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REV. 08.2013

About HeinOnlineHeinOnline is Hein’s premiere online product with more than90 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format. HeinOnline bridges the gapin legal history by providing comprehensive coverage frominception of more than 1,800 law and law-related periodicals.In addition to its vast collection of law journals, HeinOnlinealso contains the Congressional Record Bound volumes inentirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754,famous world trials dating back to the early 1700’s, legalclassics from the 18th & 19th centuries, the United Nationsand League of Nations Treaty Series, all United StatesTreaties, the Federal Register from inception in 1936, the CFRfrom inception in 1938, and much more.

Now, in more than 3,200 locations in over 175 countries,HeinOnline is the world’s largest image-based legal researchcollection and contains more than 9 centuries of legal history.HeinOnline is a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., whichhas been serving the library community for 50 years as a legalpublisher, periodical subscription agent, and the world’slargest distributor of legal periodicals.

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HeinOnline provides the exact page images of thedocuments in PDF format just as they appear in the originalprint copy. This means that all charts, graphs, tables,pictures, hand written notes, photographs, and footnotesappear where they belong!

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the Best Commercial Website Award from theInternational Association of Law Libraries in 2002. In2007, HeinOnline was named to the 2007 Econtent 100 “alist of companies that matter most in the digital contentindustry.” In 2009, a new product of HeinOnline, theSubject Compilations of State Laws Database, wasawarded the Best New Product Award from theAmerican Association of Law Libraries. In 2010, WorldConstitutions Illustrated, received an OutstandingAcademic Title award from Choice Magazine.

Subscription Options

HeinOnline offers a variety of subscription options, includinga core subscription package which includes the Law JournalLibrary, Federal Register/CFR, U.S. Code, U.S. Supreme CourtLibrary, Legal Classics, U.S. Presidential Library, Treaties &Agreements, English Reports, U.S. Statutes at Large, U.S.Federal Legislative History Library, U.S. Attorney GeneralOpinions, Pentagon Papers, Revised Statutes of Canada,Canada Supreme Court Reports, European Center forMinority Issues, Early American Case Law, Manual of PatentExamining Procedure, Trends in Law Library Managementand Technology, American Association of Law Libraries, andAssociation of American Law Schools.

There are also a variety of a-la-carte libraries that can beadded to a subscription to create a powerful legal researchcollection. Some of these libraries include the U.S.Congressional Documents, United Nations Law Collection,Subject Compilations of State Laws, Kluwer Law InternationalJournal Library, and more! Please see the a-la-carte librarieslist at the back of this brochure for a full list of libraries available.

Content Ownership OptionsWe also offer digital content ownership options for more than27 HeinOnline libraries. With digital content ownership, youobtain ownership rights to the PDF files of the scannedimages of all pages contained within the library as of 12/31/13.For more information, please view the Digital ContentOwnership brochure available at:http://heinonline.org/HeinDocs/ownershipoptions.pdf

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What Others Have Said About HeinOnline

Customized Research Toolsfor Specialized ContentSome HeinOnline libraries have custom research tools tomake it faster and easier to locate research materials.

� The U.S. Congressional Documents library has aDaily-to-Bound Locator Tool, allowing you toquickly find a page in the Bound volume from theDaily edition.

� The Law Journal library allows you to search bysubject, country, or U.S. state.

� Use a Title/Part/Section quick locator tool toquickly access a section in the CFR.

� Use a Treaty Meta-Data search in the Treaties andAgreements library to search across specific treatydata.

� Use the Sources of Compiled Legislative HistoryDatabase in the U.S. Federal Legislative Historylibrary to locate all documents pertaining to a publiclaw.

� A Case Locator in the English Reports allows you tosearch for a case quickly by inputting the case name,Eng. Rep. citation, nominative citation or a keyword.

� And much more!

Easy to Use Interface

Citation NavigatorThe Citation Navigator tool allows you to insert a Bluebookcitation and quickly pull up a page.

One-box Search OptionAvailable directly from the welcome page after you log in, youcan search across all the content that you are subscribed to atthe same time. Results will be faceted, further allowing youto narrow the results by collection, date, or document type.

Extensive Search OptionsUse a field or advanced search to find terms, article ordocument titles, authors, and other data across documents.Narrow your search using the “Search Within These Results”or quickly run the same search in another library with the clickof a mouse. Download documents as a PDF and search thetext using your PDF Reader.

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MyHein is a complimentary tool that allows you to create andorganize bookmarks, save search queries, email links tobookmarks or search queries, and create title/eTOC alertsusing your own personal research account. You can create abookmark directly from an article or document or from yoursearch results. You can also export bookmarks to an email, aCSV file, to RefWorks or to EndNote.

With the creation of a MyHein account, you can access yoursaved research anytime. Every user can create their own username and password that only they will have access to.

HeinOnline’s Librarian’s Corner contains promotionalmaterials and digital files of our logos that you can use topromote the use of HeinOnline. Tools and resourcesavailable include posters, graphic banners for your webneeds, a Law Journal Library citation or search widget, full-color and black/white logos, and much more. Visithome.heinonline.org/library-corner to take a look ateverything available.

Hein's ScholarCheck is a series of tools and features integratedthroughout various HeinOnline libraries that allow you to viewjournal articles that have a heavy influence on the subject youare researching. These tools and features can be found at thepage-viewing level using the Citations on Page feature to linkdirectly to cited material in HeinOnline.

You can also view a list of articles that cite the article ordocument you are reading.

ScholarCheck is integrated into the search results in selectHeinOnline libraries. On a search result click on a "Cited by [#]"link to view the articles that cite the article or document listed inthat result.

You can also choose to sort search results by the number oftimes an article or document is cited. Hein's ScholarCheck isintegrated across various libraries in HeinOnline. To determinewhere ScholarCheck tools and features can be used, look for theScholarCheck icon.

With Hein’s ScholarCheck you can link to law review articles thatcite a U.S. Supreme Court case you are reading, you can link tostatutes, find 50-state survey information, find references toearly English history documents, link to early English cases, findreferences to legal classics, find citations to uniform laws andcodes, and more! Hein’s ScholarCheck connects all your legalresearch together, letting you experience the full power ofHeinOnline.


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Librarian’s Corner

On the HeinOnline Help & Support Page, youcan find training resources and e-learningtools including video tutorials, training guides,FAQs, search examples and much more! Visithelp.heinonline.org!

Core Subscription Package

Treaties and Agreements LibraryThis collection includes all U.S. treaties, whether currently in force,expired, or not yet officially published. This is the world’s largest andmost complete online collection of U.S. treaties and agreements andincludes such prominent collections as the United States Treaties andOther International Agreements set (commonly referred to as the “Blueset”), as well as famous sets from Bevans, Miller, Malloy, and many others.

United States Code (U.S.C.)*The United States Code (U.S.C.) is a compilation and codification bysubject matter of the general and permanent federal law of the UnitedStates based on what is printed in the Statutes at Large. HeinOnline’scoverage is from inception (1925-1926) to current.

U.S. Attorney General & Department of JusticeCollectionThis collection includes the official opinions of the U.S. Attorney General(both the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United Statesas well as the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United StatesDepartment of Justice).

U.S. Federal Legislative History LibraryIn addition to the inclusion of comprehensive federal legislative historiespublished by the U.S. GPO and private publishers, the U.S. Federal Legisla-tive History Collection also includes a unique finding aid based on NancyJohnson’s award-winning work, Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories.Researchers should begin their U.S. federal legislative history researchwith this online finding aid, which often includes references to law reviewarticles on-point to a particular legislative history.

U.S. Presidential Library*HeinOnline’s U.S. Presidential Collection includes such titles as Messagesand Papers of the Presidents, Public Papers of the Presidents, CFR Title 3(Presidents), Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents, and other doc-uments related to U.S. presidents.

U.S. Statutes at Large*Complete coverage of the Statutes at Large can be found in this HeinOn-line collection, and multiple browsing and search features enhance theonline value over the paper volumes.

U.S. Supreme Court Library*Complete coverage of the official U.S. Reports bound volumes as well aspreliminary prints, slip opinions, and books and periodicals related to theU.S. Supreme Court are included in this library.

Canada Supreme Court Reports- NEW!HeinOnline's Canada Supreme Court Reports contains the official, bilingualseries published under authority of the Supreme Court Act. This collectionincludes more than 9,400 cases which include background information,statutes and regulations, authors cited, analysis and the decision.

Early American Case Law - NEW!Contains the entire Federal Cases 30 book series (1894-1897) which containsmore than 20,000 cases. Also included is the Trinity Series, which includesAmerican Decisions, American Reports, and American State Reports.

English Reports, Full Reprint (1220-1867)*The English Reports online edition from HeinOnline delivers exact page-images of the original bound reprint edition (containing more than 100,000cases), together with the Indexes and Book of Charts to complete thecollection.  In addition, multiple navigation tools, such as a Case Locator,Chart Tool, and an Advanced Search feature enhance the ease of access tospecific cases.

Federal Register/Code of Federal Regulations*HeinOnline’s Federal Register coverage is comprehensive and begins frominception (1936). The Federal Register is UPDATED DAILY in HeinOnline,which means you can always access material from the previous business day.Coverage of the CFR is also from inception (1938) to current. Additionaldocuments include the United States Government Manual from inception(1935) and the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents frominception (1965).

Law Journal LibraryThe Law Journal Library in HeinOnline is a collection of more than 1,800 lawand law-related periodicals. Coverage is from the first issue published for allperiodicals and goes through the most currently published issued allowed,based on contracts with publishers.

Legal Classics*More than 3,000 works from some of the greatest legal minds in history canbe found in HeinOnline’s Legal Classics collection. In addition to many “clas-sics,” this collection also includes rare items that are found in only a handfulof libraries around the world.

Pentagon Papers - NEW!The National Archives released the complete Pentagon Papers to the publicin June of 2011. The Pentagon Papers are a series of reports about theUnited States' political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967.

Revised Statutes of Canada- NEW!Complete coverage of the Revised Statues of Canada from the officialprinted volumes.

HeinOnline offers a variety of subscription options to meet your research needs. HeinOnline offers a CoreSubscription Package with access to a base of content as outlined below. Additionally, you may choose to add anyof our a-la-carte libraries to your base subscription to further expand your legal research collection.

A Core Subscription Package includes access to the following libraries:

We also offer a digital content ownership option for this library. Please inquire for details.*

HeinOnline’s core subscription package also includes the following collections: American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), Associationof American Law Schools (AALS), European Center for Minority Issues, Manual of Patent Examining Procedure and Trends in Law LibraryManagement and Technology.

A-La-Carte Libraries

American Indian Law Collection*With more than 800 unique titles and 870,000 pages dedicated to American IndianLaw, this collection includes an expansive archive of treaties, federal statutes andregulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions, and jurisprudence. Thislibrary also features rare compilations edited by Felix S. Cohen that have neverbefore been accessible online.

American Law Institute Library (ALI)*This collection contains historical coverage of ALI Annual Reports, Proceedings ofthe ALI Annual Meetings, ALI Reporter, UCC documents, Restatements, the ModelPenal Code (adopted as the criminal code in most states), and previouslyunpublished documents such as the “Statement of Essential Human Rights” andmuch more!

Bar Journals LibraryThis library includes more than 90 Bar Journals. You can search by article title,author, description, date, or across the full text of the articles. With the integrationof Hein's ScholarCheck, you can view other law review articles that cite the BarJournal article you are reading.

Congress and the Courts - NEW!Featuring William H. Manz's Congress and the Courts: A Legislative History 1787-2010, materials included reflect congressional concern with the composition andstructure of Article III Courts. Also included are Federal Judicial Center Publications,Periodicals, Links to Scholarly Articles, CFR Title 28 - Judicial Administration, OtherRelated Works, and much more.

Foreign & International Law Resources Database (FILRD)*The Foreign & International Law Resources Database contains more than 100international yearbooks, U.S. Law Digests, publications of The Hague Court ofInternational Justice, and the Reports of International Arbitral Awards. With thiscollection, researchers can easily search or browse through some of the world’sbest international law publications.

Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)*The Foreign Relations of the United States Series began in 1861 and now comprisesmore than 600 books. It presents the official documentary historical record ofmajor U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. The ForeignRelations volumes contain documents from various Presidential libraries, theDepartment of State and Defense, the National Security Council, the CentralIntelligence Agency, and other foreign affairs agencies.

Harvard Research in International LawThis collection includes access to the reprint of the original Harvard Research inInternational Law as well as Contemporary Analysis and Appraisal. It provides linksto several other journal articles and treaties, and provides links for footnotes toconnect you with other works and sites inside HeinOnline.

Hague Academy Collected Courses*This collection includes the complete archive of collected courses dating back totheir inception in 1923, twelve periodic indexes, plus the official publications fromthe Workshops organized by the Academy. It also includes The Law Books of theAcademy, which is a collection of works published by the Centre for Studies andResearch that has been of particular interest and originality, and also includes thereports of the Directors of Studies together with the articles by the researchers.

History of Bankruptcy: Taxation & Economic Reform in America,Part III*This library is Part III of the Taxation & Economic Reform in America Archive.Included are more than 350,000 pages of legislative histories, treaties, documentsand more related to bankruptcy in America. Browse by public law number orpopular name and view key metadata about a public law. Also included are booksabout bankruptcy and links to scholarly articles.

History of International Law*This library contains classic books from famous authors such as Hans Kelsen,Samuel Pufendorf and James Brown Scott. It also includes significant serials suchas the International Law Studies Series [U.S. Naval War College], InternationalConciliation, Studies in Transnational Legal Policy, and many others. Furthermore,researchers will find links to scholarly articles discussing the history of internationallaw and a bibliography of other works.

History of Supreme Court Nominations- NEW!This library features the complete print series Supreme Court of the U.S. Hearingsand Reports on Successful and Unsuccessful Nominations of Supreme CourtJustices by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Browse by Justice option allows you tosee relevant works related to that Justice including links to articles and abibliography of other works, along with links to Scholarly Articles.

Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S.*- NEW!This monumental collection is a compilation of the most important historicaldocuments and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well ascurrent hearings, debates and recent developments in immigration law. This firstcomprehensive database includes BIA Precedent Decisions, legislative histories,law and policy titles, extradition titles, scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography,and other related works.

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals - NEW!The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals is the preeminent multilingual index toarticles and book reviews appearing in more than 500 legal journals publishedworldwide. It provides in-depth coverage of public and private international law,comparative and foreign law, and the law of all jurisdictions other than the UnitedStates, the UK, Canada, and Australia. The IFLP also analyzes the contents ofabout eighty individually published collections of legal essays, Festschriften,Mélanges, and congress reports each year.

Intellectual Property Law Collection*With legislative histories, treatises, documents, classics, and more relating tocopyrights, patents, and trademarks, this collection allows researchers to searchacross all intellectual property law materials in one database. Notable titles include:Legislative History of the 1909 Copyright Act (1976), Kamenstein LegislativeHistory Project: A Compendium and Analytical Index of Materials Leading to theCopyright Act of 1976, and Robinson’s Law of Patents for Useful Inventions. Thislibrary also features CFR Title 37, U.S. Code Titles 17 & 35, Manual of PatentExamining Procedure, and more!

Israel Law ReportsThis collection contains the complete archive of the Israel Law Reports, Vols. 1-15,2004-2006-2 (1948-2006) , and access to the Israel Law Review from it’s inceptionto the most recently published issue allowed per the contract. With this digitalcollection, you can access more than 220 cases, retrieve cases by citation, and linkto articles citing the Israel Law Reports in the Law Journal Library.

Kluwer Law International Journal LibraryHeinOnline has partnered with Wolters Kluwer to bring you the Kluwer Law Interna-tional Journal Library. This library contains twenty-one journals, including: the Inter-national Journal of Comparative Labour Law & Industrial Relations, EuropeanPublic Law, European Review of Private Law, and Legal Issues of Economic Integra-tion.

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws(NCCUSL)*The NCCUSL collection provides access to the full text of all Model Acts drafted,recommended or endorsed by the Conference. It includes the NCCUSL - ArchivePublications, Handbook of the NCCUSL and Proceedings of the Annual ConferenceMeeting, 1st-120th Conference (1891-2011), and the Century of Service: ACentennial History of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform StateLaws, 1991.

*We also offer a digital content ownership option for this library. Please inquire for details.

Taxation & Economic Reform in America, Parts I & II, 1781-Current*This historical archive contains more than 3,500 volumes and more than 2 millionpages of legislative history materials and other documents. It includes thecomplete Carlton Fox Collection which contains nearly 42 years of historicallegislation related to the internal revenue laws of the United States from 1909-1950.It also includes more than 100 other legislative histories related to taxation,economic reform, and stimulus plans.

United Nations Law CollectionThis collection contains exact reproductions of major United Nations legalpublications, including the complete collection of the United Nations Treaty Series,the League of Nations Treaty Series, the Monthly Statement of Treaties &International Agreements, UNCITRAL Publications, the United Nations LegislativeSeries, and much more.

U.S. Congressional Documents*This collection features the complete Congressional Record Bound version as wellas the daily version which is updated daily and available back to 1980. It alsoincludes the three predecessor titles: Annals of Congress (1789-1821), Register ofDebates (1824-1837) , Congressional Globe (1833-1873), and CongressionalHearings as well as other important congressional material. Using the Daily-to-Bound Locator Tool, you can quickly find a page in Bound volume from the Dailyedition.

U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and AppealsLibrary*This unique collection features the reports, decisions, and records of several U.S.Federal Agencies, such as: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), theNational Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and the Securities and ExchangeCommission (SEC).

U.S. International Trade Library: A Current & HistoricalArchive*- NEW!Featuring the exchange of goods and services between the United States and oth-er nations, as well as the history of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, this collec-tion brings together more than one million pages' worth of content. Included areUSITC Publications Archive, Legislative Histories, CFR & U.S. Code Title 15 and 19:Commerce & Foreign Trade and Customs Duties, Notable Publications, ScholarlyArticles, and much more!

World Constitutions Illustrated: Contemporary & HistoricalDocuments & Resources*2010 OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC TITLE BY CHOICE MAGAZINE

This library enables legal scholars to research the constitutional and politicaldevelopment of every country in the world. It includes the current constitution forevery country in its original language format, as well as substantial constitutionalhistories for nearly 150 countries. It includes constitutional documents, classicbooks, and links to more than law review articles. It also includes constitutionalperiodicals, other related works such as the World Fact Book, links to other onlineresources, and bibliographic references. This collection is in its infancy and will onlygrow, as we will continue to add documents, books, links and bibliographicreferences to fill in the constitutional timeline of every country.

World Trials Library*This collection includes more than 3,300 trials, including complete sets of AmericanState Trials, Howell’s State Trials, and the Nuremberg Trials. It also includesfamous trials from Philadelphia’s Jenkins Law Library, Cornell University and theUniversity of Missouri-Columbia’s trials collections.

National Moot Court CompetitionThrough an arrangement with the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, thiscollection offers digital access to the records, briefs, and related organizationalmaterials from the 1st to the most recent (1950-current) annual National Moot CourtCompetitions.

New York Legal Research LibraryThis specialized library includes the reports and opinions of the NY Attorney General,State Register, Tax Cases, NY State Session Laws, NY Law Journals, the NY State BarAssociation Journal, legal classics from or about New York, and NY trials. It alsoincludes NY State Reports from the 1800’s and early 1900’s, as well as historic NY codesprior to 1923.

Parker School of Foreign & Comparative LawPublications* -NEW!This collection includes more than 50 publications from the prestigious Parker Schoolof Foreign & Comparative Law at Columbia Law School. View publications such as the22-volume set, A Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law. Book and Articles inEnglish by Charles Szladits, along with An Introduction to the Legal System of theUnited States by E. Allan Farnsworth, among various others.

Philip C. Jessup LibraryThrough a special arrangement with the International Law Students Association (ILSA),this collection provides access to the Problems, Judges’ Briefs, Rules, and leadingwritten memorials which comprise each Competition since 1960. It draws together Inaddition to these documents, several publications of ILSA are also available.

Scottish Legal History: Featuring Publications of the Stair SocietyThis collection includes the Stair Society Main (Annual) Series and the SupplementarySeries, as well as more than 20 books and abridgements about Scots Law. It alsoprovides links to scholarly articles from the Law Journal Library that discuss Scots Law.

Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English LawThis library contains access to the Selden Society Annual Series and SupplementarySeries, the Centenary Guide to the Publications of the Selden Society published in 1987,and the Publications of the Ames Foundation. You can also find more than 200 Englishlegal history classics including abridgements, digests and dictionaries. Moreover, youwill be able to access early English case law and link to other online publications in earlyEnglish history.

Session Laws Library*HeinOnline's Digital Session Laws collection contains the session laws of all 50 U.S.states as well as Canada, Australia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the D.C. Register.All states are available back to inception!

Spinelli’s Law Library Reference ShelfA collection of works, scholarly articles and tools for librarians, faculty, and students! Itcontains bibliographies, legal dictionaries, cataloging publications, AALL GD-SIS StateBibliographies, AALL Publications Series, Library of Congress Classification Schedulesand Subject Headings, Bibliography of Early American Law, Greenslips, serials, andlinks to scholarly articles.

State Attorney General Reports & Opinions- NEW!Attorney General Reports & Opinions constitute, for each state, an integral element inits framework of governing law, and have the characteristics of both primary and sec-ondary authority. This collection includes access to the State Attorney General Reports& Opinions for all fifty states as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Also in-cludes access to the Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States De-partment of Justice and the Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the UnitedStates.

State Statutes: A Historical Archive - NEW!State Statutes: A Historical Archive includes superseded state statutes for all fiftystates. Search the statutes by state, date, description and text. Coverage goes backuntil 1717.

Subject Compilations of State LawsWINNER OF THE 2009 AALL BEST NEW PRODUCT AWARD!Subject Compilations of State Laws features a database giving you access to more than22,000 bibliographic records from Cheryl Nyberg and Carol Boast Robertson's SubjectCompilations Bibliography Series. Many records contain extensive annotations withlinks directly to articles and other documents residing in HeinOnline.

William S. Hein & Co., Inc. & HeinOnline2350 N. Forest Rd., Getzville, NY 14068

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marketing@wshein.com • heinonline.org • www.wshein.com*We also offer a digital content ownership option for this library. Please inquire for details.