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  • Herbert Giesche

    New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, School of Ceramic Engineering and Science,2 Pine Street, Alfred, New York 14802-1296, USA

    (Received 6 December 1993; revised version received 23 February 1994; accepted 8 March 1994)

    Abstract Struktur. Bei hiiheren Wassergehalten war dieTeilchengriij3enverteilung enger und die Formsphiirischer.

    Die Ergebnisse legen elnen Wechsel im Reaktion-smechanismus nahe. Zu Beginn lagern siGh nanome-ter groj3e Primiirpartikel zu Agglomeraten zusam-men und ab einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt erfolgt dasPartikelwachstum durch Kondensation monomererKieselsiiureeinheiten an der Partikeloberfliiche.

    II existe actuellement plusieurs modeles permet-tant de decrire la formation de particules monodis-persees de silice par hydrolyse et condensation con-trolies du tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) dans desmelanges eau/NH) et ethanol. L 'etude presenteemontre des resultats obtenus pour une gamme ireslarge de conditions experimentales. La croissancedes particules est liee a Ja cinetique d'une reactiondu premier ordre, elle-meme dependante de la con-centration en TEOS. Les ordres reactionnels pourdes solutions contenant de l'eau et de l'ammoniacsont respectivement de 0.97 et 1.18. Seuls desmonomeres (70-90%) et des dimeres (10-25%) desilicates se forment, et l'energie d'activation est de27kJ mol-I. (6'5 kcal mol':-I). Les particules presen-tent une structure interne ultra-microporeuse. Onpeut egalement observer une distribution plus serreeet une sphericite plus marquee des particules,lorsque la concentration en eau augmente. L'inter-pretation des resultats est la suivante: presence d'unmecanisme d'agregation de noyaux primaires detaille nanometrique (durant la premiere partie de lareaction) suivi d'un mecanisme de croissance addi-tionnelle de monomeres.

    Currently there are several models discussed to de-scribe the formation of monodispersed silica parti-clesby the controlled hydrolysis and condensationof tetraethylorthosilicate (TEaS) in mixtures ofwater/ammonia and ethanol. The present study willshow results on an extended range of experimentalconditions.

    Particle growth followed a first-order reactionkinetic with respect to TEaS concentration. Reac-tion orders for the ammonia and water content were0.97 and 1.18, respectively. Only monomeric(z 70-90%) and dimeric (z 10-25%) silicate unitswere detected during the growth reaction and an ac-tivation energy of 27 kJ mol-l (6.5 kcal mol-l) wasindicated. Particles revealed an ultramicroporousinternal structure. A narrower size distribution anda more spherical shape were observed at higherwater concentrations.

    The results suggested an aggregation mechanismof nanometer-sized primary nuclei during the firststage of the reaction followed by a monomer addi-tion growth mechanism thereafter.

    Zur Zeit werden verschiedene M odelle unter-sucht, welche die Bildung monodisperser Si02-Teilchen durch Hydrolyse und Kondensation vonTEOS in WasserlAmmoniak und Ethanol Gemi-schen beschreiben. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigtErgebnisse in einem erweiterten experimentellenBereich.

    Das Partikelwachstum verlief entsprechend einerReaktion erster Ordnung beziiglich der TEOSKonzen tra tion. Die Reak(ionsordnung beziiglichder Ammoniak- und Wasser-Konzentration war0.97

    bzw. 1.18. Wtihrend der Reaktion wurdenvornehmlich monomere (~70-90%) und dimere(~10-25%) Kieselstiure-Einheiten beobachtet. DieAktivierungsenergie betrug 27 kJ mol-l (6.5 kcalmol-I). Die Partikel zeigten ein ultramikroporose



    Already in 1956 Gerhard Kolbe! observed theformation of spherical silica particles, whentetraethylorthosilicate was' hydrolysed in the


    Journal of the European Ceramic Sociery 0955-2219/94/$7.00 @ 1994 Elsevier Science Limited, England. Printed inGreat Britain

  • lytical grade. Some experiments required a higherNH3 concentration in relation to the permittedwater content. In order to achieve this, part of theregular ethanol was replaced by ethanol saturatedwith ammonia. The latter was prepared by bub-bling NH3 through the ethanol at 195 K (-78°C)until the ammonia concentration reached about 6mol dm-3. All ammonia concentrations werechecked in the final solutions (prior to the precipi-tation) by titration with HCl. The water andTEOS concentrations were calculated from theweight fractions of the different portions.

    The precipitation proceeded as follows. MixtureA-alcohol, water and ammonia-and mixtureB- TEOS in alcohol (1: 1 volume ratio )-cwereheated in closed containers to the desired tempera-tures. Then mixture A was put in a round-bottomed flask, equipped with a paddle stirrer anda condenser and placed in a constant temperaturebath. Thereafter mixture B was added undervigorous stirring (1000 rpm). The mixing wasstopped after 15 s. In spite of the constant temper-ature bath, the temperature in the centre of thereaction vessel increased slightly by up to 2 Kduring the first few minutes after the addition ofTEOS, which was due to the exothermic characterof the reaction.

    presence of ammonia. In 1968 Stober et al.2 tookup and improved this process to produce excep-tional monodispersed silica particles. The finalparticle size could be controlled reasonably wellwithin a wide range, and particles of up to 1.5 ,urnwere prepared. Irrespective of this result it wasjust a few years ago that a renaissance of this pro-cess took place, when a number of scientistsstarted to use these powders as model systems invarious areas; e.g. light-scattering studies,3-6 therheology of dispersions,7-11 formation of orderedsediments, 1 1-14 or the sintering of model powder

    compacts.I3-16 Despite the increased number of ap-plications of these 'Stober' silica powders, the re-action pathway still remained vague, due to therelative fast reaction rate and various reaction in-termediates, until very recently the nucleation andgrowth process was studied in more detail.13.17-28At present the process is not resolved completely,but all interpretations of the experimental resultsfocus on two models: a monomer-addition and anucleation-aggregation growth model. A combi-nation of both models will probably best describethe entire process. Switching from a nucleation-aggregation mode to a monomer-addition processas the reaction proceeds and depending on theoverall starting conditions.

    The first part of the present paper will reveal aseries of well-defined experiments describing thesilica precipitation process. The influences of thestarting reaction conditions on particle properties(size, size distribution and shape) and reactionkinetics (reaction rate and induction period) werestudied over a wide range. The results were com-pleted by gas chromatography and gas adsorptionexperiments as well as a statistical analysis ofseveral reaction parameters. In a second part, acontrolled growth procedure will be presented,which allows a given particle size of up to several,urn in diameter having an even narrower size dis-tribution to be prepared exactly. Moreover, a con-tinuous production process of such mono-dispersed silica particles will be described.

    2.2 Light scatteringThe growth of particles in the solution wasfollowed with a very simple light scattering device.An IR-sensitive photoelectric barrier was used forthis purpose. The emitter and detector were cutand adjusted to fit into two NMR tubes. Figure 1shows the schematic drawing of the device. Emit-ter and detector were positioned at an angle of 900and an additional shielding prevented any directoptical path between them. The device fitted intothe reaction flask and the particle growth reactioncould be recorded in situ. After a careful calibra-tion with various suspensions having a knownparticle size and concentration, the actual particlesize and concentration during the reaction or thereaction conversion, could be calculated from thedetector signal. The light-scattering intensity wasapproximately proportional to the particle massover most of the evaluated range. Further detailsare listed elsewhere.13

    2 Experimental

    2.1 Particle preparation (one step)Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS; Wacker, Burghausen,Germany) was distilled immediately before use.Prior to the distillation, CaO was added in orderto capture HCI impurities, which often remainedfrom the synthesis of TEOS. All other chemicalswere used without further purification. Ethanol(E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was denaturedwith methyl ethyl ketone. Ammonia solution(25%; E. Merck, Darmstadt, Gennany) was ana-

    2.3 TrimethylsilylationTrimethylsilylation, also called 'end-capping', is awell-established characterization method for lowmolecular weight silicate units?9-32 The reactiontransforms Si-OH groups into non-polar (hydro-phobic) Si-O-Si(CH3)3 groups. The latter groupsare very stable with temperature or towards anyfurther reaction. Due to the hydrophobic charac-

  • equipped with a capillary column, OV-l, and aflame ionization detector was used for the GCanalysis. The carrier gas was nitrogen at a pres-sure of 0.077 MPa and the Fill (flame ionizationdetector) gases, hydrogen and oxygen, wereadjusted to pressures of 0.05 MPa and 0.10 MPa,respectively. The temperature of the injectionblock was 573 K (300°C) and that of the detectorwas 623 K (350°C). The best separation of thedifferent silicate species was achieved by a temper-ature program starting at 388 K (115°C) and in-creasing at a heating rate of 10 K min-1 up to afinal temperature of 573 K(300°C). The retentiontimes and Fill response factors were in accor-dance to results by Garzo et a/.3D and Schubert,32who worked at the same GC conditions. Thelatter results could be used to verify and charac-terize all chromatographic peaks.

    \ \

    Emitter Detector(a)

    2.4 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)TEM micrographs were obtained at a Philips(Kassel, Germany) Model EM 300 electron micro-scope. The acceleration voltage of the electronbeam was. 80 kV. TEM was employed to deter-mine the particle size and structure of the silicabeads. Copper carrier grids were covered with acarbon film. One drop of the properly diluted par-ticle dispersion was put onto these grids anddried. In order to improve the accuracy of themagnification, the TEM was calibrated with agrating replica prior to the measurements.

    The size and shape of the observed particleswere evaluated from the micrographs with thehelp of an image analysing system, KontronVideoplan System (Kontron, Munich, Germany).On a magnetic board the particle profiles weretraced with a pen. Particle size and shape was cal-culated from these computerized data (the pro-jected particle area). The mean particle size wasthe equivalent of a circle having the same area andthe shape factor was the axial ratio of an ellipse,having the same inertial moment as the copiedstructure. Over 200 particles were measured foreach sa~ple and the standard deviation was calcu-lated from the fit of these data to a Gaussianprobability distribution. Due to the narrow sizedistributions of almost all samples, the number ofanalysed particles per sample was sufficient toguarantee accurate values. However, the measur-ing method had a certain error in itself, which waschecked with the help of a tesi sample. Circles ofexactly 3 cm, 2 cm, and 1.5 cm in diameter weremeasured 100 times. The absolute value for thestandard deviation was about :tQ.016 cm for allcircle sizes, corresponding to relative errorsbetween :tQ.5% and ::!:1.1%. Therefore all TEMmicrographs were enlarged to result in particle



    .Sectional drawing, (a) horizontal and (b) vertical, ofthe light scattering device.

    ter of the end-capped reaction products, the lattercan be separated by extraction with non-polarsolvents. A qualitative and quantitative gaschromatographic analysis followed.

    The experiments shown here were performed inan analogous way as described by Bechtold eta/.3! After various periods of time from the startof the hydrolysis, samples were taken from thereaction mixture and added under vigorousstirring to the same volume of trimethylchlorosi-lane. The mixture was cooled in an ice bath, sincethe reaction had a very exothermic character. Twolayers formed and the water-insoluble productswere extracted with methylene. chloride, washedwith water and dried with Na2S04' After filteringoff the Na2S04, methylene chloride (solvent)and hexamethyldisiloxane (the self-condensationproduct of trimethylchlorosilane) were remvedby evaporation. The 'frozen' particle sizes couldbe inspected by TEM in the so-prepared samplesand the low molecular weight building units werecharacterized by gas chromatography (GC).

    A gas chromatograph 4300 (Carlo Erba)

  • diameters of 2 to 3 cm on the photographs, whichreduced the error of the method to less than 1%.Nevertheless, the latter effect has to be taken inmind for some of the samples having a standarddeviation of 2% or less.

    volume could be determined with an accuracy of::to. 03 cm3, corresponding to a relative error of0.5-1 %.

    The apparent water density, dapp(H2O), wasmeasured at 298 K (25°C), using a small pyc-nometer of ,.. 0.8 cm3 volume. The reproducibilityof these density measurements was about ::tO~ 15%.

    3 Results and Discussion

    The silica precipitation reaction was studied overthe following range of starting conditions: TEOS0.1-0.4 mol dm-3; NH3 0.8-4.2 mol dm-3; H2O3.0-13.0 mol dm-3, and reaction temperature293-333 K (20-60°C). Table 1 presents the experi-mental results in terms of particle properties andreaction kinetics. The systematic set-up of thereaction conditions allows for a statistical analysisof all parameters and various combined effects.The factorial analysis was performed accordingto the general procedure described by Davies.34Further details are described elsewhere. 13 The

    parameters were analysed in terms of a linear orquadratic effect and the various combined effectsof these parameters on the observed characteristicproperty. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the results ofthe calculations. As shown earlier, the precipita-tion reaction was relatively independent of theexperimental procedure (e.g. mixing time orstirring speed), provided that the reactants werethoroughly mixed within a reasonable time (lessthan the induction period, described in furtherdetail later). Nonetheless, the highest degree ofreproducibility was assured, when the procedurewas performed in a very controlled way, as de-scribed in the experimental part. As an example,

    2.5 Gas adsorptionNitrogen sorption isotherms were determined at77 K (-196°C), using a microbalance (model 4102or 4434; Sartorius, Gottingen, Germany). Prior tothe nitrogen adsorption samples were degassed at473 K (200°C) until the sample mass remained con-stant (10 h, final vacuum lQ--4 Pa). Nitrogen was of99.999% purity (Linde, Dusseldorf, Germany). Thesaturation vapour pressure of nitrogen was mea-sured close to the sample, employing a speciallyconstructed device13.33. The pressure was. recordedwith a piezo-resistive pressure transducer (Model4043Al; Kistler, Ostfildern, Germany). The specificsurface area was calculated from the nitrogen sorp-tion data according to the BET equation, using amolecular cross-sectional area of 0.162 nm2 for thenitrogen molecule.

    Sorption measurements of helium, argon, kryp-ton and xenon (purity> 99.99%, Messer,Griesheim, Germany) were performed in a similarway on the dried and calcined silica samples at298 K (25°C), using a magnetic suspension bal-ance (Model 4201; Sartorius, Gottingen, Ger-many) and a capacitive-resistive membrane pres-sure transducer (Model Baraton 220B; MKS).

    2.6 Apparent helium and water densitiesThe apparent He density, dapp(He), was deter-mined on a helium pycnometer (Model 930;Beckman, Munich, Germany). The total volumeof the sample cell was ::= 10 cm3 and the sample

    800 I:



    ---600~QI...QI 400E=is 200

    _ ::"""""" 2 0. -'" 00 ~ 2.5 .~. ~

    O~ ~~0 / 0.8 ~~«"\ ~O -

    3 8 13 IW . I I d .3 It'

    ater concentration mo m 293 313 333

    Fig. 2. Three-dimensional plot of the final particle diameter versus the water and ammonia concentration of the reaction mixtureat a constant TEOS concentration of 0.2 mol dm-3. The left, middle and right bars of each data triple indicate results at reaction

    temperatures of 293, 313, 333 K (20, 40, 60°C), respectively.

  • Table 1. Particle properties (particle diameter, standard deviation of the size distribution and shape factor) and experimental dataof the reaction kinetics (first-order reaction rate, kTEOS, and induction time) listed for the various reaction mixtures

    Reaction conditions Particle properties

    H2O(mol dm-3)

    NH3(mo/dm-3 )

    TEOS(mol dm-3)




    kTEOS( 10-3 S-J)

    Reaction kinetics

    Induction time(JoJ s)

    Standard deviation(nm)















    0.166 .63

    0.124 15

    0.85 0.79



    0.61 0.176

    89 0.121

    2.14 0.101



    0.373 0.300


    09 0.198

    0.92 0.188



    2.12 0.078

    5.9 0.0408

    13.4 0.0273

    one experiment was repeated five times and theresulting mean particle diameter was consistentwithin :t2.5%.35

    combined effect of ammonia (lin)/water (lin) con-centrations was suggested with a probability of>95%, whereas effects of water (sq)/temperature(lin) or water/TEOS (lin) were observed at a levelof only 90%. All other parameters or combina-tions seemed to be of minor importance. Irrespec-tive of these conclusions, the statistical analysiscan only show that certain parameters influencethe particle size, but it can not tell how much orin which direction the size will be influenced. Thethree-dimensional graph in Fig. 2 can give a muchbetter answer to the last question. With decreasingtemperature or increasing ammonia concentrationparticles became larger, whereas the effect of the

    3.1 Particle sizeThe statistical analysis (see Tables 2 and 3) indi-cated the significance of several experimental pa-rameters on the final particle size. The reactiontemperature (lin; linear) ammonia concentration(lin), and water concentration (sq; quadratic)clearly influenced the particle size, as shown bythe high variance ratios (above a level of signifi-cance of 99%). The importance of the water con-centration (lin), TEaS concentration (I in) and the

  • Table 2. Factorial analysis of the experiments shown in Table

    Reciprocal effect Variance ratio

    Induction timeShapeSize




    Standard deviation kTEOS

    NH3(lin) 2.26NH3(sq) 1.20H2O(lin) 28.76H2O(sq) 1.47Temperature(lin) 2.61Temperature(sq) 0.22NH3(lin)/H2O(lin) 0.11NH3(sq)/H2O(lin) 0.16NH3(lin)/H2O(sq) 2.27NH3(sq)/H2O(sq) 1.58NH3(lin)/Temperature(lin) 13.70NH3(sq)/Temperature(lin) 0.34NH3(lin)/Temperature(sq) 0.25NH3(sq)/Temperature(sq) 2.70H2O(lin)/Temperature(lin) 0.00H2O(sq)/Temperature(lin) 4.08H2O(lin)/Temperature(sq) 0.04H2O(sq)/Temperature(sq) 0.78NH3(lin)/H2O(lin)/Temperature(lin) 7.04

    The value pf the variance ratip indicated the prpbability of a reciprocal effect on the evaluated parameter. Experimental parame-ters: TEOS concentration, 0.2 mol dm-3; ammonia concentration, 0.8, 2.5, 4.2 mol dm-3; water concentration, 3.0, 8.0, 13.0 moldm-3; temperature, 293, 313, 333 K. The abbreviations (lin) and (sq) represent linear and quadratic reciprocal effects.The different levels of significance are: low (a = 0.90) for a variance ratio >3.59; high (a = 0.95) for a variance ratio >5.59; veryhigh (a = 0.99) for a variance ratio> 12.20.















    water concentration clearly indicated a maximumof the particle size around a concentration of 8mol dm-3. The results shown here are in agree-ment with the original work of Stober et al.2 andother groups.21,36,37 However, the results presentedhere cover a much broader range of conditions(e.g. the influence of the reaction temperature wasnot studied in such a systematic way by others).

    3.2 Particle size distributionIn a similar way the influence of the reaction con-ditions on the width of the particle size distribu-tion (standard deviation) was analysed. The latterwas controlled by the same parameters, but theireffect was less pronounced, as shown by the lowervalues of the variance ratios (see Table 2). Figure3 illustrates the tendency towards a narrower sizedistribution at higher water concentrations. How-ever, Fig. 3 does not allow the influence of otherparameters like the temperature, the ammonia orTEOS concentrations to be interpreted; even so,statistics indicated their effect on a confidencelevel of > 99 or 95% (see Tables 2 and 3). A lowerlimit of about :tlO nm was observed for the abso-lute value of the standard deviation, irrespectiveof the mean particle size of the samples (valid onlyfor the samples shown here!). Yet it has to bementioned that the size distributions could besmaller than :tlO nm, when the mean particle sizefell below lOO nm at even lower ammonia orwater concentrations, or when a controlled growthprocess was applied,13.38 as described in part twoof this study.

    Table 3. Factorial analysis of the experiments shown in Table I

    Reciprocal effect Variance ratio

    Size Standard deviation Shape













    3.3 Particle shapeThe 'shape factor' of the silica particles was evalu-ated from the TEM micrographs as described inthe experimental part. TEM pictures could giveonly a two-dimensional view of the particles and itis probable that the actual shape was somewhatdifferent from the two-dimensional value. How-

    NH3H2OTemperatureTEOS (lin)TEOS (sq)NH3/H2ONHfiemperatureH2O/Temperature'NH~EOS (lin) ,','

    NH3/TEOS{sq)"H2O/TEOS l~iJ\)"H2O/TEOS (~q) .,Temperature/TEOS (lin)Temperature/TEOS- (:Sq):

    , ' ,

    Th~ y:a~ue or the variance ratio indicated the probabi.lity of areciprocal eftec(on the evaluated parameter. Experimentalparameters: TEOS concentration, 0-1, 0.2, 0.4 mol dm-3; am-monia concentration, 0.8, 4-2 mol dm-3; water concentration,3.0, 13-0 mol dm~3; temperature, 293, 333 K. (lin), Linear;(sq), quadratic.The different levels of significance are: low (a = 0.90) for avariance ratio >2.73; high (a = 0.95) for a variance ratio>3.74; very high (a = 0.99) for a variance ratio >6.71.



  • /


    Ec 50---










    c,' o~ 2.5 .~c; ~

    ~ ~~0.8 ~~O ~o'~ \ "



    Ta3 8 13

    .-3 I .\Water CQncentratlon / mol dm 293 313 333 K

    Fig. 3. Three dimensional plot of the standard deviation (number distribution of the particle diameter) versus the water and am-monia concentration of the reaction mixture at a constant TEOS concentration of 0.2 mol dm-3. The left, middle, and right bars

    of each data triple indicate results at reaction temperatures of 293, 313, 333 K (20, 40, 60°C), respectively.

    tion (I in) were also significant at a level of >95%.Figure 4 presents the results in a similar three,.di-mensional graph as was shown before for themean particle size values of the samples. It' wasobvious from this diagram that the produced par-ticles tended to be more spherical at higher waterconcentrations. Nonetheless, the results have to beinterpreted with great caution, since the shape wasclosely related to and 'influenced by' the mean.particle size. In general, small particles « 1 00 nm0 (diameter» tended to be not as spherical asparticles of larger sizes. ,The explanation was verysimple, inasmuch as inhomogeneities appearingduring the early stages of the particle precipitationcan be equalized during the latter growth process.On the other hand, conditions which producedlarger sizes (>600 nm 0) were often accompanied

    ever, in contrast to needles or platelets, there wasno preferred particle orientation to worry about,when these particles were lying on a flat surface.Due to the (relatively) spherical shape of nearly allparticles, only minor differences between the mea-sured and actual shape were expected.

    The particle shape could deteriorate from thatof a perfect sphere due to agglomeration processesor inhomogeneous conditions during the growthperiod of the particles. As indicated in the facto-rial analysis, the water concentration (lin), TEOSconcentration (lin) and the combined effect of am-monia (lin)/temperature (lin) or ammonia/TEaSconcentration (lin) had a highly significant infl-uence (>99%) on the shape. Furthermore the threeparameter interaction of water (lin)/ammonia(lin)/temperature or temperature/TEOS concentra-






    Q) (

    i"(.c(/) (





    2 (,.£~

    (,0 ~2.5 .~. b-~

    A(" ~

    ~- 0'...~ \ ~ (-


    3 8 13 1111.-3 I .,

    Water concentration I mol dm 293 313 333 K

    Fig. 4. Three-dimensional plot of I-shape parameter versus the water and ammonia concentration of the reaction mixture at aconstant TEOS concentration of 0.2 mol dm-3. The left, middle and right bars of each data triplet indicate results at reaction

    temperatures of 293, 313, 333 K (20, 40, 60°C), respectively.







  • by agglomeration and the latter process, likewise,deteriorated the particle shape.

    3.4 Particle structureThe silica powders were X-ray amorphous, evenafter a calcination at 1373 K (1 100°C) for severaldays. Only at calcination temperatures above 1573K (1 300°C) was a-cristobalite formed.

    DT A and TG analysis indicated the loss ofadsorbed water (::= 5 wt %) below 473 K (200°C)and an increasing dehydroxylation process (::= 5 wt%) at higher temperatures (up to 1073 K (800°C)).

    Moreover, considerable amounts of ammoniawere strongly bound to or incorporated in thesilica particles. For example, a significant shift ofthe pH of an aqueous dispersion was noticed withtime. This process was caused by the release ofammonia from the silica particles. Several washingcycles or a calcination of the powder at 623 K(550°C) reduced the pH shift, but it could not beeliminated completely. An explanation for thisbehaviour would be the incorporation of ammo-nia in the silica particles during their synthesis.The very slow release process may be attributed toa strong adsorption potential andlor to exceed-ingly small pore openings (of the same size asNH3) in the particles, hindering the escape of theammonia molecule from the particle core.

    In a similar way nitrogen sorption measure-ments-also indicated an ultramicroporous structureof the particles.13,39 Nitrogen sorption isothermswere determined point by point by measuring the'equilibrium' adsorbed mass of nitrogen at therespectivead]usted relative pressures. However, itproved to be difficult to determine the trueequilibrium values. At a chosen gas pressure theadsorbed amount reached an approximate plateauvalue within a few minutes; nevertheless, a veryslow but continuous further uptake was noticedover more than two days. In addition, the de-sorption branch of the isotherm did not meet theadsorption branch at low relative pressures, indi-cating the inaccuracy of the determined datapoints. In consequence, the calculated BETsurface areas were somewhat larger than the cal-culated geometrical surface area of the silica parti-cles. However, a better correlation was noticedwhen the specific surface area was calculated frommercury porosimetry' measurements39 or in caseswhen the adsorption data were determined withina short time (less than 1 h for all data points inthe BET region; relative pressure: PI Po < 0-6).Likewise, sorption studies, which used differentinert gases at room temperature, also indicatedultramicropores.40 The adsorbed amounts and thekinetics of the adsorption process indicated thatsome gas molecules were allowed to penetrate

    the particles whereas others were excluded. Forexample, the adsorbed amount of helium or argonwas roughly 10 to 100 times more than theamounts of krypton or xenon under the sameconditions, suggesting a cut-off pore size of about0.3 nm.

    Another fact which can be an indication for theporous structure of the particles was the density ofthe powders. Densities determined with the heliumor water pycnometer were ~ 2.0 g cm-3 for alloriginal silica samples. On calcination at ~1073 K(800°C) it increased to the literature value ofamorphous silica (2.2-2.25 g cm-3). Since no crys-talline phases developed during this calcination,the density change was obviously due to some re-arrangement within the particles, which, on theother hand, was only possible when the originalparticles had a porous structure. The low densityof the original Stober silica particles was alsoobserved by several other groups. 3. 10,21,36 For

    example, van HeIden et al.36 reported densities ofas low as 1.61 g cm-3 for some of their silica sam-ples. The latter density would suggest a porosityof about 25-30 vol. %.

    Last but not least, some of the silica samplesdisplayed a particulate structure on TEM micro-graphs. An example is shown in Fig. 5. The size ofthe subunits was well below 10 nm, but it variedfrom sample to sample and quite often no struc-ture was visible at all.

    3.5 Precipitation reactionIn principle, the reaction of TEOS to form silicacan be divided into two major steps: the hydro-lysis and the condensation reaction. It is nowthe purpose of the following paragraphs to givesome further details of this reaction; even so,the complete reaction is still far from a fullunderstanding, since there are numerous reactionintermediates and possible reaction pathways toaccount for.


    Reaction intermediatesIn this study the trimethylsilation technique wasused to determine the reaction intermediates'. Lowmolecular weight silicate units of up to 20 Si unitscan be identified by gas chromatography in thisway. Furthermore the overall particle growthreaction was stopped, since all reactive sites(hydroxyl groups) on the surface of existing nucleiwere blocked by the trimethylsilyl groups.

    Several reaction mixtures, according to Table I,were studied in further detail by the trimethylsila-tion technique. Irrespective of differences in theoverall reaction rates, the percentages among thelow molecular weight units did not change verymuch with reaction time and no characteristic

  • 3.5.2 Particle growthThe particle size was 'frozen' immediately afterthe addition of (CH3)3SiCI. The particle growthreaction could be followed by stopping the reac-tion after various times. The TEM micrographs ofthe latter samples indicated a monomodal particlesize distribution for all reaction times and nosmaller subunits or nuclei were observed. Figure 6presents a plot of the particle size versus the reac-tion time for one sample. A first-order reactionwas expected .and the corresponding plot of theconverted data (second y-axis in Fig. 6) resulted ina linear relation of the data points, thus verifyingthe previous assumption.

    Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrographs of silica particles,demonstrating the nanometer-sized substructures. (Original

    magnification x 666000.)

    trend was noticed. Probably differences existed forthe very first reaction period « 1 min), but it wasdifficult to take samples during this time and thescattering of the obtained data prohibited any fur-ther conclusions. In particular, 70-90% monomer,10-25% dimer,

  • 400Legend (see tab.1 ):





    .~..C~.5150=.5~ 100::.u..~ 501







    00 100 200 300 400

    Time I minFig. 7. Light-scattering intensity (reaction conversion) as a function of time. The legend refers to the reaction conditions as.setout in Table 1. The numbers represent H2O, NH3, TEOS conc. and temperature. The inserted diagram shows the curves on an

    expanded time scale, demonstrating the large differences in the induction period.

    always increased. The corresponding three-dimen-sional graph (Fig. 8) of the reaction rate versuswater and ammonia concentration at the threetemperatures clearly demonstrates this relation-ship.

    Likewise the data were taken to determine thereaction orders relative to the water and ammoniaconcentration. The logarithm of the reaction ratewas plotted versus the logarithm of the water orammonia concentration respectively. Each set ofthree data points, which were obtained under

    otherwise equal conditions, were connected by aline and the average value of the slope of all ofthese curves corresponded to the reaction order ofthe viewed parameter. A reaction order of 0.97and 1.18 was observed for the ammonia and thewater concentration, respectively. The latter valuesagreed well with the data given by Harris et al.19ammonia: 0.9 and water: 1.5.

    In a similar way the activation energy of theparticle growth reaction was determined by plot-ting the logarithm of the reaction rate versus the


    :0 @~0 16 / /...14 '/ /)12 //~ 10f ,-

    i 81= 6


    ; / ..8 ..8 ,II0 1...1...1...,...,...,...1...,...,...,., ,...,.., ,..-'

    3 8 13


    o~2.5 CI ~.~~ ~

    o~ b"0.8 ~~ ~c'

    ~ \


    ~ I~~




    .-oS I .,Water concentration / mol dm 293 313 333 K

    Fig. 8. Three-dimensional plot of the particle growth reaction rate, kTEOS' versus the water and ammonia concentration of the re-action mixture at a constant TEOS concentration of 0.2 mol dm-3. The left, middle and right bars of each data triplet indicate

    results at reaction temperatures of 293, 313, 333 K (20, 40, 60°C), respectively.

  • small systematic difference towards higher valueswas seen in the data of van Blaaderen et al.,28whereas the reaction rates published by Bogush &Zukoski25 always exhibited slightly lower valuesthan calculated. On the other hand, within eachset of literature data the linear relation betweenexperimental and calculated values was excellent,as indicated by the correlation coefficients of r =0.997 and 0.994, respectively. Nonetheless, thegeneral agreement was very remarkable, since theliterature data were obtained by completely differ-ent techniques and in addition, the reaction ratesused for the evaluation of eqn (1) and the valuesof the constants, k' and Ea were determined by thevery simple light-scattering device described in theexperimental part.

    inverse of the reaction temperature (in K). Theobserved value of EA = 27 kJ mol-I (6.5 kcalmol-I) fell within the range of various literaturedata41.43-47 for the polymerization or precipitationreaction in silica systems.

    The growth reaction rate can now be summa-rized as follows.

    The constant, k', was calculated from the reac-tion rates giv~n in Table 1 according to eqn (1).Its average value was: k' = 2.36 s-l(mol dm-3)-2'15.Moreover, reaction rates published in the litera-tureI7.19.25.28 were compared with the correspondingvalues

    calculated from eqn (1), shown in Fig. 9.Although the overall agreement was adequate, a

    3.5.4 Induction periodThe induction period was evaluated from thelight-scattering curves as well. It was defined asthe time interval until the scattering intensity devi-ated from its starting value (derived by extrapola-






    2 .I





    8,..>< 0.3Q)

    I(/) 0.20UJI-






    2 3


    50.3 0.5 1

    kTEOS -calculated I

    Fig. 9. Plot of SiO2 particle growth or TEOS hydrolysis rates, as determined experimentally by Bogush & Zukoski,26 vanBlaaderen et al.,28 Harris et a[.l9 or Matsoukas & Gularil7.18 versus the corresRonding calculated values according to eqn (I).Dotted lines represent the linear regression of the data of Bogush & Zukoski 6 and van Blaaderen et al?8 having correlation

    coefficients r = 0.994 and 0.997, respectively.

    X [H20]1'18 [NH3]O.97 [TEOS]

  • /

    /~ 2.0


    E~ 1.0'88 ... 4.2c,.

    O~2.5 ..e.Ci ~~ b-~

    0.8 ~~O ",0'~ \'~



    I.., leeO.FI

    tion). This time varied over a wide range from 27 sup to about 30 min. Influences on the inductionperiod were evaluated by a statistical analysis, asshown in Table 2. The linear water and ammoniaeffect and their combination were of highest signi-ficance as shown by their very high varianceratios, but clearly many other parameters or com-binations thereof were also of importance (atprobabilities of >99% or >95%, see Table 2). Dueto the various quadratic and combined effects,being of:a certain statistical importance, the over-all conclusions were not as clear cut as the analo-gous results for the reaction rate. The three-dimensional plot (Fig. 10) of the induction periodversus the water and ammonia-concentration ortemperature graphically illustrated the main re-sults. The induction period decreased with increas-ing water and ammonia content or temperature. Acomparison of Figs 8 and 10 now clearly demon-strated the inverse behaviour of induction periodand reaction rate. This relation was understand-able, since there was no indication that theseparameters would be controlled by completelydifferent reaction mechanisms. It was obvious thata fast overall reaction would most probablyshorten the 'nucleation' or 'induction' period too.

    exaIt)ple of the base-catalysed silica reaction, is anideal example to study the formation of mono-dispersed particles. At present there are two majormodels to explain the particle formation processin the Stober silica system. First, there is themonomer addition growth model, IS in analogy to

    a 'LaMer' precipitation diagram,4S which describesthe nucleation by exceeding the supersaturationlimit and the growth by condensation ofmonomeric silicic acid on the surface of the exist-ing particles (nuclei). It is mainly a chemical typeof explanation, focusing on the hydrolysis andcondensation rate and the solubility of silicic acid.Second, nucleation and growth of particles ismodelled by a controlled aggregation mechanismof sub-particles, a few nanometer in size}6 Col-loidal stability, nuclei size, surface charge anddiffusion and aggregation characteristics are theimportant parameters in this model. The twomodels seem to be nearly incompatible in severalaspects and it should be easy to distinguish be-tween them. However, there were a number of ob-servations, shown here or in other publications,which clearly support either the first or the secondmodel.

    Monomer addition growth model. In thefollowing section, experimental results of thepresent study will be discussed in relation tothe previously mentioned models and comparedwith literature data. For example, the particlegrowth could be best described by a first-order re-action with respect to the TEOS concentration.Even so, there are several publications favouring asecond-, third-, or fourth-order reaction for thepolymerization of silicic acid (for further details,see ller49 or Rothbaum & Rohde41). Most of

    3.5.5 Comparison with modelsMany papers have been published concerning thehydrolysis and condensation reaction in thesilicate system. The majority of them have beendealing with the reaction under acidic conditions,when silica polymers or gel structures are formed.On the other hand, the base-catalysed reaction,especially in the presence of ammonia, has beenstudied only recently in more detail.17-28 In addi-tion, the Stober process, as the most prominent

    o. o~' , .I .., I .., I , ..I ., , I .., I .., I , , , I .., I ., , I .., I ., .1 ...I , ..I ...I ., , I ., .I ...I , ..I .,..7'

    3 8 13. I -3 I .,

    Water concentration mol dm 293 313 333 K

    Fig. 10. Three-dimensional plot of the induction time, determined by extrapolation from the light-scattering curves, versus thewater and ammonia concentration of the reaction mixture at a constant TEaS concentration of 0.2 mol dm-3. The left, middle

    and right bars of each data triplet indicate results at reaction temperatures of 293, 313, 333 K (20, 40, 60°C), respectively.

  • 201

    the recent publications, 17-19,25,28 concerning the'Stober' silica precipitation, agreed with the resultsshown here and describe a first-order hydrolysis ofTEOS as the rate-limiting process in the silicaparticle precipitation. The second reaction step,the condensation reaction, was found to be fasterby at least a factor of three.25,26,28

    Moreover, the appearance of an induction periodwould also favour a LaMer-type mechanism, sinceit will take a certain time for the hydrolysis ofTEOS to exceed the equilibrium or the criticalnucleation concentration of silicic acid in thesolution followed by precipitation of silica. Yetthe latter hypothesis is somehow incompatiblewith the observations of an induction period inseeded growth experiments by van Blaaderen etal.28 or Philipse.5 In these experiments silica seedswere prepared and grown in the same solution,and therefore the silicic acid concentration shouldbe already at or above its equilibrium value, andconsequently, as soon as some further TEOSwas hydrolysed, the condensation reaction or theparticle growth reaction should take place.Nonetheless, an induction period was again ob-served. This discrepancy between expected andobserved behaviour can be explained. Fleming46studied the diSsolution and precipitation rate ofsilica in dependence on the free silicic acid concen-tration near its solubility equilibrium. His resultsindicated 0. that the precipitation rate decreased

    linearly with decreasing silicic acid concentration.However, the point where the deposition ratedropped to nearly zero was observed at a silicaconcentration which was about twice its equilib-rium value. Thereafter a very slow drift towardsthe final equilibrium was noticed. Fleming ex-plained this drift by a different solubility of freshand aged silica. It follows for the case of seededgrowth experiments that such ~ drift will occur ina similar way after the first step, the preparationof the seed particles. Obviously it will take acertain amount of TEOS to be hydrolysed, beforethe concentration of free silicic acid reaches the'first equilibrium' again and the precipitation orthe particle growth starts after exceeding thisvalue. Aggregation growth model. On the otherhand, there were several results which referred toan agglomerated structure of the particles. Themost prominent evidence was the structures seenin some of the TEM micrographs (see Fig. 5), butalso the measured densities (up to 30% lower thanthe theoretical value), the incorporation of ammo-nia in the particles, the high specific surface area,the slow kinetics in nitrogen adsorption measure-ments, or the observed cut-off size in adsorption

    experiments using different inert gases.40 All ofthese were clear indications of an ultramicro-porous structure of the silica powders. Thequestion remained, how such a porous structuredeveloped during the synthesis.

    The simplest explanation was given by an ag-gregation growth model, described for example byBogush & Zukoski26 or Philipse.5 Small silicanuclei of several nanometer in size form continu-ously during the hydrolysis and condensationreaction of TEOS. These nuclei are colloidallyunstable and they will coagulate and form largerunits. These are stable above a critical size andtheir further growth is accomplished by additionof subsequent primary nuclei to the existing'particle' surface of the agglomerates. The numberand size of these units will be determined not onlyby the reaction kinetics, but also by differentparameters effecting the dispersion stability, likethe ionic strength of the solution, temperature,charges on the particle surface, pH, solvent prop-erties (viscosity, dielectric constant, etc) and so on.

    Bogush & Zukoski25,26 could explain several oftheir observations with this model. For example,the final particle size increased from 343 nm to710 nm 0, when the precipitation mixturecontained 10-2 mol dm-3 NaCl; even so, thereaction rate remained nearly constant at kTEOS =1 X 10'-3 S-I. This observation was explained bythe lower colloidal stability in the system contain-ing the higher NaCl concentration (higher ionicstrength). Due to this, a smaller number of aggre-gate units were formed at the beginning and con-sequently particles grew larger in size.

    Further evidence for such a picture of particlesmade by aggregation of primary nuclei was givenby results of van HeIden et al.36 They repeatedlyobserved a second peak in SAXS measurementson Stober silica particles. The authors questionedwhether this result was real or an artefact. Theposition of the peak was always noticed around astructural size of 1 nm. The latter value for thecritical size of silica nuclei was in very goodconformity with calculations by Makrides et al.45Depending on the chosen values for the interfacialenergy (silica/solution), the silica concentrations,and the temperature, the authors calculated acritical size of about 1 to 2 nm.

    The formation of these primary nanometer-sizedsubunits as an intermediate step in the growthreaction could also account for the observedinduction period. The condensation reaction canproceed parallel to the hydrolysis reaction fromthe very first beginning and still it will take acertain time (induction time) to produce theprimary subunits, which then may agglomerate oradhere to the surface of seed particles.

  • On the contrary, results of the trimethylsilationexperiments presented here, stayed in clearcontrast to an aggregation growth model. Mostlymonomer, some dimer and only insignificantamounts of higher oligomeric silicate units weredetected throughout the whole precipitation reac-tion. This opposed the production of nanometer-sized nuclei as requested by the aggregationgrowth model, since at least a certain amount ofhigher oligo-meric units should be detected, repre-senting the intermediate steps towards these pri-mary nuclei. The trimethylsilation data obviouslyfavoured the monomer addition growth model.However, it has to be noticed that these resultswere obtained at reaction times when the first for-mation of particles was already passed (after theinduction period).

    The induction period was inversely related to thereaction rate and clearly influenced by the same

    parameters.The results were compared with particle forma-

    tion models and the following mechanism ap-peared to be most realistic. Nanometer-sized sub-units were formed during the very first reactionstage, followed by a controlled aggregation tolarger units. The colloidal stability and aggrega-tion rate of the primary nuclei determined thenumber and size of the particles. However, thegrowth mechanism changed at a later stage in thereaction and thereafter particles grew solely bycondensation of monomeric and dimeric silicateunits at the particle surface. The point at whichthe reaction mechanism changed, depended verymuch on the overall reaction conditions. Similarconclusions were drawn by van Blaaderen et al.28and Harris et al.19 They also concluded that theparticle formation started with the aggregation ofsiloxane substructures and proceeded furtherthrough a surface reaction-limited condensation ofhydrolysed monomers or small oligomers. Harriset al.19 assumed the change in mechanism at a par-ticle size of about I 00 ~m in their experiments. Eden growth model. A different explana-tion for the development of a porous structure isgiven by Keefer and coworker .50,51 The nucleationand random growth of clusters from partially hy-drolysed monomers was simulated. The Edengrowth model, used in that study, resulted in moreor less porous structures. The fractal structuresdepended strongly on the assumed degree of hy-drolysis of monomeric silica units. Fully hydro-lysed monomers resulted in relative dense particles,whereas the structure became more open withonly partly hydrolysed silicate building units.

    4 Conclusion


    The author would like to thank Professor K. K.Unger for an introduction to this fascinating fieldof science and is grateful for his guidance and sup-port throughout this work. Finally the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft is thanked for theirfinancial support through Grant Number Un26/25-1.


    The Stober silica preparation process was studiedover a wide range of experimental conditions(TEOS, NH3, H2O concentration and tempera-ture). Particle properties-size, distribution, shapeand structure-as well as reaction kinetics-growth rate and induction period-were evaluatedby a statistical analysis. The mean particle sizewas influenced by all experimental parameters,whereas the effect on size distribution and shapeof the particles was much less pronounced. Allsamples were relative monodisperse, but a trendtowards a narrower distribution or a more spheri-cal shape was observed at higher water concentra-tions. The particles showed an ultramicroporousinternal structure, as revealed by TEM micro-graphs or adsorption measurements.

    Analysis of the reaction kinetics revealed thatonly monomeric and some dimeric silicic acid wasdetected as intermediate silicate units in the solu-tion. The particle growth could best be describedby a first-order process relative to the TEOS con-centration. The reaction orders relative to thewater and ammonia concentration were 1.18 and

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