History of multimedia

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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History of


Multimediasimply means

"more than one medium."

television programs, movies, even Illustrated bookare all examples of multimedia – they all use combinations of text, images,sounds, and movement.

Where Did It All Begin?PONG

Developed in 1972 by Nolan Bushnell (the founder ofa then new company called Atari)

the game consisted of two simple paddles that batted a square "ball" back and forth across the screen, like tennis..

Timeline “1450” Invention movabletype printing: Gutenberg

Gutenberg printed his first Bible in 1455 – about 180 were printed.

“1460” Comment: impact of printing

The invention of movable type printing is generally considered a historical turning point because it quickly made printing much cheaper than it previously had been.

“1500” Cheap books and pamphlets

“1517” Protestant Reformation The separation of the Christian Church (Catholic) into a range of denominations.

“1600” Rise vernacular languages through books

“1645” Early British Newspapers The Intelligencer was one of the many newspapers published during the 17th century.

“1660” Royal Mail establishedin Britain“1780” Literacy in growing demand – industry

“1790” Novels readily available and popular Cheap book production made novels economic for middle classes. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice published 1813 (Wikipedia). Often books were published in serial form in magazines. “1800” Newspapers widespread

“1839 “ Invention of photography Daguerreotype was the first commercially viable process.

“1880” Photography a widespread art form

“1888” First simple consumer camera: Kodak

“1890” Typewriter“1900” Motion Pictures

A series of pictures projected on a screen in rapid succession with objects shown in successive positions slightly changed so as to produce the optical effect of a continuous picture in which the objects move.

“1907” Dictaphones

“1908” Phonograph – disc dominates cylinder “1922” BBC began radio broadcasts in Britain

“1925”Cinema major entertainment medium “1935”Radio: standard household item

“1957” Television in Australia

“1963”Transistor Radio Receiver

“1965” Stereo player standard household item

“1966” Tape recorders in homes

“1970” Domestic video recorders and cameras

“1990” CD standard household item

“1991” World Wide Web (WWW) launched

“1993” Mosaic, first web browser

“1995” Internet take-off

“1999”Peer to Peer File Sharing Network- Napster

“2000” Mobile phone take-off

“2003” Digital cameras

“2005” Internet: social networking take-off- MySpace “2006” Video sharing take-off - YouTube

“2007” Web 2.0 recognized

End of the presentation..