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Post on 17-May-2015

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Deep Dive into Enhanced Campaigns

Preparing for EC

Crystal (Anderson) O’Neill

SEER Interactivewww.SEERInteractive.com

30 Second Background:• Lead PPC Division at SEER Interactive– AdWords & adCenter Qualified Company– PPC, SEO, Analytics

• Began PPC career in 2006– SEO, Media, Analytics & Biz Dev Background

• International experience in B2B, B2C, E-comm PPC accounts & budgets from a few thousand to six figures

Why Enhanced Campaigns?

“Reach consumers at the moments that matter across devices with more relevant ads”

- Google

Take a Deep Breath and Get Started …

How I Learned

Getting Started

Know Your StuffWatch the webinarsRead the blogsRead the upgrade guide

Practice Makes PerfectTest upgrading to EC to get familiar with the steps and

options: How long it will take you What options you have Where new settings are located How bid adjustments will work

Test Yourself Transition an old campaign Create a test AdWords account/campaigns

Be sure to create Desktop and Mobile campaigns to practice merging campaigns

Test upgrading with interface and editor

How I Prepared

Getting Started

Conduct an AuditIdentify which devices campaigns are currently

targetingIdentify campaign settingsCheck out geo data – need to setup geo bidding?Do you need to transition sitelinks?What about call extensions?Day parting?

Getting Started

Conduct an AuditIdentify if you will need to merge campaigns to

upgradeDo you have separate mobile, tablet and/or

desktop campaigns?

Create A PlanUse your audit to determine how each campaign

will be upgradedIf you need to merge campaigns 2 important

considerations:Primary campaign

Longest historyMost statisticsHigher investment

Quality ScoreTry to preserve keywords, ads, landing pages, and device

combinations to keep QS intact (as much as possible)

Budget The Time5-10 minutes for basic upgrades

Example: Desktop only campaign being upgradedUse Editor bulk when you can to save time

25-30 minutes for more complex upgradesMerging campaignsCreating mobile only adsImplementing bid adjustments

Don’t Forget DetailsDon’t forget about sitelinks and bid adjustments!

Remember they can now be campaign or ad group level

25 characters maxDon’t forget you cannot have phone numbers in ads; Use call extensions!

Bidding – calculator example

BudgetingIf you have to merge campaigns, don’t forget to

merge budgets!Tip: Look at budget trends for all old campaigns

to determine where to set your Enhanced campaign budgets

How I Prepared Clients

Be ProactiveExplain what Enhanced campaigns are

Be prepared for questions! Remember that clients/stakeholders often have only basic knowledge of what you do

Don’t focus on only the negatives; Be sure to share the benefits of Enhanced campaignsGood opportunity to


Set ExpectationsProactively address how performance may be affected

If you had opted out of tablets before due to poor performance, what will happen now?

If you had mobile only campaigns before, and they now must run on desktops/tablets, how do you anticipate performance to be affected?

Think about what re-training is neededSeparate campaigns are no longer neededManaging bidding will changeDevice targeting will change

Post Upgrade PlanDon’t set and forget (brand new baby – image?!)Monitor performance closely

Keep an eye out on CPCsKeep an eye out for how your traffic is splittingBudgets

Be proactive in sharing resultsBe proactive in creating plans for optimizing and

testing as you aggregate data

In Summary …Do your researchTest upgradingConduct an auditPrepare your planExecute your planSet expectationsHave a post upgrade plan

Thank you!

Ask Me Anything, Anytime:• Twitter: @Crystala• Email: crystala@seerinteractive.com