Hinduism - Miami Arts Charter · Holy Spirit to experience unspeakable joy. ... Shiva lowered the...

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Hinduism is a religion that began in India.

The religion dates back to 6000 B.C., making it the worlds oldest religion.

There are 750 million Hindus in the world today.

Most Hindus still live in India.

Hindu Beliefs

Hindus believe in a single Divinity or supreme God that is present in everything called Brahman.

Hindus also believe in other gods who are aspects of that supreme God such as Shiva, Shakti, and Ganesh.

330 million gods to be exact


Hindus worship one main god called Brahma.

Vishnu and Shiva are different representations of Brahma.

Brahma is their creator; they believe he created the universe.


Brahma the Creator

Brahma is traditionally

depicted with four heads

and four faces and four


Vishnu the Preserver Vishnu is the Preserver, he is most

famously identified with his human and animal incarnations (AKA, avatars)

They are (in order of avatar) (Fish)



(Lion man / from the torso upwards lion, below, human)

(First fully human form as a dwarf sage who has the ability to grow very, very tall)

(Fierce man / Hunter)

(Greatest Warrior/ Ideal man)

(Mentally advanced man)

(Sage who is completely still)

(Prophesied, yet to take place)

• Shiva is worshipped by about a quarter

of all Hindus.

• He is the god who destroys so he

controls death (and even life).

• Although he can be frightening he is

also thought of being kind and easy to


• He has at least 4 hands to show that

he holds life and death and good and evil.

Shiva the Destroyer

SHIVA (The Destroyer)

The 3 main Hindu Gods are together called the TRIMURTI. They are

all different aspects of BRAHMAN and work together in a never

ending way.

Tri = three Murti = imageTrimurti


Kali is the goddess of


Kali wears a necklace

made from men's



Ganesha is one of the most

well-known and venerated

representations of God

The Lord of Good Fortune

Karma and Reincarnation

Reincarnation is the belief that the soul repeatedly goes through a cycle of being born into a body, dying, and being reborn again in a new body.

Karma, a force that determines the quality of each life, depending on how well one behaved in a past life.

Hinduism says we create karma by our actions on earth. If you live a good life, you create good karma. If you live a bad life, you create bad karma.

Moksha Each time a Hindu soul is born into a

better life in hope to get closer to ultimate liberation.

This liberation is called Moksha.

The ones who reach this state no longer struggle with the cycle of life and death.

The way to get to Moksha is to not create any karma.

What happens after Moksha?

Can either become one with Brahman (no

longer have passions or desires)

Souls live in temporary heaven

Also live in the abode of either Shiva or

Vishnu after destruction of the world

OR… Can also come back to earth in

different forms help those going through the

cycle of life and death.

Eschatology There are four eras

Sayta Yuga

Treta Yuga

Dvapara Yuga

Kali Yuga

We live Kali Yuga which will end in 427,000 years

An age of violence

Vishnu will come back in final avatar on white horse

and destroy the world and reset everything back to

Sayta Yuga

Cycle continues until Brahma returns as one and a

new universe is born


Sacred Writings

The Vedas collections of Sanskrit

hymns (written down 1200-900BCE,

but based on older oral versions).

The Upanishads which means the

inner or mystic teaching that were

passed down from guru (teacher) to

disciple (student).


Mahabharata, Sanskrit for Great Story, is one of the great epic poems of ancient India.

It was written between 300 BC and AD. 300.

The story is about the battle of one family over a kingdom in northern India.

The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is contained in the Mahabharata. It is dialogue between Krishna and the hero Arjuna on the meaning of life.

Mahabharata Story of massive battle between two families (Pandava and


Five sons of Pandu share one wife.

All of them were in exile because an uncle gambled everything

away. until they return to fight the Kauravas.

Krishna fights alongside Arjuna. Arjuna freaks out when in

combat with cousins. Krishna encourages and emboldens


Pandavas win but bad uncle becomes king and world is

forever changed from the violence. The entire human race was

almost wiped out

Two brothers (Pandavas & Kauravas) and their bands fight

until entire human race is wiped out

Krishna and Arjunahttps://youtu.be/A6vtA5O5Ako

Krishna and Jesus Debate Both are believed to be sons of God since they were divinely


The birth of both Jesus of Nazareth and Krishna of Dwarka

and their God-designed missions were foretold

Both were born in unusual places — Christ in a lowly

manger and Krishna in a prison cell

Evil forces pursued both Christ and Krishna in vain

Christ is often depicted as a shepherd; Krishna was a


Both appeared at a critical time when their respective

countries were in a torpid state

Both died of wounds caused by sharp weapons — Christ by

nails and Krishna by an arrow

The teachings of both are very similar — both emphasize

love and peace

Krishna and Jesus Debate


Hinduism is polytheistic

Hindus believe in mental

energy and self effort to

experience inner ecstasy

without falling into


Military leader

Married with children

Everyone will receive


Avatar of Vishnu

Avatars just physical


Jesus Christ

Christianity is monotheistic

Christians believe self control

comes depending fully on the

Holy Spirit to experience

unspeakable joy.

Spiritual leader

Never Married

Not everyone will enter


He is Son of God

He is considered both God and

Man, not just physical



Rama is a wise prince who marries Sita

(Rama gets exiled)

Evil demon Ravana hears of Sita’s

beauty and kidnaps her

Rama makes alliance with monkey king


Sita goes through a trial of fire to prove

her chastity.


Ramayana was written in 3rd century BC, and tells story of Rama, and his wife, Sita.

Rama and Sita are generally seen as ideal examples of great manly heroism and wifely devotion.

Reciting the Ramayana is considered a religious act, and scenes from the epic are portrayed throughout India and Southeast Asia.

Rama and Sita

Hindu Life Goals

Hinduism is about the sort of life one

should lead in order to be born into a

better life next time and ultimately

achieve liberation. There are 4 legitimate

goals in life:

1. dharma (appropriate living)

2. artha (the pursuit of material gain by

lawful means)

3. kama (delight of the senses)

4. moksha (release from rebirth).

Hindu Duties

Each Hindu has 4 daily duties:

Revere the deities

Respect ancestors

Respect all beings

Honor all humankind

Why is Ganges so important? Known as Ganga

Vishnu made a hole in universe with big

toe by accident and water spilled through

A king found out his ancestors were

incinerated so he prayed to Vishnu

Vishnu used water to come down and

wash over the ashes of ancestors to

ascend to Heaven

Shiva lowered the goddess through his


To bath in the river you cleanse your own


“Holy Cows”

Shepherded by Krishna

Gopala and Govinda- Friend and Protector

of cows

Killing a cow is a sin

Dairy products

Sacred ambrosia made with their milk

It brings healing from sin in karma

Cow dung used as fuel

Burn dung which purifies the air

Cows even used to bless buildings and
