High Fidelity Brain Connectivity Imaging...Todd Harshbarger Ana Batrachenko Trong-Kha Truong NS...

Post on 02-Feb-2021

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  • CNI Inauguration WorkshopStanford, March 22nd, 2012

    Allen W. Song, PhDBrain Imaging and Analysis Center

    Duke University

    High Fidelity Brain Connectivity Imaging-Recent Progress on Diffusion Weighted MRI

    for High Resolution and Low Distortion

  • The Need for High Resolution and Low Distortion to Image Connectivity

    Brain as an Example:Brain as an Example:

    >100 Billion Neurons>100 Billion Neurons

    >1 Trillion Connections>1 Trillion Connections

    >7 Billions Brains>7 Billions Brains

  • What Resolution Should We Reach with Diffusion Weighted MRI?

    High Spatial ResolutionHigh Spatial ResolutionIs Needed for UIs Needed for U--fibersfibers

    High Angular ResolutionHigh Angular ResolutionSolves Crossing Fibers withoutSolves Crossing Fibers withoutDemand on Spatial ResolutionDemand on Spatial Resolution

  • 2 mm into WM0diamagnetic paramagnetic

    1 mm into WM0diamagnetic paramagnetic

    WM/GM Interface0diamagnetic paramagnetic

    1 mm into GM0diamagnetic paramagnetic

    2 mm into GM0diamagnetic paramagnetic

    3 mm into GM0diamagnetic paramagnetic

    4 mm into GM0diamagnetic paramagnetic

    What Resolution Should We Reach with Diffusion Weighted MRI?

    HighHigh--ResolutionResolutionSusceptibility ImagingSusceptibility ImagingGuidonGuidon, Liu, et al., Duke, Liu, et al., Duke

  • Benefit of High-Resolution Diffusion MRI

    ROIs 1x1x1 mm3 2x2x2 mm3 3x3x3 mm3

    1 mm3

    2x2x2 mm2x2x2 mm3 1x1x1 mm1x1x1 mm3

    High-Res FA

    High-Resolution DTILiu et al., Duke

  • Benefit of High-Resolution Diffusion MRI

    High-Resolution DTIGuidon et al., Duke

    3x3x3mm3 2x2x2mm3 1x1x1mm30


    1111 234234



  • High Resolution DWI Is Not So Easy ….At the present time, the only viable solution to achieve At the present time, the only viable solution to achieve highhigh--resolution DWI is through resolution DWI is through multi-shot acquisition

    TwoTwo--shot DW EPIshot DW EPI TwoTwo--shot DW Spiralshot DW Spiral

  • Self-Navigated Interleaved Spiral (SNAILS)To Remove Aliasing Artifacts

    Liu et al., BIAC, Duke University

    bo b1 b2Baseline Image Diffusion Weighting Images

    But it requires specialized pulse sequence,But it requires specialized pulse sequence,as well as additional scan and reconstruction timeas well as additional scan and reconstruction time

  • Goal: To develop efficient, effective, and practical To develop efficient, effective, and practical acquisition/reconstruction methods for highacquisition/reconstruction methods for high--fidelity DWI.fidelity DWI.

    Criteria:Ideally, the methodology should require Ideally, the methodology should require minimal pulse sequence changes, remove the minimal pulse sequence changes, remove the need for additional reference scans, and still need for additional reference scans, and still result in highresult in high--quality DW images.quality DW images.

  • Cycling-Phase Reconstruction (CPR)

    A general postA general post--processing framework designed to processing framework designed to correct for hardwarecorrect for hardware-- and subjectand subject--induced aliasing induced aliasing artifacts in accelerated MRI scans (EPI, Spiral, artifacts in accelerated MRI scans (EPI, Spiral, Propeller, FSE, GRASE among others), without Propeller, FSE, GRASE among others), without reference scansreference scans

    Also applicable to diffusion weighted singleAlso applicable to diffusion weighted single--shot / shot / multimulti--shot / parallel EPI, Spiral, and Propeller shot / parallel EPI, Spiral, and Propeller acquisitions, without reference scansacquisitions, without reference scans

  • Chen et al.,Magn Reson Med. 2011 Oct;66(4):1057-66

    CPR for 2D EPI




  • Chen et al.,Magn Reson Med. 2011 Oct;66(4):1057-66

    CPR for 2D EPI

  • Chen et al.,Magn Reson Med. 2011 Oct;66(4):1057-66





    No CorrectionNo Correction 11--D ReferenceD Reference CPR

  • Can CPR Work in Spiral Imaging ?

    a: b=0 image

    b: image (a)with simulatedphase error

    c: image (b)reconstructedby cyclingphases with different φ0and gx values

    d: backgroundenergy in images(c) as a functionof φ0 and gx

    the image withthe minimumbackgroundenergy is theone with theleast aliasing

    Truong et al. (in press) Magn. Reson. Med.

  • The 2nd row of E contains the motion-induced phase term exp[–iφ(x0, y0)]



    point spreadfunction



    ot 2



    phase error

    = ×a1











    e–iφ e–iφEq. [1]



    CPR for Two-Shot DW Spiral Imaging

  • φ is assumed to be spatially linear:φ(x, y) = φ0 + x gx + y gy

    which is sufficient to correct forrigid-body motion*

    A series of images are reconstructedby solving Eq. [1] with different φ0,gx , and gy values

    The final image is chosen as the onewith the lowest signal intensity inthe background, i.e., with the leastamount of aliasing

    φ0 / gx / gySba




    *Anderson & Gore (1994) MRM 32: 379–87

    CPR for Two-Shot DW Spiral Imaging

  • uncorrectedDWI images

    correctedDWI images

    uncorrectedADC maps

    correctedADC maps

    CPR Improves Diffusion Weighted Multi-Shot High-Resolution Spiral Imaging

    Truong et al. (in press) Magn. Reson. Med.

  • CPR Improves Diffusion Weighted Multi-Shot EPI

    Improvement in two-shot DW-EPI

    After CorrectionAfter Correction

  • CPR Improves Four-Shot DW EPI







  • Geometric Distortion is Another Major Challenge for High-Resolution DWI

    128 echoes

    160ms2.5 mm3


    Distortion usually proportional to the readout window length

    100ms2.5 mm3

    320mm64 echoes

    SENSE AccelerationFactor 2

  • EPI Distortions from Static Bo Inhomogeneity

  • DW EPI Distortions from Dynamic Eddy Current



  • Mapping Eddy Current Induced Field Changes

    Truong et al., NeuroImage. 2011 Aug 15;57(4):1343-7

  • Field Map Based Distortion Correction

    Truong et al., NeuroImage. 2011 Aug 15;57(4):1343-7

  • Field Map Based Deblurring in Spiral Imaging

    [0.79, 0.32, 0.51] [‐0.66, 0.16, 0.72][0.00, 0.00, 0.00]

    bobo DiffusionDiffusionDirection #1Direction #1

    DiffusionDiffusionDirection #2Direction #2

    Avram et al., ISMRM 2011

  • EchoEcho--shifting effect in EPIshifting effect in EPI

    Can We Make Field Map Generation Inherent?

    Chen et al., Neuroimage. 2006; 31(2):609-22Truong et al., Magn. Reson. Med. 2010; 64:1121-7

  • Inherent Field Mapping based on K-space Energy Spectrum Analysis (KESA)

    Chen et al., Neuroimage. 2006; 31(2):609-22Truong et al., Magn. Reson. Med. 2010; 64:1121-7

  • Echo-Shifting Effect in DTI

  • Magnetic Field Maps in DTI

  • Summary

    A practical yet powerful technical foundation for improved for improved DWI / DTI acquisition and reconstruction strategiesDWI / DTI acquisition and reconstruction strategies

    Inherent correction for ghosting artifacts using cycling phase reconstruction (CPR) without the need for potentially without the need for potentially timetime--consuming reference echoes in highconsuming reference echoes in high--resolution DWIresolution DWI

    Dynamic distortion correction based on inherently based on inherently generated field maps to restore spatial fidelitygenerated field maps to restore spatial fidelity

    Generally applicable to all fast imaging techniques to all fast imaging techniques including EPI, Spiral, Propeller, and other kincluding EPI, Spiral, Propeller, and other k--space space trajectoriestrajectories

  • Nan-KueiChen







    NS 041328, EB 009483,NS 075017


    Faculty and Staff at the Duke – UNC Brain Imaging and Analysis Center at Duke University www.biac.duke.eduFaculty and Staff at the Duke – UNC Brain Imaging and Analysis Center at Duke University www.biac.duke.edu