
Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Is a Mexican city, capital of the state

of Sonora, located in the center of the

state at 270 km of the U.S. border and

95 km from the coast in the Gulf of


HISTORY The origin of Hermosillo 1700 dates back then,

named Pitic Villa de The original purpose of the city

was he holding to the Indians and tepocas seris and

protect the Hispanic expansion.

In 1827, town have about eight thousand people and

their urbanization was very funny, because the

houses were scattered in all directions. This region

was fertile, he was cultivated and he provided plentyof necessary for life and still many luxury.

LOCATION• Benjamin hill to the north is between

Hermosillo and Santa Ana, south and

east guaymas urs, west bay Kino is

but part of Xinlong. The others are

towns and far away.

TOURISMOne of the tourist parts of Hermosillo

is the viewpoint of the bell, in this

place is the ultimate vantage point for

visitors as it is possible to see an

almost complete overview of the City,

as it is also in the zoo and museums.

CLIMATEThe weather in Hermosillo is desert,

in a agreement with the criteria theclimatic classification the koppen;has a annual average temperaturethe 25 c. half every year thetemperature are hotter.

TRADITIONS Hermosillo celebrated with pride his traditions, the most

of them are based in the mighty religions a national

level. Unless, there organized too a own popular

verbenas of groups etnicos of Sonora.

In April, the desert city organized for the dance a

tradition in there are participated groups of national

and estranges dances. The partys of pitic, there are

celebrated in April, they conformed a traditional fer

that includes a infantil garages, regional gastronomy

, cultural tianguis, infantil theater, astronomicobservations and dance.

ECONOMYThe main economic activities are

industry, agriculture, livestock,fisheries and trade. The aerospaceindustry input is growing in the areaand could be a great industrial activitynationwide.

TYPICAL FOOD In the city of Hermosillo, Sonora there is a lot of

typical food as it is a major producer of meat. Some of the typical foods are:

- Corn tamale.

- Cheese Soup.

- Donkeys Percherons.

One of the representatives of this city drinks is the Bacanora. One of the main desserts of Hermosillo are Coyotas.