History of Erce

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  Brief History of Erce

Scholars divide the history of Erce into 3 Epochs:

The Epoch of Immortals, Theras' pre-history, before time


The Epoch of Myth, before the comin of man!ind and the

ma!in of the "reat Seal.

and the Epoch of Mortals, #hen humans became ascendant,

beinnin some $%%% years ao.

These are furthermore divided into &es to reflect the

dominant traits of those periods in time. Most scholars tend to

narro# their scope to the Third Epoch, the Epoch of Mortals,

and define history accordin to the &es of this ae.

Modern history bean #ith the foundin of ydecia over ()%%

years ao #hich ushered in the *ourth &e of the Third Epoch

- The &e of +iht.

This is the time of #hich scholars have a fairly accurate and

#hole picture of events. rior to this, !no#lede is more

scattered, mainly due to the Second Mae#ar #hich destroyed

the ancient #orld and ushered in the &e of ar!ness, #here

!no#lede of any !ind became an increasinly rarecommodity.

onetheless, here follo#s a brief overvie# of the "reat &es of

Erce up to the present as they #ould be !no#n to an common

ydecian historian:

The years are commonly oranied after the a#n &e

/alendar, #hen ydecia cro#ned its first !in and formed the

ominions of +a#. The years before ydecia's foundin are

01   20ld 1ears and those after are 1 2a#n 1ears. 0therpopular calendars include the "reat &es 4ec!onin 2"& and

5earthstone 1ears 251.

The Previous ges

*irst #as the timeless Epoch of Immortals, #here the four

Elder "ods made the #orld and the Elder eople- The

raons, *ey, Titans and roteans. This lasted until the&pparatus of 0mniscience unravelled time and space. In the

end, Enia's Sacrifice stabilised the Ten 6orlds and left the

#orld in a ne# Epoch of impermanence, #here time

mercilessly flo#ed, shared by Elder eople and mortal races


0ver uncharted millenia, The Epoch of Myth sa# the rise of

emons and &nels, the comin of the "ods, the rise of

empires of draons, demons, elves, iants, and straner

creatures yet.

To#ards the end of this Epoch, the #estern lands of Erce sa#

the rise of empires of mortal races of iants, elves and d#arves

and thus also the first recorded history of the mortal races. –

It culminated in the eventual e7ile and banishment of anels

and demons #hen the ods crafted the "reat Seal to !eep the

mortal races of Erce safe from demons, devils and malicious

Elder "ods.

Thus bean the Epoch of Mortals #hen man!ind fled the

desolation of the sundered demon empires in the east.

In this first &e of 5eroes  of the ne# epoch, man!ind

mirated to the #est #here the elves and d#arves had recently

been devastated by the rise of the oblinoid 8eastmen. They

bean forin !indoms for themselves, ivin rise to reat

leends that persist to the modern day.

This &e came to an end #hen the ascendent maical empire

Isandor fractured in the (st   Mae#ar,

The end of this #ar heralded the &e of Maic #hich sa# the

birth of #onders unrivalled by the mortal races before and

after. /iviliation reached pea!s unmatched as reat eras of

peace that lasted centuries settled on the land.

It came to a drastic end #ith the 9nd

  Mae#ar, #hen theemperor &tlor's attempt at supreme odhood shattered the

very landmasses of Erce and disrupted the flo#s of maic for


This thre# Erce into an &e of ar!ness  that #ould blan!et

the land for more than a thousand years.

Some ( centuries ao, uided by the e# "ods, civilisation

bean to stir aain. 6hen ydecia cro#ned its first !in, it

ushered in a ne# &e of +iht, #here civilisation bean spreadunder the #ins of the ne# empire and the auspices of its

ivine ominion, eventually spannin all the #est.

 &round $%% years ao, mihty Errion re# from its northern

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provinces and #ith it, a ne# pantheon of +iht and purpose.

The &e of +iht liht ave #ay to the present &e of trife

over ;%% years ao #hen the 3 rd Mae#ar sa# the t#o empires

sundered and the ominion fractured.

The Current ge

*ollo#in the -a#n 1ear   21 calender, #e presently live in

the ();th year after the foundin of mihty ydecia.

/ountin years since the lihtin of the 5earthstone 251, 6e

are in the $(%th 5earthstone 1ear .

In the "reat &es 2"& 4ec!onin, it is the ;;% th year of the ;th

&e of the 3rd Epoch of Erce.

Erce lives in the shado# of the fallout of the 3 rd Mae#ar. The

dominion has been fracturin for centuries and the forces of

/haos creepin closer and closer to the very core of civilised

ands. These are lands fihtin a slo# but losin battle.

0nce mihty Errion has split into more than a doen

schismatic !indoms. ydecia is too divided by s<uabblin

nobility to have real purpose. The eastern marches are reduced

to savae and scantly populated borderlands #hilst the orth

s as unforivin and hostile to civiliation as it has ever been.

  Timelne of Erce

The timeline, particularly of the time before the &e of +iht,

contains information not enerally !no#n to modern scholars.

&side from the ods themselves, probably only a select fe#

#ould have such a detailed !no#lede of the full scope of

Ercen 5istory.

The most sinificant events are underlined and bold. Even

those in the Epoch of Myth are heard of by scholars, althouh

rarely the dates and details.

Some roundin of years is employed. *rom the nearest five in

modern years to the nearest century in ancient times. This is

partly due to the uncertainty of years concernin many events

of previous aes and in part for readability for modern times.

Epoch of Myth

ge of the Wet Folk

ge of ragons

  ge of !iants

• The "iants sub=uate the draons and found the first

mortal !indoms.

• 5umans > #arves are made by 4adu and 8orun.

•  +uin has the *ather of "iants slain by Ean.

  ge of Elves

• Elves defeat the iants and brin do#n their empire.

• 4ise of the emon Empires in the far east.

• The orcs are made thralls to the elves.

• #arves bein to emere from the land belo#. *our of

the reat clans are made thralls to the elves. &mon

them clan umadoin. The other clans hide in the

depths of the lands belo# aain.

• 8einnin of the reat Elf#ar as the orcs rebel aainst

their elven masters.

• The four enslaved #arven clans are freed. 9 of the

clans stay in #oods, eventually becomin nomes

than!s to +uin.

• The underin of the Elves. End of the Elf#ar.

The ray elves construct the 5idden /ities.

• 8einnin of the 6ar of 6orlds - In the far east, ods

and anels unite aainst the demon empires.

• End of the 6ar of 6orlds. The demon empires are

utterly destroyed and its masters e7iled from the


The "reat eal is made by the ods, !eepin demons,

anels and ods ali!e out of Erce.

Epoch of Mortals

  ge of "arves#ca 11$%&& oy ' (%&& oy)

• ((.;%% 01 #arves found Moraa!, the reat land


• (%.;%% 01  - Moraa! rules nearly all of the lands

belo#. Much of the lands belo# today is #hat #as

delved by the d#arves in this period.

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• ?)%% 01 - /lan umadoin rises to po#er in Moraa!.

They call for revene aainst the elves, citin the days

of the "reat Thralldom.

• ?@%% 01 - 8einnin of The 6ar of the 4oc! > Tree.

Moraa!, still under the rule of /lan umadoin, oesto #ar aainst the elves.

• ?(%% 01  End of the 6ar of 4oc! > Tree. –

• ?(%% 01  – The Troll laue spreads. Entire !indoms

fall almost overniht to the plaue as a ne# dar!

horde of troll men s#eep across Erce.

8einnin of the &bominations 6ar.

 +ycanthropy spreads across Erce.

• :?%% 01 End of the &bominations 6ar. The elder

 ods are e7iled and the plaue ceases to be

contaious. The troll men races bein to breed true

 into the races of oblins, hoboblins, bubears and


Moraa! is left ruined by 5oboblin hordes.

ge of Heroes#ca (%&& oy ' +&&& oy)

• /a. ::%% 01 to :9%% 01  – The Miration of Man.

espite bein cauht in the midst of the abominations

#ar, humans bein to mirate to Erce from the far eastand south in reat numbers, fleein an un!no#n

disaster reater than the threat of the #ar.

• /a. :;%% 01 to ;%%% 01  – Time of the 5ero-Ains.

e# !indoms rise and fall #here none had been

before. "reat <uests are accomplished and even ods

are made. & time of leends that are still told even


•:9%% 01  The northern 5unins hold the first "rand



5=ur!an 2council, #hich ta!es place every )% years

after#ards up to the present.

• :(%% 01 - The Sorcerer Ains of 4anadar create the

city of the same name and from there sub=uate

#estern Erce, formin an empire ruled by force

throuh maic, outla#in all deity #orship and

persecutin their follo#ers.

• :%%% 01 - The Sorcerer Ains of 4anadar discover the

art of necromancy.

• );%% 01 - /ity of 4anadar is mysteriously destroyed.

The empire soon falls apart as a mysterious #iard

plaue !ills its #arloc!s.

• )3%% 01  The Isan, a human tribe, settle in the –  

eastern plains of Erce. It becomes one the most

po#erful and civilied tribes in the east.

• ;%%% 01 - *oundation of Isandor.

• @?%% 01  - Isandor e7pands across central Erce,

becomin the first ma=or empire in the #a!e of

4anadar's fall.

• @:%% 01  - Mendor #eds the elven princess ayavi

and inherits the throne of Isandor the same year.

Isandor establishes close bonds #ith the elven

!indoms and bein to study more refined arts of

maic from elven #iards.

• @;%% 01  – The Time of the T#in Ains beins as

Mendor's t#in sons 8rahliss and &nor, both amon

the most potent #iards in the empire, ascend to the

throne in a dual rulership.

• @@%% 01  The T#in Ains fashion the /ro#n of  –  


• @9%% 01  - 8einnin of the *irst Mae#ar, also

!no#n as the B8rother's 6ar,C

8rahliss is discovered to be meddlin #ith dar! arts

from the destroyed 4anadar and attempts to usurp the

throne for himself. 8rahliss ta!es control of the

#estern part of the empire and from the attempts to

con<uer the rest of Isandor. The destiny of the empire

 is at sta!e, as one strives for maic for the people and

the other #ants to limit it to the rulers.

• @(%% 01 - End of the *irst Mae#ar. &nor becomes

emperor and ma!es available the study of maic freely

to all #al!s of life, as #ell as outla#in and

persecutin the necromancers trained under 8rahliss'


•  & olden ae for Erce as maic soars to heihts never

achieved before, and never surpassed since then. The

elves and d#arves are also e7periencin a renaissanceas Isandor is not above sharin their ifts. istant

colonies beyond Erce are established.

  ge of Magic#ca +1&& oy ' 1,&& oy)

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• 3$%% 01 - &nor retires from the throne. 5e is not

seen aain.

• 3(%% 01 - Isandor beins a period of e7pansion and

beins to brin much of Erce under its rule.

• 9?%% 01  - 5eldon, leendary fihter of his time, is

cro#ned Emperor. Second Imperial ynasty. Maic

beins to o under restrictions, much to the disli!e of

the e7tremely po#erful arch#iards of the empire. The

 reatest era of maic for Erce is no# past its pea!,

thouh the s!ills of Isan #iards still surpasses that of

modern #iards #ith reat lenths. The rey elves

 isolate themselves from the outside #orld aain.

• 9)%% 01  - The 4ebellion of the S#ord and 6and.

6iards stae a coup but fail. In the end, ho#ever,

Emperor "iltan, 5ih 6arrior of Isandor, dies #ithout

a heir and the /ourt 6iard 4as!ir ascends to the

throne. 8einnin of the second Maus-dynasty.

• 9@%% 01  - 4oland the Scoure becomes Emperor.

*irst sins of deeneration, as the empire's rule

becomes more brutal and aressive.

• /a. 99%% 01 - ecromancy is 2re-invented alon #ith

other perverted forms of maic. The Isan arch#iardsstart to e7periment #ith the creation of ne# servant-

races. The deeneration of Isandor is complete. Many

ne# monsters are created in this time-period until the

fall of Isandor.

• /a. 9(%% 01 to ($%% 01 - Isandor ains more po#er

 in the demi-human realms. 0ne by one, they are

anne7ed into the empire, throuh brute force and


• /a. 9%%% 01 to ($%% 01  - The 5unin clans are

pushed further and further north by the aressive

Isans, until only the polar reions are left for them to

live in.

• ($%% 01 - Isandor locates some of the elven 5idden

/ities, and tries to invade them in order to steal their

secrets. Their armies are utterly crushed. 8ut not

before destroyin some of them.

The campain for the 5idden /ities is abandoned by

the Empire of Maic.

• (?%% 01 - Isandor rules all of Erce, #ith the e7ception

of the rey and sea elf realms and the hidin 5=orni!


• (:%% 01  -  &tlor the ar!, 8ane of Erce, becomes

Emperor. /onditions in the empire are no# #ell

beyond the acceptable for the common people.

4ebellions are happenin more and more fre<uently

but all are crushed brutally by imperial forces.

Ta7ations and demands are becomin impossible to

oblie to, and many are arrested and e7ecuted for

simple disobedience. The arch#iards enerally rule

throuh sheer terror and force.

• ();% 01 - *ormation of the secret rebel society !no#n

as the 6hite 6iards, tryin to free the people from

the oppression of the empire and disband the rule of


• ()%% to (;%% 01  - The 9


  Mae#ar 2also !no#n as

the "reat 6ar of ar!ness as the 6hite 6iards fiht

aainst the maes loyal to the Empire, dedicated to

preservin the maocratic society of Isandor. *ull

force rebellion aainst &stlor by the combined forces

of the elves, d#arves, rebel 26hite #iards and any of

the common people #ith the courae to ta!e up arms.

The 6hite #iards discover that &stlor has drained

the life-force of hundreds of thousands of victims in

an attempt to ta!e control of the entire maic Mantle

of Theras, to ma!e him more po#erful than even the

 ods. Maes across Erce enae in enocide as the

battles esacalate. Terrible plaues #rouht by maic

s#eep the land, brinin civiliation to its !nees. The

demonlords 4oulan and eonemes rae the demi-

human realms.

• (;%% 01  – The ay of read. &tlor is defeated as he

attemps his rand ritual for omnipotence.

The capital city Aantolan alon #ith much of the

surroundin lands sin! into the sea creatin the read

Sea. 5ue !iller storms and tidal #aves shoc! the

continent. *or three #ee!s, no maic #or!s and

maic-users are slauhtered in reat numbers by

uprisins and riots.

/ountless priests are also slauhtered as the people

turn a#ay from the ods #ho failed to protect them.

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/ountless monsters freed from the imprisonments

created by the no# defunct maic of the Isan #iards

are freed in droves and #rea! havoc across the

continent. 6ild maic is rampant throuhout Erce for

centuries after#ards, *all of Isandor, mihtiest human

empire in the history of Erce.

ge of arkness

#ca 1%&& oy ' 1 .y)

• (;%% 01 to year ca. 9%% 01  - /iviliation has fallen.

6hat fe# attempts at civiliation #ere made are

crushed #ithin a fe# enerations by either peasants

uprisins, Troll!in, #anderin monsters, internal

strife, lac! of food or plaues. Settlements are confined

to isolated to#ns and villaes. Trade is virtually non-

e7istent. The demi-human realms o into total

 isolation to preserve their culture, to the point of bein

considered creatures of myth by the common people.

Maes and priests are reduced to less than (D of it's

former population, as maic is vie#ed as inherently

evil and the ods as traitors. The fe# #ho #ield

mystic and arcane po#ers do so under reat secrecy

and even fe#er are tauht these disciplines and so

they decline rapidly #ithin a couple of enerations.

Isandor fades from memory, e7cept in the hiddenrecordins of the elves and d#arves.

• (9?%-(%%% 01 - *oundation of the 0ld 4ealms.

• (%%% 01 - The 1uan-ti bein buildin the Empire of

the Sna!e in the Serpent esert.

• 3@% 01  - The +iard people bein buildin their

!indoms in the =unles of 1in-aul.

•/a. 9%% 01 to ( 01

  - /iviliation starts to blossom

aain. Aindoms are born and trade is established

once aain. Erce is beinnin to come out of its dar!


• 9%% 01 - 4ise of the !indom of /almirne in #hat is

no# the Savae Marches.

ge of /ight#1 .y ' 11*% .y)

• ( 1 - 8irth of the !indom of 'ydecia, founded by

evon ydecion I. 8einnin of the a#n 1ears


• : 1  - evon I establishes ydecia as a ma=or

military force, as he defeats the oblin !indom of

"rossel and drives the humanoids out of the

neihbourin lands. ydecia beins to build the most

po#erful army in #estern Erce, <uic!ly anne7in

neihbourin states under its protectorate, many of

them only too eaer for the promise of protection and

stability ydecia provides.

• () 1 - evon I establishes the &cademy of 5iher

 +earnin and declares it the property of all Erce,

 atherin as many learned scholars to evi as

possible. 0ver the ne7t century, it becomes the centre

of academic learnin and becomes a ma=or factor in

the rise of civilised societies in Erce aain.

• 9% 1  - The Empire of the Sna!e invades the 1in-

aul =unles, enslavin the liard people.

• ;% 1  The &cademy of &rcane Studies separates –  

 itself from the &cademy of 5iher +earnin as an

 independent institution, thouh it retains close ties to

 its academic brethren.

• ?$ 1 - evon ydecion I dies.

• ($% 1 - ydecia claims the 5earthstone +ands.

•99% 1 - *all of the !indom of /almirne.

• 3%% 1 - ydecia beins colonisin the /almir reion

2later East#ilds.

• 3?% 1 - ydecia moves into the orthern provinces

and bein colonisin the Steel +ands.

• @%% 1  - ydecia no# spans all of 6estern Erce,

e7ceptin some of the northern barbarians.

• 3$%-@3% 1  –

The To#er of ecrets is erected  in

evi to house the uild of the &cademy of &rcane

Studies. 0ver the ne7t @% years, 3 more to#ers are

erected in Erro 2later Irros, The /almir and the

orth, to serve as centres of maical studies in the


• @;% 1  - ydecia beins e7pandin across eastern

Erce and establishes the Eastern /olonies.

• ca. @;%-::% 1 - ydecia is at the heiht of its po#er.

• ;)% 1  - The Empire of the Sna!e collapses. "reat

masses of human former slaves mirate north from the

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desert and populate southeastern Erce.

• )@% 1 - 4ise of the Solman leaue in eastern Erce, as

the /ouncil of Ains is established around shared

rulership throuh the ancient Isan artifact The /ro#n

of Ains.

• :)% 1 - 8einnin of the 5earthstone 6ar as u!e

Aarl 4o#enstad II of the province of Erron, rebels

aainst the ydecia Empire.

• :); 1 – *oundin of the 5earthshone /hurch

• ::% 1  - Errion > ydecia sin a treaty

ac!no#ledin each others sovereinty. u!e Aarl II

founds the Aindom of Errion and is cro#ned Ain

Aarl I. ydecia lose the orth rovince and much of

the East Marches to the ne#ly formed Empire.

• :?% 1  - The mae uilds of the no# divided

empire2s set forth the In=unction - & pact of primary

alleiance to maic and non-interference in politics

and #ar.

• ?9; 1 - The (st /ro#n 6ar: /ivil #ar brea!s out in

ydecia as factions and families fiht for po#er in the

sundered empire. The 0uter rovinces are abandoned.

• ?;% 1  - Errion con<uers the northern Savae

Marches and attempts anne7in states in ydecia, the

old empire still disabled by inner turmoil.

• $)% 1  - "lonas becomes emperor throuh the

bac!in of the imperial mae uilds. 6ithin a year, he

has solidified his rip on the empire.

0ver the comin years, the mae uilds of #estern

Erce become a much stroner force on the political

scene of #estern Erce.

• $@% 1 - eclaration of the olman Empire under the

unified rule of the /ro#n of Ains, the first !no#n

multi-racially ruled empire in Erce. The /ro#n

continues to be passed amon the various members of

/ouncil of 4eency every 9% years.

• (%:% 1 - 8einnin of the 3rd Mae#ar as the mae

 uilds of #estern Erce clash.over the use of maic for

political po#er and violations of the In=uction.

• (%$; 1  The /ro#n of Ains is stolen. The /rystal –  

To#er of the /almir +ands is destroyed by the Solman

#iards in a surprise attac! as they retaliate aainst

the #estern uilds. The city of Ellamion is also

destroyed in the battle. The uilds finds themselves

fihtin on several fronts.

• (((% 1 - The Solman Empire is torn apart in civil

#ar, detractin the Solman #iards a#ay from the

conflict, as they turn their attention to the po#er

strule in their o#n lands.

• (((; 1 - 5oldin the /ro#n of Ains , the archmae

oryl declares himself +ord of all Erce. 5e sends out

horde of demons, undead and troll!in, The /haos

5orde spills out from the north, overta!in the Savae

Marches and much of the north #ith lihtnin speed.

The 5earthstone /hurch calls for the (st   /rusade of

 +a# aainst the /haos 5orde and the #estern uilds

unify in response to the threat. Errion is besieed

#ithin year's end.

• ((9% 1  8ac!ed by po#erful fiendish princes, the –  

demon hordes stri!e aainst the fractured Solman

Empire, startin a period in the Mae#ar that is

!no#n as the emon#ar in the east.

*all of the nation of Thellione in the /almir as the

/haos 5orde cleanses the land of human civilisation.

• ((9; 1  oryl is !illed by the allied forces of  –  

ydecia and Errion and the demonic horde

van<uished. End of the 3rd Mae#ar.

  ge of 0trife#11*% .y ' 1,(% .y)

• ((9; 1  - 8einnin of the Maedeath eriod  as

#iards all over the 6est are hunted do#n in aner

over the #ar. Thouh the to#ers stand, #iards come

under severe restrictions and are sub=ected to fierce

 in<uisitions. Many #iards ta!e to the #ilderness to

escape persecution.

• ((3; 1  The *irst ale 5orde of the "houl Fueen –  

spill out of enbor into Errion.

• ((@% 1 The *irst ale 5orde is defeated.

• ((@; 1  – ? of the 5unin clans emirate east#ards.

They settle in the eastern forests of the Savae

Marches and found "alidea.

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• ((;% 1  The reat draon Myrros claims –  

6yrm#ood, isolatin #hat is no# the raon elta

from the rest of ydecia. The empire attempts many

campains aainst the ancient #yrmG one succeed.

/a ((;% 1 - 8einnin of the "ray 1ears,   as Erce

slo#ly rebuilds from the ruins of its shattered

civiliations. 5oldins in the Savae Marches and

orthern 6astes are #holly abandoned by Errion and

ydecia ali!e.

• (9%% 1 The 9nd /rusade of +a# is called aainst

the "houl Fueen of enbor. 0nce #a!ened, the ale

5orde proves a much stroner enemy than previously

thouht and spills into the 5earthstone +ands aain.

The ne7t @% years become !no#n as the ead 1ears.

• (9@% 1 The Second ale 5orde is driven bac! into

enbor. The 6all of *aith is built to !eep them out of

the 5earthstone +ands.

The aladins of 8ara #ho helped turn the tide, found

the ath of the 0ne +iht.

• (9;% 1  /aloned declares the #est province –  

 independent of Errion and cro#ns its first !in.

•(9)% 1  Start of the *irst 5earthland 6ar, bet#een


 Errion and /aloned, over the sovereinity of /aloned

and its borders.

• (9:; 1  Irros brea!s a#ay from Errion. –

• (9$% 1  End of the (st 5earthland 6ar. –

• (3(% 1 - 8einnin of the 9nd /ro#n 6ar, as the

Emperor, 8aerlon II, is !illed by the "reat raon.

ydecia falls apart in the ensuin political strules.

• (33; 1 - End of the Second /ro#n 6ar as 4othen I

 is cro#ned Emperor. Start of the 9nd Imperial

Electorate to appoint ne# emperors, mar!in a ne#

period of increased provincial independence and

marinalised emperors.

• (@9% 1  &mrond cedes from /aloned due to it's –  

corruption. It proclaims itself a nation in service of the

0ne +iht,

• (@;; 1 The !indom of &rrodain is founded in the –  

Savae Marches.

• (@)% 1 - The houses of the four cities in alsis #rest

themselves from /alonese control.

• (@); 1  Ain Elis rants a !indom to his firstborn –  

dauhter. *oundation of Elridia.

• (;%; 1 The 3rd /rusade of +a# is called aainst

 ro#in Trollheim. /adus us founded by the

crusadin !nihts.

• (;(% 1  +ynessa cedes from /aloned. –

• (;9% 1  The vassal state of Timo is con<uered by a –  

vast army of northern invaders from Thulan #ho

found the !indom of Merasa. They continue into

 +ynessa, /aloned and 8ara.

8einnin of the 9nd 5earthland 6ar

• (;3% 1  End of the 9 –

nd 5earthland 6ar.

8araland is ranted independence for valor in the #ar.

• (;;% 1 Merasa invade +ynessa and con<uer it  –  

#ithin the year.

• (;)% 1 ue to #orry about Thulan and Merasan –  

 invasion, some of the northern fiefs ma!e infernal

pacts to defend themselves. The 8lac! 8aronies are


• (;); 1 - End of the 3


 /rusade of +a#.

• (;:% 1 8lac!fol! driven from the north spill into –  

the /almir. The !indom of &rrodain is destroyed.

• (;?% 1 The +unar Anihts o to the /almir and

founds the March of &endra as a bastion of la# in the


•()%% 1  The +unar Anihts are discovered to



enae in devil #orship. rince aelbaern from

Elridia ta!es an army to &ndra and defeats them after

a 9 year campain, claimin the March for himself.

• ()(% 1 &mrond imprisons the od HHH

• ()(% 1 - &endra cro#ns Ain aelbaern I after he

assures fealty from the local tribal lords, =ust before

shatterin a reat troll horde at the battle of

5oarderin *ields.

• ()9% 1  +ynessa, under the leadership of their ne#  –  

#iard <ueen, e7pels the Merasans and reassert their

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• ()3; 1  - 8ir is founded after another border #ar

bet#een Errion and ydecia,.

• ()@% 1  Emperor 8aerlon III etablishes the *ar –  

/olonies - E7pandin ydecia's holdins for the first

time in almost a thousand years.

• ())% 1  &n army from 8araland stri!es aainst the –  

8lac! 8aronies and is utterly destroyed in the attempt.

• ():; 1 - The present.
