Here We Go Again: Girl Power!

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Here We Go Again! An OWBC!

Chapter Four:Girl Power!


Jack was adorable, Komei had a breakdown, the heatwave continued, Harry was born, Jack grew into a child, Jack smustled outside while

his parents were 'hooing in the living room. Tempest fell pregnant with her third child, just as the social worker showed up to claim Jack and

Harry. Apparently the heatwave meant we were bad parents. My simself, however, conveniently lives in the mansion across the street

from the family and adopted Jack and Harry.

Now! Onwards!

We rejoin the family to find Tempest sulking. This is probably a throwback to the fact her kids were just taken away.

“I'm an awful mother. I couldn't change the seasons, so they took my babies.”

“I can't even look after the fish without being prompted.”

It's true. Komei will feed the fish and clean the tank all on his own. I have to tell Tempest to do it.

You know, I'm pretty sure I had a decent caption for this when I took it. But when I pulled it out of my storytelling folder, all I wanted to know was

1) Why they are both covering their ears

2) Why is Komei naked?!

And so begins another ordinary day in the Blue household. I want a treasure chest! It would buy us that lot we need for the Clubhouse.

I should probably also sort out the fact we've got too many flamingos now. Although we'll need them later.

We found a rooster while digging, so he gets to stand guard next to Tubby.

His name is Cherry, just because that was the first thing that came to mind.

That night, Tempest begins showing signs of her third pregnancy. Well, the first pregnancy that counts.

“Why does this keep happening to us?!”

It's time like this when I start to believe we'll never find a treasure chest.

With the money from working – even Simon has a job – and selling rocks and things we find in the ground, the house finally got a lick of paint on the outside.

There wasn't enough money to finish the upstairs, but at least Tempest and Komei aren't woohooing in the living room anymore.

Despite everything they've been through, Komei and Tempest are still very much in love.

Which is always nice to see.

From the family's digging, we've now got two sets of every secret map. So Tempest is keeping one set in her inventory for when the family goes travelling.

The others are being used to decorate the house. I think they look neat over the fish tank!

The next morning, Komei is struck by lightening.

“Are you trying to smite me?!”

Nope. This was all natural.

Of course, he had another breakdown as a result. Apparently being hit by lightening was one of his fears.

Poor guy.

Komei found a statue of some sort in the ground, so we sold it and started farming. Because I remembered that if I wanted a plantsim, I was going to have to actually do some gardening.

Neither sim was impressed.

With the seasons tweaked to end the heatwave, it was time for the Spring party.

No one showed up, but this walk-by invited himself in.

Makoto St.Julien! I had him in the family during my ISBI.

I immediately regretted letting Makoto back into my challenges.

Why couldn't he take Cherry? No one would have cared!

Because this MOAR aliens thing isn't going so well, I got out the reward to change aspirations. The freetime knowledge perks are very helpful, and not mentioned in the MOAR aliens rules.

“Komei...I don't think you should be messing with that...”

It was at that moment I remembered all of Komei's aspiration failure.

Oops. I cheesed Komei.

Komei the New Cheese sim went to work after consuming a number of sandwiches.

Simon, meanwhile, found a wolf named Riley to play with. They don't like each other much, but it reminded me that I still have to find Simon a mate.

Later that night, Tempest went into labour. Komei wasn't home, so she had to deliver the baby by herself.

It's a girl! Baby Miranda, named so because I just finished studying The Tempest.

I see she is going to be a delightful child...she's probably just not happy she got put in the chair.

“Why do I have to clean? This isn't fun.”

Tempest pulls some of the greatest faces...I love it.

Yay, Tubby's coming back!

Komei is looking very dramatic here.

“Have you heard about the New Cheese Movement? So far, I'm the only one in it but soon there will be many cheese sims!”

“Komei...I don't want to talk about cheese. Come on.”

They disagree on the subject of cheese, but that doesn't stop them from liking each other.

Komei greatly appreciates the view when his wife is gardening in her underwear.

Also, I have no idea why these guys spend so much time in their underwear. Most of my sims get dressed, but no, these two don't like that.

Soon enough, it's time for Miranda's birthday. And this time, Tempest was working.

She's such a mixture of her parents! She's got the elf ears, and I think that's Tempest's nose.

Miranda is a Gemini, with a personality of 5/8/8/5/3

Also...prepare for the toddler spam...

Miranda likes to draw instead of use the blocks. Each to their own.

She's also a dancer, but most of my toddlers are. Isn't she adorable?

I'll stop spamming you now.

The next day, Tempest started showing signs of a second pregnancy. Yay!

The evidence only strengthened as time passed.

“Komei, I'm pregnant!”

“How can you be sure?”

Oh! I missed it! But that skunk just sprayed Tempest and it was the funniest thing I've seen for a long time!

Tempest didn't agree with me.

“Curse you, Skunk!”

After a quick shower, Tempest was ready to get back to her duties as a founder – making sure the garden is okay. Of course, this means the Hobby Instructor for Nature would stroll by.

“Peerless Park? Want to come to Peerless Park?”

“Get lost! I don't want to wear a leaf skirt and hang out with the nature lovers!”

There were more important things to be done than visiting Peerless Park, like getting the baby bump stuck in the tree during the harvest.

“Help? Anyone?”

Komei, meanwhile, has been desperately trying to get abducted. It's not working out, and this displeases me.

Something else does please me, though.

“...what just happened?”

Tempest became a plantsim! I wasn't expecting it at all. I was told pesticides had to be sprayed one hundred times on the lot for there to be plantsims, and that hasn't happened here.

“My mohawk is organic!”

Naturally, a head full of seeds means it's time for a plantbaby. Not a Quad Pod, I don't think we have enough room for that yet, but a plantbaby.

Everyone meet Mint, a little girl with a personality of 5/5/5/5/5, making her an Aries.

She looks a lot like other plantbabies, which is expected. Whoever that Ideal Plantsim is, his genetics are really dominant.

Also, I'm going to cure Mint of her plantsimism soon, so that she can live longer, through all the life stages. I've done this before, so I think it could be fun.

“GREEN SISTA!” Miranda was delighted by the sight of someone to play with, “HUG!”

Luckily, Mint was happy to have a sister, too. I love it when strange circumstances don't matter to children!

Simon also loves Mint. So it's all good.

Pretty soon, Tempest went into labour with her second (fourth) child. Right in the window.

Nice, right?

And it's another girl! As ever, Komei looks disappointed.

“She's beautiful, Komei!”

“I miss having the boys around.”

Meet little Amy. Because both her parents are redheads, Amy is also a redhead. But she's got Komei's blue eyes.

She seems like a fairy sweet child.

Tempest and Komei waste no time expanding their brood.

And then they set about taking care of the brood they already have. Komei took Mint outside to play peek-a-boo, so she could get some sunshine and have some fun.

Which was adorable.

Winter arrives, and not only do the leaves fall off the trees, the walls fall off the building behind the Blue house.

I should probably explain that winter comes after spring in this desert. Yeah, I don't know why either.

That night, it was time for Miranda's birthday. Yay!

Miranda was delighted by it, and kept her adorableness.

Miranda somehow managed to sneakily collect four creativity points as a toddler, so I am very happy with that.

I also decided that it would be a good time to turn Mint into a regular sim. She's quite unique looking and I love her.

There was even enough money to give Miranda her own room in a colour that wasn't blue!

Well. It'll be her room until Mint grows up, then they'll share it.

Speaking of Mint, both she and Miranda are really close. I rarely find one of them without the other.

Simon also gets company most of the time.

“Come on, Simon! Let's smustle!”

I'm pretty sure Simon doesn't want to dance, he just wants food.

With Tempest being the only plantsim now, it means we only need one of the plant-lights.

It means Tempest has to sit in one place all night, but it saves the family money.

And the fish are still alive. Yes, they are still the same fish I originally stocked the tank with. I love it!

I also love teaching the toddlers nursery rhymes. Miranda did the honours of teaching Mint.

Miranda also likes to spend a lot of time painting.

Yay! A third pregnancy! Hopefully this will be the last one. And our Bad Apple for the generation.

Predictably, Miranda comes home and is displeased by her grades.

“By the way, I brought a friend home.”



“I'm home!”

I have no idea why he's still showing signs of heatstroke. It's winter now.

Jack and Miranda immediately start to smustle in the street. This is how things should be!

Even Simon is happy to see Jack back!

“Pay attention to me!”

“Yay, my daughter is amazing!”

Oh no. More showing off.

Jack and Miranda then spent the evening playing Cops and Robbers. He doesn't look like he's enjoying it much, but he's freakishly nice and Miranda is a mean sim.

Is she yawning or celebrating Amy's birthday? It's hard to tell!

Komei and Amy appreciate Miranda being there, anyway. Tempest had to work, Jack had gone home, and Mint is too little.

Amy looks different from all of the other siblings! She's a Gemini with a personality of 3/6/7/5/5


And that's it for this time! I hope you enjoyed it! :)