HistorzPresenration · In my opinion, the property meets does not meet the National Register...

Post on 10-Jul-2020

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--t==.-.--===zI-==---===--====-- ===r=========---,===~-------

4 . State/Federal Agency Certification -------------- - ----------*------ -------------------------------------===- ==-==Et==-

rCtha designated authority under tho National HistorzPresenrat ion A c t L 1986, as amended, I hereby ce r t i f y that this X nomination

request for determination of eligibility m e e t s the documentation standards f o r registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and m e e t s the procedural and professionaL requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property X m e e t s

does not meet the National Register Criteria. See continuation

Arkansas Historic Preservation Promam Sta te or Federal agency and bureau

In my opinion, the property meets does not m e e t the National Register criteria, - See continuation sheet.

Signature of commenting or other o f f i c i a l Date

S t a t e or Federal agency and bureau

5 , National Park Service Certiffcation -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -

I, hereby certify tha t t h i s property is:

- entered in the National Register - See continuation sheet . - determined eligible for the National R e g i s t e r - S e e continuation sheet. determined not eligible for the National Register

removed from the National Register

other ( e x p l a i n ) :

Signature of Keeper D a t e of Action


6. Function or U s e ----------- -- - -------- -------------------------------------------------- Historic: Domestic Sub: s i n s l e dwellins

,urrent : Domestic Sub: s i n s l e dwellins

*aaaqs UoTqenuTquoa aas X -ehoqe psqou aouexj~ub~s 30 spo~rad pup saax pue 'suo~qazapfsuo3

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PJN :uo?3eTT?3JV TQIn7Tn3

*Agzadoxd ayq 20 spunox6 aqqua ayq sapnpuy Xx~pmoq S~J, - -3aays uo~qenu~~uoo aas :uofqg3rgrgsnp Lxepunoa

- # pxooaa 6u~xaaufbua u~o~xam oyxoqsr~ Aq papxooaz - # A3-n~ shuyp~rnq wq;rztw ~?xoqs~~ Aq papxo3a;r -

yzenpum qzoqsra TauorqeN a paqeub~sap - zaqsy6ax puo?q~~ aqq .Kg a~q~6r~a peupuxaqap Axsnoyna~d -

xa~syba~ IeuaTqaN eqq u~ pa3s-g d~sno~hazd =paqsanbaz -

uaaq sey (tg 8~3 96) fiu-gsft TenpTnTpug 30 uorqeuymeqap k~u?rn~tazd

8u@73~ 'a~aw mord *asma3 l~aq aq QSUI 11 % im-p!rn sdo~s %p!s p=mzuaq 3~ .asnay aw JO. Jouaaxa ayl sza~m 3u!pp pddq puozvoy se pnwdn mu asnoq ay1 uogEpunoj ayl udn


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'auols aw je Ina payram a~oy prmoz a8mq ayl Lq alqerjguap! pue anp~ug.rs!p sy 'nam s,qm Lpmj aq WOLJ %upm 'dw alqm au -srolmm s,ajrm sq Lq ~pq u!cp e WOEJ am3 alqa ayl dn 8uppm sauas ayl 'TI= Jam13 '~IIMO 1~3u-13 ay Aq 1pn8 'pnL qmq aql ul sl? alqa 3!u3!d qm %upmy uy *jol ayl awq leyr sqpmap9 ayl jo 3no ambs IS@ e avtu ~sowp 'auy Luado~d ayl asap PA qreq ayl ssom sum qpmap!s mgou y 'qqs ala13um p~o re jo dot uo pqm1 sy paqs a3uols upour v pm& qmq ayl uf .uoy3wsuo=r luapom 30 are y3ym jo qoq 'udm E q spq ahpp ~I~J~UU~ B pnrC ~uq ayJ ul -pnL atp lop uapug WH~ am a uaAa pue 'sag ~rraurazqda "spoo~pmq s%q 'JOT: ay jo smww aw woj IE~ swqs %ugmmu! ayl or lapd sum qpmapls am~~ue3 v -(anua~y a%anoa ~ou) ws gin- uo sJalanw %u!W ay~ ol %u!lyap angwmp jo Lm uz %uyuasa~d lI~p~oq 'pnm~ou mj awq pal@ luoy 'a%q au asn no^ yqq-llam ~A!A~X auuy urn0 'urooz ua 'boas ow ay~ uo uog~nr~sum u!%q cq 68881 u! uW?PPV IWr[3S ayl Jo b€ YmlB u! 5101 au*Pm-auo Pas~~~nd XlaPJW 'M

Fted States Oepetement of the Interlor C t i o n a l park Service

National Register of Historic Places' Continuation Sheet

Sectlon number 7 Page 2

types of shingles extend up to the carnioe, including rows of diamond cut shingles in an alternating offset pattern with rows of square shingles across the gabIe, from the belt course to the frieze.

Typical of the Queen Anne style, the Bartlett-Kirk House displays a variety of different ornamental elements. The front facade is asymmetrically divided into four quadrants. On the tw left quadrant an unusud oriel window extends from the second flmr. This extending bay window has a flat roof and three windows typical of this style. Like the other windows an the house, they conlain tall, two-pan4 sashes in a double hung configuration. The oriel window is covered with hotizontaI lapped siding. The most ornate portion of the window is the cantilevered bottom. The bottom portion start from the comers of the bay window and diminishes to a p i n t at the Mttom. The convex cantilevered bottom is adorned by a tear drop ornament at the bottom of the cone shaped p i n t . Centered below the oriel window in the lower left quadrant are two windows are identical to the windows in the oriel.

Adjacent to these windows in the Sower sight quadrant is one side of a wraparound porch that extends half way around the west side of the house. The porch roof extends down from the second story a little above the belt come, The porch is inset some two feet and the porch rmf extends outward some two feet, creating a four foot porch. The front entrance is located on the porch. The entrance door is paneled with arched glazing in the top half. A square transom is fixed above the door, forming an entrance configuration fund inside the house as wdl. Directly above the front door, on the s m n d story, is the door to an integral p r c h . This recessed porch has a slightly sIoping rmf that projects from the gable end of the house. Decorating this upper porch are wooden support brackets, and a front facing balustrade that cuts into the lower porch roof.

The west side of the house is dominated by a cross-gable that projects from the main house at a right angle. "So the left of the cross-gable the main house stands with the one story wrap m u n d porch that extends wound the west wall until it runs into this cross-gable. Centered above the wrap around porch is a small window. To the right of the cross-gable a lower-pitch roofed extension comes out of the main steeppitched unit of the house (this southward projection formerly contained a sleeping porch that wrapped around the entire second flmr; it has since been enclosed). Underneath the sleeping p r c h was another porch that began an the right side of the cross-gable and wrap@ m u n d most of the south end of the house. All of it except the one-story sitting porch on the west side of the house has also been enclosed. The p r c h has no projecting mf and is tutally inset into the house. Concrete steps lead up to a side door on the porch that gas into the Kirks' bedroom, To the right of the door is a window, and on the left

'~mp puom aq~ slq%g auo sq anop Xp3aq ~opup v pm JWU jsnj aq rC

uo -1 s! mopq~ e "opu!~ ICP~ ayl, jo ~y%p atp o~ mruooqleq aq qq%y ~ama ayr, jo ljal arlo a ~opupf [@ws y 'asm ayl s~?m s!q wr(t 1Clqg IOU smp ry 'uoge~ma ~3~013 uodn 'lanamoy !~amol, e o~q papuagxa anq Leu Xeq s!yl jeyl awfl auo 12 ppaha~pq SEW 11 .smopuy OW qmuxapun 1alua3 jo gal aq a sl!s mopurm lCeq has auo s ap!s s~yl ug 3AOqE ~JOM

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-1la~ SE tp~d %urdqs ays je JOOJ aw y%neq sapnrlord Xauul~qa v -y31d %u!cbls u!-pasop aql jo pna1 ~addn ay jo lawm q3a ui paml an smopup wpow ow 'asnoq ag~ 50 ap?s av MQ uo!smdxa has-aua aql anqv .pasn s! %u~prs puozuoq IJ! asnoq aql ~o arg qp %u!daay u! s! uo!suedxa aqL .moor mwnj e sr lqa uoyppe dl pays plus e s! uonuedxa sq jo ap!s aql o~ =rnm ayl jo pua lsow masea ai uo mqdary E pue Lauury:, E mq uofsmdxa woos arI;L .srlq3ydn ppu~ Lq moddns '%u!pms aaq s! uodm aqL 'I~I jo pua aql uo vodm m am e ~J!M pq QE punm spuaxa 11 .q~!x ayl Aq 6561 LQ papp sm K~I uopfmd pnmtsm hols awo e SF I@M vnos aw uo %ulntquo3

.auolspm alpww tp!m parru~drapun wsq my asnoy ayl jo pua s!~ -uog~uyqurm JW dy-uo-a~q~% E s3p~3

suog3a[oid pnmylnos @uyZp ayl a pua a1qe8 plo ay! xyl az!u%m~ ol pnq s!: I! I~I PFJ os "leu hah 7 IE~J jmr pddyy E seq pua sy~ - y30d lsa~ ayl uo ~mp a~maa a41 q pyuap~ sl - loop q~ -~mp aya jo uoyms do1 ayl q smoptr!m py3n -3 oml yl!m palad s! loop m~ au 'uaqapl ayr 01 a3w~~ua aIq!ssmx tne spur sdals ala13nm araym aw 01 pa~ou~ uaaq s~y ~oop pu!%uo uy .s~oou qloq '~@g smopu!w urapo~y 'sapo~s qoq uo papls pue u! pang uaq s~q y3zd punaredmm ar(L JZ ljaI L11~3alul puy%po aplg qqm ambs pgm auo mou s! a! ley1 ~uyd ayi a ssaumo ruarajj!p Ilq u! pa~ly uaq 5134 asnoy aya JO g3eq atp ro apxs vlnos ayg,

-qmfi al%uys tp!m ~J~AOD st uoyod ~addn ayl pm c%tnpys dq WM pasaAcm y ayqt2 atp jo uoyd J~MOT aqL *asnoy ayt jo IIIQJJ aya SE luawa%vaut! aurw am yip Mopulm Xq Ifrols-oml e sq jpqr alq~%-ssom ay& .smopuy ruapow a~g an amyi y3zd ay~, ahoqy -%u!p!s puoz~~oq p an! s~pm aya se '3:~ ly%p aw uo qpm aq snnm qmrn q%u!qs o~ phqsap uxq ays seq asnoq apsalw rayom moy pamwoq ury y~oma~puyds ppwq aawgap jo spew amp E salnwj y3md ayl uo zag am "apls hq ap~ smopuyfi om an aiaw y~md atp jo [pm

,United States Department of the lntetlor f atlanal Park Service

National Register of Hlstoric Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 7 Page 4

and window trim is similar if not exact to the exterior trim. Transoms dress up the eight-and*ne half fmt door hrnings throughout the entire portion of the original house. The original ornamentation of the home features multiplicity of detailing, rather than delicate craftsmanship. The seven m m home, for example, features so many doors and windows that the c u m t owner remarked that it was hard to furnish some of the rooms without blocking an entrance or window. The original home would have been quite admirable with its eleven foot ceilings well lit by the many windows. The ceilings have been lowered to nine-and-one half feet now. The upper rooms are of the original height of about nine feet. The lower floors of the original house have three layers of wood. The subfloor was of rough cut lumber, the second floor of tongueand-groove pine, and the third of contemporary tongue-and-grmve hard w d . The upper story has the first two floor layers, covered mostly in carpet now.


Closer investigation of the home leads a person to believe that the original house had no inside bathroom and possibly no inside kitchen. However, amrding to insurance maps, there are no outbuildimgs close enough to facilitate an outdoor kitchen, Most of the interior changes amrding to the Kirks were done by the Wade family (owners from 1955-59). They lowered the ceiling, put down the hard w d floors on the first floor, and closed in a portion of the wrap around porch on the west die for more closet space. The Kirks themselves removed the wooden floors fm the north and west porches, replacing it with concrete slab to lower the maintenance. They enclod the ltear (south) wrap around porch and h e steeping porch above it. They also underpinned the front port with sandstone from the old BatesviIZe School, as well as using the stone to add another layer to an old stone wall that runs along the west side of their home,

aflpsaiq amq ra1-q Aaredwm ayl 'La3m~ '3-1 "103 Aq ~3~0 nallpsaq u? Luedwcx, auoqdqa lsnj ayl 103 aqo uew ayl ely 0681 w! pawhum SEM P&~T uy smuysnq hang sy y%aq 01 pasn napq ~3!q~ %u!ppnq ha~q au 'paw3 pw a%an~ jo Iaertum &p ~umd ayt IE saw q3ym ssavsnq ICra~q e pudo u~2~ auo Ilapng "ggl u~ amhsam ul %u!ppr 'sroum u! smrl qs JOJ qqns fianq E uw pm paum uapa 'mj P uo 8uy.10~ 30 a3wyadxa -

p&qplq3 wql!y, 'P raqruamN woq sem 's!otn~~ '~luno;) uam~ jo a~geu e '1)apq

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FVntted States Department of the Interior clational Park Service

National Register of Historic Places' Continuation Sheet

Section number 8 Page 5

The house addition that extends eastward was put on by the Kirk before they m d into the house. The Kirks screened in the lower back porch and then later closed the porch in for more kitchen space. After the lower porch was closed in, the closed in the uppet sleeping porch to prevent leaking.

In spite of the alterations, the Bartlett-Kirk House remain a fine example of the Queen Anne R e v i d . Such characteristic features as the wraparound porch, asymmetrical floorplan, oriel windows and the abundance of turned work throughout elevate this design to one of the best of its kind in Batemille. It is thus eligible under Criterion C with local significance.

+Wed States Department d the lnterlor f ational Parkservice

National Register of Historic Places' Continuation Sheet

Section number 9 Page 1

Arkansas Gazette. Microfilm. 7 October 1904, 2. History Commission, Little Rock, Arkansas.

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National Register of H [stork Places' Continuation Sheet

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