Hi story quiz (1)

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Iván Pallarés and Joan Paredes

1. Spain became part of the european union in ...

a) 2002

b) 1986

c) 1989

The Eastern Roman Empire fell the year ...

a)1453 d.c

b) 476 d.c

c)1452 d.c

The design of St. Peter's Square in Vatican City was made by ...

a) Miguel Ángel

b) Leonardo da Vinci

c) Bernini

The house of Austria ended with the death of ...

a) Carlos I

b) Guillermo III

c) Carlos II

In which of these three places Adolf Hitler die?

a)In a park

b)In a bunker

c)On the battlefield

Which of these three paintings did Picasso paint?

a)The Shootings of May 3rd

b) Liberty Leading the People

c)Las Meninas

When did the man reach the moon?




Who said "Cogito ergo sum"?

a) Hume

b) Anonymous

c) Descartes

We could say that Christopher Columbus is natural from …

a) Spain

b) Génova

c) Belgium

Isabel II of Spain was the mother of ...

a) Alfonso XII

b) Alfonso XIII

c) Felipe I


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