helping build a world at peace, one person at a time...The formula, “First peace, then...

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2014 Annual Report


helping build a world at peace, one person at a time

The formula, “First peace, then prosperity,” was put forth a long, long time ago. Without peace, there is no progress and no prosperity. Look at the world situation today. Fear rages through. We chase peace. Peace should have been the first ingredient.

Today, we have so much. And yet, we have so little. We don’t understand what it means to share. With all our knowledge and education, all we can come up with is how peace cannot happen. Everybody wants to blame somebody else. Please stop the blaming. We all live in the same world. The barriers we see don’t exist.

I invite every human being to participate in bringing peace on this earth. I invite every human being to participate in alleviating each other’s misery. First, to address the lack of the basic items that we need. We need good shelter. We need clean air. We need clean water. We need good, nutritious, sustainable food.

But it doesn’t stop there. So many people have all they need. They may even have great wealth. But if they don’t have peace, they are not content. If they are not content, they are still poor. Prosperity is when people become rich not only on the outside but on the inside.

– Prem Rawat

NOTES FROM THE founderWithout peace, we will always be poor. Without peace, we will always be incomplete. I am talking about the peace that begins when we make peace with ourselves. I am talking about the peace that dwells in the heart of each human being.

Most of the misery that exists on this earth was created by human beings, and as human beings we have the power to address it. Every one of us has the power to stop the stupidity of people dying because they cannot eat. Each of us has the power to be part of bringing peace in this world. But we do not empower ourselves. We look to our governments, but they don’t know how to handle it.

You are a human being. You are empowered.

It is up to each of us to make the difference. If we don’t do it, who else is going to? It begins with us, and it can end up with the whole world. That’s the power of a candle. For as long it’s lit, it will keep lighting other candles.

dignity peace prosperity

It’s been an honor and a joy to volunteer as president of The Prem Rawat Foundation. Working with the remarkable TPRF team has been refreshing and inspiring. Even more so has been the opportunity to observe first hand the transformative effect the Foundation is having in the lives of so many people. I have been amazed and touched by the immense efforts our sup-porters and volunteers are making worldwide. The Foundation’s successes are truly fueled by “People Power.”

In Otinibi, Ghana, your support for the Food for People (FFP) pro-gram is empowering children to stay in school rather than have to work in the surrounding gravel mines. I’m happy to report that one of these students, Abigail Awadu, graduated at the top of her class, earning a government scholarship to attend senior high school and pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. Thanks to the work of hundreds of volunteer facilitators, the Peace Education Program (PEP) grew by 57 percent this year. It’s amazing to see how this program is helping everyone from prison inmates to government officials discover a sense of inner strength, hope, and personal peace.

– Daya Rawat

NOTES FROM THE presidentBecause of donations from people in 50 countries, TPRF helped sponsor a wealth of special events where my father, Prem Rawat, brought his uniquely powerful message to inmates in South Africa, military officers in India, boy and girl scouts in Malaysia, and other diverse groups thirsty for a deeper under-standing of inner peace.

At a recent prison event in Portugal, where some of the inmates have been participating in the Peace Education Program, I watched one young man’s face change from an expression of pain and confusion to a beautiful smile. Peace, hope, and un-derstanding shone across his face after Prem Rawat responded to his question. Another inmate was very vocal, enthusiastically calling out the answers to questions. What I had the opportu-nity to witness in this one small prison is happening through PEP for individuals from all walks of life in 38 countries. It’s experiences like these that remind me that we’re on the right track as we seek to build a world at peace, one person at a time. Thank you for investing your own personal “People Power” into this Foundation and our worthy goal of cultivating dignity, peace, and prosperity for all.

Board Members • Linda Pascotto Chairman • Daya Rawat President • Amar Rawat Vice President • Matt Altman Secretary • Bruce Keenan Treasurer • Edd Hanzelik Director • Stephen Sordoni Director


Ea message of peace a breath of fresh air

In 2014 TPRF sponsored 10 live events across the globe where Prem Rawat’s message of peace was warmly welcomed by diverse groups—from scholars and dignitaries to prisoners, scouts, and students.

Putrajaya, Malaysia Prem Rawat addressed 500 young members of the Scouts Association of Malaysia and joined them in signing a Peace Pledge to create a better world. Prem was welcomed as a fellow scout, and was presented with the Scout's Award of Friendship and a "Messenger of Peace" scarf, a symbol of brotherhood.

Hualien County, Taiwan Prem Rawat spoke to 400 students and faculty at the National Dong Hwa University as part of the Sayling Wen Chair Lecture Series, which has included sixteen Nobel laureates.


Hyderabad, India Held at the prestigious Indian School of Business, Prem Rawat spoke to a group of high-ranking military officers from India’s Department of Defence Services at an international conference that explored peace and maritime issues.

“How is the desire for societal, economic, and material prosperity of the teeming millions of human beings in Asia to be married to the intangibles of universal peace and goodwill that make us human in the first place?” –Vice Admiral Pradeep Chauhan of the Indian Naval Academy

Zonderwater Prison & Soweto, South Africa Prem Rawat visited Zonderwater Prison for the second time, speaking to 380 inmates participating in the Peace Education Program (PEP). The TPRF classes have been offered in the maximum-security facility for more than five years, helping empower prisoners to make positive changes in their own lives. The following day, Prem spoke to more than 450 PEP students, families, and friends in the Johannesburg suburb of Soweto at an event arranged by the Johannesburg Department of Social Development.

Whenare we going to recognize the obvious–

that the time has come for peace? –Prem Rawat, Hyderabad, India


It is not a curriculum that is taught but rather a presentation of the innate resources each human being possesses, taken from the international addresses of TPRF founder Prem Rawat. The program offers tools for living, based on themes such as peace, hope, choice, and clarity.

people from all walks of life opening new doors . . .

The Peace Education Program (PEP) is a 10-week course facilitated by volunteers for people who are interested all over the world.

The program expanded widely and rapidly in 2014, the second year of using the 10-week curriculum. Not only did the number of people who participated in the program increase by nearly 43%, but the number of courses presented increased by 57%, and the program reached people in 38 countries. It is now translated into 16 languages.


Why the expansion? The participants tell the story. People from all walks of life, from students to the elderly,

community leaders to prison inmates, professionals to veterans, are talking about what it means to them to

discover their own resources, to find their own individual experience of peace. As a result, lives transform as

each person begins to see new possibilities for themselves and responds to them in their own way.

4,746 participants 271 programs 26 countries in 2013 in 2014 6,782 participants 426 programs 38 countries j


Peace Education Programs

“I am awake from a deep sleep. My search for peace and joy has ended with the Peace Education Program. It’s the first time I got to know that true happiness lies within me.”

– Student, Vydehi Institute of Nursing Sciences and Research Centre, India

“I have learned how to live my life in a very different way. Despite my current incarceration, what I feel and what I know now is so wonderful, it sometimes feels like there are no worries in the world.

It’s a feeling that’s priceless to me, and no one can take that away from me nor will I ever lose it or misplace it again.... It is a life-changing experience.”

– Inmate, Dominguez State Jail, U.S.A.

What are the participants saying?


“In the 25 years I have been a teacher, I have never seen any program in this department do what PEP has done by bringing

clarity on the subject of peace!”– Professor, Department of Education, Mumbai University, India

“After the class,

I feel more relaxed, more optimistic. It helps me appreciate the inner peace that we have been given since the moment we were born and that we have to keep developing during the whole of our lives so that we can feel better and better every day.”

– Inmate, Las Palmas Prison, Spain

A PEP participant painted a mural to welcome Prem when he visited the Dominguez State Jail.

The painting was based on a story in one of the PEP classes about a young lionwho had lost track of his identity, andthen joyfully rediscovered it.


the power of a meal growing people, and villages . . .

Bantoli, India

When a community is trapped in poverty, it is generally agreed that it takes some outside intervention to reverse the condition. But what?

Food for People (FFP) is a model program that illustrates how the provision of one essential necessity for life can be enough to empower the people of a community to make more lasting changes on their own. There are now three facilities, one each in India, Nepal, and Ghana.

The beginning in 2006: Nine years ago the inhabitants of seven villages in a tribal area of northeastern India, were suffering from malnutrition and pervasive sickness. Many adults were too weak to work and children skipped school to scavenge for food, most dropping out entirely at an early age.


Local villagers are hired to grow, cook, and serve the food. Their involvement fosters a connection and a sense of pride.

Health and hygiene: Food for People provides one hot nutri-tious meal each day in the local cuisine for children and ailing adults. Hygiene education comes naturally as children line up to wash hands and feet before entering the dining room. Commu-nity health improves; parents once too weak to work regain their strength; children are free to be children.

Education: Soon after FFP opened, the school was filled with students, and within a few years the first students from the area ever to graduate from grade 10 passed the federal exams for go-ing on to higher education. Some of them have now gone on to college. The 10% literacy statistic for the area is long gone.

Change sets in: Since the FFP facility grows much of its food, villagers are hired to work the farm as well as to cook and serve the meals. Their own gardens have begun to yield better produce. Crime has gone down. The markets are filled with fresh vegetables.

This formula based on community involvement and sense of ownership organically opens the doors to individual initiative and the discovery of new possibilities..


Food for People

Tasarpu is a small tribal village high in the mountains about 25 miles from Kathmandu. Historically, people living there have had to leave for part of the year in search of more work, and many children dropped out of school after grade 3 or 4.

When the FFP facility opened in Tasarpu in 2009, over 500 children from several surrounding villages began to come for meals. They went from the dining hall straight to school, many walking several miles to do so.

Education: Grades 8, 9, and 10 have been added to the school to accommodate demand. In 2014, 29 students took the national

exit exam given after grade 10 and 21 passed it, exceeding the national average. Several are going on to higher education.

Health and Economy: As children learned about hygiene, commu-nity health improved. Villagers working in the school gardens learned organic farming methods and soil care. Local markets brimmed with high-quality vegetables.

By 2014 the FFP gardens included shiitake mushrooms, which grow well in this area and bring good prices. Now many villagers have their own mushroom farms. Steadily, the local economy is beginning to support its people year round.

Tasarpu, Nepal

Food for People (FFP) in Tasarpu, Nepal, Celebrates Five Years


Otinibi, Ghana

• School registration has risen 63%, and attendance is regular.

• Teaching staff has increased.

• Some students are continuing their education past grade 10 away from the village.

• FFP gardens and a chicken farm now provide the vegetables, chicken, and eggs for the facility.

• FFP won the Best Institution Award for its contribution toward development of agriculture in Ghana.

The village: Otinibi is a village of about 1,500 people in the Ga East municipal district near the southern coast of Ghana, about 35 miles south of Accra. Despite its closeness to the water, the cli-mate is very dry, often windy, and generally unreliable for farming.

Before: The fittest villagers leave home early in the morning to walk five miles into the mountains to break up rocks for govern-ment roads. Children have a breakfast of cassava and plantain before 7:00 AM. Prior to Food for People (FFP), this was their only meal until evening. School registration was low and attendance intermittent.

The power of a meal: Opening its doors in May 2012, Food for People Ghana began serving an average of 400 meals a day to students and ailing adults.


The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) was created in 2001 and is a California not-for-profit public benefit corporation with a tax exempt 501(c)(3) status granted by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. The accompanying Statements of Activities and Annual Measure of Financial Activity were prepared using generally accepted accounting principles. Audited financial statements and more detailed information are available at along with the Organization’s annual IRS FORM 990.

$ 2,000,000




2014 2013 2012

Revenues Expenses Net Assets

Financial Activity

Dec. 31, 2014* Dec. 31, 2013* Dec. 31, 2012*

Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 1,840,897 $ 1,251,022 $ 834,357 Prepaid Expense 352 5,019 26,583 Other Assets 33,065 21,176 1,027

Total Assets 1,874,314 1,277,217 861,967

Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts Payable 1,198 16,723 16,890 Grants Payable 1,200 132,200 51,500

Total Liabilites 2,398 148,923 68,390

Net Assets 1,871,916 1,128,294 793,577 Total Liabilites & Net Assets $ 1,874,314 $ 1,277,217 $ 861,967

* Statements from Audited Reports

Statement of Financial Position

Dec. 31, 2014 * Dec. 31, 2013* Dec. 31, 2012*

Revenues and Other Support Contributions and Grants 1,204,583 $ 1,372,632 $ 1,403,631 Fundraising Events 841,898 214,988 251,278 Sales Revenues 163 172 927 Interest and Dividend Income 5,438 4,967 8,533 Total Revenues 2,052,082 1,592,759 1,664,369

Expenses Program Services Message of Peace 513,873 389,212 476,610 Peace Education Program 347,214 245,117 293,879 Humanitarian Grants & Aid 196,288 394,805 501,796 Total Program Services 1,057,375 1,029,134 1,272,285

Support Services Management and General 116,469 128,610 176,449 Fundraising 134,616 100,298 96,147 Total Support Services 251,085 228,908 272,596

Total Expenses 1,308,460 1,258,042 1,544,881

Increase in Net Assets 743,622 334,717 119,488 Net Assets, Start of the Year 1,128,294 793,577 674,089Net Assets, End of the Year 1,871,916 $ 1,128,294 $ 793,577

Statement of Activities

financial information

More information about TPRF’s financial activity is available in the 2014 Audit Report issued by independent auditors available on the website.


Recurring donations


Fundraising events







Where did this year's revenue come from?Allocation of Expenses for 2014

The Foundation’s expenses of $1,308,460 primarily funded its main programs: Peace Initiatives (40%), Peace Education Program (26%) and Humanitarian Aid (primarily the Food for People program) (15%). Fundrais-ing, together with Management and General, were 19% of total expenses. Peace Initiatives includes outreach, media development and production, and support for keynote speaking engagements. Most of the Foundation’s staff, including the Board of Directors, are volunteers.

In 2014, TPRF revenues of $2,052,082 came from contributions, grants, and fundraising activities. More than half of this year's revenue came from individuals–including an average of 800 recurring monthly donations totaling $481,372 and another $723,211 from perodic and one-time donations.

The Organization’s fundraising events in 2014 were the most successful ever, bringing in over $841,000 from a Gala Dinner, Auction, and several independent events in Europe and North America.

Most of TPRF's revenue is derived from the U.S., Europe, and the U.K.

In 2014, TPRF's revenue was $2,052,082

Peace Education Program

Humanitarian Aid

Management & General

Fundraising Expense

Peace Initiatives andKeynote Speaking



26% 15%9%


The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) addresses the fundamental human needs of food, water, and peace so that people can live with dignity, peace, and prosperity.

Inspired by Prem Rawat’s vision that peace is both an inner resource and an innate right and that world peace must be built upon personal peace, TPRF co-sponsors forums introducing his message to community and civic leaders. The Foundation has also devel-oped a Peace Education Program (PEP) that provides people with materials to explore inner peace in group settings or individually.

The Foundation’s Food for People program has been successful in helping to reverse the downward cycle of poverty for villages near Bantoli, India; Tasarpu, Nepal; and Otinibi, Ghana. The aim is to give people a second chance in life while respecting their dignity and their local culture.

ABOUT THE foundation

follow us onTPRF is a California 501(C)(3) not-for-profit charity based in Los Angeles.

THE PREM RAWAT FOUNDATION PO Box 24-1498 Los Angeles, CA 90024

Tel: 1-310-392-5700