High School, Here I Come! Transitioning from 8th Grade to High School Brad Craycroft, Asst....

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High School, Here I Come!Transitioning from 8th Grade to High School

Brad Craycroft, Asst. Principal of GuidanceBrenda Stone, Academic Counselor

The World of High School Bigger

– More teachers, students and classes

Tons of options– Class choices, clubs, sports and more

Adult responsibilities– Their decisions affect their future

High School Diploma!!!– More jobs, money & options (like college)

Options: Academic Programs Advanced Placement (AP)

– college-level courses and exams that can potentially earn a student college credit

Speech & Debate (consistently ranked of the best teams in the country)– Students of all levels compete in interpretive,

improvisational, creative and debate based events

Project Lead the Way– Hands on, project based engineering courses

On campus community college courses– Japanese, Sign Language, Differential Equations

Options: Extra Curriculars

Robotics– Student run organization devoted to

promoting science and technology http://www.604robotics.com/

Athletics– http://www.sjusd.org/leland/athletics.html

Clubs– http://www.sjusd.org/leland/clublist.pdf

Options: Services Homework Center

– Monday-Thursday after school in the ITC Peer Tutoring

– Apply on Tues & Thurs in Room K-10 College & Career Center

– Resources and guidance on colleges and careers Academic Counselor

– Provide academic counseling to students anytime and by appointment to parents

Almaden Valley Counseling Services– Provide service to students in need of social

emotional support


Besides yourself and your family, what other people and things influence your child?

How do you think you can positively affect the influences outside your home?

How can you protect your child from outside negative influences?

What are some important things you can do to keep the lines of communication open with your child during this period of transition and beyond?

Break-out Groups

Select one person to take notes. Select another person to read the

questions one at a time. Take turns discussing your thoughts. Brainstorm ideas and possible ways to

answer the question

Middle School - vs - High School

Teachers call home

about poor grades or


Teachers take late

work all semester

Teachers help with


– Lots of reminders

Teachers expect

students to be

responsible for their

own grades

Teachers rarely accept

late work

Teachers do not tell

students how to be


Biggest Difference:

Graduation Requirements!!!

Myth: 9th grade doesn’t count

Students must pass all 9th grade classes

to earn enough credits to graduate on time

Every class prepares students for the next

and classes fulfill the a-g requirements* – *Required classes for a four year college or university

How well a student does in 9th grade will

directly affect their course sequence

To earn a high school diploma from SJUSD, a student MUST…

Complete 240 credits

Pass the CAHSEE (both parts)

– California High School Exit Exam

Complete First Aid, Drivers Education

and an Algebra and Health Certificate

Complete 40 community service hours

Graduate: Pass the CAHSEE

Must pass this test to earn a diploma!

Two parts: English & Math– Multiple choice & two essays

Take it in March of 10th grade

Get six chances to pass– Support classes available

Do the ‘240 Credits’ Math…

5 credits per semester class (x)

6 classes a semester (=)

30 credits a semester (x)

2 semesters a year (=)

60 credits a year (x)

4 years of high school (=)

240 total credits needed to graduate

What does it all mean?

Graduate: Complete 240 Creditspass all of the following (a-g) classes with a D or better (C or better if

student wants to be eligible for a 4 year university)

English– 4 years

Math (at least Algebra 2)

– 3 years

Science– 3 years (2 lab)

Social Science (a.k.a. social studies)

– 3 years

Physical Education– 2 years

Language Other Than English– 2 years

Visual/Perform Art– 2 years

Electives– 5 years

If you fail a class…You must retake that class in order

to earn enough credits to graduate on time!– Summer school, 0 or 7th period, if


– Community College

– Online classes

Note: Students do not retake a class during the regular school day. They take care of it on THEIR time.

Note: Students do not retake a class during the regular school day. They take care of it on THEIR time.

Understanding Different Courses College Prep

– The majority of academic courses at Leland are college prep and are accepted by 4 year universities.

Accelerated– These courses are more accelerated than college prep and

prepare students for even more rigorous courses. Honors

– These courses are more accelerated than college prep and will often give students an extra GPA point, i.e. a 3.0 a B becomes a 4.0 an A.

Advanced Placement (AP)– AP courses are more accelerated than college prep and they give

students an extra GPA point and possibly college credit.

Understanding the Impact of Grades

If you were to look at your student’s middle school transcript . . .

Count the number of ‘F’ grades– If they were in high school, that is the number of

classes they would have to retake in order to graduate

Count the number of ‘D’ grades– That is the number they would have to retake if

they wanted to go to a four year college immediately after high school

If your student falls behind in high school, meet with the counselor

immediatelyOther options for graduation are available

California Standards Test (CST)

CST measures what a student learned all year

CST scores impact student course sequence

Can show if student is ready to pass the CAHSEE

In Order for Students To Be Prepared For High School They

Must . . .

Be responsible Get involved Ask for help Give themselves enough time for

homework Set a goal for after high school

High School Graduationthe First Step for Success

College After High School

C or better grades, aim for As & Bs

Take challenging courses– Honors, AP, community college classes

– Extra year math, science, world language

Study for SAT/ACT college exams

Meet with counselor by 10th grade


Brenda StoneAcademic Counselor
