Hell in a Cell – The WWE Quiz

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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Dwarkanath PrabhuAnanthakrishnan P


Q1. ID and Connect - 6

1. 2.

3. 4.

Q2. Name all the members of Vince Mcmahon’s Kiss My Ass Club - 5

• Mick foley,,• Shawn michaels• Jim ross• William regal• Shane mcmahon

Q3. Give Funda - 2

• Fabulous Moolah- 15/9/2003• Shawn Michaels- 21/9/2003• Stone Cold- 16/11/2003• Sgt. Slaughter- 24/11/2003• Rob Van Dam- 14/12/2003

• Booker T- 29/12/2003• Mick Foley- 14/3/2004• Cactus Jack- 18/4/2004• Harley Race- 26/4/2004

Q4. ID and Connect - 9

• Sable• Torrie wilson• Chyna• Christy hemme• Candice michelle• Ashley massaro• Maria kanellis

Q5. Dead Wrestler’s Society - 1

A. Over a three day period, X had killed his wife and son before he hanged himself. His wife was bound before the killing. X's son was drugged and likely unconscious before X strangled him. X then committed suicide with a weight machine.

Q5. Dead Wrestler’s Society - 1

B. On May 23, 1999, X fell to his death in Kansas City, Missouri during the Over the Edge pay-per-view event. X was in the process of being lowered via harness and grapple line into the ring from the rafters of Kemper Arena for a booked Intercontinental Championship match against The Godfather.

Q6. Whose catchphrases? - 4

1. You can’t see me2. Can you dig it, Suckaaa?3. Whatcha gonna do, brotha…?4. We’ve got two words for ya…

*Q7. Give funda - 2

*Q8. Connect - 2


3. 4.


*Q9. Together they achieved something. What? - 2

• Rob Van Dam• Edge• CM Punk• Chris Benoit• Johnny Nitro• Shelton Benjamin• Hardcore Holly• Kevin Thorn

*Q10. - 2

• Every one of you will know the finishing move Frog Splash. But ever heard of one called the Tadpole Splash ?? :P

Well , the question is whose finish move was the Tadpole Splash ??

Q11. - 6

• Edge has the most reigns as WWE/World Tag Team Champion. Name all his partners.

• Christian• Chris jericho• Hulk hogan• Chris benoit• Rey mysterio• Randy orton

Q12. - 2

• Created by Jeff Jarrett, the production began in December 2011. Featuring talents such as Matt Morgan, Sonjay Dutt, Scott Steiner, Chavo Guerrero this show debuted on January 28, 2012. What are we talking about?

Q13. Identify championship - 3

Q14. Whose intros? - 3

1. From Victoria Texas, weighing 252 pounds

2. From Washington, D.C, weighing 318 pounds

3. From San Diego, California, weighing 175 pounds

Q15. Name their in-ring shows - 5

1. Chris Jericho2. Chris Masters3. Rowdy Roddy Piper4. Edge5. The Great Khali

Q16. Complete the list and give funda - 4

• Stephanie Mcmahon• Paul Heyman• Kurt Angle• Theodore Long• Vickie Guerrero• _______________• _______________

Q17. What kind of match is this? - 2

Q18. - 2

• Sheamus took 18 seconds to beat Daniel Bryan this Wrestlemania. But this wasn’t the shortest match in Wrestlemania history. Which was it?

Q19. Name all wrestlers in the movie The Longest Yard - 4

Q20. Whose vehicles? - 3

Q21. What is going on?

Q22. Name of the venue. Significance of the Venue wrt WWE

Q23. Type of matches and connect

Recite this :D

• The Rock Jabroni video

Entrance Themes

• 5 audios

Name of the move - 4

• 4 videos

What Happened Next? - 5

• 5 videos

Anyone wants to execute a move?

• Not on me :P• Try the freshies :P