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Highlights of the Curriculum Vitae

Name : : Pramod K. Singh

Highest Educational


: Ph D in Environmental Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New




: FDP in Management from Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad

Curent Position : Professor & Coordinator- Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods, Institute of Rural

Management Anand (IRMA)

email ID : pramod@irma.ac.in pramodirma@gmail.com

Areas of Expertise

: Natural resource management; Interaction between natural and human

systems;Climate change adaptation;Environment and development planning; Food

and livelihood security;Geo-ICT for development




: Natural Resource and Sustainability

Rural Livelihood Systems

Special Strength

: Specialized in various experiential learning pedagogies such as case methods,

simulation games, simulation exercises, role play, action learning, group learning


Research and


30Research and consulting assignments completed;

04 assignments ongoing

Major Research and




coordinating at


: Designing and Strategizing Implementation of Sustainable Livelihood

Interventions in Dhemaji and Lakhimpur Districts of Assam [Principal

Investigator] (Budget:Rs. 4,17,98,100/-)

Independent Assessment of Design, Strategies and Impacts of DAY-NRLM

[Principal Investigator] (Budget:Rs. 1,99,90,326/-)

Climate Change Adaptation Approaches for Sustainable Livelihoods [Principal

Investigator](Budget:Rs. 67,91,730/-)

Publications : 12 Journal publications; 3 book chapters, 33 papers in international conferences,

20 papers in national conferences, several invited talks, 4 test cases, etc.

Recent papers in top-

rated journals

: Singh, Pramod K and Chudasma H (2017) ‘Pathways for Drought Resilient Livelihoods Based on People’s Perception’. Climatic Change,140:179–193 doi: 10.1007/s10584-016-1817-8. IF 3.344,H-index 130

Singh, Pramod K and Nair, A (2014) "Livelihood vulnerability assessment to climate variability and change using a fuzzy cognitive mapping approach" Climatic Change, 127:475-491. doi: 10.1007/s10584-014-1275-0. IF 3.344, H-index 130

Singh, Pramod K and B. N. Hiremath (2010) Sustainable livelihood security index in a developing country: A tool for development planning, Ecological Indicators, 10 (2): 442–451. ISSN: 1470-160X; IF3.190; 5-Yr IF 3.649; H-index 63

MDPs : 27 Management development programmes conducted at IRMA



: An average of over 70 full day equivalent per annum spent on academic and

institutional administration at IRMA in the last eight years



Name in Full : Dr. Pramod K. Singh Nationality : Indian Date of Birth : 11.09.1969

Address for Correspondence: Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) Anand 388 001, Gujrat, India Tel. +91-2692-221621 (off), +91-2692-221704 (res)

Mob. . +91-96625-14668 ; +91-94275-97511 email : pramod@irma.ac.in Alt. email : pramodirma@gmail.com Educational Qualifications:

Ph. D. (1999) in Environmental Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi

Ph. D. Topic: Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development of Delhi using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

M. Sc. (1993) in Environmental Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi

Professional Qualification: FDP in Management from Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad (2004)

Awards / Fellowships:

Visiting Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (for a duration of six months in the last three years)

National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship/ Assistant Professorship (1998): ICAR-ASRB

Senior Research Fellow (1995-1998): JNU-UGC

Junior Research Fellow (1993-1995): JNU-UGC

Best paper awards in two international conferences

Areas of Expertise:

Natural resource management

Interaction between natural and human systems

Climate change adaptation

Environment and development planning

Food and livelihood security

Geo-ICT for development


Courses currently at Masters' level at IRMA:

Natural Resource and Sustainability

Rural Livelihood Systems

Courses Taught at Masters' and Doctoral level in the past at IRMA:

Natural Resource Management - Post Graduate

Geo-informatics for Rural Management - Post Graduate

Rural Livelihoods and Production Systems - Post Graduate

GIS in Development Research (Doctoral level)

Geo-informatics for Natural Resource Management – Doctoral level

Perspective in Natural Resource Management – Doctoral level

Special Strength: Specialized in various experiential learning pedagogies such as case methods, simulation games, simulation exercises, role play, action learning, group learning etc. Professional Experience (Employment Record)

Period Position Held and Assignments

July 2013 – till date Professor & Coordinator- Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods, Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) Assignments include teaching, executive training, research, consultancy, and institutional administration

July 2008 to June 2013

Associate Professor Assignments include teaching, executive training, research, consultancy, and institutional administration

July 2003 to June 2008

Assistant Professor Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) Assignments include teaching, executive training, research and consultancy, and institutional administration

March 1999 to June 2003

Assistant Scientist Haryana Space Application Centre (HARSAC), Govt. of Haryana Assignments include undertaking natural resource management and development projects


Ongoing Projects:

Topic of Research Under whose auspices

Designing and Strategizing Implementation of Sustainable Livelihood Interventions in Dhemaji and Lakhimpur Districts of Assam [Principal Investigator] (Rs. 4,17,98,100/-)

This project is a collaborative action research envisaging active participation of

NHPC, partner organizations, district administration, and communities. The project

also envisages identifying sector based value chains, climate resilient livelihood

opportunities by creating productive assets to be owned by the communities.


Independent Assessment of Design, Strategies and Impacts of DAY-NRLM [Principal Investigator] (Rs. 1,99,90,326/-)

This involves evaluating the key design features, components, implementation

architecture and systems established and strategies and key processes adopted by the

Mission. The study also evaluates the key processes adopted and emerging results of

the Mission in different component areas viz., social inclusion, institution building,

financial inclusion, livelihoods promotion and entitlements and convergence.

Ministry of Rural Development, GoI

Climate Change Adaptation Approaches for Sustainable Livelihoods [Principal Investigator] (Rs. 67,91,730/-)

This is a collaborative study between IRMA and International Institute for Applied

Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria designed to provide evidence-based strategies for

mainstream adaptation to development planning in Gujarat while ensuring livelihood

security. Based on Agro-ecological modelling, the study will provide Scenarios of

Gujarat Agriculture in the 21st Century mainly on the following dimensions: (i) Yield

and production gaps due to climate change; and (ii) Agricultural sustainability. The

study also seeks to develop knowledge, strategies, approaches, measures, and

processes that will enable vulnerable communities in Gujarat to cope with and adapt

to the impending impacts of climate change.

TIFAC, GoI (under India-IIASA Programme)

Institutionalization of Geo-ICT Enabled Micro-Planning

for Inclusive Development in India [Principal Investigator]

The Study aims at demonstrating bottom-up and participatory micro-planning in a

district. It tries to develop methodology for the Local Development Plan (LDP) and

Integrated District Development Plan (IDDP). This approach could be a model for

other districts.


Completed Research Projects (Other than that of Research Degree)

Topic of Research Year of Completion

Under whose auspices

Case Research on Climate Change Adaptation for Sustainable Livelihoods [Principal Investigator]

This study supports knowledge requirements of the Indian National

Mission for Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change. The study

aims at providing evidence-based strategies to mainstream

adaptation into development planning while ensuring livelihood

security.The study documented 24 cases on adaptations to climate

change for livelihood security from 11 states involving over 900

community groups from 160 villages in India.

2016 DST, GoI


Topic of Research Year of Completion

Under whose auspices

Indo-German Integrated Watershed Programme (IGWDP) 2016 NABARD

NABARD Holistic Watershed Development Programme (NHWDP)


Land Conflicts in Gujarat [Under IDRC-Think Tank Initiative] 2015 IDRC, Canada

Sprawl of Urban Centers in Gujarat and its Policy Implications [Under IDRC-Think Tank Initiative]

2015 IDRC, Canada

Governance of disaster management and role of Geo-ICT [Principal Investigator]

2015 SDTT, India

Developing Indicators and Benchmarks for Watershed Management Outcomes (published as operational guidelines by MoRD, GoI)

2014 The World Bank

Impact Evaluation of MGNREGS in MP and Chhattisgarh [Co- Investigator]

2014 Planning Commission, GoI

Modifying Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) for India[Principal Investigator]

2014 The World Bank

Scaling Climate- Adaptive Livelihood Pathways (SCALP) 2013 IDRC, canada

State of Climate Change in Gujarat [Principal Investigator]

2013 Gujarat Ecology Commission, Govt. of Gujarat

State of Land Resources in Gujarat [Principal Investigator]

2013 Gujarat Ecology Commission, Govt. of Gujarat

State of Water Resources in Gujarat [Principal Investigator]

2013 Gujarat Ecology Commission, Govt. of Gujarat

RSVY Evaluation and Development of Dahod District Development Plan [Principal Investigator]

2012 DRDA, Dahod

Evaluation and Impact Assessment of RSVY, Panchmahals district, Gujarat [Principal Investigator]

2011 DRDA, Panchmahals

Mid-Term Appraisal of the Eleventh Five Year Plan of daman & Diu [Principal Investigator]

2010 Planning Commission, GoI

Development of Panchmahal District Development Plan [Co-investigator]

2009 DRDA, Panchmahals

Independent Evaluation of WadiYojana in Panchmahal, Gujarat [Co-investigator]

2009 DRDA, Panchmahals

Developing Sustainable Livelihood Security at district level in India [Principal Investigator]

2008 SDTT, India

Dairy development in Narmada district , Gujarat, India [Principal Investigator]

2008 Dept. of Tribal Development,


Topic of Research Year of Completion

Under whose auspices


Impact Assessment of JyotigramYojna in Gujarat (Co-investigator)

2006 Confederation of Indian Industry

Mapping of Development Challenges and Assessment of NGOs in Rajasthan (Co-investigator)

2005 Sterilite Foundation

Natural Resource Census (NRC*) (Gurgaon District) (Co-investigator)


Dept. of Space,

Govt. of India

Mapping of Tree Cover in Ambala, Panchkula and Yamunanagar Districts of Haryana using Remote Sensing Data [Principal Investigator]

2002 Forest Dept.

Govt. of Haryana

Natural Resource Information System (NRIS*), Bhiwani district (data update and Integration) (Co-investigator)

2002 Dept. of Space, Govt. of India

Integrated Groundwater Resource Mapping [Principal Investigator]

2001 HARSAC,

Govt. of Haryana

Natural Resources Information System (NRIS*) Gurgaon District (Co-investigator)

2000 Dept. of Space, Govt. of India

Natural Resources Information System (NRIS*) Bhiwani District (Co-investigator)

2000 Dept. of Space, Govt. of India

Development of Soil Information System

[Principal Investigator]

1999 HARSAC,

Govt. of Haryana

Mapping and Monitoring of Forests in Haryana


1999 Forest Dept.

Govt. of Haryana

Students Thesis/ Projects Supervised:

Doctoral Thesis supervised: one

Doctoral Thesis examined: six

Supervised over 200 master level research projects at IRMA

Supervised over 30 summer projects related to, climate change,remote sensing and GIS applications to the students of TERI University and Symbiosis School of Geoinformatics



Papers in International Journals

1. Singh, Pramod K and Chudasma H (2017) ‘Pathways for Drought Resilient Livelihoods Based

on People’s Perception’. Climatic Change,140:179–193 doi: 10.1007/s10584-016-1817-8. IF 3.344,H-index 130

2. Singh, Pramod K and Nair, A (2014) "Livelihood vulnerability assessment to climate variability and change using a fuzzy cognitive mapping approach" Climatic Change, 127:475-491. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1275-0. IF 3.344,H-index 130

3. Singh, Pramod K and B. N. Hiremath (2010) Sustainable livelihood security index in a developing country: A tool for development planning, Ecological Indicators, 10 (2): 442–451. ISSN: 1470-160X; IF3.190; 5-Yr IF 3.649; H-index 63

4. Singh, Pramod K (2009) Spatial Data Infrastructure in India: Status, Governance Challenges, and Strategies for Effective Functioning. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, vol 4, pp 359–388;ISSN: 1725-0463.

5. Singh, Pramod K (2005) Governance Issues in GIS Infrastructure in India. International Journal of Rural Management, Sage Publications, 1(2): 223–244. ISSN: 09730052.

Papers under Review with the International Journals

6. Singh, Pramod K; Nair, A, ‘Are land conflicts documented in India?’ Under peer-review with

Land Use Policy, Impact factor 3.314

7. Singh, Pramod Kand Chudasma H ‘Assessing Impacts and Community Preparedness to Cyclones: A Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach. Under peer-review with Climatic Change, IF 3.344,H-index 130

Papers in National Journals

8. Singh, Pramod K (2011) Design of GIS: One size fits all type, Coordinates, VII (9) 50-51; ISSN 0973-2163.

9. Singh, Pramod K (2008) G-Governance: Opportunities and Challenges in India. GIS Development, 2(8): 56–58; ISSN 0971-9377.

10. Singh, Pramod K; Singh, B K and Singh, A (2007) Evaluating Social Forestry in Ambala district of Haryana: A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach. The Indian Forester, 133 (1a): 143–152. ISSN: 0019-4816, Impact factor (2011) 0.267

11. Singh, Pramod K (2007) Spatial Health Management Information System (SHMIS): Redefining Public Health Governance in India. eHealth, 2 (10): 10–12; ISSN 0973-8959

12. Singh, Pramod K (2006) National Map Policy of India: A misnomer. Coordinates, 2(7): 27; ISSN 0973-2163.


13. Singh, Pramod K; Singh, B K and Singh, A (2005) Managing Tree Cover in Yamunanagar district of Haryana: A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 33(2): 219–225. ISSN: 0255-660X (print version), ISSN: 0974-3006 (electronic version), Impact factor (2011) 0.285

14. Singh, Pramod K(2005) Plants as Indicators of Air Pollution: An Indian Experience. The Indian Forester, 131(1): 71–80. ISSN: 0019-4816, Impact factor (2011) 0.267

Papers presented in International seminar/symposia

15. Singh, Pramod Kand Chudasama H (2015) Reducing Drought related Risks and Building Drought Resilient Livelihoods Using People’s Perception, Presented in the International Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth, organised by the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM), Hosted by the Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), New Delhi, India, 28-30 October 2015

16. Chudasama H and Singh, Pramod K(2015) Evaluation and Enhancement of Communities’ Preparedness to Cyclones Using Peoples’ Perception, Disaster Risk Reduction, Presented in the International Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth, organised by the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM), Hosted by the Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), New Delhi, India, 28-30 October 2015

17. Singh, Pramod K (1012) Maintenance of Core Geospatial Databases in India: Search for an Appropriate Legal and Policy Framework, presented in theXXII International Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Congress organised by the ISPRS Society during August 25 to September 1, 2012 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Melbourne, Australia.

18. Singh, Pramod K (1012) Developing Enterprise GIS for Governance of Indian Forestry, presented in the XXII International Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Congress organised by the ISPRS Society during August 25 to September 1, 2012 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Melbourne, Australia.

19. Singh, Pramod K (1011) Livelihood Framework: An Alternative Measure of Poverty, Paper presented in the XXI Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), on Dec 13, 2011 held at IRMA, India

20. Singh, Pramod K (1011) From e-Governance to G-Governance in India: Developing a Suitable Policy Framework, Paper presented in e-India 2011 during Dec 15-17, 2011 held in Gandhinagar, India

21. Singh, Pramod K (1011) Spatially Enabled Governance: Opportunities and Challenges in India,

Presented in Geospatial World Forum 2011: An International Conference, January 18–21, 2011

in Hyderabad, India.

22. Singh, Pramod K (1010) An Integrated Landuse Policy for Reconciling the Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives, Presented in the International ModellingWorkshop on Landuse Planning and Agriculture’ organized by TIFAC-International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis


(IIASA)- Madras School of Economics (MSE) during April 15–16, 2010 at MSE, Chennai, India (invited paper).

23. Singh, Pramod K (1010) A Citizen-Centric Spatial Decision Support Model for Disaster

Management, Presented in the Map India 2010: An International Conference during 19–21

January at Epicentre, Gurgaon, India

24. Singh, Pramod K (1010) Spatial Health Information System in the Light of the National Health Bill 2009: A Bottom-up Approach, Presented in the 97th Indian Science Congress 2010 to be held during 3–7 January in Thiruvananthapuram, India.

25. Singh, Pramod K (2009) Spatial Data Infrastructure in India: Status, Governance Challenges, and Strategies for Effective Functioning. Presented in the Global Spatial Data Iinfrastructure–11 World Conference, June 15–19, 2009 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

26. Singh, Pramod K (2009) G-Governance in India: Search for a Suitable Framework and Research Directions. Presented in the Global Spatial Data Iinfrastructure–11 World Conference, June 15–19, 2009 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

27. Singh, Pramod K (2009) Participatory GIS for Micro Planning in India: Scope and Governance Challenges. Presented in Map World Forum 2009: An International Conference, February 10–13, 2009 in Hyderabad, India.

28. Singh, Pramod K (2009) Addressing Policy and Managerial Problems in the Geospatially Enabled e-Governance. Presented in Map World Forum 2009: An International Conference, February 10–13, 2009 in Hyderabad, India.

29. Singh, Pramod K (2008) Governance of Spatial Information in India: Framework and Research Directions, Presented in XXVIII INCA International Congress,November 4-6, 2008 at Gandhinagar,India[Best Presentation Award (R2) Received]

30. Singh, Pramod K (2008) GIS in Development Sector in India: Addressing the Problems of Poor Implementation, Presented in International Expert Group Consultation on the 'Applications of Geographic Information System to Public Health Practice in India’ on 30th September, 2008 in New Delhi, India

31. Singh, Pramod K (2008) Challenges for Enterprise GIS in India, Map India, 2008 - An International Conference, February 6-8, 2008, at NOIDA, India.

32. Singh, Pramod K (2007) Implementation of Geospatial Projects in India: Search for a Suitable Approach. Map World Forum 2007: An International Conference, January 22-25, 2007 at Hyderabad, India.

33. Singh, Pramod K (2007) GIS for Governance of Health Services and Infrastructure in Rural India. Map World Forum 2007: An International Conference, January 22-25, 2007 at Hyderabad, India.

34. Singh, Pramod K(2006) NSDI and New Map Policy of India: A Missing Link. To be presented inInternational Symposium on "Geospatial Databases for Sustainable Development", Organized by International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, at Goa, India, September 27-30, 2006.

35. Singh, Pramod K(2006) Better Implementation of Micro-level Geospatial Planning in India. To be presented inInternational Symposium on "Geospatial Databases for Sustainable


Development", Organized by International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, at Goa, India, September 27-30, 2006.

36. Singh, Pramod K(2006) Food and Nutritional Security in India: Whether Rational Landuse Policy or Precision Farming is the Answer? Presented in Map India, 2006 – The 9th Annual International Conference, New Delhi, January 30-February 1, 2006

37. Singh, Pramod K (2006) Business GIS in India in the Light of New Map Policy. Presented in Map India, 2006 – The 9th Annual International Conference, New Delhi, January 30-February 1, 2006

38. Singh, Pramod K (2005) Spatial Pattern of Diseases and Health Infrastructure in India: A GIS Approach. Presented in International Conference on Service Management 2005, organized by Institute for International Management and Technology (Oxford Brooks University), New Delhi, March 11-12, 2005

39. Singh, Pramod K (2005) Malnutrition and Deficiency Disease Indies in India: A GIS Approach. Presented in Map India, 2005 – The 8th Annual International Conference, New Delhi, February 7-9, 2005

40. Babu, T P, Singh, Pramod K and Nigam, R K (2002) Mapping of Forests and Potential Afforestation Sites in Jind District Using Satellite Remote Sensing Technique. Presented in International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing symposium on Resources and Environment Monitoring, Hyderabad, India.

41. Singh, Pramod K and Bansal, S (2001) Forecasting of Earthquake: Traditional and Scientific Methods. Proc. International Seminar on Earthquake Strategies with Particular Reference to India. July 7-8, 2001, organized by The Institution of Surveyors, Delhi Branch and The Creative Centre for Rural Development at India International Centre, New Delhi 56-59.

42. Singh, Pramod K and Bansal, S (2001) Delhi: An Earthquake Prone Area. Proc. International Seminar on Earthquake Strategies with Particular Reference to India. July 7-8, 2001, organized by The Institution of Surveyors, Delhi Branch and The Creative Centre for Rural Development at India International Centre, New Delhi 108-115.

43. Singh, Pramod K and Bansal, S (2001) Mitigation of Earthquake and Rescue Operations. Proc. International Seminar on Earthquake Strategies with Particular Reference to India. July 7-8, 2001, organized by The Institution of Surveyors, Delhi Branch and The Creative Centre for Rural Development at India International Centre, New Delhi 125-129.

44. Rao, TBVM, Chaudhary, B S; Mothi Kumar, K E; Saroha, G P; Yadav, M; and Singh, Pramod K(2000) Integrated Ground Water Resource Mapping in Gurgaon District, Haryana Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Proc. ACRS Chung-Li TAIWAN in Dec. 2000.

45. Singh, Pramod K;Bansal, S and Mukherjee, S (1999) Development of Sustainable Infrastructure: A Key to Economic Growth and Sustainability. Proc. International Seminar on Infrastructure Development and Management in Developing Countries with particular reference to India, Feb. 23-25 1999, organized by The Institution of Surveyors at India International Centre, New Delhi. 149-156.


46. Singh, Pramod K; Bansal, S and Mukherjee, S (1999) Infrastructure Problems of Mega Cities: A Case Study of Delhi. Proc. International Seminar on Infrastructure Development and Management in Developing Countries with particular reference to India, Feb. 23-25 1999, organized by The Institution of Surveyors at India International Centre, New Delhi. 158-168.

47. Singh, Pramod K;Bansal, S and Mukherjee, S (1999) Tackling Environmental Issues in Implementation of Infrastructure Projects. Proc. International Seminar on Infrastructure Development and Management in Developing Countries with particular reference to India, Feb. 23-25 1999, organized by The Institution of Surveyors at India International Centre, New Delhi. 170-178.

Papers presented in National seminar/symposia

48. Singh, Pramod K (2014), Making Livelihood Interventions Successful, workshop organised by Ministry of Environment and Forests, GoI on Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihood Improvement held on April 3 and 4, 2014 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

49. Singh, Pramod K (2014), Making Livelihood Interventions Successful, Presentation and brainstorming session for UNFCCC communication by India, organised by Ministry of Environment and Forests, GoI, on April 3 and 4, 2014 at India Habitat Centre, New Delh

50. Singh, Pramod K; Suratia C and Chudasama H (2014), Impacts of Temperature Variability on Rural Livelihoods and Adaptive Capacities in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh,

51. Nair, A and Singh, Pramod K (1012) Perception Analysis of Climate Related Impacts Faced by Agricultural Communities Using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach, paper presented in the Third National Research Conference on Climate Change in Bangalore during November 3–4, 2012

52. Nair, A and Singh, Pramod K (1012) Urbanization in and around Big Cities of Gujarat, paper presented in the IDRC TTI Workshop on Rural Urban Linkage, organized at IRMA, Anand, during 21-22 August, 2012

53. Singh, Pramod K (1012) Processes and Challenges of Institutionalization in WASH Sector, paper presented in the workshop on “Addressing Gaps for Sustainable Sanitation” organised by WesNet India and AKDN in Ahmadabad during July 26-27, 2012 (invited paper)

54. Singh, Pramod K (1011) Livelihood Framework: An Alternative Measure of Poverty, Paper presented in the XXI Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), on Dec 13, 2011 held at IRMA, India

55. Singh, Pramod K (1011) From e-Governance to G-Governance in India: Developing a Suitable

Policy Framework, Paper presented in e-India 2011 during Dec 15-17, 2011 held in Gandhinagar, India

56. Singh, Pramod K (1010) Mainstreaming and up-scaling of good practices in climate change

adaptation, presented in the National Workshop on Practical Climate Change Actions in Semi-

Arid Areas Towards National Policy Dialogue, during 1–2 July, organized by WOTR in

collaboration with SDC and NABARD at Pune, India (invited paper).


57. Singh, Pramod K (2010) An Integrated Landuse Policy for Reconciling the Social, Economic and Ecological Objectives. Invited talk in the modeling workshop on ‘Landuse Planning and Agriculture’ Organized by TIFAC-International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)- MSE at Madras School of Economics, Chennai during April 15-16, 2010.

58. Singh, Pramod K (2008) Governance Issues in Indian NSDI, Presented in NSDI-8 (India R&D 2008 (, December 22-23 New Delhi, India

59. Singh, Pramod K (2005) Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System for Vector-borne Disease of India. Presented in 92nd Indian Science Congress, 2005 on Health Technology as Fulcrum of Development for the Nation, Ahmedabad, January 3-7, 2005

60. Singh, Pramod K (2004)Remote Sensing and GIS for Governance of Forest Resources in India. Proc. Governance in Forestry Sector workshop, IRMA Silver Jubilee Symposium, December 14-19, 2004, organized by IRMA, 90-114.

61. Singh, Pramod K (2004) GIS Enabled E-Governance in India: Current Trends and Strategy for Implementation. Proc. Governance in ICT workshop, IRMA Silver Jubilee Symposium, December 14-19, 2004, organized by IRMA, 162-181.

62. Singh, Pramod K; Singh, B K and Singh, A(2004) Evaluating Social Forestry in Ambala district of Haryana: A remote sensing and GIS approach. Presented in ISRS National Symposium on Converging Space Technologies for National Development, Jaipur, November 3-5, 2004.

63. Singh, Pramod K (2003) Joint Forest Management in Haryana. Presented in ISRS symposium, organized by ISRS Hisar Chapter, September 1-2, 2003.

64. Nigam, R Kand Singh, Pramod K (2003) Afforestation for Ecorestoration of Haryana. Presented in Indian Science Congress 2003, Jan. 3-7, 2003, Bangalore India.

65. Babu, T P, Singh, Pramod K and Nigam, R K (2002) Mapping of Forests and Potential Afforestation Sites in Rohtak District Using Satellite Remote Sensing Technique. Presented in Geomatica 2002, Trichirapalli, India, 115-120.

66. Singh, Pramod K and Mukherjee, S (1997) Application of Remote Sensing in Ecodevelopment measures of Asola-Bhati Wildlife Sanctuary. Paper presented in National Symposium on Remote Sensing Nov. 1997.

67. Mukherjee, S, Singh, Pramod K and Mukherjee, A. (1996) Detection of Active fault in Asola Sanctuary, New Delhi by Remote Sensing Technique. Paper presented in National Symposium on Remote Sensing Dec. 1996.


68. Singh, Pramod K (2008) Human-wild Animal Conflicts in the Vicinity of Gir Forests (Test case).

69. Singh, Pramod K (2007) Natural Resource Management Conflicts in Kaliakoir, Bangladesh (Test case).


70. Singh, Pramod K (2006) Natural Resource Information System of Gurgaon District: Whether Panacea for Development? (Test case).

71. Singh, Pramod K (2005) Managing Land Resources of India (Test case).

Book Chapter

72. Suratia C;Singh, Pramod Kand Chudasama H (2015) " Impacts of Temperature Variability on Rural Livelihoods in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh" in: Socio-Ecological Aspects of Development and Climate Change, Ed. Slariya MK and Jha P, Scholar's Press, Germany, pp 263-280, ISBN 978-3-63976206.

73. Singh, Pramod K (2009) GIS enabled Governance in Development in India. (Ed.) H K Misra, Academic Foundation

74. Mohan, S; Singh, Pramod K; Nigam, R K and Rao, TBVM (2000) Exploring Shiwaliks through Remote Sensing. In: Fifty Years of Research on Sustainable Resource Management in Shiwaliks. (Eds) S.P. Mittal, R K Aggarwal, J S Sharma; published by Central Soil and Water Research and Training Institute, Chandigarh. 47-60.

Book Review

75. Singh, Pramod K (2007) GIS for Sustainable Development by Campagna, M (ed.) Taylor & Francis, 2006, Boca Raton, pp 535 published in ISPRS Highlights v 12 No. 1 February, 2007.

IRMA Publication

76. Singh, Pramod K and Chudasama H (2015) Developing Drought Resilient Livelihoods: A Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach, IRMA Working paper # 274

77. Singh, Pramod K and Chudasama H (2015) Assessing Impacts and Community Preparedness to Cyclones in The Eastern Coast of India, IRMA Working paper # 273

78. Singh, Pramod K; Nair, A (2015) Status of Land Conflicts in India, WP# 264 79. Singh, Pramod K; Nair, A &Rajagopalan S (2014) Simulating the Effectiveness of Livelihood

Adaptations In the Light of Climate Change, WP # 261

80. Singh, Pramod K and Agarwal S (2014) Implications of Poor Hygiene and sanitation Practices on Prevalence of Diarrhea in India, Working paper # 254, IRMA.

81. Singh, Pramod K and Nair A (2013) Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Sustainable Livelihoods using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach, Working paper # 248, IRMA.

82. Singh, Pramod K and Nair A(2012) Environmental Sustainability of Cropping Patterns in Gujarat, Working paper # 235, IRMA.


83. Singh, Pramod K(2009)Towards a Framework for G-Governance: Case Study of India, Working paper # 212, IRMA.

84. Singh, Pramod K(2009)Spatial Data Infrastructure in India: Status, Governance Challenges, and Strategies for Effective Functioning, Working paper # 210, IRMA.

85. Durga Prasad M V andSingh, Pramod K (2009) Applying AHP and GIS Techniques for Locating Milk-Chilling Facilities in a Backward Tribal District of Gujarat. Working paper # 209, IRMA.

86. Singh, Pramod K and BN Hiremath(2008)Sustainable Livelihood Security Index in Gujarat: A District Level Illustration. Working paper # 205, IRMA.

87. Singh, Pramod K and Mishra, P (2006) Geo-information Management for Micro-planning and Governance in India. Workshop Report # 22, IRMA

88. Singh, Pramod K; Singh, B K and Singh, A (2004)Evaluating Social Forestry in Ambala district of Haryana: A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach. Working paper # 186, IRMA.

Technical / research reports (indicative)

89. Singh, Pramod K (2016) Climate Change Adaptation for Sustainable Livelihoods, Research Report of IRMA

90. Singh, Pramod K and Nair A (2013) State of Climate Change in Gujarat 2012, To be published by Gujarat Ecology Commission, Govt. of Gujarat in association with the Institute of Rural Management Anand

91. Singh, Pramod K and Rajaput S (2013) State of Water Resources in Gujarat 2012 To be published by Gujarat Ecology Commission, Govt. of Gujarat in association with the Institute of Rural Management Anand

92. Singh, Pramod K, Tiwari L and Nair A (2013) State of Land Resources in Gujarat 2012 To be published by Gujarat Ecology Commission, Govt. of Gujarat in association with the Institute of Rural Management Anand

93. Singh, Pramod KandDandekar A(2011) Evaluation and Impact Assessment of RSVY, Panchmahals district, Gujarat, Research Report of IRMA

94. Singh, Pramod K, Dandekar A and Biswas SN, (2010) Mid-Term Appraisal of the Eleventh Five Year Plan of daman & Diu, Research Report of IRMA

95. Dandekar A., andSingh, Pramod K (2009) Independent Evaluation of WadiYojana in Panchmahal, Gujarat, Research Report of IRMA

96. Singh, Pramod K (2008) Developing Sustainable Livelihood Security at district level in India, Research Report of IRMA

97. Singh, Pramod K; MV Durga Prasad; M Kollegal (2008) Dairy development in Narmada district , Gujarat, India, Research Report of IRMA.


98. Panda H, Singh, Pramod K; Dass R (2006) Impact Assessment of JyotigramYojna in Gujarat. Research Report of IRMA

99. Mishra, DP; Biswas, SN, Narayanan, NC, Singh, Pramod K; Mishra HK and Aggarwal, U (2005) Mapping of Development Challenges and Assessment of NGOs in Rajasthan. Research Report of IRMA

100. Saroha, G. P; Singh, Pramod K; Arya, VS; Chaudhary B; Yadav, M and Prasad J (2003) Natural Resource Census (Gurgaon &Sohna Blocks) Gurgaon district. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/02/2003

101. Singh, Pramod K; Singh, B K; Singh, A and Nigam, R K (2002). Digital Mapping of Tree Cover in Ambala district using Satellite Remote Sensing Technique. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/03/2002.

102. Singh, Pramod K; Singh, B K.; Singh, A and Nigam, R K (2002). Digital Mapping of Tree Cover in Panchkula district using Satellite Remote Sensing Technique. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/04/2002.

103. Singh, Pramod K; Singh, B K; Singh, A. and Nigam, R.K (2002). Digital Mapping of Tree Cover in Yamunanagar district using Satellite Remote Sensing Technique. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/05/2002.

104. Singh Pramod K and Rao TBVM (2001) Integrated Groundwater Resource Mapping HARSAC/TR/14/2000

105. Saroha, G P; Yadav, M; Singh, A; Sharma, M P andSingh, Pramod K (2000) Natural Resource Information System (NRIS), Gurgaon district. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/07/2000

106. Saroha, G P; Yadav, M; Singh, A; Sharma, M. P. andSingh, Pramod K (2000) Natural Resource Information System (NRIS), Bhiwani district. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/08/2000

107. Singh, Pramod K (1999) Development of Soil Information System. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/16/1999

108. Singh, Pramod K; Nigam, R K and .Babu, T P (1999) Mapping of Forest Cover of Jind district using Satellite Remote Sensing Technique. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/09/1999

109. Singh, Pramod K; Nigam, R K and Babu, T P (1999) Mapping of Forest Cover of Rohtak district using Satellite Remote Sensing Technique. Technical Report No HARSAC/TR/10/1999

Conference/Workshops organized (Indicative)

Producers Collectives and Livelihoods: Exploring Issues for Research and Policy on May 11-12, 2015(National Workshop)

Pathways to Climate Resilient Livelihoods in the Himalayan River Basins during August 1- 2, 2013 in New Delhi, (International Conference)


Adapting Rural Livelihoods to Climate Change organized during February 14–15, 2012 (International Workshop)

'Developing Benchmarks for Watershed Management Outcomes' in Ahmedabad(National Workshop)

Land Governance Assessment Framework during 20-22, August 2013 at IRMA(National Workshop)

'Micro-planning in Gujarat' on October 26, 2013 at IRMA

Geo-information Management for Micro-planning and Governance in India’ organized during April 27-28, 2006 (National Workshop)

Management Development Programmes (MDPs) Coordinated/ Conducted MDPsconducted on Livelihoods

1. Livelihood Enhancement and Micro-Enterprise Development through Community Participation (February 9-13, 2015)

2. Assessment of Poverty and Livelihoods for Rural Communities for the Officers of the Government of Yemen, (April 7 - 27, 2011) - along with Prof. Mukul Kumar

3. Watershed Development and Livelihood Enhancement, (February 28 - March 4, 2011)

4. Enhancement of Livelihood Security through Community Participation, (September 20–24, 2010) –For IFS Officers

5. Community Based Enterprises for Livelihood Enhancements, (September 13–17, 2010)

6. Livelihood Enhancements and Micro-Enterprise Development in a Watershed, (July 26–30, 2010)

7. Enhancement of Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management through Community Based Organizations, (October 5–9, 2009) –For IFS Officers

8. Natural Resource Based Livelihood Enhancement through Community Based Organizations, (September 16–18, 2009) –For Forest Officers

9. Natural Resource Based Livelihood Enhancement through Community Based Organizations, (May 26–29, 2009) –For IFS Officers

MDPs conducted on NRM and Conflicts Resolution

10. Natural Resource Management and Conflict Resolution with Special Reference to Forestry, (October 13–17, 2008) –For IFS Officers

11. Participatory Micro Planning, Leadership and NRM Conflict Resolution, (June 4–6, 2008) –For IFS Officers

12. Conflict Resolution in Natural Resource Management, (February 25–29, 2008) –For IFS Officers

13. Natural Resource Management and Conflict Resolution with Special Reference to Forestry, (November 19–23, 2007) –For IFS Officers


14. Natural Resource Management and Conflict Resolution, (November 12–16, 2007) –For IFS Officers

15. Natural Resource Management and Conflict Resolution (October 30–November 1, 2006) –For IFS Officers of Tamilnadu

MDPs conducted on drinking water and sanitation

16. Participatory management and governance of rural domestic water supply and sanitation (Nov 5 – 10, 2012)

17. Governance of decentralized drinking water supply and environmental sanitation (Dec 19-24, 2011)

18. Participatory management and governance of drinking water supply and environmental sanitation (Nov 28 – Dec 3, 2011)

19. Improving Managerial Skills of Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation Functionaries (October 10-15, 2011)

20. Participatory management and governance of drinking water supply and environmental sanitation (September 19-24, 2011)

21. Improving Managerial Skills of Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation Functionaries (August 8 - 13, 2011)

22. Improving Managerial Skills of Drinking Water and Environmental Sanitation Functionaries (July 25 - 30, 2011)

23. 'Social and Managerial Skills' for Newly Recruited Engineers (June 15-19, 2013)

MDPs conducted on watershed management

24. Monitoring, Management, and Governance of Watershed, (May 31–June 4, 2010)

25. Watershed Management and Livelihood Enhancement (March 8-12, 2010), (Focus on Watershed management)

26. Sustainable Natural Resource Development and Livelihood Enhancement (February 24-26, 2010) coordinated with Prof. KV Raju for the officers of National Rainfed Area Authority.

27. Enhancements of Livelihoods and Watershed Management through Community Based Organizations, (September 22–26, 2008) (Co-coordinated with Prof K V Raju)


1. Member, Association of American Geographers, USA

2. Founding Member, International Geospatial Society, USA

3. Member, URISA International, USA

4. Life Member, Indian Society of Remote Sensing


5. Life Member, Indian Society of Geomatics

6. Life Member, Indian Science Congress Association

7. Life Member, Indian National Cartographic Association

8. Nominated as member of the Working Group on ‘Socio-Economic Issues in Spatial Data Infrastructure’ of the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association, USA.

9. Nominated as member of the Expert Working Group on ‘Use of GIS for MGNREGS, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India

10. Nominated as member of the Working Group on ‘JFM in Gujarat, Government of Gujarat.

11. Nominated as a member of the Board of Studies of Environmental Sciences in Vikram University, Ujjain.

12. Nominated as member of the Gujarat Irrigation Management Society’s Selection Committee of Community Organizers for Participatory Irrigation Management

13. Nominated as member of the Project Review Expert Committee on Animal Database Management, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India

14. Nominated as a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (IJWREE)

15. Contributed to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in development of its decadal Strategic Plan and Framework to Enhance the Implementation of the Convention

16. Received Best Paper Presentation Award for the paper “Governance of Spatial Information in India: Framework and Research Directions” presented in XXVIII INCA International Congress

17. Nominated as member of the Expert Committee of WASMO

Academic and Institutional Administration An average of over 70 full day equivalent per annum spent on academic and institutional administration at IRMA in the last eight years Major Coordination work

Convenor, Faculty Induction and Development Committee(May 2014- till date)

Coordinator, Centre for Sustainable Livelihoods(May 2014- till date)

Coordinator, Postgraduate Programme in Rural Management (May 2010- April 2012)

The task involved steering the entire Postgraduate Programme in Rural Management, which is equivalent to the tasks undertaken by Deans elsewhere. In this programme we integrate the two streams (business management and rural development) to equip talented men and women with both development perspectives and business acumen. Also served as member secretary for the curriculum review of the Postgraduate Programme in Rural Management


Admissions Coordinator (June 2008- April 2010):

The task involved handling the entire admissions process of IRMA including receipt of applications, conduct of entrance tests across India, evaluation of answer sheets, conduct of interviews and induction of the new batch of students.

Seminar coordinator (2006-08): Organised a large number of seminars with speakers from across the globe.

Ad-hoc Committees

Name of Committee/Activity Position Assignment

Faculty Evaluation and Promotion Policy 2015

Convener Prepared Faculty Evaluation and Promotion Policy 2015

Faculty Incentive Scheme 2015 Convener Prepared Faculty Incentive Scheme 2015

NBA Steering Committee 2016-17 Convener Prepared NBA SSR

Deemed University Committee 2016 Convener Prepared Deemed University documentation

Research Ethics Committee 2014 Convener Prepared Ethics Committee documents

PRM Review Committee 2012 Member Secretary

Undertaken PRM Curriculum Review 2012

AICTE Committee 2015 Convener Prepared options for IRMA e.g. Deemed University/ Institute of National Importance, etc.

NAC Steering Committee 2015-16 Member Prepared NAC SSR

Admissions Review Committee 2013 Member Designed unique admission policy

Inclusivity & Diversity Committee 2011

Member Prepared report on Inclusivity & Diversity

MIS Committee 2010-11 Member Preparation of MIS Plan for IRMA

Academic Council Committee 2011 Convener Prepared a document on roles and responsibilities of Academic Council

CS-PDS Committee 2009 Member Reviewed CS-PDS

Equal Opportunities Committee 2009 Member

Designed Equal Plans for Opportunities for weaker sections

Standing Committees

Name of Committee Position Duration Assignment

Faculty Induction & Development Committee (FIDC)

Convener 3 Years Induction & Development of faculty members

PRM Committee Convener 2 Years

Steering the entire Postgraduate Programme in Rural Management

Admissions Committee Convener 2 Years Handling the entire admissions process of IRMA

Research Ethics Committee Convener 2 Years Clearing research proposals from research ethics point of view


Name of Committee Position Duration Assignment

IQAC Member 1 Year Looks at quality issues of academic activities

PRM Committee Member 2 Years Functioning of PRM

FPRM Committee Member 2 Years Functioning of FPRM

Library Committee Member 2 Years Development of IRMA library

Admissions Committee Member 2 Years Overseeing the functioning admissions process

Visiting Fellow Committee Member 2 Years Hiring of visiting fellows

ICT Committee Member 2 Years ICT Planning for the campus

Placement Committee Member 2 Years Overseeing placement process

Fellowship Committee Member 2 Years Overseeing sector incentive fellowship

I hereby declare that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Pramod K.Singh

