Hill View Primary School · ontact: homelearning@hillview.bournemouth.sch.uk REATIVE IDEAS—JUST...

Post on 19-Aug-2020

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What do you call a Penguin in the Desert?


If I had 6 oranges in 1 hand and 7 apples

in the other. What would I have?


I weigh nothing, but you can still see me.

If you put me in a bucket, I make the

bucket lighter. What am I?

BIRTHDAYS 27.04.2020-03.05.2020

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to

you, happy birthday to…….












Mrs J Smith

Mrs Ayles

Happy birthday to you!

WEEK 6 Dear Parents/ Carers, We hope you and your family are doing well. Home Learning seems set to continue for a few weeks ahead. We feel it is really important that we are able to check that the Home Learning that is being provided by us is useful to your child. At the time of writing we have had 65 responses, so if you haven’t yet replied, please take the time. Thank you. Take the survey here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=h0du62ko3EmQKrW2JFLIPphOsKRNSQVJlzYxFzQtWMBUMVBPT0JaUFlLTktUSjY0MFNJVklPVEE1My4u Reading the comments already in from the survey gives a real insight into the daily routines, successes and challenges that your child and your family are having at this time. Understanding this helps us ensure that the Home Learn-ing we provide can best support your child and does not become burdensome for busy parents who may also be Home Working. If you have something positive to share or are struggling with any aspect of Home Learning or just want to ask a question, like ‘What is my child’s Purple Mash log in?’ Then please send an email to: homelearning@hillview.bournemouth.sch.uk. In the case of passwords we can send one back pretty quickly. This email address can and has been used by children that want to share pic-tures of things that they are proud of or have done with their teachers. So if your child has something to share please email to us and it will be forwarded to the teacher. We feel that you are best placed to judge of what is appropriate for your child each day, although keeping their basic skills in reading, writing and maths fresh through a little practice each day is clearly desirable.

MEANWHILE IN SCHOOL…… Key Worker children that have been in school have been busy making Pin-wheels and decorating the flower beds!

Newsletter No. 29 29/04/2020

Hill View Primary School

Do-it-yourself! Practical Home Learning and craftmanship.

One of our pupils saw his mum struggling to reach the top shelf of the kitchen cupboards the other day and he asked if he could make her some steps. He then set about making a rough design on paper, measuring how high the steps needed to be and the width of each step. After he was happy with his design, he searched through the odds and ends of his dad’s wood supply. Once he found all the materials he set up a work station and went to work. Under his dad’s watchful eye, he cut the wood to length using a saw, then he drilled the holes and used the electric screwdriver to put the steps together. Once completed, he sanded it down to make sure all the surfaces where smooth. He worked really hard with minimal help. What an impressive set of steps. We think he should go into business!

Do you have a child with a Home Learning project to share– we would love to hear about it! Contact: homelearning@hillview.bournemouth.sch.uk


A cereal bird feeder!

You will need: Multigrain hoop cereal, pipe cleaners, string/ribbon or wire.

Make a loop or tie a knot in one end of your pipe cleaner or string etc.,

then thread on your cereal. Make a loop in the end when you have

finished and hang it in your garden for the birds to eat. You can make all

sorted of different shapes from using pipe cleaners or wire. Have lots of

fun spotting different types of birds that come and feed on your creations!


If you’re hungry, why not try making…….

Banana Pancakes!

You will need: 1 large ripe banana & 2 large eggs (beaten)

Mash the bananas with a fork and stir in the eggs. Heat a pan and put a

small amount of oil in it. Use a ladle or large spoon to put some of the

mixture in the pan and cook. Use a spatula to flip the pancake to evenly

cook both sides.

Then enjoy them either plain or add toppings of your choice!

Answers: Children’s Joke: Lost! Teacher Joke: Big hands! Riddle answer: A hole!

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