Highland Hardware Since 1978 - VaHi

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March 1994Vol. 5 No. I

Board ActionBy M"Y Jo Peed

Thes-d"-bDca lMy. Thcteba""bDca.locof.....lI<I.......a.liauef;~""Bowd...... IMIIJlODlh1. If ...y of)'QU 111...., 4 ;000 lh.ol roeilhboollOOd is&ua ... aOII

iollnSli.. or lh.ol .. one: rally Qfa b "ill_I"""",,, I iDvite)'QU lO -:rend •IIlOIIIhly s-dlll<di........ Me<tift,It-. of .... Poooeo-KiJbl-l Libnry. 7:30 PM. 000.... fl4ll WlOllDosd.oy ofnety moouh.~_ it·, IJII"' cmcnaillme4lt Every lime I'm....... I """'" """'" Ilw.kfullhM I O4lly have lO repon .... events!1

Highland Hardware...Since 1978By Debo<ah Cox

Ai )'0" ,lanoe ...... Ill 011 !be_ ,ide of N. HlJ:h1am. H;pl HanI-..... k>oU tile jll$< &II -.erive hbor-hood hIrd..... $tOI'e. OJXlI' ek/$or i"'Jl'X'.bon,)'QU will Ii"" lhar 1hiI """",,ive mail$tOI'ejoa"fn;w~for_....._dQeribed&$ the """""' of fine woodworkill' irIlhes....-. Raail llOW le.. _ .. _half.... boW..... owOlld b)' Chris am SIIarnoBaab)'. willi ptOCU<b: from wnod.....-kjl\iaeti.itieI acaxJntin. for .... Olher half.

Chrisancl Sharon. bochgnd....... ofGrorgiaT""h. .....od Ki.hlarx1Hardwarein 197'041....__ofHlJ:bl.... i spate .....

OCOI(Iiodby~.III 19114 0p0nb0n_ after Ollis .... Shafon ,....-

am reoo'l&lod Wildin...........WI!:d.

The ....ip of De.. build;", "'fI<cu •llIrn-Of.~ ..............eandineludel• WJe mezuai.... an oak 1tIi......... hard­-"" f\oon, • 00'" arcbod wioclDw. andlarge IokylighlL Designed b)' Pcler Hand &.lusociaIeL .... Wildin. "- _ ._

from ....Ai.lanlaVrbarl o-ipCcxnmiWoooam b America:l1IUti1llte of A:chileetL

INSIDEAltho De<: .lba lIl<di." thoBowd.afterc:ouidenbIedeba:e,delormin<d IbM SumrnerFea..~I be, fIIIId..w.o.e_ ill J..... similar lO 1IIS4 yar'1 very IUOCCIIflll SummcrFes:. The~rqanlin.SUmme<Feslce4l4ero:ll4UlUldwhetberlhea:mm",,;l)'~1lD04hetr­nisi", e....... whetber a OCIIIIm"ftity pic".,~ be _ i. ti"" ..iill .... COiIIIIIUlOity'1desires..., whetber tho evcm .......1<1 be moY<ld It> taU pIaoo irI .....j"netiooo wiill .... F'ii$lU"""" Gnnd Prill bike txe. Duril\i .... February -'"I< tho Boord appro~ thoSummerf'esI bud....... ""ted by JoM JUJOVic. The Su:Pmeri'esl comminee lhiI~inleftdslOusethooewty formed Vi'li"i.Highlancl Busl.....A$Iol;:iaUoDlO........,spoooorafor SullUnC4Fe:t. Last year &II illdependo:ntr:-i_ ""I'*d'~lOpof......"""""'"fmmSwnmcrl'ac forlhei'wut inKCUri"' ...........L Theblasi__iaIion will""";""•~ of .... :ponsorollip fuftdl, Iho)' """""" for lheir efforu.


VHCA calendarPresldent's Com&l"----Food AevIewCrime WII1ChU>rary Schedule


J.D. CIvUty,,.~

"... ... IS ; So, "" ,... VHCA for~. The fin! u-. BibRaco iI Moy I_.5 fac"9tioJ__asa

1'boooo 01)'011 ..........."~~~~KortIl "iJbl-l.5t.0w\e0.,-.l~A.z.....t .. --.l_ellho . e .....row- ..........-.


I have I/ladI:IcIIho ..... IWO.-i..,.ofdlo: _If formed Virplll.. Hi&/IIMd Busi·..... AaI)c~.WlU ... lhii ,,"'" paIp ill$lilllmali. il i'_llqIltlWotd~"1wilbthe ..1loIe commu"~)' 10 lk...,1op plans andpl. for 1M ful...... I_Miry u powiq_Ihl,. i. our .. wi.... Illy pIaM f«iInpKl:_ the ...... _..m,.. TheQINII-iIy oIlife lOr aU (raidaU __

en) will bttIo!r be MIl'O'ed l'iYC,.,.. !herood it_p.-..........pul_ pi...--

~1lI_p-.p I ....

N,- e:;..y _ job • ac,. H.nwilli M&y<Ir c ·, _

Sec 1CU-. I hope.

Is Ihrft. _ fft SlIliae ......ts..~f it ..... WOOIIi1 _1Or~ ar-. Old Fi:o ' I .. N. H"" I l'?

~ IIr Iloo: VHCA .. iIlo: bib:.... wilbt ........ -""I wiIh .. pn>­_ Spono • Co. -.I .;Do *' City

I~;:.~.!'- iIoopoa: '" ...~ -lnd'Iio: "- .. -. We 101OIpplft Howdl P'Irt Plujca........oridI p .....

.. - port • .,.ed.

The; _'woi......~opia-_u.pr-.d ._..VOICE__nslI

I~~~:.:':.:.~..: _..~_ ........',,-.I; II.II_ TdI,..."it ior _if.,. .............,.

1010.... Bi",,,les 011 N.

Hi&fllInd is movilla~ IliDere-so(opu.....iairs~•••io ... WlIao: _

will be Ioca&ed CH_ bedidoIod.pregtime..... M •

RJCI'Wioas for die Ill:W __

_bert: slill in Prolfeu.However. OWlICr MikeGJocb._ 11M ilocf I U.

die business wauld still be

Ioe8leCl in die Ndpboibood.He "'id thai Ilill Ica$c bad

cspiIN. bill the move _ld

~ him 10 incfU$C Iloorspac:e••dd in"cnlory Indimprove .Ile selection ofbkydes and llCCalOria.

Bike ShopMoving!


- "-'• AllIlobu • Attic c.:.n__ • _ • KiI<....... R-...- •,

......,..., VHCA o.c.nl )' in&• """'......• I'm<eCoo!-

" ZooiiIlIH .......at, VHCA o.c.nl M •• NPU-F " ...• ""('.0.01" •

'" ~,. .......• vttCA Gcocnl u f.

" """'......" "'-c~

" VOK:EDadli_• AQo-.d Anio....

" zo.;., Mccti...._.._~._--_._.-"'--'" ._-.._-----.....__.__ao_...._



·Virginia-Highland Business Association---__=-VAIlI{lZ4otl "'_ ....IIOARDOFTRunu:8- BPiiooesses i~ Villllli.·Hi&hlaDd ..... ~_ "",",h~ ..ltvisioll co-.,e...- - .....tIy .........ncal Ihe rOfIRItion of. new lDI1 il is pi....,;... a ealtlldar of ftIOI\thly

Villini..Hilhlaod BllII_ AssocialiDfl. mail-dri~....-a. w~ abo "'ldone ,,"w_r. .~ auociMiooo Is dtaianed 10 n:presenIlhe mcmbo:nhip~i~Janlllf)'lDI1we..,-- II1<-TlI'busineA aod <XJ<J\Il'lm:ial ;~_ 01 Ihe pIan"I". alClCOllll III Fctwary.~......,.. ' . - communi!)". It will fuactioa as a link be-_w_

~- t....... 1he busl_aod IbeMi<ltalloflhe Membo:nhip Is open 10 any Vqinia•

• ., • Virginl..HiJhland ...... lOeManoe bealllifi· HIJhland busi...... civioc .......izaDorl. ",1;·,-- - alioa ollhe neiaflborhood. 10 Increase~ lioulo (It eIednoly....,. iMtilUlioA, (It COfII_cry'_._a._ lRNIaJ'O of I'" Ioc:aI busi........ aod 10 Ild- men;:ial ""'1""1)' _. Dendi.. of """"--- m_

dtao oth:r ......lI\IIlIity IICC>Ik. bo:nhip in<IUllt: .... CJIlllO'1ufIil)' 10 ponici-_Sl, ._ ..-pole;~ n>onthly pI...~in, """"''''' llDd $pO:--- .• rial inleral comml_ invilOliom 10 ope--- .....101 ~ ofI"lCU'S of Ihe new orpai&lliDfl .., ..rial~ opcWr pn:5Calalions llDdcry ,_.__• follow'~venu.. in<lllIioa in~ b",d...",...-- _.lIClwortinaoppt>l1Ullitia,ond_lhrvua/>-- - ...... ,~ """"'" die usot:ialioI:'. '....ilillll list 10 0..... 4SO--.... . Gucm:m 4 AssocialCS bus.i........ ill die are&,-- ~., Vice-Praicltal Kimberly K,a.uu.r,

... c.o., 'C ' .... ... Off·....,t>tm: PreoenIs Ducor .., m.oo per r-, Far _-- ~,

""""" Lynn DeWitt. Infonnalitla CQIIl.lO(:t (4l)t)89U)422.


T_ Roben W'I.....,cPAVOICE fBIT IACI AUla. elM-- .,--. Il-.I Mcmbcn illClude,

III'IIAJl""""'" 0>. "" """" Moc'.4 Joe'.""k,,"",

W-.aI 0""", Alki"" P.rk FIlhl Back ApIasl Crime (FBAC) is

""- Elliot GokI>crtI """""' '"". an off-dllly police~ for lhe rol·~yMeGn.w .._........ Dart Hom no........ Iowill. _ ill VIl'li.....·HI&hla.nd:

llIIIN 7 ' S N~i"'l>or·. I'Ilb HiJhllDl1 Tance, G.... Anlen Way.""k,,"", Mi1>.i UIO/ini MIn; 4 Romano N. HiJhludAve. bcowccn AImIerdamJ.... Modica Tocn M"'!>bY M"'!>bY'.Rauurant _ ViflUota. VaIIOe, Maryland. Loa

l..-:&I)£, Stuart McddiD The ModIfi. Company Aftlelcs. Vqinia from Highlond toI

OoovMl CnfisAcalnjiIlllIOSuunGucm:m.~

Gn>cacove. Orool<rid,.. Elkmoa~ and

""""""""" of lhe Iusoc....,.., 'To beM lddrut \be.......


7 goaIsoflheuoociMloa _III"" fanned four If you .... in~ III bc<:omi., •Nan Hunlor woOOlIJ comlllillo:o--Pl>ylial I'tInnillJ, mem"', of FBAC. plea.. tontacl.. 7 ih PIIbIic Safety. Membership. and I'Ilblic Rc- y~ Wcad><r1>y (814••537) .... Beth

""""'" 0>,~ ThEooCDflilltill<aIll"" Marks (814-1114).~ pmara.m has

been desiallOd 10 be proao:tI.e.~ Prom<>- police woOODI,S-bow'shIfts fi"" IOlIx..U ,

tioDo commillCC, r.... ~...mplc., has already da)'l a wed. Mc"'bo:nhip i"",IOlb""

""'".... dtai...... onddislribwd l_newlItnero pr<>- cess to Ihe beeper 5)'IletIl duri.n,lhei,, t7 ,....... motin' ..... bus.incsscs.~ commince ....• ""im SCI you can \>IF......, ......-"Ti..... Gn:>en ....;Uld • neiaf>bolhood holiday carolin, .....""k,,"",

Michael Good.....

""""'" c.,. ...._._--.._....-_...._._....._--N... Huntet --_.__..- ...---_....._-_..._.._-Jell Marks ----_..._...- ..._--_.......__...._..Belh Marts

___.._ ...___.1_'1........_ ..._0_...._·_....._ ..______.._·_J.D. Cbri>ly .....- ...._.._-...._._ ....__._-----krry 8rig1>t

...." ••w, _ ..__.._.__.. _ ....__ ...._._---3

BOARD, From P1Ige 1





'""""m __-._- .._"3\13 DtIIdI Volley Rood, N.E Appol_~ernd

AIlonta, Goorpa JOJU


-.. W<4..1'ri.';(1(1.6;)0--1.-00. J:)(I OOIco(~)ml786- An... Ibn (0104) 873-11869:00. 1:)D

o..u., the Fdlrutry ..-u.., the 80fW _ lOlbd It)' "'" Mid­IOWII AlU- for;1t IIapport """"""""I the '-II fldclloclud III 11M:__ oiVitJ;";,, AveIolMl ond Ponce de l<uI PlIce. The MidloonAliiarJee _ fonner1y known .. the Midlow. B ineM Associllliolobut nocellIly ItXpudcd iIs membership 10 include izations Dlha'than busi......... ;""Iudi•• !be tchooIs in doe Miobwn ftL

The I........ ball (.dd bas bIlen ....,.,.... for imprn'lUl1alll"""",,,

will beJin ;" mid-March. The field ..mbe ....rcoad. ups:nd<d.l.~MId..nu b<comeaKClll'Ui fodd b)' JIme. The (odd will be.........,t by thc Adallla Public SclloolJ. TheAl\foIla&:bool 5y_d vay coger for thc COIMtIIftity 10 use !he flCld,lI".. "J'OI'IIlII'i$bin,10 use the field ""II (lilly"""" to fill out I form 1Il1........MicldleSdIooL

...... Midlo..... Allianoc oskcd for JUPllOfl ".,.., lhc Bo.nl in two_: FilWlcial-Thc IlooRl Y<lICd 10 donlIIe I'uncb. 1300.00. 10t<lf\$lno;;l 100 feeo of <:lI.ajn ~Dk r....... The ~...-I:01 !he (eoci.,will be 10,(KXl.OO; IIId Support for the projccl-The Board..-lIO"";te. 1etler wppon;Ri the upgnodiRi of the r..1d ,..j 10 IIIf'POI' theproject ifdispuleS lU'OSC""". the IssueofKCtIri", the r",1d. I bowINl the f..1d "- become. "er'J p:lpUt. pIKe for pcqJle 10 e:u:ocisetheir dop bul ...fort.....ccly;1 "- become 110 p:lpU.... _ the 1M'"IChDolchildren CN', '* the fi~1d any Ion&<:t~ of.oll the ...._...

AI.., durin. the FeI:ltuMy ..-ina the Boord ..-110 IpOIISOI'

Ihra: clIiklml firwo::wly (IOSO.oo) "" \hal they ....,. to 10 $W"IIfIloOt

camp in Hiab H.tor. Non!> c.oIi .... The tmIl' is. p.n of the(.biJdrul Al Risk JlfOIIUI sporuored by the Ad_ PoliI::e ......­......1. The JlfOIIUI focuoes on (hildrCft .. risk of f.ollu., ;" wilh the....:>D&"""" _ Ii';", the clIi"""" the ~i1ive upaieflCe or$Ummel" CMIIp.

Lastly... the FdlruIIy mcelina. the 80IItd ..-IIO.-s .... 101900.00 10 pIIIclIae • COO\lJIUla" f)'SleDl for "'" by the VirJiaia­Hiatdar>dCl""~,

R.S. V.P. is CO",;", to MlaJrIil <II.....

R.S. V.P. G.R.f.T.S., (Grellt Rtserwuions in tire Soutlr)R.S.V.P. C.R.I.TS.

openatill& in tile same. fine lrlIdition of


R.S.V.P. Savannah & R.S.V.P. Florida, ,inv;JeS you 10 become. part of its

select group of priva1e homes. guestbouses.sWJeS or unhosJed apartments

providing the Bed & Breakfastuperience totile discerning lrlIvelcr.

For lIddilillnaJ UifoTJftlltion, CIIU (404) 843·3933


The <XlIIIJ*Iy's mail order caWope. whioch re........ bochdorneslie lI":l imponcd linca of fine wood-':i"l cquipmw. is""'" mailed 100verJOO,OOO pofefIliai CUSIOmCn. In a:ldioo..,!helIOn! dispLoys 0.... l,OOO dif(=1Il wood""Olti"llOOl. lI":l hismote Ihan 300 boob 0.. ...y IUl!jccl • wood""Ol'tins enllwsiasl"""Id neal.

On ......kcAds, Hishlll":l Hanl-.c spoIlSOf'I Sl!minars ....hi<:holfeo-CUSl~ opponunilico 10 IcIm bosic woodworttinS sl;:jllssud>. sharpeni.... Ql'VinS, woodlUnlinS, and usi"l h&nd IOOblI":l machines. In oddillon, scmi"," COV<rinS odV1llll:Cd sl;:jlls..,oIfcrul periodically. The IlOnl'S asff lC.oches oome of lhe scmi,

...... whilcolhcr rccoaniz.od woodworttilliUJ'CN'" """"ihl in10 coYa"lpClCializ.od subjccu.

The rotail busi_ hlsCll~m m::cN )'CIlI'I1O include IpdcndcplRmcnt.ldminislcftdby~PhilCoison.

Phil lpClCiali.... in IocItinS hIRI'lOofind ptdcfti"l IOOIs InduDIISUII yaieber; otpl...llI, bulbi, Ind -.Is.

By""' ........Tt II The rollovtillJ report Ii- 10 .no by Or. C1arkGrcpy, !he Compost Man, """:> ;1lSb'UInCI'lIIl in KCUrin. meIIC'<fl'SPIllC'"")'C~IIJ bi".1hcPI:lnceKrojcr part; ... 101. Well,lhebill, II\er one yQ", his kepi IS l<IN. of """,,",,"at <lUI ot ourIlI>df~ls. Thot sa'es SII.S cubic yonll of bndfill spICC worthSV)(7.00 IIId 306!JUS. PIcuc keep bringinl )'<JIlt "'cess""wspopcr from wort< or Ihc IC1InU couru or ...ywhon )'011 ....

neWSflIP"'" left oround whic:b would ordinarily be lOACd in lhesllbqc. T1wl1tl1OllS!

Cbrtr. isllill .<llm. U O(JnIJlOSI bi.... 1lO call him allI76-2942.

"IE II: Gc!otp! &uI<:Y, Scul",,,,,, Depnrunclll Heod aI GooJ·...S.... Uniw:nily itlhrilkd 1h.st2VA·1ll homc:sdoflllcd Ihcirokifoo, rl(\i.Mor1; for Ihc like or.n...and • II.< dcduetJoa. He ",IIIIS_1 Clllhimal6S1·24ll.

..-II! n K.IO Murphy', for oommillins 10 I illlIIlx-·~n.COlin. en.ifoo,"""'l-our h1.... lhank)'Oll. No.... jfonlyMwphy'. would I'<IC)'tIe !heir .Ius.

Now, tIlY tur.. I hi"" rome CI!Iy idea for Villlin....HighlltldcnIII become mono "".iron.........Jy <:OIII<'io<tI.

I. When pockillJ schooIlunchcl., .......... pIISlio: IIlI(\wichbop or oluminum foil. J..... lell )'<JIlt chikllO pI.occ Ihcbigs bock in Ihcir lundllH».es.

2. Don'l r<qcllllllkc your 0WfI bigs 10 lbc VOOC'Y ..........No IOOCd 1lI ..... ""y ne.... boa" Ifyou r<qcl,juot take bop"'" oflbc 1lO<e', =yclilli bini

3. All... OW"_Iw'"'" crisiI, ip.'l it time...., 011 i ......1toile< dams lI":l .....·I\ow~? They're quilCilloUpcll$i.e _ CI!Iy 10 ill$Ull. T..." 0« Ihc wilier ....hileyou Ilrush ynw_!

•. Choooc wisely "'heo. you Jl>op. Why bIoy juice pocb wtIoetIyou """ po.... juice from "1Itae, much less upcnsl"""""lIiner (which con be I'<IC)'tkd) ilMO • oeu&IbIe thtnnoIor ""I'? [ru limle mono effon but mak'" much IIlo(n

eniron""",'" sense. Did llell you th.st juice pflClu IfC

obanrwl in doe IIIU! ot Moine? Now th.st'. fCftSible dec;·sion_~ by lI....rnak....

The Hard-.c _employs 16pe<>plc.lIIOIlotwbom h.s.e

lxcn ....ittI 0wiI1IId Sh.sroa for _Ihan ciaht~.80dI ZoclIEIllorid&c IIId TOllY Dileo h.s...., been Ihcrc Il)'Clll'l. HilhllndHard......, is. ncipb:Aloood .....iness 1hIt 11M found I _y ofpowm. Ind """"",,,'" while continui"l 10 ....... the pcopIe ofVVJWo. HiJhlIIld. So ir)'Oll r"",llhe IIIJC10 mike I Windoorch.siror jIIsl hI."" I simple ptdcft;"I que&liooo, an """ SIw'on IIIdIhcir iliff ",;U ~.Lod 10 hdp.

CurmIIly, lhe .j()(Hq...., r- ......no..sc for Ihc buli......which islelsed. is; bd>ind lhcodjooe,uSlO<el.~, Owis IIldShIroIl.., _plIMi"llObWld... lddition 10 Ihcbuildillio..lhc""""",,y 1hcy0WJl behind Ihc HWw..,. The ne.... spICC will .i....,lhem """"" __ for pnx:c$Ii"llDlil orders. forholdin. seminars,a.l for SlOnF- Due10 Ihc OIl"'"ofIhc U:IC ot!he poopl*d spICC,

Ihc BZA _lly ......1I:ld Hiplllld 1Urdw_ • varian<:e forportc.i.............i"l I~ -":Ie 10 Ihc poWIb ot Ihc.....i-.

I'm (IUl; of I'OOm b'll will s/Iano lou _ infonnalion irllbc IIC.ll;-. Thlnlu for rcodillJt Remember ynw 3 R's-Rcducc.Reuse. Recycle!!r------------------- -------------------1I _a Fr.. _ .... _Dayl I

I Febnwy 1&11 iJ Nboro.y,lhclrlditi<NW time lOp/lntlb'lle.. In flOt, l'ebIu.yllld Mardl orclhe idcIl times formcplontillJ in A~1ftIL II Hundrals of3-r- n:d mopIcu~...., kIotiJIs for p;ood hon>es ill Virgi'''.Hi.hllIId, Ifyou'd like 10 odopI ooc or -.liCnd in !his II coupon or coil 874..(1$23. Vou11~ you dOdl1Ol'\C'lhin. th.st will bcncfil our neisJ>borhood ror ",""y )"CIIS 10 ClOnIC.. Ir 0 Ycs.lwouldlikclOh.s....,uru(,)plllllcdi" Nome II lhe riafll.....·....y in frull of my ptl)p<ft)' AddrcsI II 0 PlcuecallmclOhclpwilhplallli"llhn>uJh- H""",_ . Off""",_ II OUt Ihc ncW..... loood IL ~""""~tt: 7 ii i c.l,11n7ii i .....~~~~_~II!.!7.,!:IIIJ -l,

t'KOII.SSOK 1~llif\1

",'" ,. "",.",,1- I,,, I",", •.



T"'ll-Il.....~~"'''''' ' Oolr

87+20021obooIo,'" ).f<lO,.... t ,t-ll-6:JOmar,'" l-6:JO

The doctor ofthefuture willgive nlJ medfctne butwill Interest patients

In the care ofthe humanframe,In dl€t, and In the cause

andprevention ofdisease.

We dclillJ: expectationsWe IlJ:llY,iW: answers

We sta)' in touchWelWm


2215 Cheshire Bridge RdAtlanta, Georgia 30324

Book ReviewsAlI-..c,it.ed__.....­


DInner.t Uteno.esk:k Jlesbunat.,--

1.....,..Iit&.......1)kt .... ""' ...... ..,. f.oO\ll"& Ilul. bewaft. )'011 _ ...

..... II> ~b. lheoe~ ....,.~Pt.t,lIoe Itww cbiildrao_ -=II di~ ,.. dill ~ iohInIll> .,. _~

-. "'" Id'I ill oa <II

6di"M"'_Parlp 'ho "".ht_ .... ...,. ....i=e· b_So t; W .... _.ioccd Ioendf Iller.......·1 rally~Of_....,.61... ...,._.. 'lbc_1oc1lod

Idl Eld_oI _wwt.• 'dIo-fKtheMdIdl ....__~~;;~~~~;=:~;~~;=~__~.:.~;,:~.~:::-l .• Ul1l,ed a.d duae-

REIMAX ' TOWN Cody MtteM.In .... ""' _ ..-a-_li4' ' ___

E t th B t ..*' dido"Ilave dIiW. Jc.rxpec e es ",,00,", .. ""' ...-"I boa rar_olfil ..

• ' III 'd

Eml'. fI-..I ,...... "', " a ........owed his iMdlia->e .... t 7

~_&no*"""',,_..oak__ a ','htPuB, ............. r-aty _ • ditse4 . ...,

." _Icvdol .... ' .....heriII 7 "-iIrbyliMlly"""'.IiOddy lie.- "'. _ wbo is 1M a,." =III

hc<precioeqoW;fi .'. TlMI dit-joi'*>d poup di.p "'Iieo!'or~ ... hoIidIyo. bodl kwd& .... de­......, Ibrit o•...w..,.,.-hcr. Alod bo­

tle¥c it 01' -. IhiI ill aIllD1d with """"" ....illlelli,....,l

rr:. 00... ouJ<d

a lot ofmfll(lf'

ttpalrt. But I WdnuJ

them done right so

/ adltJ SawHoru.

Thty allnt In,

MJnJt't1 J!!Y n«tls and

camt bod llrith

an affordablt

saluritm. FWt anJ




1bis....,...."""",,,,,,,"'.10<] :"«I•..- iee.xrM ,."" '''~i Md ..._.-bco'l whi olrllniJiallow, __'C"d ... o,=cc ~ ..............drup. """".-"'I oho:lw tIo"i .. _

..... ......,. .Iic& WId """" few 100;"1--. "" -'*'l 1IIltto:~01 ronillldt. .............. hal wri...,,, enIeIUioi _

dtoppi... "'¥Uli ' ...; yeI."'"............. Iooioa "'""""'" of her ;.pr­lhIo·li~mochtr. A ...... tad.

Book ReviewsAIl_ "',lc:_ ......_~.....Po-oo.u.-_....,

0.. Qolaylc: -.lei be r.aUlCld II)' Ihcr-iIy tOn!I ...... _790poecooldclails _ r_...... 1iJI.y.._ .._.Ihc~"" g ,

ollhil' ,.. . """.-ao__ . '_­rialb..- jO,-.,• ....,......,1'OIiIlooI........... _ Iloq did,....,. w.... • 01 low . _ oriIh Ih<ta.1lIq _ • _ • "1l'I II)'..... '*'-'--, 01.-.~1iral,1ui_,...... Ihc_..... ol o-ly.-ild "",..., 0-, , lalildlp' .--


_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~N~'~O~U~'~N~'~'G~H~'~O~'~H~O~O~Ow.to.~~Ioondf~....... ,. lOw .... _ ..... _

.• -.tob ..· f" Slot ...............IotfIftIa.....-. TH E

~-:~:"':'~~~~= c.;~\ .HICIt/_Ioow..,. t-c.. _............. """"V."-*0._... i .,lioIbcIlDcb ~ ~........;." Slot.._ ..1oondf V

"" 'io' ID 1oondf...~ ilIMOI ........,;u ,....,_III'C*""_ _ WOIIld be ...

pislIioc •• "--• .-li-....l_...... de olio-. .... hOII ... Idy .. _... ;U _ her ,.. ID r-lla .lIMccl,

orlfia. -...:l doc-.

A-.n..Fodlnl,.-,.:,: '....!hi: nil be _II KlC'CIfIIi", 10 '! •

AASIfl'O St."dI,," (AIncri<:M~

IillOI 01 SUIo HiP"'" TranIpoNdoo Offi·dahl i. ordotlO be~CAUTlON. Ihe

c:ili.- IJ'OIIIP """"""I "" )IIicIt-..", ""' ....~ b<IIIIlhcwWdl <II iIIe nil IWO T'IIlt____ tr,..· ..;"OlIf¥alAl_IlitcSloap. W ,..""OM • I

MARTA _ ;"YiICl lIikea 011 .......

""" IIIanod • ~''''''I~poojeel. 0(l-*l' I.. Cy<:ijllll ... 1IItccI10 be COIIIiJ -.I 10 wIiI for I kooQoaded ... dwl "atnia....-t..for8A_~

fWlIy. ltte A.lloioIa IIqodIo •


::: ill ..t po ',IIqodIo_,..__ ....... '" _I' .- 1 ,.._

lew- •.

e-pOMhib&).WlIa " 'dotnil ril CO t.... 1_751DCaqIo.t Pwt·WIly Mel it"';l1 118 12 rileo Ioq. "", pro-1"*'6 lrlOil l\IOIlIy public IMld -'t.ae*'dporo;e"~",IO'(ew.........."", PATIl '\a if, tobo wM.iII& OIl..daip _ ----..........nil. 1'Ilio will 10 tn-... W... &II Narao __ ........

GeorPo o.-llItoooP Moad)' PwL

TbeAJJa.aGlye-ilF"_e--""-chol......o.... """'1" 01. OfficeofEooerzyRaouota ......."", willbelIlolICIlO I\ino • _1_10 00 ....-bicycleplMfor"cily.DcKalbCoualyu."";""".OfficcCll1?atl)'R .........10 1* ilIlIiqdr. .......~ for dot....,,.....

1kp '-IodF , Portt-Wfi1 TnIil I lCiIIe-..e-llcr lllor_ ocI.~_

__ .""P.....-. 12.-b>c oridIolrlOil_two bridp Ie> aDII !'bill Mel Mordud

Bike Trail News

We lift;" _<IIlbo '-_ vI_r. cyctiq. Dri.... ..,_- : "' __

'. bicyclclOOl~"*"_, oIlbcm neyelitt 1ho_1.... _Ihc roadI .... wiele~ .....ody low ntroc IflC"IdL Howe_._ ....,pc..... red..ridUcilo ....""FG = ',.• lotofP"lt"'l'_t..___ IK 1M CIIIIlI*.,.... 10 -olJ IbiI.. Keft_ .....~

,.,. Daobcr *' PAnt F'·"i a 41 'd Ihe fin!..mo. •• nil .....fJ<lIII GcorJioTI!dI OIl So<- MoodIlloia.Thit0.7 mile "',ment .. IOCalfIChboll' I.S milelOIIlIideofl.285. l.'.d>t~·,~pieoolnlil .....__.u Ihor­01 nils III-. To .. llwn:, follow doebite _ .... a:.-,-.~......_ofO'-',Tloqwil _.....,.

11:Io<T__F ,· .........P...11f.......0:10..... 'r '

....ptd~do:lip b ....., .... d>cClIattaI>ooct- from h*:hlrt>e e-k 10

P~nonoJiud ~

for your Cal in your ItoIuwhile you an away.

EM! ....rI.R.II.hIe

R_me·hIe • r-recl

Call 'J- Cats"


Harry Norman, REALTORSHas Been Meeting

Virginia Highland's Real EstateNeeds for Over 60 Years

., ..~•.~.~::.<>~,;

Mut tJw 11l1(11m T_ 0/HarryN~REALTORS

Nannette Cattef Curran192-06SS

Ruthie Penn-DaWi.7S-0942

For Your Real Estate AnswersCan Us At: 329-0188

H~O~REAL"''''- '''"



On Ibp Of Your Marketlith


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ANI ..

.. PIIIC....... _._._PlMc Iar.y

PI'Ogl*Il\~ lor Maldll993

P'¥opww '''' o.yoll.Wfd; ....., "-_r_" W....... ~.2,9, "AM,..,

- Wed d.,.. M..2.9. "'",..,_...- >0, ~, M.. I. IS "AM1(W... ...",.,


IIltch hJktnA'........te.&ola

RE/MAX !:I:ecutt\u, Inc."""'",...,.,.'"110" Wila liiiCllw

KindergartenOrientations BeginAt Morningside

nc PTA of MonilllsideSchool i ... iles ,.rellil ofprol'pccti..., killdoertanKn 1001 ie-'on \OlIn.. '"'" r...~will bo: IdcI CIa J~ S. Theoriutalio. _eli ills iKludc..,panooa infonnMiocI.adlanc:e~meecdle~aJk; io."and II IOllr of tile Idlool.

Orientalions be"" al~ andwill be held the (ol1owin.Wcdnesdlys.: FdIr\wy 2, Man:h2. ApriIl3.-.t M.y 4. Call SusanScor..ld. 875-IS91 for furtheriIlfonnar;\>II.

r---,.,::::~~:-;:'" - •• $ 1,1 _ , COl O~II 'II SII\KU\\,,,, \ "," I I" "" ""

• lM...,.-­MembenhipVHCA Voil:<:


529,162Restaurant Review

c.po'. c.Ie992 \'lr"gta&. Ave.. I.e


Seveao'doc:k...s..s.y,.......,_~_ ....'lIneodalllbbac' ,. ,Maftl; y"" dIiak lhis 10_10__ ill .... ~hoocl.No "kIIo/•••••rr- ............ IIooI-.ytlIo!he titctIaI is raU,. • ill "-h.

We""" by cnbelote..ptOilZt. W .- pD.1D Illeft...._ _li:r--.oi..Tbqr_aispOOl_ lIUISilte, .......~OOI'";-..1 ;-'••_ly.wirir-,..,.IUY ....beonlald••-.SiIooe_,_ ... __01 .... -...-.

&<'owem_ID_J'OaP' ' ........-..iflO,,..wiUbe...IDJaIr,...elf. 1'1 lib.......,. ......r1*-eid




-) """..,...'"

w ...Gucnl Eapelloel

No..o.aM Doulioal!'Irtia&1VHCA""'"' Off"'" Bo............ ShiPP..TeI.;b_,.............Office $oIppl'"vllCAe- crV!tCA .......



~ SarOQ' UpotiCISid<..-a1I: I""P'O_ C2Ol' ......, lk _ _ - lIIIPPJ III

~.,".~ ""' -.I kIl_ ...eo-o;_~ ~............. .,.___ ...-. ...,.t ...

...........~ Abtc ""' _ ·iooIO-P!.oIO O"... L j .. Eo.~ .-- Il:linefllbrall ... &0...-.e-itlCt bpeuos

Suo__~ E..peuos A..ood itIW.*""'I...........$oed Moooq Ib=, '* ..to:> _. w. jlool: bod III

Allow.... ""5· FcMOff-. ~ koep ...,...IWVIod' _ ....OIhco"Eapc_ 1.OlIO '0 oaDopo..tbodBw. '}.

~.... 1.JOO _...- ,t __joot

e-inoc upeuos 600""'. "Jk f .., ...w M>e boa ....Racne 5.000 .- pI-.d_ddII,..."bOrMU_ClobetPl,j .. 6.000 baooc=RNsiil_smaTu""tro-$oo..-f... '91 2."lIO o:o-;IloI;:iOllIDc.a .• n..1Iecl ......

,..... 1laKIoI"' __ "<c1 ,a,

ma.. SJ9,149 ~1""halfolil"'-""ldIit._

~=:=~~~~~~~~~~~=====~~~==~ ~o'''''''''lDkc''ftnon-''tm llIIma=_ 510,<ll itdi&l·1wwk.1'rJiooIitb-.:to _

day. e'OOII willi T....... 1Ion I ..

ill.."Ooe oI ..y pee ponca .... a" ., ,

oag:bIIlllllllwR W1IaII"'.y bifcOOl.... appcri_. iI ....,'llakal elflhe plaIewhoa deamloood si_.,t ID .........pily,. R!CCi'leda _ bitelhM •.....,.. -rMbd. Thill Ii..... bowe~, ..............pIIIle .... takelo IWIlY. the: ....., bife••Ieftbehiod--oopa. • "- IhM. 'rlloft _ besome IeCrel IIIocaliooI oll\.lol_ 10, for'-..... oates, <\000', drop 1 fort.

Iry<)I>' ""aoO"IlOc.'..atidl willi the:<rob<:okeo. Ie "-leI be 1 quioo e-uo,.CoIoloeI M....-d si_ ;, 2 Il<ll dop 011 1oeoIe ofS...

'f: The Highland Herbalist

The Mciall Grub IIICI RomuI k.- dlC horb........,. well. Thly~;, for ~"Il'n;Mn roili., qai&hl 10 heal.... --.cIa .. he.pi"l~ ..' •.....,..,.51"'"..: Il'IOdl.oboIIclhc'-".H<>-Jn.........._~·.ruoemII)'......·.for,w "bo ~. ~ tache1Me2OlhCCCJItY.loowowrndl..." .......chellCCd ror.-mory .lhe....,i•.-....... Ihue ilMldoutll il~r.-.MdcaollCr..,..,...,..,k. 1uldIiIlCCIhcftiaMl........-I'orIho_IllClIIo_(J/~ ....' p' \at.--y. iI. 1IIIaka IIlo paf<ct _ ... '/OfII....,.yW hcflt ........

1Jo 110)' b&d<y.d. ...... )'eOn fIIO-'..-. 1po-s pIMl ol <JI1be uprishI,pa)'....... aIlli....<Jl~.....IabIc • ..., Ot !l'.ill • ..-y.~""",(""",il.";II........__st.io),_i1·I"'lhebeltelll*h..t..08joy ".' ; oa:lIliax 11nolIbl''' itO' ) iu


IIIasIoIbII vinuIlJ ..e:-. M' ....... -.1, .... r....biP_e-foetwidc.s-.. ii', I . .. Ioeft. .. Ad-. ii', anllable~ to; _ .. lbo: tildlea.

II ) 10. __ Trr6lodlo!o.,. _ ... _ cIIop .....dl~-.i. plio diftft, (J/~~ -.I ajor! The __ is_.IOIOly.h'..._, ) 1iIIr_. I :. J.....p"'................

_ .......... prJIPU prtic.~~._.liakoli~oiL~.«lO

",-"20-2$ or .... --. 0il¥.J'" hI' .

....r- .......a:r-s-,.. ......_.. ,.. ,..uc..- .....,..,..._on.-a.s $ 1 _""""")"*.."".......Jor~ .......1Opa.d-. FiMI!J'.-·I'~"'-'· ")ch_n",,~

'm-n-' I'm ...... Sd'"

2po..ts ..., I •• ... Ie"u-c. Ill>. wiM ......I In 1ll.,...... ......,.1 1Il T1l. di.i- __In ... oIi_olJU4 ....-.:I' ; bl dlotor. Q l!'

c.o--prw iIo' , .... ooIIIodeold_.......boil_ b15 Dnioo _pa-io"bowl Add lH _

........... ''''"l Cool .... W: _... ... bowl. '", -

..,....,;,,;. 'ot'; 01.,:;.......~ ..... pepper ...-. Add "'" oil ••_~..atl 'lot Addlhellq l\w"(>llIo ..._ .......... '" •..,__.....~wilh........,. ...... s.r-6.

Home SecurityDcslgned For Life.

PI'o-TtdI s.o-tty s~ I •• Inc..,. C' ._A Drtoe HE

Art .... CiA 303Oll

I(.., l.rotne, p, II 5 ..

Show off yourwriting tIi'ent

and get Invotved Inyour neighborhood

by volunteeringwith your VOICE.Call 222·VAHI .00leave • me•••ge,



1411 N. Mornlng.lde Oflve, Atlenw· 876-7398

9:45 Sunday Sehool 11:00 Wor$hIp Servlce

CarlsonTravel Network·~8 Unlimited Call

IOOHIrP>ioA_NE Au-.,Goooo1Io!UlO3 872-8747


Don't SellYour


Always ask for Julie & Zac!REIMAX in TOWN • 728-8800


Forty Out Of Four Thousand!8yAmyW.........Mcmbcnhip Chair IIId Sccrecary

SoIlnds like the oclds to the 0e0rJ:i.0Looery? No. Maybe the odds of I""in. acood soowfaillhis wimer'/ No. This is howlIWIy residefllll bolon.to!he Virginia-High·bndCi'o'ic: Associllioclll

Maybe you. _', ........\ler beeau~

you. don'l know whIIlhc Civic Auociatiollioordoes. Fine. we ore ....ide... of V. HiM wort lOr ...... neiJhbori'olod. Anyonewho in reside.u iseli.il>le CO;0;•. There is.. E>.ccllti~ IloMI """,posed of III<mbers1haI_.1caod by lIIis DDlNl>UlliIy.

Tho Civic Assoc~ __ !he r>r$lW«Inesday d _ monlh ...1:)0 pm in theMoelin. _ ... !he Ponce Highland li­tnfy. At n- ..-inp )'011 will _rqlOIII rmm ->ouoc:ornmiu_, ........;•• "­ZooIina-who ....... to build, mm.-, ornflMd, ..... (*tint or ... an cxcmpionfrom Ih< rcqain>d ....mber of II(lKU; PublicSafdy---n>view of reoon' crimoo£, trim pre­velIlioncff_and odvi(:elO~crilll<

in our neiJbbooloood; BudJet--bow much""""'1 do we IS • oommunity hlve--boware ....., plaMi"l 10 sperod the m<IIlt)' thisyur: V&Hi Voico--<>ur lItigt,bort>aod news­papet_w""" is lhedo:adli.... w1Iol __ 10be done; and PIrb-lhere are many in ourora and ....... 0I0e be,... pl.."••<~whoplanIS the f\owcn-wtw'. blppeniq wilhJolIn Howell Park. All of these questionsand more ".. be t<Idrcsocd ....... meetinp.Youcan play. 'tt:ty.clive pan be becomi"l• _ ..... _Min. the Civic As$OCiI­

lion meeti lip.

I would likelO think we would IlOl 1>10""10 MOOp to i-..ti_ lite neigbtlooloooddil<>OU.... eto:.lO...youlOjoin. ltshouldbcilOC>Ollli""enoughlOb<a>rno.~inl'onrcd.

.~and inolved .";UtI. I om pre$CIIlMall meetingo and will be pod 10 sip you lOPl~ You can lIso call our .......be< 222­VAm ..... "'"I""'" .. ;af<;Jrmalioalappliclo.lion f(lm'l.






Intown'sGot It!ACorr<>'><e "'" 01 """"sting, P.;ntirg,P1umbing,EIectricaI and Gardering Supplies., '854 N. Highland Averue, NEAtlanta, GA 30306Mor~ 8em-8pm, S8t8enHlpm, SUn 11am-6pm



John Howell Park'By J=J Brip.

Do you havean idea for aninteresting

storyfor the VOICE?

If so. give usa call

at 222·VAlII.

_Cll c lhc..n......OJ><JliIM~orab f '".....·L 1......... peoao. n.e~...,........... j P,,,,,,*, 1Iow·_._ ... t "'j..'I1__....,h~.,. 01' 1 'JIOflI p--...-or-'..tcI tt.I~ III Ildp f-6 .. _

I , i. public ..to poojoa: ..._..... , 1 V lfi&Io.... .,.Bc-.. ;-..... 100 alOod u.e.

..... vi" firII 200 ..toc:rib<d c"' .....,m io hE" 7 ..arty..,. Ike...- 5noIad"''''~WC ....... • ..... WrJID .. ID .......• p' ': 1& 'l _ '" S6!01Jlll....., .... """' .. ' i ...~n­U'J _ .. .-e", ," iow on­<:<me... la",*ioIolOlboGnDdPliltIlih.... -.- ci<y.- .... ~....-d I'I-cli Ihc SIMe viGaItJiaIhn>ufh Jim MMi., VirJiall.Hi&fIIMd"- ,..._"vi-.e, _ dlrou&fI ....t'rom!he V"';I>ia-Hi&fIland Ciyic ...........lion. Weabo ..... looklq IQrw..-d 10 •inl willi Iho _it ronnod VifJinil·Hi&b­lAnd B"';_Anocilllion. Mo.Ioral~....need die fUido:ftl:l orour \XIInflIIInily 10 be­""""" pollof1IUJoffon. Ifyou'" Ihi"" Ihetime. thea, i+- dauIi., OIl iaIo:ribedIidtwaIk po_ 'IO'hidI will """'Pi... 'fOIl<

ciric-,_ forlhcIlUlIOOyan. ""lJIlllicMD ron. iI pl'O>'ided"lhiI"'- '"Ihe VOICE. The V........KiPl-l .......bot ~,.... ill .,.....,. for,- laS, , ,~ Ot ...

otr..... T'hoooio Ioodi IYd • .-iq"""-.like ._........... tel ..

....~W~... IO Ihem~ ....~ .....~ _Otq-"""V.....1fi&IoI-l ·..iboo......

noe JaM .......... I'lri:" '*-.................,oI..Fnt......Gr-.dPriabqdc ........ win be lodd" Nloy. 110e........... "- dIiI ..... e..- will'if......,. ... : iiCldlc''''ta'..., ; .. lI" _ .....-.c-


CiIy '" All-.. .~)_ """ "" •lbil)' '-'" ....- _ IOWII WOllin- """""'oI'lao lwbd.IwdI)'~""""'"al<Jlld coo bed<. 110e _ ......of.5'0.000 dlcJolllo~ I'lri:_

..,.... • • ...... Iorpri-

..... Iloo. ... eo ,.r_ ap r ;",ol

..... ..,. ..Olyof~_,..., I ,................"I"""iol. V....................,"..-10­of .. e..- '" ....-..: Loo: lie. _............ PwbD' ' -'MdiooKololc....~ , MaryDoowil'

First Union Grand Prix Comes ToVirginia-Highland - May 1By JeIt Mark$

The 1"_ Unioa o.-J PriJl of BicydcR.:i"l ..m be <>tImiRIIO Vi!Jin;'Higlland011 May I. 19901. This ill ..... Ihinl yur dIOl...... iMetrIalioouI cw:nl hal ",,"n held inAlIant1 ..... tho fil'$l )'dO' dIOl. tho route has00Ine Ihn:Ju&h our llCialoboohood. The neewilllUll1l1 1:00 PM 011 s.......y and lui foroboul r_ hoon. The John Howell "-"f'r<l1cct will be an otr",i.aI charity of lho,_.

In lho fil"$l lWO years. .... _fM from MidlO ~ Puch""" "I' 10B""kbeadMdbook.lnOl"derlOmakea_uc:ill"l ...... ln_iouICycling f'romo.lionli (ICP). lho evenl·........izera, <b:ided

10 lI>IU""'_~ and 10 lIIke""""-.;l ....'"FolPicdmo<>lPIR•• vm..... Ashortto"<:owsemuns more laps r",\hespcc'---

Whn neipbon r.... hean:lofthoevent,Iller ....... lIl<eprio:aI_ brinai". tho noelOYlIrJin".Hilhland wwld be aood (Of the"';Jhbooloood. Since both Nonh Highland...., pons of Vitainil would be clo$cd r",

........ fi •• houn.....y_o"n""" .... obouI,eai", i" and _ of tho ...i.t.boobood.RcaideMs 011 51. ChaItea and Amslerdam.wllich would also be doocd for lho .......

were <0""0",,0<1~ ""_ partin,would be raIric:I<d. Businaoes ",ere «MI'

oemcd ........ blocl<j", ........ 10 Ihe ....,10­bomood 011 _ i, us.,oaIly • bri<l ...,.. for

bus~ PloUo&kJts ....... tdlObebkdaland Ihe hours coincided IO'ith \he busiestti..... for busillCSL

0. Novenl~30. ""'Of,anizenoflhenoe hosoed • ..-ting (or nei,tlboB .....busUases aloa& the "",ce 10 diocusI theproblems and proposed JOlIrtions. A. 10l of!he diSCUSlion focused 011 the~ of1rUISpOItatioII. Another m.p IOpO: ......<letennininl specifIC ways ..... nosidolllS .....busi Id baldil from bMti"l "'"race. The cveni", II ..... l"'nenI __inlof tho Vitpnia-HlglL1alo;j Civic Associa­tiool, "'" Boood oM nei&hbotb"od heW •"'Dlmar'J'of""'dio<:u6sioBsand de<:ided !hal_did ..ant~..-.~""""",,,of~...ution<~,

Gmi,,& in and OIl'oK~ ncighbortloodwill "'" be lI'Iucb of. ",ubkm~~__ ~"""bIo<:k<>dforonly""""

Ihn!c lI'Ii_OIIIof,,>'rr)' 20. CoIIne""",i­IOfS willu&slmolOriSl$ who wish toget intoputcin. lou. "'" ofdri.-.oya, 0< (\(non to!he~1lCft. 11tSlad0(ren>(>vinaol1anfrom !he "",Ie, """'" ...,.. will tIIw: -.lide-port<i",-only obi... !he ..-. If ,,"""'_l"""iessbouldorise,!herxecanbeSl<Jlll'Oll....lllhe tlet.oih of 1101" lhio will be hondkdwillbepraenlCdlO!hencigtobooboodtfornugll!he !cp', Trame and Safety C....umI PlanwhidI is required by clle City.

...~ ...madoelOprovide .....de"""mi. and"'"of!heneiabborhDod from~in. lob on !he paip... , 0( lhc neip.ba hood. We leO chis.a...,. UppO<tIIDity10 explore Ihe conoept of usin. shunles '".tIlevillle our porti •• Plubkms. Since lhc_ will be blocked. visitors will wei·

"""'" !he all..,w;"u. Since clle ew:tIl willbe _II publicUed. "'" can di=t vWlOfS 10clIoo!e lhcJhunle.tllenlali'o'C.. The Virzin....H~andQyic Asoociation will be .......ti••willllhe "w:nfs orpniun to choose Ihebesl ohun'" """"" and psn.;n. 1oI1oc.o1"-sand al.... !he W<lI'din, of !he ad.ertisemenlSof lhc cw:nL The ""'1eS will oIso be port of!he T...rr., _ Safety ConlrOl Plan.

The orpAi:w:s of llIis "Ye", real.... "'"'

pethops not all neijhbors""." Iudadoq...."notice o(bow !he race: i1I'If*'lS "'"...iabhor­hood. There will beopponunities 10 dillClt<loconc:cms. Ifyou would lik"'o belpOll' willi!he ..... '" til." questions. c.tll m.VAHL

Dcspile!he i.ilial "";ncss.IllUlY people..., e>.ciced ......... hosti... a. i.1enIalionoIbike..-. There is. 101 of confodenc:e i.ICP', lCdInieal obility 10 puc on !he..-.After meeIi... ..;eh 1bem and lie";.. \hemoddraoaour_.."'" nosldel>\l"'" bus;·_ "'" n:Ildy '0 tty lhio 00.0.. Loot for1\'lOIe prl)In(lIlono as nee day l;OII'I<$ _,


CoupMo wltIllwO)MrOkl boy .....couple 10..... .....,-Inh~PftIVItVInI' "Wiland.....,..... e.al Wood" M 523-1711.a..-v.. m•• ng. during"."

s. ctu~.~~lnc.blns adjolnlnsa~N8tIonIIlFOt"HI __

IQoldng Dukal's CrwIr. 3 ",I'" from-.~,.nel..""iI9.... 1....122-7733.HMIIop 1-106-8ll5-1148.

Gentlywom_'·.... 1~12liM""'" ..... ba.clttle•.,.....Me. lnt«view aulls.ClIlI RobIn 87&-2$?3.



Freedom ParkMaster Plan Nears CompletionBy lett Mark.5

....._-r_"'.-o....,._Cloy• ...u-IheGccqilD' '.T, ,0_., _1Ioodi" oooik

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