Hist1301 Week 04

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Toward Revolution


The Colonial Roots of Rebellion

Why Were the Thirteen Colonies Ready to Revolt?

American Revolution: The Cause of Liberty (clip)

Examples of Political & Social Tensions

Catamount Tavern

Massacre of the Indians at Lancaster by the Paxton Boys in 1763, Lithograph from Events in Indian History (John Wimer, 1841).

Quaker Philadelphia Prepares for the Paxton Boys

Herman Husband

"Have Not Your Purses Been Pillaged ... ?"September 1769

(Excerpt from WBA)

The First British Empire:Triumph and Crisis

Economic Developments & Constant Warfare

The French and Indian War

Benjamin West's Death of General Wolfe

The Consequences of War

Strains Within the Empire: Trade & Taxes

Imperial Conflict Grows

The British Leadership

William Pitt, The Elderhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Pitt,_1st_Earl_of_Chatham

George Grenvillehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Grenville

The Sugar Act and Stamp Act

Townshend Duties (Note the Timing)

Elite Protest

Popular Protest Against the Stamp Act August 1765

Politics of Stamp Act Protest

Boycotts: "Luxury" vs. Patriotism

1770 Partial Repeal of Duties

Boston Massacre (March 5, 1770)

Resistance Becomes Revolution

From the Tea Act to Continental Resistance

1774 Coercive Acts:Close Boston Until Tea is Paid For

The Able Doctor (From The Library of Congress)

Alliance of North and South

Amos Doolittle's The Battle of Lexington

War Begins

The People Take Sides

The Meanings of Radicalism

Declaring Independence