Hiring and Firing Co-founders

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Hiring,  Firing  and  Cofounders(or,  how  I  learned  to  delegate  and  love  building  a  team  that’s  da  bomb)

Roy  Rodenstein,  @royrodCo-­‐founder,  Going  /  Director  of  Business  Planning,  AOL

8/5,  2010

How  I  think  about  early  stage  teams

• What  are  my  strengths  &  weaknesses?– Skills:  Hacking,  Product,  Marketing,  Sales,  Finance,  Management– Qualities:  detail  oriented  vs.  macro  view,  people  person,  communication– Be  brutally  honest  with  yourself

• What  strengths  does  the  company  need– Now?– In  6  months?– In  2  years?

• What  are  sporadic  vs.  sustainable  roles?

Sporadic  needs

“We  need  a  new  logo,  so  I  need  to  hire  a  full-­‐time  designer  ASAP!!!”

• Full-­‐time  hires  are  hard

– 1-­‐3  calendar  months,  days  of  real  effort  on  spec,  interviews,  negotiation

• Firing  is  really  hard

– Hiring  wrong  person  full-­‐time  is  very  costly

– Layoffs  take  toll  on  the  team  and  your  credibility

• When  in  doubt,  start  with  low  commitment

• Temp-­‐to-­‐hire  is  very  common

Common  staffing  approaches

Area Example  need Common  best  practices

Design Logo,  page  template 99designs

Design UI,  UX,  IA,Usability Freelance  designer  or  firm

Editorial Writing  web  content,  blog  posts Craigslist,  Twitter

Social  MediaMarketing

Manage  Twitter  et  al,  communitymanagement,  blogger  outreach

Craigslist,  Twitter


Version  0.1  of  site  to  gather  userfeedback

oDesk,  RentACoder,  eLanceLocal:  Globant,  Janeiro  Digital  etc.

Sustainable  needs

“This  area  needs  help  now,  and  it  still  will  in  a  year”

• Someone  will  need  to  lead  Hacking,  Product,  Marketing

• These  problems  don’t  “go  away”

• Could  be  a  founder,  a  sr.  hire,  or  a  jr.  hire  that  ‘scales’

• Wearing  multiple  hats  for  a  while  is  fine

• Plan  out  hires  at  least  6-­‐12  months  in  advance  (e.g.  Excel  gantt)

What  makes  a  founder?

Believes  in  the  vision

Committed  to  the  company

Sustained  fit  and  value

“My  cofounder  will  help  a  bit  with  emailing  bloggers  and  users,

taking  a  shot  at  drumming  up  some  potential  clients,

and  later  we’ll  figure  out  what  else  they  do”

What  a  co-­‐founder  blowup  looks  like

Spooks  your  investors,  your  team,  and  your  cap  table

Where  to  find  full-­‐time  Hires




 Your  friends

 Your  network  


 Joel  on  Software


 College  career  fairs

 Your  friends’  networks





 Blog  comments

 Your  user  community

 Meetup  groups

 Industry  events


Successful  recruiting• Write  a  compelling  job  spec  with  personality

– It’s  one  of  your  biggest  advantages  as  a  startup

– As  much  for  you  to  define  the  role,  as  for  the  candidate

• Interviewing– To  scale  &  check  follow-­‐through,  give  candidates  a  quick  test

– Do  ‘360-­‐degree’  interview

– Have  a  high  bar,  it  makes  people  appreciate  joining

– References:  back-­‐channel  are  best

– “A  players  hire  A  players.  B  players  hire  C  players.”

• Close  the  deal  quickly  &  do  what  it  takes– Do  what  it  takes:  desk  setup  they  like,  take  them+spouse  to  dinner,  …

– Negotiate  fairly,  not  too  generous  or  stingy

Typical  early-­‐stage  compensation

Level Cash Equity

Founder Angel:  $0-­‐3k/mo.VC:          80%  mkt  +/-­‐

20-­‐50%+    (pre-­‐dilution)

VP Angel:  30-­‐70%  mktVC:            80%  mkt

Angel:  2-­‐10%VC:            1-­‐2%

Director Angel:  30-­‐70%  mktVC:            80%  mkt

Angel:  1-­‐5%VC:            0.25-­‐1%


Angel:  30-­‐70%  mktVC:            80%  mkt

Angel:  0.5-­‐2%VC:            0.1%

Part-­‐time Standard  rate,  but  negotiate n/a

Got  the  hire?  Managing  101

• Set  expectations  for  the  role  and  growth  path

• Provide  guidance  and  clear  goals

• Get  out  of  the  way

• Maintain  the  relationship

• Keep  the  vision  alive  &  updated

• Be  a  startup!

• Lead  &  inspire

             No  ‘I’  in  Team…  But  there  is  a  T

Thanks!    More  @royrod,  How2Startup.com