Help the Honey Bees

Post on 17-Nov-2014

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Save the Bees! Save the Bees!

Daniel Payne

• Part time Beekeeper with 5+ years experience

• Produced 400 lbs. honey in Spring 2010 with 12 colonies

• I use NO synthetic chemicals to control pests

• No known cases of Colony Collapse Disorder

Why are we here today?

To help SAVE the Honey Bee!

Why is the Honey bee Important?

◦Honey bees pollinate about 100 Crops and fruit we consume everyday.

◦About 1 out 3 bites of food we take was pollinated by a honey bee.

◦There aren’t enough natural pollinators to do the job of the honey bee. Honey bees do approx. ¼ of all pollination at an estimated value of $10 Billion dollars per year.

What is happening to the Bees?◦Pests

Vorroa Mites and Mite Control Chemicals African Small Hive Beetle Tracheal Mite Nosema / Dysentary

◦Chemicals Insecticides – Neonicotinoids Genetically modified Crops – BT Corn

Vorroa Mite

African Small Hive Beetle

BT Corn

All these factors seem to work together in synergy to produce Colony Collapse !

How serious is colony collapse and how wide spread is it?

◦Some Large commercial Beekeepers are experiencing 50 – 70% Losses.

◦Some are only experiencing the normal 30% losses, but their bees are in poor shape.

◦It seems to vary by location and by year.

What can you do to help?


Buy Local Honey!

Buy Texas Honey!

Buy American Honey!◦Check the Country of origin label.◦Check the Ingredients.

Beware of Imitation Honey!

Use Chemicals Wisely!

In you lawn or garden use chemicals sparingly.

Follow directions.Never assume “More is Better.”Consider alternatives to harsh chemicals.

Remember that the chemicals you spray on your lawn will eventually make their way into your drinking water!

Consider a bee garden!

Bee Garden Tips

Plant Flowers – Plant a large variety with varying blooming periods.

Plant vegetables and fruits.Let natural plants, “weeds,” grow in your

bee garden. Do a web search for “bee plants.”


Do Not Plant Yellow Jessamine


Bees are in Trouble.Buy American Made Honey.Be careful with chemicals.Plant bee friendly plants.