keep this growing sphere

close to it's own cradling bosom. The extreme

heat generated by the Sun melted and fused

these elements together evenly as it rapidly

spun making it a solid, highly reactive, metallic

sphere increasing the magnetic attraction now

called a magnetic field. This without reason

invited more elements now of other kinds to fuse


with it. The more the sphere grew and matured

the slower it spun and the less it needed to stay

as close to it's nurturing or better yet parenting

Sun. The further away it got the cooler this

sphere became until it was sizable with living

conditions. This world like all the others

appeared as Heaven would've wanted, you'd


(Ok, the Big Bang science offers that

created the Universe in an instant, could very

well have been the disruptive echo of a great

accident that changed everything in the

Universe in an instant, and the instincts of this

Universe kicked-in and everything in it quickly

adapted for survival to this extreme change

leaving existence now in ruins.)

The final elements gathered and rested on

the surface of this world. Paradise was now


The intelligent life first designed an array

of Seraphic nursery(s), it’s where angels were

born. These nursery(s) were located throughout


this kingdom of Heaven, the Universe even if it

makes it easier still, Paradise to themselves.

Although infant like at first these angels

were aware they were very much alive and also

knew it was most wanted that they exist now.

Knowing they were wanted kept them loving of

one another. Their soft outer layer, smooth like

a fine silk, housed them in a constant being. If

they didn’t have this their own touch would

pass through another angel and they would feel

nothing. That was the purpose for the soft outer


The atmosphere they entered had minimal

gravity, somewhat like the Earth’s moon is said

to have by today’s measures. Yet enough so

that they were constantly kept in and never

wanting to leave the kingdom of Heaven, again,

Paradise at it’s best if you will.

From a scientific view; so they wouldn't

literally float out of Heaven/Paradise and off into

space, which is the main reason every planet

has at least minimal gravity, and it stands to


reason the true need for gravity on any planet is

to keep some kind of life on it. Also, science

believes the less gravity there is then the less

influence it has on the motion of light, light

would be ever present. Hold that thought.

Once the original wave of angels left this

nursery and enjoyed their surroundings for a

while the intelligent life began to nurture them

without the use of words. Their soft outer layer

that comforted their even more delicate inner

being and its tissues still had no use for a verbal

communication. In the vision telepathy had

been used and was captured in words for me to

understand just these few basic means of

existence; (1) You are now and you will always

be part of the everlasting, (2) you are all by way

of extreme imagination welcomed by it in angelic

form. (3) Eternity is now your home.

This same intelligent life described every

and all living things to first generation of angels.

The vision I had showed much less creation

than what exists now. The basics of this


kingdom was all that was wanted to know of.

The fallout long ago that placed Heaven in ruins

added volumes more of what wasn't wanted to

know or learn of. These added volumes are

referred to as; Knowledge of Evil.

This wave, this only generation of angels that

now was grew and matured as designed and

existed for eternity. They were immune to

everything opposite of pure untainted bliss,

being wanted and loved. This lone generation

advanced quickly as this intelligent life designed

it to without ever knowing of its opposites. If we

humans were to exist in these advances in our

modern times it would then be as scientific and

futuristic as our best visionaries could have

imagined centuries ahead. Instead of Medieval

Kingdoms where Kings and Queens lived and

monarchies often ruled. These structures were

of both unique architecture yet basic designs

using Universal luminescence which constantly

gave light and warmth never leaving either half

of any world in Heaven's Kingdom in the dark or


in the cold. That was the beauty of it.

This lone generation of radiant energies

still is all that there was, the nursery(s) were

emptied. So many of them, it would have been

easier to count the number of stars. The

Universe was full, Eternity was now their home.

There is a TV program that shows how

simple things are made. There should be a

program that reveals how the machines are

made that make these simple things. The

engineering must be insane. But, I'm guessing

if you were to discover who created these

machines, these nursery(s) in their own right,

then many probably wouldn't find that creator

as interesting as what he created. Think about


Some may wonder when God created the

Universe why did he leave one half of every

world in the dark for half the day? It could very

simply be that; that's just the way it is, but that


isn't a good enough answer, I know. Perhaps as

believed by some when this Kingdom of Heaven

was instantly effected by the fallout everything

was disrupted in its own way even it's

beginning, and once this happened instincts of

the Universe kicked in and all of everything just

knew how too adjust and survive. Even the

Universe itself.

In the beginning prior to the Big Bang

Heaven's kingdom, which is the entire Universe,

I saw this constant luminescence and warmth

everywhere giving light and comfort to both

halves of every world at all times. The Great

event changed all that leaving outer-space now

dark and cold.

I say again, science believes the less

gravity there is then the less influence it has on

the motion of light. So it stands to reason, since

there is more gravity now then the motion of

light had to have been influenced even more and

disrupted. I say again, the Universe and it's

once constant warm luminescence became dark


and cold outer space.

People who have died and came back from

death declare that where they visited for that

moment not only was longer than the few

minutes they were clinically dead but, it was

warm, pleasant and there was light everywhere.

That sounds good to me, and yes, visions

showed me that too.

By the way, every accident if witnessed

that released radioactive fallout, a great blast or

great echo is the first of results which disrupts

everything in its wake and carry's vast

distances. It would even influence and disrupt

the motion of light. Also, if witnessed, it would

look exactly like a Big Bang. The strength of

instincts would kick-in and encourage survivors

to adapt amidst the ruins and go on.

(Note*; In the now of times with gravity's

stronger vice over us, if there was a first

generation of physical humans and they were to

begin in infancy which it is one of a few beliefs,


these infant humans couldn't walk, couldn't

crawl and couldn't talk. They would not have

lived long at all and soon died out and we

wouldn't be here today to know of it. They

wouldn't have been strong enough to survive in

any way in any surroundings. They would have

been most certainly too young to know what the

natural instinct of survival was. Again it stands

to reason that Gravity's vice wasn't as strong in

the beginning or in Heaven like it is now, and by

the way, some kind of adult intelligent life had

to have been there during the first generation if

we began as physical humans during infancy to

properly nurture, mature and tend to them. I'll

repeat myself, when the first and only

generation of angels were born from this

Seraphic nursery they entered an atmosphere

with minimal gravity. This minimal vice would

have allowed them to develop, age and grow just

so much existing that way for eternity. The

gravity that we are all familiar with now has a

way more hardened vice on us than in the


beginning, and we have become used to it. The

extreme change in gravity long ago added

unexpected brutal heft to everything cursing it

and toughened our once thin, soft outer layer

morphing it into tough skin instantly. The eve

of this extreme change in gravity had to have

been caused by a radioactive fallout of some

kind that mutated, deformed, soured and

physically aged, restricted and weathered

everything else as well, that's the curse of

wanting to know. It also caused the beauty of

once existing eternally to be insisted more so by

the dark side of science and prescribed now as a

vision of hope or a clinically described delusion.)


Chapter 2

Heaven's kingdom, which is eternity and

its Universe, invited everything that there was to

imagination. Nothing wicked was first said to be

with it. All of it was intended for expression of

pure freedom both of and from this same

imagination. Both male and female expressions

of it, of all living things.

The Universe and it's past, present and

future were all the same as one constant. All of

all of it were never separated, not even by the

greatest distance of yesterday or tomorrow. All

of it together moved as one time.

The landscapes, the rivers, the streams,

the valleys and all that had been etched into

every world appeared as if God grasped them

firmly with both hands and molded each leaving


The kind creatures and gentle beasts

came from the nursery(s) as well. All living


things have energy, and any living thing is

angelic, defined by many as; both radiant and


The plants and vegetation were wonders of

their own, like all livings things they breathed in

life of the mild atmosphere. They were not of

the nursery(s), they were of the surface

elements, they too were wanted by imagination.

Mountains and rocks are not alive but

were also wanted as if they were. Rocks and

stones were some of the elements that had

rested on the surface. As if they were decorative

debris after God firmly grasped each world with

both hands blessing it.

Again the past, present and future were

constant. They moved as one, no distance from

yesterday and no distance from tomorrow.

Heaven's kingdom is eternity and the

Universe, Paradise still at its best. God, the first

angel, existed there too.


Chapter 3

Advances in technology wanted to leave

each its own Paradise and travel to other worlds

and visit theirs, this was not what wanted yet.

If one angel were to leave this Heaven in a vessel

of their own design would it be what was not

wanted? If it were true that it was not wanted

then why was this vessel truly built? Perhaps it

was designed to initiate knowledge of what was

not wanted. To show all life in the Universe just

this once how wrong it would be to know of it.

God knew this moment would come. It would

be brutal and difficult for all living things to

understand and experience, which is why it was

kept from them. But the moment had to be

resolved. It would then be revealed why it was

not wanted to know of. God did not want to

know of it if it were revealed to his creation so

he would also endure and suffer with them.


I captured this vision while drinking coffee

one morning. I went to bed depressed the night

before and asked this softly aloud;

“Ah man, how can I make the world a

better place?”

The next morning I witnessed this vision

from beginning to end at my kitchen table as if I

were actually there, and penned it as a short

story entitled Find Me, Eve. This is an amended

excerpt from the book, this is what I saw;

This spacecraft was hovering about 500

feet above the launching pad. Everyone involved

still wanted to know. A ground crew member at

the control station attempted several times to

contact the pilot through his radio headset. The

pilot failed to hear him. He was trying to tell

him that the highly reactive lithium batteries

had caused an unforeseen surge in power. It

had begun.


The energy was so intense that it had

caused all the controls of the spacecraft to short

out, spark then burst of the control panel. The

pilot looked out the window and instantly knew

of what was not wanted. It was too late. A

bright Blue-ish, White light quickly engulfed the

entire craft. What they witnessed from the

control station was the same Blue-ish, White

light had vanished taking the space craft with it.

They instantly knew what was not wanted, it

was too late.

The pilot saw everything instantly

disappear outside the space craft, he didn't

want to know anymore. He then cried allowed,

“God, what is happening!”

Light returned and the pilot saw that the

spacecraft was falling towards the earth into a

wooded area. The crash was so intense that it

ejected him through the window and out onto

the ground. In spite of his injuries he struggled

to his feet, he was still alive. He remained still a

moment and for the first ever recognized pain


and as if he were dying.

Everything changed instantly. There was

more gravity now, the atmosphere burned with

radiation. The true theme of Paradise now

disrupted. He changed instantly before the

Blue-ish, White light took him and brought him

here, back in time. His soft outer layer

comforting the angel inside him was tough skin

now, and he was heavier. His inner tissues

became toughened as well, his inner frame was

hardened. I emphasize all theses changes were

instant, without any angel ever knowing it.

With an extreme change in gravity along with

his severe injuries comes death. He forgot

completely he was an angel, and no memory of

still being in Heaven.

The space craft was embedded up against a

tree. Its power source still running. There was

another surge in energy and the space craft

vanished as if it had never existed. No memory

or evidence of this accidental time machine or

its misfortune.


The pilot wandered around this wooded

area, this Garden, and returned to where he last

saw his space craft. The impact left this lone

tree hideous in appearance, now unique from all

the others. He sat down and rested up against


A lone couple had heard the loud

thunderous noise and ventured toward it. They

entered the immediate area of the radioactive

fallout without being aware of it. Everything

about them had changed instantly as well. No

memory of what once was. They too felt the

effects and were denied of knowing they were

still in Heaven. They saw this man resting up

against a tree and went to him.

They saw he was injured and just knew

what that critical condition was, like they had

always known. They looked down at him as the

effects from the fallout grew. He looked up at

the woman and gasped,

“Oh God, I'm dying,”

Just then he leaned his head to the side,


his body went limp and he began to silently slip

away, and he died.

Knowledge of Evil had instantly etched

itself into their knowing, like it had been their

all along. The woman turned to the man and


“Why did he die before us?”

-------- ---------

The effects from the Great Fallout echoed

throughout the Universe isolating each world

now as their own. Heaven was now in ruins.

The incident/accident first infected Heaven

which disrupted, disoriented and change

everything in the Universe in an instant. A big

bang would do this. Angels were captured in

human form in every world, God was captured

too and he now suffers with them. The

enormous beasts on land, Dinosaurs perhaps,

died out all together because of gravity's now

extreme unkind vice. The instant added heft to

these huge 100 ft tall 20,000 ton animals


became too much for them to bare. They

literally could no longer move, stand upright or

breathe, and their large hearts could no longer

beat from all the instant weight now added to

their enormous being. The life was literally

crushed out of them, the radioactive fallout

poisoned the atmosphere as well. All creatures

were now breathing death. All living things were

now breathing death. They would soon drink it

and eat of it.

Excerpt from the book Paradise unrest;

In today's time we have smaller Dinosaur

type creatures that do exist; Elephants, rhinos,

alligators, crocodiles, lizards etc. Some islands

even have Kamodo dragons roaming about.

This proves that with gravity's much stronger

vice, (the more gravity the more weight or heft of

something), nothing 100 ft. tall or 20,000 tons

can exist in this environment, which is probably

why no creature that size is around now.

Something extreme changed gravity in an




The instant change that had to have

occurred, if you can imagine was that quick and

that damaging. If I were to guess it would have

been as quick as taking your next continued

step while walking. Yes that quick and that

unaware of it, and no memory yet of still being

in Heaven. It goes for any kind of extreme

change to any life form caused by trauma.

Sudden, temporary loss of memory accompanies

everything linked to some kind of physical and

mental trauma.

I mentioned that the past, present and

future were constant together, they moved

through time and space as one, no yesterday

and no tomorrow. When this instant extreme

disruption occurred it created a great distance

between yesterday and tomorrow announcing

now that both the past and future do exists.

Things of the past were now there and things of


the future that were yet to come kept moving

away as well. The ongoing echo from the fallout

spread Knowledge of Evil throughout time, both

past and future, and mocked and taunted the

present with it. That's how extreme that instant

change was. Not one angel saw it coming, they

were all captured in human form. God was

aware it was going to happen, but like I

mentioned chose to endure and suffer and was

captured as well, God I'll remind you was the

first angel.)

This Great Echo was an extreme wave of

added heft and negative electrical stimulation.

If it were visible and witnessed in slow motion it

just may appear like all the oceans attacking at

once. This electromagnetic wave was clear and

transparent but was felt. You couldn't see it but

it had been there. It consisted of every great

mishap and it's memory that had happened

throughout history after the accidental fallout.

This Great echo traveled instantly to and from


the future and brought back every bad

experience humans went on to have and all

their memories of them. Some believe the

English language was not invented, rather it

just evolved and it took. When did any language

first evolve, how and why? If it was included

with the extreme change that disrupted the use

of telepathy enough translating it into words, it

was brought back in time by the Great Echo, no

one is certain. No one can safely put a fix on it

or place it's origins in the past.

Perhaps it's origins were in the Garden of

Eden. Enough telepathy had translated its way

of communication into words for them instantly

like it did for me in this vision. Or when the

Great Echo returned it implanted or uploaded

into their minds the spoken language again

instantly making it so as if they had been using

words all along and they never questioned how

and when language evolved. And of course it

would have also erased memory and evidence of

the damaged spacecraft, which played its role as


the accidental time machine from the future

which is why it had vanished. If something in

the past was changed, then for the moment

evidence and memory of some event in the

future does not happen and is not remembered.

Remember, extreme change was done in an

instant without realizing or even noticing it had

even happened or was different. No one would

truly wonder at first either. Evidence amongst

the ruins along with hints often trigger the soul

to remember, and they all do eventually.


Chapter 4

Many of them struggled to find their

places still in this new thing called physical life.

At the moment they knew of no other kind of

existence. (trauma of any kind challenges

memory first). Many do not know of the truth or

what happened yet. Some of them became self

aware that they needed nourishment and knew

what it was. They taught those that were less

fortunate and confused of this. They gradually

became aware of how to adapt to their

surroundings and the atmosphere that kept

them alive. Day turned to night and they knew

their bodies had to rest, recharge and keep

warm. They dreamed also. Night turned back

into day and others became even more self

aware, their dreams spoke to them. Then it


One human, we'll call him Atom,(the

scientific hand in this) was coupled with a


woman named Yvette, Eve for short, (Eve is

defined as; the moment immediately preceding a

certain event, time before anything). They

perhaps were the lone two angels who were said

to have heard the loud thunderous crash in the

woods. They went back to the location of the

incident to see what they could learn from the

death they witnessed. Every soul remembers is

what their dreams were about. Atom's dreams

told him this world is not what was wanted.

Yvette's dream told her they were still in Heaven

now in ruins.

When they entered this area they saw the

now hideous tree from a short distance and

attempted to approach it but were disallowed.

The smell and radiating effects were just too

much for their frail senses to endure. First

knowing of just goodness and now knowing of

wickedness added emotions and pain to their

mental and physical embodiment. Science says

that exposure to most kinds of radiation causes

nausea, headaches and attacks the nervous


system. It is known to deteriorate the insides of

a human being as well, beneath the now

toughened skin.

They saw that the body of the pilot was

still leaning up against the hideous tree. They

also witnessed a lengthy creature, a snake

hanging from one of its branches. It too had

been infected by the fallout with radiation and

wickedness and it hissed at them aggressively

spitting venom. A once docile creature was now

angry and vicious in behavior. They left the

area and returned to the others and spoke of

what happened and how bad it would be for the

others to know for themselves. The creature's

nest comforting its young was destroyed by the

crash when the tree was damaged.

(Here's the use of another loose scenario

happening; Even if Yvette picked an apple from

the hideous tree and tasted the foul taste of

contamination, she could have very simply

wondered why and then asked Atom why it

tasted different while offering it to him as if he


were to know.)

The Great Rebellion began immediately

after dominance was declared, it was that

simple. As well as realizing that God too was

caught in human form somewhere else in time.

(If I were to guess, God was captured in time

nearer to the great event in the future.)

Dominance over knowledge of evil released

by the accident that had occurred was a plus for

the wicked, and the knowing that God too was

now captured in human form and would suffer

from the effects as well. But where was God?

What time and place was he captured in? The

accident and fallout couldn't have killed him

because none of this would have happened, it

would have canceled out the Great event

instantly if it were to be interpreted easy


They realized God was not here in their

time and that Heaven was now in ruins as their

souls started to remember what once was.


Escorted by talents like; able to see tomorrow

and beyond it, relive yesterday as often as they

chose to, able to know when and where a naïve

and vulnerable soul would be alone next. Serial

killers throughout history and predators of all

kinds still are notorious with that talent, they

simply remember.

I can't emphasize enough that the extreme

change was instant. Every living thing great

and small forgot about still being in Heaven,

completely even for a moment. Still, like your

modern day computers the physical humans

went on to invent in the future, you can reboot

the system and fix the problem. Advances in

technology did still progress.


Chapter 5

When some souls both good and wicked

dreamed of what Heaven was like they were

made aware of the appreciation once shared of

one another and coupled together with the

memory and feeling of bliss. Their physical

embodiments had changed and earthly

pleasures seemed to best describe now and

what once was.

Since there was just one original wave of

angels born it was destined that this lone

generation would exist for eternity. After the

incident in the Garden of Eden and witnessing

death accompanied by the fallout, it was

immediately known that all shall die eventually

in human form. There was no escape from it.

Natures instinct now present in both

embodiments of the female and male species

alike is life finding a way. It just knew how to

interpret creating more lives. Each new life


would replace one that was lost to death. Each

birth however would capture an original angel

once again in human form through natures way

this time. Each newborn was born in the fallout

and not into sin.

This balance assures us that we will meet

up with the future the moment the spacecraft

was accidentally sent back in time placing

Heaven now in ruins. We will know just how to

intervene and undo it all in an instant. Life

always finds a way.

(Note*; Many good and wicked souls

believe they have relived and can re-enter this

world over and over. Perhaps that is true. The

wicked however are extremely selfish and so one

dimensional they feel they will exist for all

eternity just that way in human form regardless

of who around them is abused or suffering.

That's why members of this Rebellious cult

would kill God in human form if they had a

reason which is the first chance they get. They


like the way everything is and are very aware

they will exist now for eternity and feel they no

longer need him. Instead of Heaven's kingdom,

the entire Universe being restored, they would

rather exist in human form, die and keep

coming back because their souls will always

remember these earthly pleasures, desires and

perverse excitements. They believe, abuse and

interpret that as reincarnation.

The term De Ja vu is expressed as; the

illusion of having done something before. That

term alone both benefits the belief of living

another life in another time, and also the belief

that being alive now reminds every soul they

still are an angel in Heaven living as they once

did. This time now with the same Heaven in

ruins with evidence of the true Heaven still here

with us. The wicked want to keep things as

they presently are because like I said, they are

extremely selfish and truly one dimensional.)

(Note*; Bacteria was present in the


beginning, but it was not born of the nursery(s)

either. It will have matured and developed more

in the stronger vice of gravity and toughened

atmosphere as a result of the fallout. It could

not be seen yet and it could not die. It is the

definition of “Life finds a way”. It was a fail safe,

Plan B if one were to interpret it that way. If

another Fallout occurred in the future which

would consume the present state we're now in

and dominate us even more then bacteria, some

kind of life, would instinctively survive. All

bacteria are roughly microscopic, soft outer

layer beings, both male and female. They don't

have arms or legs but I assure you, if they

needed them to survive they would simply know

enough and how to grow them.

In one Bible it is written in the book of

Genesis; God created Man out of the slime of the

earth. Another Bible writes in its own book of

Genesis; God created man out of the dust of the

ground and breathed the breath of life into him.

We all know that water is the main substance of


life. So if you were to put it all together it would

read; Water and dust make slime, and slime has

bacteria in it, and bacteria thrives at room

temperature. See? It just may be that simple,

and, as some theorize and also believe, you

would still need some kind of intelligent, adult

life there to tend to all of this. Even if this

bacteria were infected by the fallout and

captured by gravity's stronger vice it what have

known it would need to struggle even harder to

survive. In order to do so and get around now it

would have known instinctively to grow arms

and legs. Bacteria is known to have a strong

will to survive and adapt.

Science goes on to offer;

Origin and early evolution; (off of the Internet)

Further information: Timeline of evolution

The ancestors of modern bacteria were single-

celled microorganisms that were the first forms

of life to develop on earth, about 4 billion years


ago. For about 3 billion years, all organisms

were microscopic, and bacteria and archaea

were the dominant forms of life. Scientists add

that; bacteria fossils do exist and have been


The photo shown is a picture of one form

of bacteria. The caption it was linked to off of

the internet read; Origin and early evolution, of

one form of bacteria. It appears almost human

doesn't? Like a newly developing life inside the

Mother's womb. Look at it closely, if the

physical human began like in the photo as

bacteria, then some kind of intelligent being(s)

had to have been there to tend to it during

infancy and its pre-adult stages through caring

and nurturing and keep it safe.



God still couldn't be found. Many in the

beginning remembered now that God wanted

each of them to exist. They knew of this and

they were aware that something unwanted did

in fact happen which placed this same existence

now in ruins and added death. I feel certain

that since God too was captured by the fallout

he truly didn't have to be. I also feel certain,

and again I mention this, God wanted to endure

the suffering and pain as his creation would for

knowing of what was not wanted allowing them

to realize over time that we were not cast aside.

And one way or another to accept that we would

return to Heaven or Heaven would be restored.

He also could not be everywhere in this world at

the same time, but many good souls who knew

we were still in Heaven knew this and they were

everywhere and still are.

I'll mention it again the way the visions

have spoken to me, they all insist that God in

human form would more than likely exist in the

time frame nearer or closer to when the origin of


the accident was first initiated. This time would

be the future to the beginning, but the present

or nearer future to us now.

The Great Echo I mentioned of before

began in the Garden of Eden at the time of the

accident. It carried vast distances, and time

being the greatest distance. It reached the

future and echoed back through every

millisecond of time and existence displacing all

memories, experiences and knowledge of evil as

well, that's the curse of knowing. It also shared

God's own loving and caring of us over this

same great distance, that's his mercy that all

the good have and carry with them. Since the

beginning of all this prayers helped capture and

initiate this mercy and was shared with loved

ones. Loved ones who deserved it and those

that just wanted to claim it. The echo displaced

all of this good and wickedness evenly over the

centuries, you could say it has been

superimposed onto the true Heaven making it

said or believed to now exist far and away. But


to the many souls that remember still being in

Heaven it is now to be in ruins. But don't fret,

like all unwantings none of them has lasted



Chapter 6

The exact date of the incident/accident in

the Garden of Eden has been argued and

debated often. Some have declared the accident

had occurred millions of years ago when

mankind was said to be threatened by

enormous Dinosaurs. Some feel there is

sufficient proof dating the event back to only

several hundred thousands years. One option is

this; The stones of the Great pyramids of Egypt

were too heavy to lift by the hand of man alone.

It is a belief that each stone was dragged from a

nearby stone quarry and up onto one another

for a period of 20 years. There is also an array

of large stones that were placed in a unique

decorative way in the area of England called

Stonehenge. Some of these stones weigh several

thousand pounds by today's measures.

Stonehenge is referred to as a Prehistoric

monument. There are even large stones that


weigh several thousand tons and even 2 million

pounds that were carved around 5,000 years

ago. It has been asked; “Why?” carve stones

this enormous. It has also been asked; “How?”

how did people that long ago do this?

Scientist and archeologists assess these

unique achievements were constructed between

2500 to 3100 BC. Since we are in the year 2010

AD that would place these Pyramids and this

Prehistoric monument and enormous stones

only as old as 4,500 to 5,000 years old. My

point is; What if the Garden of Eden incident

hadn't happened yet, what if the incident

happened after these achievements and gravity

too didn't increase greatly until after these

Pyramids and Stonehenge were built. With less

gravity during that time it would have been far

more easier to lift these large stones placing

them in a unique array for either. As for the

Pyramids, the lesser weight of each stone the

easier and quicker you can lift them, carry them

and place them wherever you wanted to. Based


on the considered possibility that Gravity wasn't

as strong then like it is now wouldn't have taken

20 years to raise anything that great in size.

Consider it possible that the fallout in the

Garden of Eden which triggered gravity's brutal

vice on everything may not have happened

3,000,000 million years ago, or even only several

hundred thousand years ago. Instead, consider

it could have occurred between the years 2010

AD which is now, and 3100 BC which was then,

roughly 5,000 years ago. That's a blink of an

eye compared to eternity.

There is a scientific test done on what is

believed to be ancient artifacts and discoveries,

it is called Carbon dating. This carbon dating is

a test that is expected to determine the

approximate age of an item or solid object. If an

item is actually 400 years old this test at best

can determine whether it is or not. However,

the age of some discoveries and artifacts could

not be accurately determined by this test.

Perhaps the more ancient of times these objects


were said to have existed in, the fallout in the

Garden of Eden hadn't occurred yet and gravity

was far less strict, less pressure and no decay

on anything, not as much gravity back then as

there is now. Also the atmosphere was pure. If

you were to construct some thing great in size

with far less gravity than there is now, and

suddenly change and increase the amount of

gravity and pressure and then carbon test it for

it's approximate age, then any scientific test(s)

and it's findings will be off a great deal...even an

educated guess wouldn't be close if a Great

change had occurred.

There is a verse in the Bible in which it

writes; “Thou shalt not know the day nor they


That could mean one of two things; (1) The

date and time the incident in the Garden of

Eden actually occurred shall not be known to

all, or (2) the date and time in the future the

incident was first initiated shall not be known to


all. It's as if the traveler who goes back in time

can and is allowed to be any one of us, and the

date and time you go back to is the date and

time that wouldn't need to be remembered

anyway. Setting the Universe right and

restoring it they way it was intended would

erase all evidence and memory of what was not

wanted. But I assure you, someone had to have

documented one of the events that was first

known to them, which alone would be just the

accident/incident in the Garden of Eden.

Because after the event was first initiated in the

future nothing could be documented explaining

what happened, everything was disrupted in an

instant, past, present and future. To interpret

better, the future event is the first misfortune

which greatly disrupted the past and its history

that followed leading up to now, including

memory of this same future event. However,

someones soul does remember.

We humans have always recorded

everything in one form or the other. Ancient


carvings on caves walls for example,

hieroglyphics inside the great pyramids.

Religious writings in the Bible detailing that a

man once had been raised up towards the

Heavens by a flaming chariot. The Dead Sea

Scrolls believed by some that they are the secret

writings of God's own Son Jesus Christ. I am

certain that someone knows something and it

has been forwarded over generations triggering

more than one soul to remember.


Chapter 7

The abuse for God being in human form

is the constant knowing of abuse being inflicted

onto every good soul by the wicked behind this

Great Rebellion. The wicked remember that God

had though them up as well and it was wanted

they too exist, but not originally as wicked. Now

they have claimed to be their own God and still

no longer need him, they are certain that they

alone control the world around them and one

true God does not. But I assure you, since we

have all been captured in human form, and we

are still very much caught in the Great Echo, we

have learned that we can postpone death and

contain disease but we shall all still wither and

die. Many continue to believe that they can re-

enter this Heaven now in ruins again and again,

this I mentioned. But how many who once

served wicked and regret it have truly done this?

The most common forms of abuse inflicted


by Great Rebellionists are very much the

physical and verbal taunting and mocking of

everything a good soul has been tempted of,

everything they wouldn't do, have said no to and

have not done. There are Ten Commandments

mentioned in every Bible and every Country has

it's own penal law system and a Constitution

which allows some kind of freedom and peace to

its people. Everything about all of these

instituted doctrines is constantly mocked by the

wicked, yet these same wicked souls are afraid

of the boundaries that have been set. When

they are caught in disregard of any written and

accepted decree that concerns safety and

security of others they are afraid of the

disciplines and the consequences. They fear

death and any physical infliction. Corruption

may not have boundaries but, wickedness does.

I have come to understand that many who

have engaged in this Great Rebellion have deep

regrets of it. Your average person, your poverty


stricken and your wealthy. Your famous people

as well and I'm certain many of the unknown.

William Shakespeare wrote;

“Oh what a terrible web we weave, when

we practice to deceive...”

He had to of known of this Great Rebellion

to offer such a classical warning such as that.

Clever he was, the safest place for Shakespeare

to hide was in the past, and for the many others

like him it still is. Shakespeare's warning was

documented long ago and has traveled

Centuries to still warn as many of us as he

could leading up to our time of the regret he was

left with. Why else would he have written it?

Here are a few more quotes;

“If you cant be a good example, then you'll

just have to live and serve as a horrible

warning...” -Catherine Aird-

“History is a vast early warning system,”

-Norman Cousins-


“My one purpose in life is to serve as a warning

to others,” -Jamie Zawinski-

“One reason wickedness is around could be

because it has no better place else to go, it too

has been captured here,” -Ernest Norman


“The rebel can never find peace, he knows what

is good and despite himself does evil, the value

that supports him is never given to him once and

for all...” -Albert Camus-

There are good souls in physical bodies

with weaknesses, some refer to these

weaknesses as a chemical imbalance. I feel it is

also a conflict with the angel inside them as a

result of their own personal regrets of the Great

Rebellion and its addictions. They are tempted

with the use of drugs and alcohol for example.

Some addictions are so extreme the results lead

to a controlled environment or confinement.


There are cases like the blindness of the “warm,

happy drunk”. I quit drinking over 7 years ago,

and I drank hard for only about a year prior to

that. I began that short lived celebration spree

after I wrote the time travel story entitled Find

Me, Eve. The story is about time traveling back

to the Garden of Eden and preventing the

accident/incident which triggered the Big Bang

which filled the Universe with many hazards

and placed Heaven now in ruins. Every night I

drank I expected a reward and to wake up the

next morning to a better world. I must have

been thinking selfishly for myself and it didn't

happen. Or I was being mocked on a grand

scale with the intention for me to just give up

and consider I was being quite foolish and

merely delusional that wickedness would be

gone at anytime. I realize now that I wouldn't

wake up to a better world in human form

because I would still be in the fallout with

wickedness around me still. So would everyone

else. I know now when Heaven in ruins is


restored it will be the true Heaven in its once

pleasant condition, and not this reality only

better just around me. Restoring Heaven has to

be done for all. Believe me, deep down they all

want that too.

There are wicked souls that supply the

temptations, this is true, and then invoke abuse

unto a good soul until he or she folds inside and

never recovers, or reacts enough either verbally

or physically to warrant the wicked's

consequences. Granted this is called “to bate

someone”, or “lure” more or less, and they

cannot physically force their ways or means of

abuse or consequences onto anyone, both the

laws and Constitutions of every Country forbid

that. If a large enough network of people do

practice this in any Country it is declared and

then dealt with as dictatorship. Which is when

an abusive cult brutally displays favoritism.

The Great Rebellious Cult plays favorites as

well. They show little of, if any, a mock

interpretation of mercy, instead it's just a mild


liking about some of us. What they are

attracted to is our own true mercy which they

want to claim. They cannot do this if all good

souls were to die.

This Great Rebellious Cult think, I repeat,

they think they are trying to conquer Heaven

now in ruins. And as I mentioned, many of

these members were convinced at one time that

they alone control the world around them and

now have no need for any God they feel does

not. They only feel this way because they are

captured in human form and also realize that

they too were wanted to exist, and will for all

eternity. Just not the way think, and they are

only thinking of the present moment they are

now in, which is a one-dimensional adolescent

curse. In human form they can only see the

now. If they were more than one-dimensional

they would be able to see the now as well as the



Chapter 8

I know now that many have encouraged

me as well as others dating back to the

beginning to see and feel the truth. Also to

choose to join in with this rebellion and keep

knowledge of evil alive, many of us will not do

that. That very same truth is captured with

words such as, “The truth shall set you free,”.

Free from the fallout, free from the heft of

gravity's vice and of course free from the Great

Echo that has captured and disrupted

everything. Scattered memories over centuries

have been seen in the minds of both good and

wicked. Good shall write them down or speak

them forward indirectly only fearing

consequences, wicked shall cloud or disrupt

them even more directly flaunting a way of their


I have had good souls encourage my

positive energy directly keeping it strong


enough. Some by way of warm, pleasant

inspiring words, some with a simple sincere

smile with an added touch to my shoulder or

arm. I now feel I placed them in harms-way

when I praised them all aloud, wicked heard me

mention who they were. Some have died a short

time after there warm inspirations were given

directly to me, and some have left the area and

now live some place a safe distance away from

where I am now. I cannot say I blame them.


Chapter 9

There are four seasons noted in this world

that we know of, Spring, Summer, Winter and

Fall. I find that Spring and Fall are truly

pleasing, one says hello remember me?, the

other says good bye for now but prepare for a

brutal change that's coming. In some places

winters are brutal. Summer disrupts

temperament, perhaps by way of the extra heat

which disrupts electrical stimulation in the

brain is my guess. All of which return every

year as an ongoing echo would. These

announcements in the weather are signatures of

changes as a result of the fallout. It is written

that Paradise existed once in the perfect

conditions, something had obviously changed all


Warm positive ways to accept the weather

are; Thunder to some is the sound of clouds

bumping into each other, Lighting is said to be


Gods autograph or he is taking your picture.

Rain is said to represent his own sweet

perspiration reminding us all of the effort it took

to create all worlds, and a gentle breeze allows

everything to sway gently as if there is less

gravity like there once was.

The scientific ways are summed up as,

atmospheric releases or discharges, I'll add;

captured in each worlds magnetic field and

gravity's hardened vice. As if all of it doesn't like

Heaven now in ruins either announcing it in

their own ways.

A radioactive fallout can cause extreme

atmospheric change and trauma. If another

fallout were to occur on top of this one it would

be disastrous, catastrophic even.

There is a documented nuclear

incident/accident that occurred in the land of

Ukraine in the Soviet Union called, “Chernobyl”.

A nuclear power plant had ruptured then

exploded spilling toxic radioactivity into the

atmosphere. Only one soul died instantly


(sound familiar?) Over time many others did.

Some of the results lead to Children developing

cancers and babies born with various

deformities. Such as missing arms, missing

legs, elongated, twisted appendages. This

Chernobyl accident proves that there had been

an extreme fallout of similar kind long before

because babies had been born with various

missing arms, legs and even some with twisted,

elongated appendages throughout history.

Some of these babies had been conjoined at the

hip, at the chest and some at the head.

The area of this Chernobyl misfortune

became restricted to all and is now forbidden to

go there. The Bible mentions that no one now is

allowed to enter the Garden of Eden. At the

time of that incident/accident it is said there

was a hardened glow encompassing the area. It

also mentioned that a Cherubim (small angel)

was placed at the mouth of the Garden with a

flaming sword keeping all from entering ever



The evidence still exists from a fallout of

some kind that actually happened long ago,

Chernobyl is current evidence that still exists of

a more recent fallout that actually happened as

well. Both have traveled vast distances and will

continue to. An echo is an echo, even if the

wave of it disrupts or causes trauma through

poisons in the atmosphere and genetic


Another reason for these severe storms

and extreme heat waves could very well be

because these events are angry that Heaven is

now in ruins and express it often. It is not what

was wanted, neither is their anger.

Seasonal change exists as a result of an

ongoing echo. If it were not this echo captured

in this world's atmosphere by gravity's stronger

vice, then once the echo began and left its place

of origin it would only have effected Paradise

and it's perfect conditions once and left off into

space never having come back around and

around again every year like it does.


Some believe we are in Hell and everything

repeats itself, I offer that a Great Echo does the

same if it has no further away place to go. Each

worlds atmosphere has trapped it's own echo.


Chapter 10

The talents both good and wicked souls

have are even. If there were rules, the good

honor and abide by them, the wicked

acknowledge these rules do exist and apply but

mock and abuse them. The beliefs differ greatly

but appear similar to many at first, that's how

so many are caught in between them. The

Great Rebellion has never been announced but

all who take and active part in it have an idea

what it is, they realize after they become active

in it exactly what it is. Brutal consequences are

and have been inflicted unto those who directly

advise others to beware, and yes, many regret

talking part in the Great Rebellion and are

greatly ashamed. Hence the saying, “You

shouldn't judge people,” or mock or taunt them

after they have suffered.

Here is a list of talents, some were learned

but many were finally realized;


*--The ability to see where someone is going to

look next. To taunt, mock or harm them.

*--The ability to be where someone is going to be

next. To taunt, mock or harm them.*

*--Telepathy, ability to communicate without the

use of words. (this one has always been in


*--Physical strength and lethal tactics.

*--Good has true mercy and all it's offerings,

wicked want to claim it as if it were a precious

gem with mystical powers.

*--The ability to look “short term” into the minds

and intentions of others, (thinking positive

disrupts that, but only the good have that


*--Good know we are still in Heaven now in

ruins, wicked want to conquer it and then claim

it to be Hell. They both are aware this is not a


*--Similarities in beliefs exist, but that's only

because the wicked did not originally have any.

*--All were wanted to exist, but not with



*--95% of the world's population believe God

does exist, many on both sides realize that God

was also captured in human form somewhere in


*--Both agree there was a Garden of Eden


*--Both adhere to Science and Religious findings

and discoveries.


Chapter 11

The reality we are in now is just the only

one that truly exists with what I see and feel are

several deep impressions of all types of echoes

disrupting it. As if the Great Echo released by

the fallout that disrupted the entire Universe

originally carried itself forward in time

throughout all of history and returned. Even

beyond the date and time of the event in the

future that first initiated this. On its way back

it captured both good and bad experiences of all

worlds displacing them throughout this same

history, I mentioned this before. Being like what

this world could be if the rest of wickedness

were to enter it. The more wickedness, the more

impressions added to this true lone reality

suggesting that alternate realities do exist. The

more humans who believe that to be true, the

more attention is taken away from the one true

existence we are all captured in, which is


Heaven the way it was intended captured by

Heaven now in ruins which was not wanted.

Both existing as just this one.

Some believe that God and the Devil are

having a war for the souls of all of mankind. (1)

That doesn't even have any logic to it because if

any kind of trauma causes temporary memory

loss to any angel that God personally wanted to

exist, then it would have been much easier to

terminate this Devil right then and there before

that interpretation of the Great Rebellion began

wiping away every angels memory of him. It

doesn't make any sense for God to even

entertain any such rebellion like that in the first

place. What some have accepted is a popular

belief in a good story, and to many that's just

what it is; a popular belief in a good story. A

big part of your destiny is whatever keeps you

safe and free of harm.


Chapter 12

Some angels in human form have banded

together in secret. Both as Fraternities and

Covens. (a coven is defined as; a group of

witches, it is believed that there are both good

witches and bad ones.) The good ones protect

all society's, sometimes to defend others they

have to with lethal protection. The wicked

attack all society's with sharp maliciousness

intent and again are deeply in fear of death and

consequences. Yes, they are the pure definition

of being an adolescent coward. Some of these

societies and covens only protect their own and

others that are like themselves. But the

protection for others like themselves stop unless

they become members. Loyalty insisted with a

knife to each members throat. Some of these

societies were created in silent opposition of

organized religions. However, some organized

religions do have good souls within them.


Which is why no one religion has been wiped

out completely. The good souls continue to

fight for these religions certain it is for the love

of God's kingdom. The wicked in these religions

join them for power, influence and money of

course to help advance their own in this

rebellion. But more importantly to stay close to

God's mercy. The secret societies only grow in

strength if a human's soul is either of good

wanting or of wanting wickedness. Again, some

of the wicked societies and covens allow some

good souls to join who carry God's love and

mercy always. They not only feel but are fully

aware that pure sincere mercy of all kinds will

insure their survival. This same mercy is easy

to attain by wicked most often through a naïve,

bighearted good souls. But all of it has never

been claimed by any one wicked society or

coven, and it never will.


Chapter 13

Time Travel has been a topic often

thought of throughout the centuries. The

reason I say this is; many souls have at least

once told themselves and others, “if I could go

back and change something I did yesterday I

wouldn't be in this mess right now.” Granted

that is an around about sarcastic way of

thinking of time travel, but they did think of it.

And it was not by coincidence that they did so,

something triggered a hint of the accident long

ago that placed Heaven now in ruins and their

soul remembered.

I know what some are thinking; If you

travel back in time with Heaven still in ruins

and attempt to prevent the accident in the

Garden of Eden, when you get there (1) you

either will be the original cause of this event and

initiate Heaven now in ruins, or (2) You will

merely travel back in the alternate reality you


are now in and not undo anything.

I mentioned there is only one reality and

one existence, this one. Heaven as it once was

is still here with us, Heaven now in ruins is with

us now too. The event which triggered the Great

misfortune is merely an echo. Heaven is only in

ruins at the moment, not gone. If you travel

back in time in this same one true existence and

land safely instead of crashing, the accident will

never have happened and the event will have

been canceled out, in an instant. Heaven and

all in it's Kingdom will be restored with no

memory or evidence of being in ruins.

There are few possible ways of successful

time travel;

You can travel faster than the speed of

light, either go forward in time and get there

before tomorrow does, instantly, or go back in

time to the day before yesterday in a blink of an



Travel through a wormhole which is an

acceleration tunnel more or less that is thought

to be connected to 2 points in time. Enter into a

wormhole and the distance of time appears to be

greatly reduced to a matter of seconds. Either

the distance is shortened in this acceleration

tunnel, or the natural pace of time is extremely


Black holes are another way it is thought

to time travel, which recent astronomers have

claimed they have discovered far off in space. A

Black hole absorbs all light that hits it, and it

reflects nothing back, not even evidence of the

same light that was once there, it takes that as

well. Some scientists claim that if something

were to enter a black hole then would leave it's

own natural place in time and be whisked away

to either the past or the future. Or this

something would simply be incinerated or even

worse ripped apart quickly and violently. If

witnessed that brutal event would have occurred


in a blink of an eye.

Some believe that through deep

meditation you can link up by way of telepathy

with some other soul in the past or future and

change something about fate for their benefit,

they can do the same for you. It is also possible

that you can link up with yourself and make

what would appear to be simple changes, and at

the time you made them you never truly

understood why. Didn't even second guess

them. You may or may not be able to instantly

change great catastrophic events in your life.

Heavens, you may have already done so which

would explain the nightmares you have had,

and the De Ja vu experiences. I call these

common things echoes of your soul

remembering of what once was, still is, or what

could have been.

My ideal time machine is briefly describe

as a simple design in my book Find Me, Eve. I


will now describe it further.

It is a compact and mobile vehicle. It

operates with a Lithium battery source and is

always kept at a constant 100% charge with a

basic alternator assembly found in every car or

truck. The alternator feeds off of the Lithium

batteries and they in turn re-feed the alternator.

An alternator is an mechanical part that has a

belt attached to it's pulley system which is

attached to another pulley attached to a second

alternator affixed to the battery case. The Power

from the batteries drive or better yet initiates

revolutions in one pulley causing friction to the

magnets encased in copper wire generating

electricity. This generates electricity to the

second pulley that's attached to its alternator.

The electric current is sent through heavy

gauged wires that are connected to the battery

case that houses all the connected batteries. It

is a constant 100% charge. You can attach a

lever that controls the speed of revolutions in

case you're in fear of an unexpected surge in


power. The more power, the more magnetic

energy created. The rest of the mechanical

parts consist of other highly reactive metals

which house bigger magnets encased in copper

wire. A compass and a GPS positional tracking

device locate the area you wish to travel to.

Since the past, present and future were never

separated in the beginning and moved all

together as one constant. The magnetic field of

the earth acts more or less as it's own soul, and

if you can believe it it remembers every event

that has ever happened. The energy from these

events, their spirits you could say, remain

etched on the earth and captured in its

atmosphere by way of their own unique

signatures. These events happened on earth

and the energy cannot leave it's atmosphere.

They release then leave a residual echo, and

these echoes carry vast distances with time

being the greatest distance. (Residual in part

means; a part of something that remains.) For

example; If an event had occurred 100 years


ago, then it's residual signature is still there.

They have devices that can detect radiation even

small traces of it. Radiation is relative to a

fallout of some kind of (unwanted) energy that

had been released. You can lead or even bring

your time machine to that particular place in

today's date and with your safe control of

magnetic power and detection device you can

calibrate the sensitivity level on it and how far

you have to go back in time The less radioactive

signal there is the further back in time you have

to go to get a stronger one. Once the radioactive

levels is at its only once extreme 100% peak

you've time traveled back as far as you had to

go. You can adjust the timing to the time

machine before you travel anywhere so it would

start to slow down prior to its destination and

not miss it's mark. There's your exact time,

date and immediate area if you were to time

travel there. And I'm certain that electronic

devices do exist that can link with these events

that have happened in the past. Just have an


on-board computer that can translate the

mathematical language of the residual

signatures left by any one of these events, (the

language is; The energy's one time 100% peak

level which is the exact date, time and location)

and a GPS directional device. If a simple

compass can always link with the ever present

signature of magnetic North, then I'm certain an

advanced electronic device can link with this

same magnetic field and search it's history for

any uncommon spikes that have occurred and

match the residual signature that remains with

the original signature of the event. So, just

build one of these time machines and go, but

always practice safety and security first.


Chapter 14

Money has to an accepted monetary

system for more than just our world. It's simple

really; In the 1980's the population for the entire

Earth was approximately 5,000,000,000 Billion

give or take. In the year now of 2010 the

Earth's approximate population is nearer to

6,800,000,000 Billion again give or take. In the

1980's prices for everything was low, today

these same prices are crazy high. There are

more souls captured in human form now than

there was then so logic offers; There is more

costs to tend to these extra 1.8 Billion humans,

but there should be no reason for higher

prices...Unless of course we are in financial

competition with other worlds that use a similar

monetary system. To add to that, there could be

less souls nowadays on other worlds for

whatever the reason which would explain the


increase in ours. Every physical being is born

with a soul, energy, and the soul is everlasting

so it had to re-enter somewhere. The Great

disruption that occurred long ago in the

Universe now insists on that. Once thought up

you can never leave or even escape existence, so

you have to re-enter somewhere else, some other

place and time perhaps.

Technology can counterfeit most

everything by way of synthetic design which is

cheap and effective. Also, since Heaven is now

in ruins large amounts of money is dominance

over a large amount of people. It's as if that

would be the only true need for it.

I mentioned in the beginning there was

was just one lone generation of angels born, the

nursery(s) were emptied. Every world had it's

own nursery(s). So, if a radiant angel, or one's

soul now, never fades or never dies, then there

are angels/souls captured in some kind of

Human or humanoid form elsewhere on other

worlds. Creatures of all kinds have an energy


inside them, so that has to be a soul as well. It

is believed that the Animal species has an

element of dominance.

Throughout the Universe still, there were

as many souls in the beginning as there is now

in the year 2010. There has to be since an

angel or soul is everlasting, and it cannot be

displaced, it has to exist somewhere. Again it is

believed to re-enter life and is captured by

Nature's way now in human or humanoid form.

Perhaps even creature -like.

I mentioned that Heaven's kingdom is this

Universe and everything in it, it is simply just

that. And before the Big Bang and the fallout

had changed all that, nothing had a price on it,

and not one soul in the Universe was dominated




Like the Title says; this manuscript is all

based on visions and evidence that still exists. I

am not the only soul who has these visions or

knows of this evidence. They say that if any one

person is traumatized enough their perception

hones or sharpens. Their clarity of

understanding cues matures and then they rid

themselves of selfish, adolescent wants and

ways. Some may not even be wicked anymore,

but the many that still are choose to stay that


Cues; psychology- response-producing stimulus: a stimulus or pattern of stimuli, often not consciously perceived, that results in a specific learned behavioral response.

The majority of souls in this world have

been traumatized, and we have been

traumatized by the Great Rebellious Cult


members and their attempt at Dominance of all

living things, their mercy and this same Heaven

now in ruins. They can never do that and they

know it, because without any kind of mercy this

Hell of theirs would be completely wicked and

there would be just one generation within this

dwelling and it would die out. But since they

want to claim all of mercy and dominate those

who have it, it just wouldn't be Hell enough for

the wicked now would it. There is no Hell, just

the curse of adolescence. Science offers that

The entire Universe is still in it's adolescence, I

can't imagine why.

Heaven is now in ruins, it can be fixed.


My own quotes;

“One reason children are hated by some adults

that are wicked and loved by the majority who

are not, is the abundance of mercy and love they

are able to hold onto while young, it's the same

amount God always carries with him...”

“The only true need for gravity on any planet is

to keep some kind of life on it...”

“Eternity is our home...”

“One reason wickedness is around could be

because it has no better place else to go, it too

has been captured here,”

“A big part of your destiny is whatever keeps you

safe and free of harm...”

“It's simple, good souls have mercy within their

being, wicked souls do not, if good souls didn't


have any mercy and were still good, wicked

souls would already have been put to an end

long ago and would have never began this Great

Rebellion, it would have been silenced at its first


“If the Big Bang did happen in an instant, you

have to consider that it didn't create the Universe

and all of existence, it changed and disrupted it.”

“Long ago it was believed that our world was the

center of the Universe, based on that if it were

true, then if you disrupt the center of anything

evenly, the fallout and echo would be evenly

displaced carrying vast distances which would

with certainty disrupt everything else, a Big

Bang would do that in an instant.”

“The Big Bang could have easily disrupted and

captured everything in the Universe into

something else, like each world now captured in

its own solar system.”