Hello my name is

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Hello My Name Is

Luke Schalki

About Me…Activities:

– Soccer

– Basketball

– Football

Are a couple of sports I like to play

I like to hang out with


I want to go to college

Where do I live?

• I live in Horsham, PA


Kids Triathlon

Peoples directory

Runners Advocate

Various pictures of me and different people

Google in 5-10 years…

• I am the owner of my own sports store

• I have a website for this store

• One of top store chain in the state

• I am very young store but very successful store owner

• Newspaper articles written about me

What Google won’t tell you about me

I am a hard worker

I care about my grades in school

I want to go to college

I wish to be successful in my life

I am funny and nice

I’ll do what it takes

I am …

• Hard Worker: I will work and keep on working until the job is done or until I am told to stop

• Successful: I don’t want to barely get by, I want to be able to not worry about what I need to do when I could worry about what I want to do

• What it takes: If it means doing risky things it will be done all in order to ensure my well being of a job

• I am a well rounded person that can get along with others and can communicate with others smoothely

• I want to go to college: I want to get a good job and college will help me do that along with getting good grades

I am good at…

• Working with people

• Solving problems

• Striving for success

• Getting solid grades

• Always trying to meet my goals and accomplishments

• I work hard for jobs, or people

because I want to be well liked and

being a good peoples person can

really help you with jobs

• Striving for success is always good,

because a lot of success is based off your

goals and ambitions in life. Employers will

sometimes look at how bad you want

something and it makes their job a little

easier if you show something like striving

for success

No matter how much you want something or how bad you need it jobs are based off how you do in school. And if you have solid grades it will help in your decision for what you really want to be instead of having to do something you don’t like.


Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance. ~Author Unknown

Success comes in cans, not cant's. ~Author Unknown

Job Talents

• I will never say no to an offer

• Do anything to keep my job

• I can communicate with others

• Learning new things comes easy to me

Job Struggles

• I do not have many skill wise talents

•I am not a volunteer worker



Thank YouFor watching
