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  • Khronos Historian Replay and Analysis Tools

    Quickstart Guide for Khronos Replay

    Welcome to Khronos, your historian companion.

    This Guide will take you through the basic steps required to install, setup

    and use Khronos Replay as a companion to your Citect or Vijeo Historian.

    Khronos has been specifically designed to be very simple to install and use,

    and it should take you less than fifteen minutes to follow the steps in this

    guide and achieve a fully functioning system.

    Start Services Pty Ltd ABN 11 107 656 995

  • Khronos Replay Quickstart Guide V1.0 Page 2 of 12


    You should be installing Khronos Replay on a computer which has access to your production historian (either

    CitectHistorian or Vijeo Historian), but not on the historian server itself. To prevent confusion it is recommended

    that Khronos not be installed on a production SCADA node either.

    Your Khronos Replay computer will typically have Windows 7 operating system, and you should have already

    installed CitectSCADA or Vijeo Citect V7.20 or later. If you are not using either of these products for your replay

    client (ie. you are using a 3rd party OPC DA V2 client), then you will need to refer to the product help after

    installing Khronos for the OPC details required to configure the client connection to the Khronos server. You will

    also need to install the Microsoft .NET 4 framework prior to installing Khronos if it is not already installed on your

    replay computer.

    Pre-requisite checklist:

    � Windows 7 operating system (or optionally Windows 2003 or 2008) � Microsoft .NET 4 framework � CitectSCADA or Vijeo Citect V7.20 or later � CitectHistorian or Vijeo Historian V4.30 or later installed and available on your network � Non-production computer with network access to your production historian

    Step 1: Installing Khronos

    Download the install files from the internet at www.startgroup.com.au. Unzip the files and run the

    StartGroup.Khronos.msi (or StartGroup.Khronos.Trial.msi if you are using the evaluation version) installation file.

    When you are prompted by Windows, select Run to continue

    with the installation.

    When the install wizard appears, click Next to continue.

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    Read through the license agreement, and tick the box to

    confirm your acceptance of the license before clicking Next to


    If required, modify the installation path of the application, then

    click Next to continue.

    In this version, both Server and Client components must be

    installed together. Leave the installation options with their

    default settings and click Next to continue.

    Click Install to commence the installation.

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    If Windows User Access Control (UAC) is enabled (it is by default

    in Windows 7), then the installer may pause for a short period

    while Windows decides if it has the appropriate permission to

    perform the installation, after which you will be prompted to

    confirm that you want the process to continue.

    Click Yes to continue with the installation.

    The installation will proceed and indicate its progress.

    Click Finish to complete the installation.

    Step 2: Preparing your Replay SCADA

    You should have CitectSCADA or Vijeo Citect installed on your Khronos Replay computer. For most customers, the

    zero-cost, time-limited demo-mode license is sufficient for their replay purposes. Alternatively you can use a 3rd

    party OPC DA V2 client in which case you will need to refer to the Khronos product help for details on setting up

    the OPC connection.

    Open Citect or Vijeo Explorer.

    Select your production SCADA project and back it up.

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    Once your backup is complete, Restore it as a new project on

    your Khronos Replay computer.

    NOTE: It is important that you do not use your production

    project for replay operations, as Khronos will ‘Convert’ it to

    allow it to interact with the Khronos Server.

    The convert process modifies PLC communication definitions,

    server definitions, as well as tag and trend definitions to suit an

    offline replay operation that communicates with the Khronos

    Server instead of PLCs.

    Step 3: Setting up Khronos Run Khronos by double-clicking on the desktop icon or using the Start | Programs menu.

    Once Khronos opens, select Settings from the

    Tools menu.

    Select the SCADA tab from the left hand menu.

    Select the SCADA type from the pull-down list.

    If the SCADA type is CitectSCADA or Vijeo Citect,

    use the Browse button to identify the folder

    that the Citect.INI file is located in, then click


    NOTE: By default, the path will be set to the

    standard CitectSCADA V7.20 or Vijeo Citect

    V7.20 location. If you are using a later version of

    these products, then you may need to browse to

    the appropriate location, typically at:

    C:\ProgramData\Schneider Electric\Vijeo Citect 7.30\Config\

    Leave the Auto Alarm Acknowledge option turned off (unless you perform the additional manual steps required

    to enable this feature. Refer to the product help, or the online knowledgebase at www.startgroup.com.au for

    more details).

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    Select the Khronos tab from the left hand


    In this version, the server path is always local

    to the installation, and cannot be adjusted.

    If you want the system clock to mimic the

    replay time during a replay operation1, tick

    this option, then click Apply.

    NOTE: If you are using a SCADA CIP key, or

    have other software on this computer which

    will be affected by changes in the system

    clock, then this option should be left disabled.

    SCADA CIP keys will fail if this setting is turned on. For many customers, running the replay SCADA in demo mode

    without a key is sufficient for their purposes.

    Select the Historian tab from the left hand


    Type in the MS SQL Server name and instance in

    the top box.

    Typically, this will be:

    “ServerName\VijeoHistorian” or


    Enter the MS SQL login credentials you created


    Type in the name of the historian data archive database. Note that this

    is the data archive database, not the historian configuration database.

    If you are unsure of these details, you can copy them from the

    Historian configuration properties as shown on the left.

    NOTE: If you elect to use Windows credentials for your connection,

    then you will need to modify the login which the Khronos Service runs

    under. This is done by opening Windows Administrator Tools, then

    opening Services, and opening the Khronos Server properties. On the

    Login tab, identify the appropriate Windows credentials to use, then

    click OK and restart the Khronos Server. The credentials specified must

    have read access to the historian data archive SQL database.

    When you are finished, Test2 the connection to validate that your

    settings are correct. You should receive a green tick and a successful

    connection message.

    1 Enabling this feature allows SCADA features such as Trend buttons that jump to the current time to use the replay time instead of real-time, which

    improves the user experience during replay. 2 Test Connection does not work if you are running the Khronos client on another computer via remote desktop.

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    When you are finished, click OK. You can test

    whether the historian archive connectivity was

    successful by setting the initialise time to

    anywhere in January 2013, and clicking the

    Initialize button.

    If you have setup the system correctly, then Khronos will display an “Initialized successfully” message and enable

    the Play button.

    Step 4: Converting a SCADA project into a Replay project

    Select “Convert SCADA Project” from the Tools


    Note that this feature is only useful when

    interacting with CitectSCADA or Vijeo Citect

    replay clients.

    Select your replay project from the list of available projects. You should select the new project you restored in

    step 2. Click the Convert button.

    Note that on very large projects, the conversion process can take a significant amount of time to complete.

    When the conversion process completes, click Close to return to the main Khronos window.

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    Step 5: Running Khronos Replay

    Open your Citect or Vijeo Explorer, and Pack,

    then Compile the converted project. Your

    project may already indicate that it is compiled,

    but it will need to be both packed and

    recompiled as the configuration has been

    manipulated from outside the SCADA

    configuration environment by Khronos.

    Once your project is compiled, run the Citect or Vijeo Project Setup Wizard to prepare your Replay project for


    Note that if you do not have a license key, you will need to

    configure your project to run as Single Processor with Stand-

    alone Networking to run in Demonstration mode.

    Once your project is prepared, you can Initialize Khronos and run your Replay SCADA system.

    Switch to your Khronos window and enter the initial time that

    you wish to start your replay from. Don’t forget to include an

    alternate UTC offset if your historian data was captured during

    daylight savings, or in an alternate time zone.

    Press the Initialize button and wait for confirmation that

    Khronos has initialized successfully.

    Start your SCADA system. The SCADA display should update to

    indicate healthy data, with the most recent values for all tags as

    of the initialize time you specified.

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    If you have configured your SCADA pages to use the tag extended properties to indicate the data

    timestamp (eg. TagName.field.vt), then your page will show the most recent sample time for each

    tag, prior to or equal to the initialization time.

    Note that until you initialize Khronos Replay, there will be no Replay

    data available for the Replay SCADA system to use. Therefore the

    SCADA will display bad quality data as shown on the right. This is

    typically indicated with #Com or #Bad messages and pixilation over

    the symbols.

    Generally, due to the delays in SCADA systems reconnecting to failed communication paths, it is always better to

    Initialize Khronos before running your SCADA project.

    You can now click the Play button, and Khronos will commence

    replaying production data into your SCADA system. The replay

    time will update every second on your main Khronos window.

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    Step 6: Khronos Runtime Features

    Mini-Player Mode: The Khronos window consumes a relatively large amount of space on your monitor, and

    ideally you want most of this space to be used by your SCADA system. Khronos has a Mini-Player mode, whereby

    the main window is reduced to a small bar across the top of your screen.

    You can enter Mini-Player mode either by clicking the icon at the top-right of the Khronos window, or selecting it

    from the View menu.

    The Play, Pause, Fast Forward and Stop buttons

    are still accessible in Min-Player mode, as is the

    replay time display. The button on the far right

    of the Min-Player returns you to the full

    Khronos window.

    The Mini-Player can be hidden even further by

    clicking on the bottom tab. This will slide the

    player off-screen, maximising the amount of

    monitor space available to your SCADA.

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    Fast Forward: Khronos allows you to fast forward through your production history, to quickly reach events and

    incidents of interest. Clicking the Fast Forward button will replay your system in 1 minute increments. Note that

    this is dependent on your historian data density and volume, as well as your hardware and network infrastructure


    To exit Fast Forward mode, click the Pause button, and then Play.

    Pause Points: As well as allowing you to

    manually pause a replay operation using the

    Pause button, Khronos allows you to define a list

    of scheduled Pause Points, whereby it will

    automatically pause when it reaches those

    times. While Khronos Replay is paused (or

    playing), you can navigate around your SCADA

    project to closely inspect your process before

    continuing with the replay.

    On the main Khronos window, click the plus (+)

    button to create a new Pause Point. Click in the

    date, time and UTC Offset fields to specify the

    exact time you require.

    Click plus (+) again to add more pause points, or

    minus (-) to remove them.

    You can modify Pause Points at any time while

    Khronos is running.

    Saving Profiles: You may have defined an

    Initialization time and a series of Pause Points

    that focus on a particular historical incident

    within your production process. You may want

    to replay this same scenario at a later time for

    other people, or for further diagnostics. Khronos

    allows you to save these details as a ‘Profile’ so

    that you can easily recall them at a later time.

    Under the File menu, select Save Profile As…

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    Browse to an appropriate folder to save your

    profile and give it a meaningful name, then click


    To recall a previously saved profile, select

    Open Profile from the File menu.

    Navigate to a saved Khronos Profile file and

    click Open.

    The Initialize time and Pause Points will be

    loaded and your replay scenario is ready to

    initialize and play.

    --- End ---