Higher Education[1]

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    Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd., 2011 1

    Vol. 1106 J


    INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE ....................................................................................................2

    KEY DEVELOPMENTS ..........................................................................................................3


    Operations ..............................................................................................................................3

    Investments ............................................................................................................................4


    INDUSTRY STATISTICS .........................................................................................................7

    PRODUCT FOCUS ...................................................................................................................8



    Global Scenario...................................................................................................................8

    Indian Scenario ...................................................................................................................9


    COMPANY SCAN...................................................................................................................10

    Everonn Education Ltd. .......................................................................................................10



    Stock Performance............................................................................................................12


    STOCK SCAN .........................................................................................................................13

    UPCOMING EVENTS ...........................................................................................................14

    Industry Monitor

    Higher Education

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    Industry Monitor Higher Education June 2011

    Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd., 2011 3



    Americas:USA: Texas Public Policy Foundation hosts higher education debateThe Texas Public Policy Foundation hosted a panel on higher education, which featured guest- Universityof Texas President William Powers, Jr. TPPF. The panel started with a discussion from two conservativethink tanks about higher education. The panel moderator, William Murchison (a contributing editor forLSR), noted that tuition was US$50 per semester when he was at UT in 1959, and asked what could bedone about the cost of higher education. Matthew Denhart, Administrative director of the Center forCollege Affordability and Productivity, gave 10 reasons why college costs so much. Neil McCluskey,associate director of the CATO Institute's Center for Educational Freedom, said the biggest problem inhigher education is federal subsidies. He noted that money does not equal better outcomes and thatfederal subsidies have shot up.

    Asia Pacific:India: Education primers get in sync with digital ageEducation books are adapting to online aids with digitisation making inroads, said Showick Thorpe,author of the CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) Manual 2011. There was a time when education books

    were with humungous load of information without precision in information or rigorous analyses to helpstudents develop aptitude and reasoning. Now with attention span getting shorter by the minute in fastchanging world, the format of content in textbooks also changed say industry analysts. Education booksare adapting to online aids with digitisation making inroads, said Showick Thorpe, author of the CSAT(Civil Services Aptitude Test) Manual 2011. Thorpe, who owns the quality knowledge content brand

    Thorpes and V&S Thorpes Education, added: The erstwhile manuals were mere compilations ofquestions that could be asked in examinations. Students now look for more information and want to readmore with different views by different teachers.

    OperationsAmericasIndia: Commission for Higher Education sets target tuition fees increase rates

    Tuition fees should not increase more than 3.5%, according to the Commission for Higher Education.For IU-Bloomington, the target is a 3.5% increase; for IUPUI and IUs other campuses, the target rate is2.5%.What happened was that the Commission for Higher Education adopted recommendations andsaid that each school should not raise tuition more than these suggested percentages, stated LarryMacIntyre, Associate Vice President of University Communications. Some have rapidly growingenrollments, some dont. Most regional campuses will not lose anywhere near as much money in the statebudget as the Bloomington campus. Some regional campuses will see increases. All of those factors gointo the decision.

    EuropeUK: University admits PhD students 'with poor English'Derby University has admitted taking on PhD students with poor standards of English fuelling highdrop-out rates. It stated that just 40% of PhDs were currently completed on time. The failure rate may belinked to the fact that not all doctoral students have the required skills of communication needed toundertake independent research, it indicated. The admission came after the Governments HigherEducation Funding Council for England raised concerns about high PhD drop-out rates at 10universities. Other institutions facing criticism included Brighton, Liverpool John Moores, De Montfortin Leicester and City University, London

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    Middle East:Africa: Higher Education is taking shape in Africa After nearly 30 years of neglect the higher education in African region seems to be getting attention.World Conference on Higher Education organised by Unesco in Paris, gave special attention to The

    challenges and opportunities for the revitalisation of higher education in Africa. The conferencerecognised higher education as An important tool for the development of the continent, and thatUniversities would be more effective in this task through collaborations at the national and internationallevels. The conference also observed higher education as An instrument for regional integration.

    Asia Pacific:Dhaka: UGC to ensure quality educationUniversity Grants Commission (UGC) will not compromise on quality education at Universities whileproviding its all-out support for expansion of country's higher education, announced its newly appointedChairman Prof Dr AK Azad Chowdhury. The commission would take a firm position on qualityeducation otherwise, would produce substandard graduates not capable of providing the right direction tosociety and contribute in economic activities," he stated.He opined that higher education in Bangladesh

    is not in a position to be proud of though number of universities has increased. Prof Azad stated UGC,with everyone's cooperation, would ensure quality education, good knowledge and remove discriminationof knowledge so that the country can turn into a middle-income one in its 50th year of independence.

    India: Engineering studies to cost more in KarnatakaEngineering students getting admission to private colleges under the government quota will have to shellout Rs2,500 more per year as fee, taking the annual fee from Rs30,000 to Rs32,500, Higher EducationMinister V.S. Acharya stated. He also stated that government quota seats in private engineering collegeshave been brought down from 50% to 45%. The private colleges, under the banner of 'Consortium ofMedical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK)', have been demanding that thegovernment fix between Rs50,000 and Rs60,000 as annual fee for its quota of seats in their colleges.

    Acharya has been holding talks with COMEDK representatives to resolve the issue and hoped that the

    new fee and the reduced government quota would be accepted by all private engineering colleges in thestate.

    India: High Education department sends notice to 4 B.Ed collegesFour self-finance colleges offering B.Ed in the city have been given notice by the state higher educationdepartment for not turning up in the meeting that was called by the higher education secretary, Avnish

    Awasthi. The four colleges are Bhal Chand Institute of Education and Management, Career College ofManagement and Education, Shri Mahesh Prasad Degree College, and Dr MC Saxena College ofEducation. Principals of 28 self-finance BEd colleges were supposed to meet the higher educationofficials to discuss on the fee hike issue which trouble the students every year. "The principals whoremained absent have been given notice. They have been asked to furnish all details regarding the college

    within to the Lucknow University registrar. If they fail to comply, these colleges will not be allowed to

    participate in the counselling,'' stated regional higher education officer, SA Ali.

    InvestmentsAmericas:USA: Lottery to fund 10,000-plus scholarships in Arkansans

    About 10,500 college-bound high school seniors learnt that they've been awarded scholarships funded bythe Arkansas lottery.Higher Education Department Interim Director Shane Broadway told the panelsthat everyone at the agency will spend at least part of their time processing applications. Already, 30,000students have applied for the scholarships, and Interim Deputy Director Harold Criswell said another60,000 to 70,000 are expected. Last year, the agency processed 91,000 applications and awarded about31,000 scholarships. Last year, the agency awarded US$123m in lottery scholarships, which are officiallycalled Academic Challenge Scholarships. This year about US$100m is expected to be available for awards.

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    USA: Debate over future of Texas public higher education keeps ragingThe University of Texas at Austin should boost enrolment by 10% a year and cut tuition at UT Systemcampuses in half, suggests Gene Powell, the chairman of the system's nine member board of regents.TheStatesman obtained a draft memo written by Gene Powell. The memo outlines several goals like to boost

    enrolment by 10% a year and reduce the tuition fees by 50% and others. State Senator Judith Zaffirini who heads the Senate higher education committee said that the goals are mutually exclusive andcontradicting. Powell has argued for greater efficiency in higher education, along with Gov. Rick Perryand Jeff Sandefer, a Perry donor and Austin entrepreneur who has proposed seven "breakthroughsolutions" for higher education, such as placing more emphasis on undergraduate teaching.

    USA: PwC Charitable Foundation Donates US$0.7m to Support Higher EducationThe PricewaterhouseCoopers Charitable Foundation has announced US$0.7m in new funding to supporthigher education in the United States.The PricewaterhouseCoopers Charitable Foundation, Inc. makescharitable contributions to the people of PwC in times of financial hardship, and to nonprofitorganizations that support and promote humanitarianism and education causes. The grants are beingawarded through the PwC INQuires program to help domestic colleges and universities incorporate

    important updates and issues facing the accounting profession into their curricula. Grants will also helpfund diversity initiatives, aimed at increasing the number of diverse students entering the profession, aswell as applied research projects conducted by faculty.

    USA: US$6.5 billion Oklahoma budget deal calls for deeper cuts to educationPublic schools and higher education will face their biggest cuts in years in a state budget agreementannounced by legislative leaders and Governor Mary Fallin.Budget cuts for agencies may range from lessthan 1 to 9%. The Republican leadership, who controls the Legislature and the governors office wrestles

    with a US$500m shortfall for the 2012 fiscal year. House Appropriations and Budget CommitteeChairman Earl Sears said leaders arent upset with public education.It wasnt that they fell out of favor,said Sears, R-Bartlesville. Its just at this particular time that their cuts were not as small as they havebeen in the previous years. Unlike last years budget framers, legislative leaders and Fallin had no state

    savings or federal stimulus funds to shore up the budget. State officials last year used about US$1.2 billionof one-time funds to balance the current fiscal year budget.

    Europe:Scotland: Open University calls for financial support for part-time students

    A poll has revealed that one in four Scots see tuition fees as a barrier to higher education. Of the 1002people surveyed by market research company MORI, 24% stated that the cost of studying part-timeeducation would be prohibitive for them.The proportion was highest among the unemployed, with over52% saying they would like to study and almost three quarters - 73% - saying that associated feesprevented them from doing so. The Open University is calling on the new Scottish Government tocontinue to explore ways of extending financial support to ensure that cost is not a barrier to anyoneconsidering higher education. James Miller, director of the Open University in Scotland, said that the

    arguments for making part-time education free were both about fairness and about the future ofScotlands economy.

    Middle East:Uganda: Loan scheme for higher education taking shapePoor but bright students will have to wait longer to access loans to pursue higher education aftergovernment announced that it will take it nearly two years to introduce the education loan scheme.

    Though two years might seem a long wait, it will come as a major relief when it finally happens forparents and students who have waited for decades. It appeared that government had constituted a teamof experts to ensure that all the necessary legal, financial and institutional frameworks are put in place.MrIssa Matovu, an educationalist, said the scheme is long overdue and urged government to speed up theprocess. For a long time, higher education has been a preserve of the rich and pray that this scheme

    comes and the poor who normally miss chances of joining university also benefit, he stated.

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    OthersAsia Pacific:India: Strengthen quality movement in higher educationFormer UGC Chairman Arun Nigvekar has voiced the significance of assessment and accreditation for

    academic institutions in the wake of a need for standards to meet global competition. "Quality movementis a continuous process, which needs to be adopted by institutions with a constructive approach,"Nigvekar announced at the inaugural function on National assessment and accreditation council (Naac)process. The session focused on matters such as establishment of internal quality assurance cells atcolleges for the Naacs rating process; preparation for visits by the Naac team for onsite inspections andthe roles of Naac coordinator and principals in the overall process.

    Kuala Lumpur: Five-year freeze on new medical courses effective immediately A five-year freeze on new medical courses, to prevent a glut of trainee doctors in the country fromworsening, has been approved by the Cabinet and is effective immediately. Higher Education MinisterDatuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin stated the moratorium would not affect the number of medical staffrequired by the country, and that the focus on quality would be ensured.Mohamed Khaled added that the

    current doctor-patient ratio was 1:1000. The ministry will focus on monitoring the quality of the medicalcourses currently offered, and for institutions that do not meet the criteria and skills accreditation, theircurrent recognition may be recalled until they improve.

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  • 8/6/2019 Higher Education[1]


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    Colleges offering Journalism in India

    Mudra Institute of Communications Asian College of Journalism Indian Instuitute of Journalism& new Media Symbiosis institute of Mass communication Indian Institute of Mass Communication Xavier Institute of Communication

    AJ Kidwai Mass Communication Research Manorama School of Comm. Research Film& Television Institute of India Times School of journalism

    Source: Market Sources; Cygnus Research



    Introduction Journalism is concerned with collection and dissemination of news through the printmedia as well as the electronic media. This involves various areas of works likereporting, writing, editing, photographing, broadcasting news items. Journalism in Indiahas a very vital role to play. India is the world's biggest democracy and free and vibrantpress is an essential organ of any democracy.

    Career in Journalism can be broadly divided into three categories:

    I. Print JournalismThis is the traditional form of journalism and includes persons working in newspapers and magazine. Theprint journalism work can be broadly divided into two streams: the field and the desk. In field work, each

    field worker is allotted a special assignment in large newspapers and magazines. There are journalistsassigned to cover political issues, corporate affairs, sports, fashion and others. In desk work with in theoffices of newspapers and magazines sub-editors or copyeditors process these stories for presentation

    with headlines. It is their responsibility to see that the story is objective and has no personal bias.

    II. Electronic JournalismElectronic communication technology hasrevolutionized the mass communicationsystem. Now a days a large number of newschannels have proliferated and there aresignificant job opportunities in the field ofelectronic journalism. In electronics

    journalism jobs can be divided into reporting,anchoring, and production.

    III. Web Journalism The advent of internet has given birth to anew breed of journalism known as webjournalism and has become a competitor forprint journalism. Web journalists create content for internet. Some of the personal characteristics thatjournalists need to have is road based education, good general knowledge, keen interest in current affairs,and a style of writing that is accurate, readable, and informed.

    Global Scenario

    The world around has become a den of fast growing changes and evolutions. The field of journalism,which aptly reflects the transforming social scenario across the world, has also redefined itself from merereporting of news to reporting with analysis and reflection. Formerly concerned only with informingpeople about the prevailing situations, profession of journalism has now elevated to becoming a globalplatform for creating news, rather than depicting just the plain truth. The industry has undergone asignificant revolution with the advent of several new ways of communication coming up. Journalism nowcomprises of many forms of spreading news. Newspapers, media, online news bulletins and web pageshave effectively turned the face of journalism into a renewed domain. The onus lies on news agencies tostand up to the transforming social scenario by reflecting it correctly and suitably. Journalism is exploringnew trends to spread news to the readers/viewers. The multimedia options available today, such as onlinesocial networking, videos, mobile alerts, search engines, offer a wide range of choices for todays readersto choose from. Journalists today are putting best efforts to cater to the vibrancy of the present day

    generation as well as the simplicity of the older generations who look for the factual information alone.

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    Career in journalismThe desire to make a career in journalism should go hand in hand with a strong passion for the work,ability to put in long hours, meeting editors' demands and racing against deadlines all for fairly low pay fora fresh graduate in the field. Accuracy and speed are the most sought upon traits in a journalist.

    ExpectationsThe beginning salary for a new journalism graduate is US$30,000. With 10 to 19 years of experience ajournalist can potentially reach a salary of US$63,000.

    Indian ScenarioThe advent of 24X7 news mediums and channels gave journalism a commercial bent which became moreprofound in recent years. Journalism has become a glamorous profession especially in a country which isdriven by one of the largest democracies in the world with rich and diverse culture. There is thus agrowing demand for competitive and innovative workforce that can cater to the contemporary demandsof Indian journalism. Ranging from live reporting to interviewing, analyzing the factual representations tothe digitalization of the analyzed news reports, journalism has now transposed into becoming one of the

    most demanding fields. Employment vacancies in journalism in India are therefore increasing and turninginto a demanding arena.

    Outlook A career in the field of journalism is a reputable occupation, which also promises a high wage andprofitable returns. The job has however become more demanding and challenging as the field not onlyrequires mere collection of news. Journalism in current global scenario faces challenges of dropping adrevenues in response to the economic slowdown. Therefore landing a position with a news organizationcan be a challenge, as growth in this career is moderating according to recent surveys. This has resulted inmoderation of hiring in Americas. Within the journalism as a whole, with the advent of web, printjournalism is seeing a decline while the popularity of web journalism and revenue through same isincreasing. In India with ever growing demand for apolitical and unbiased news the journalism has many

    opportunities to offer for graduates in this field.ISIEmergingMarketsPDF in-bmrerix from on 2011-06-08 01:20:32 EDT. DownloadPDF.

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    Everonn Education Ltd.

    IntroductionEveronn combines state of the art IT with education and provides ITtechnology enabled interactive classrooms and learning tools forschools and classrooms. The company delivers this through blend offormats- Server based content supported by live sessions through

    VSAT. This enables classrooms to display the digital curriculum through a click of a button on interactiveboards. The company also trains the faculty in house to enrich the live sessions further. It helpsgovernment schools by setting computer labs, designing and preparing curriculum on behalf ofgovernment and providing trained faculties.

    ProductsInstitutional Computing technology: This division acts

    as an education service provider for computer education,computer aided training and teacher training projects. Itsupply and maintain necessary hardware and software andtrain teachers to provide IT education.

    Kenbridge Schools: KenBridge Schools will offer quality,technology enabled education to students at the districtlevel. These schools will have necessary IT enabledinfrastructure, classrooms and teachers.

    Everonn Learning Academy (ELA): ELA provides necessary coaching for students who aspirescareers in IT, ITES, Management and BFSI using its VSAT online interactive training.

    Everonn Kompass: EK offers certification programmes from Red Hat, Oracle, Microsoft and a range ofprogrammes to give students career opportunities in IT ITeS, BFSI.

    Everonn Web products: EWP offers a range of products which cater to learning and collaborativeneeds of education and industry. www.classontheweb.com contains exhaustive curriculum basedeLearning portals.

    Global Institute of Teachers Training: GITT provides world class training for teachers and principalsand other educational professionals. This targets all teachers from pre-school to college.

    Companys Performance at a Glance

    2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08Net Sales 3,016.29 2,934.97 1,446.87 916.42PBIDT 1,582.01 967.54 572.05 347.89OPM (%) 40.55 45.56 43.91 36.44NPM (%) 24.19 20.50 18.83 14.86Depreciation 358.88 237.84 153.24 97.28Interest 192.78 103.69 51.84 33.20PAT 729.65 434.03 238.42 137.86Source: BSE India; Cygnus Research

    Major Products

    Institutional Computing tech. Kenbridge Schools EVeronn Learning Academy Everonn Kompass Everonn Web Products GITT

    Source: Company site; Cygnus Research

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    Revenue Performance (2007-2011)





    2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11



    Source: BSE India; Cygnus Research

    During the year 2009-10 the companyregistered a revenue growth of 2.77% to

    Rs3.016 billion from Rs2.934 billion lastyear. The operating profit showed a goodincrease to Rs1.53 billion from Rs1 billionlast year. The net profit has also beenshowing a good increase. The net profit forthe year 2010-11 was up from previousyear by 68% to touch Rs729m fromRs434m. The depreciation costs haveincreased to Rs358m from Rs237m andinterest costs have substantially increasedto Rs192m, almost double that of previousyear (Rs103m).

    Everonn education ltd has depreciation at11.9% of sales compared to others likeeducomp and NIIT. The employee cost ofEveronn is lower than NIIT at 14.04%

    while NIIT is the highest at 46%. Thecompanys other expenses weresubstantially higher than NIIT andEducomp solutions at 35%. The Interestcosts are higher than NIIT and Educomp at6.4%. NIIT has the least interest costamong the chosen peers. The profit before

    tax is lower than educomp but higher than


    Item 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08Debt-Equity Ratio - 0.32 0.23 0.48Long Term Debt-Equity Ratio - 0.32 0.13 0.35Current Ratio - 4.29 3.48 3.80OPM (%) 38.84 45.56 43.91 36.44NPM (%) 24.19 20.50 18.83 14.86ROCE (%) - 21.57 18.31 19.43RONW (%) - 16.97 11.47 14.51Source: Company; Cygnus Research

    Performance Analysis Everonn Education

    Quarterly Performance Financial Year PerformanceOND 11 OND 10 Var (%) 2010-11 2009-10 Var (%)

    Sales 1152.74 799.17 44.24 3016.29 2934.97 2.77Other Income 0.02 1.06 (98.11) 51.61 7.69 571.13PBIDT 479.00 301.48 58.88 1582.01 968.01 63.43Interest 39.77 22.42 77.39 192.78 103.69 85.92PBDT 439.23 279.06 57.40 1389.23 864.32 60.73Depreciation 110.07 67.99 61.89 358.88 252.48 42.14PBT 289.41 189.72 52.55 1030.34 626.47 64.47

    TAX 99.94 68.26 46.41 300.69 192.44 56.25PAT 189.47 121.46 55.99 729.65 340.77 114.12Source: BSE India; Cygnus Research

    Cost Structure as Percentage of Net Sales

    2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08Stock in Trade 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Other Expenses 35.22 28.35 29.48 50.31Employee Cost 14.04 10.72 17.57 12.97Purchases 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Depreciation 11.90 8.60 10.96 10.76Interest 6.39 3.53 3.58 3.62

    Tax 9.97 6.56 8.89 8.68Source: BSE India; Cygnus Research

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    NIIT. Tax costs are highest for thiscompany at 9.9% compared to Educomp

    which has only 4.6%. PAT is an averageamong the peers at 24.2%. In PBT as well

    as PAT the company is average among thepeers.

    Stock PerformanceDuring the period of May 2010- Apr 2011BSE sensex has returned 13% to 19135.96.

    The stock Everonn has almost doubledduring the period have a share price ofRs642.65. This reflects the extremebullishness perceived by the investors in education sector. It has consistently out performed the sensex.

    After September however it consolidated the gains from the heights of 700 per share to end up at Rs575per share at the time of March. The stock has currently started another leg of upmove in April.

    OutlookEveronn combines state of the art IT with education and provides IT enabled interactive classrooms andlearning tools for schools and classrooms. It provides end to end solutions to a class room needs with ITinfrastructure. The company also caters to government institutions by setting up computer labs onBOOT basis. With most of the villages and towns underliterate the scope for education sector in India ishuge. As such the company is well poised for the expected boom in education sector where thesestrategies are well rewarded by investors.

    Common Size Comparison for 2010-11 (% of sales)

    Everonn NIIT EducompOther Income 1.71 3.16 4.05Stock in Trade 0.00 0.00 0.69

    Other Expenses 35.22 18.92 10.21Employee Costs 14.04 45.94 13.78Depreciation 11.90 3.19 4.03Interest 6.39 0.03 5.30PBT 34.16 18.39 42.75

    Tax 9.97 1.49 4.65PAT 24.19 16.90 38.10Source: BSE India; Cygnus Research

    Relative Market Cap

















    BSE Sensex

    Everonn Edu

    Shareholding Pattern As on Mar'11










    Source: BSE India, Cygnus Research

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    1st Week (18 -26 April 2011) 2nd Week (27th April - 3rd May 2011)Index

    Opening Closing Var(%) Opening Closing Var(%)

    BSE (Points) 19,091.17 19,545.35 2.38 19,448.69 18,534.69 -4.70APTECH Ltd (Rs) 109.05 110.15 1.01 110.80 101.40 -8.48EDUCOMP SOLU (Rs) 457.75 462.70 1.08 474.50 436.90 -7.92EVERONN SYS (Rs) 681.95 660.85 -3.09 665.95 624.50 -6.22

    NIIT Ltd (Rs)54.60 58.75 7.60 57.05 54.65 -4.21

    3rd Week (4th May -10th May 2011) 4th Week (11-13 May 2011)Index

    Opening Closing Var(%) Opening Closing Var(%)BSE (Points) 18,469.36 18,512.77 0.24 18,584.96 18,531.28 -0.29

    APTECH Ltd (Rs) 99.20 98.85 -0.35 99.40 99.65 0.25EDUCOMP SOLU (Rs) 441.10 440.80 -0.07 439.95 441.25 0.25EVERONN SYS (Rs) 607.90 566.10 -6.88 551.10 559.00 1.43NIIT Ltd (Rs) 53.25 55.45 4.13 54.90 54.60 -0.55

    Source: BSE India; Cygnus Research

    Relative Market Cap performance























    BSE Sensex

    APTECH Ltd


    Relative Market Cap performance











































    BSE Sensex



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    1. Event Education Equipments & Technologies Fair

    Date Jun 02-05, 2011

    Venue Askeri Museum Istanbul, Turkey


    The fair, is targeting to present the General Directorates related to the TurkishMinistry of Education, with their attendance and the arrangement of variousseminars, displays, panels, fashion shows and competitions, to the EducationSociety with its rich and more productive content.


    Eket Publicity Publishing & Fair Services, Ismet Inonu Cad. 10/408, Celiktepe 4thLevent, Istanbul, Turkey Tel: +(90)-(212)-2806025

    2. Event INFRA EDUCA

    Date Jun 02-03, 2011Venue Hotel Midtown Grand Hisar, India


    It will showcase the entire view of education horizon and industry. It will provide

    an insight into current subjects and courses available to new generation students,and throw light on various schemes and programmes being offered by national andinternational agencies as well as government departments.


    Friendz Exhibitions & Promotions Private Limited, 508, Pearl Best Height 2nd,Netaji Subhash Place, New Delhi, India

    Tel: +(91)-(11)-45141891; Fax: +(91)-(11)-45141898

    3. Event Educate

    Date Jun 18-19, 2011

    Venue Pragati Maidan New Delhi, India

    HighlightsIt is an educational exhibition that provides an interface for interaction betweenaspiring students and premier institutes, universities providing education inEngineering, Management & Medical Sciences.


    SS Expomedia & Promotions Private Limited, B 451-452, First Floor, NehruGround, Faridabad, India; Tel: +(91)-(129)-4055060

    4. Event Admissions Fair

    Date Jun 11-12, 2011

    Venue Hotel Capitol Hill Ranchi, India

    HighlightsKolkata aims to provide Educational organizations from series aims to provideEducational organizations from around the world a cost effective, strong marketingplatform to interact with the carefully targeted audience from all across India.


    Afairs Exhibitions & Media Private Limited No. 33, Dr. Sundari Mohan Avenue,2nd Floor, Kolkata, India; Tel: +(91)-(33)-22865770; Fax: +(91)-(33)-22865787

    5. Event International Education Exhibition

    Date Jul 09-11, 2011Venue Karachi Expo Center, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan


    The Pakistan International Education and Training Exhibition set the platform formeeting a remarkable audience of prospective students. Be there and inform themabout the study opportunities offered at your campus. The exhibition ensures thatyou meet aspiring and promising students interested to study abroad.


    International Educational Services, A-30, Latifi Society, Gulistan-E-Jauhar, Block-20, Post Box No. 10503, Saddar, Karachi, Pakistan Tel: +(92)-(300)-8275640;Fax: +(92)-(21)-8131919

    ISIEmergingMarketsPDF in-bmrerix from on 2011-06-08 01:20:32 EDT. DownloadPDF.

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    Industry Monitor Higher Education June 2011

    Cygnus Business Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd., 2011 15

    6. Event International Council on Innovation in Higher Education

    Date 31 July 2011 to 4 August 2011

    Venue Miami, Florida, United States


    It is all about Clearing house for information on innovations in higher education.Provision of contacts with individuals and organizations through referrals and ICIEsponsored events. Publications of relevant scholarly work in the International

    Journal of Innovative Higher Education with world wide distribution..


    ICIE Secretariat | P.O. Box 7507, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington,D.C., 20004 | Tel: (703) 566-8763 | icie@icie.net

    7. Event Asian Conference for Academic Journals and Higher Education Research

    Date Aug 17-20, 2011

    Venue Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines


    Asian conference focuses on academic journals, biodiversity, business andgovernance, health and higher education research. The theme is Practical andBreakthrough Solutions for a Sustainable Asian Region. It is sponsored by the

    Philippine Association of Institutions for Research, an affiliate of the Association ofInstitutional Research in the USA.


    Philippine Association of Institutions for Research; Phone +49 2408704300Web site: philair.ph, genarojapos@gmail.com

    8. Event 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference

    Date Sep 26-28,2011Venue Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

    HighlightsThe conference offers scholars the opportunity to consider the implications of theshift from elite to mass participation in higher education and the emergingopportunities and challenges in making higher education more responsive.



    Teaching and Learning Office, Francis Stock Building, Howard College, UKZN

    Tel:(031) 260 3002, Fax:031 260 3360; E-mail: Utlo@ukzn.ac.zaWebsite:www.tnlconference.co.za

    9. Event GEBA 2011

    Date Oct 20-22, 2011

    Venue Iasi, Iasi, Romania


    The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 5thedition of the Annual International Conference Globalization and HigherEducation in Economics and Business Administration (GEBA 2011) which will beheld.


    Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Carol I Boulevard no.22, Building B, room 417Iasi, Romania,Professor Carmen Pintilescu, Ph.D;.Phone +40 232201627, Fax +40 232217000;

    E-mail: geba@feaa.uaic.ro

    ISIEmergingMarketsPDF in-bmrerix from on 2011-06-08 01:20:32 EDT. DownloadPDF.