Post on 09-Apr-2018

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  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET



    FirstFirst matchmatch playedplayed betweenbetween EngEng.. && AusAus.. OnOn 1515ththMarchMarch 18771877 atat thethe MelbourneMelbourne CricketCricket GroundGround..

    FirstFirst internationalinternational matchmatch howeverhowever waswas playedplayedbetweenbetween CanadaCanada &Aus&Aus.. OnOn 2424--2525SeptSept..,,18441844..

    IndianIndian TestTest CricketCricket beganbegan inin 18921892--9393 betweenbetweenParseesParsees andand EuropeansEuropeans atat BombayBombay andand PoonaPoona

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    Way To Go...Way To Go...

    GameGame becamebecame famousfamous ininthethe BodylineBodyline seriesseries inin19321932--3333 ofof EngEng.. vsvs AusAus..

    OnlyOnly 1010 teamsteams havehave beenbeen

    awardedawarded testtest statusstatus bybyICC,ICC, currentlycurrently onlyonly 99 areareplayingplaying (Zim(Zim.. hashas beenbeensuspendedsuspended sincesince JanJan0606))..

    MainMain competitionscompetitions werewerethethe ::--

    WorldWorld SeriesSeries CricketCricket


    AndAnd thethe AshesAshes


    18891889 44-->5>5

    19001900 55-->6>6

    19241924 66-->8>8

    19451945 88-->6>6

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET



    PuristsPurists seesee thethe gamegame asas thethe classical,classical, cultivatedcultivated formform

    AllAll roundround skillsskills ,, physicalphysical asas wellwell asas enduranceendurance willwill bebetestedtested

    44 inningsinnings givegive allall thethe 1111 playersplayers aa chancechance toto bat,bat, andandmostmost ofof thethe playersplayers toto bowlbowl andand fieldfield..

    VeryVery importantimportant forfor thethe survivalsurvival ofof FirstFirst classclass cricketcricket ofofvariousvarious countriescountries includingincluding thethe RanjiRanji TrophyTrophy inin IndiaIndia..

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    AchievementsAchievements10 wicket hauls of Jim Laker and Anil10 wicket hauls of Jim Laker and AnilKumble are unique.Kumble are unique.

    UnorthodoxUnorthodox fieldfield settingssettings cancan bebe seenseenasas nono fieldfield restrictionsrestrictions areare impartedimparted..

    AverageAverage ofof 9999..9494 for for Sir Sir Bradman,Bradman,nearnear aboutabout 5050 testtest centuriescenturies forfor

    TendulkarTendulkar areare exceptionalexceptional..

    Murali(Murali(792792)) versusversus Warne(Warne(708708)) for forthethe bestbest spinnerspinner ofof thethe centurycentury waswasreallyreally aa battlebattle toto looklook intointo..

    TeachesTeaches thethe correctcorrect techniquetechnique andandthethe correctcorrect artart of of attackingattacking andanddefendingdefending

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET



    Nobody has time to watch 5 days of a single game whichNobody has time to watch 5 days of a single game which

    still ends in a draw.still ends in a draw.Recent hike in ticket priceRecent hike in ticket price

    Strong teams playing the minnows dont even enthuseStrong teams playing the minnows dont even enthusethe players making them to take rest.the players making them to take rest.

    Flat batting friendly pitches make matters worse.Flat batting friendly pitches make matters worse.

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    Try these outTry these out

    IntroductionIntroduction ofof DayDay-- nightnight testtest matchesmatches..

    ColouredColoured clothesclothes withwith namesnames onon thethe jerseysjerseys

    GiveGive marketingmarketing ofof testtest matchesmatches toto semisemi--autonomousautonomous unitunittoto seesee aa markedmarked improvementimprovement..

    IntroduceIntroduce TestTest WorldWorld CupCup inin neutralneutral areasareas omittingomitting thetheHomeHome andand AwayAway TeamTeam conceptconcept..

    InsteadInstead ofof 22 emphasizeemphasize onon 33--55 testtest matchmatch seriesseries totocreatecreate interestinterest..

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    New version knocks inNew version knocks in

    IntroducedIntroduced byby thethe ECBECB

    throughthrough thethe TwentyTwenty2020CupCup onon 1313thth June,June,20032003withwith 1818 countycounty teamsteamstakingtaking partpart..

    11stst internationalinternational matchmatchbetweenbetween thethe BlackBlack CapsCapsandand thethe AussiesAussies onon 1717thth


    IndiaIndia startedstarted itsits campaigncampaignwinningwinning againstagainst SouthSouthAfricaAfrica inin JohannesburgJohannesburgonon 11stst DecDec..,,20062006

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    Facts and FiguresFacts and Figures

    Yuvis six sixes in an over against English fast bowlerYuvis six sixes in an over against English fast bowler

    Stuart Broad in Durban in T20 World Cup(19Stuart Broad in Durban in T20 World Cup(19thth

    Sept,2007)Sept,2007)Highest score of 260 runs by Lankans against KenyansHighest score of 260 runs by Lankans against Kenyanswith lowest being 35 by Zimbabwe against Sri lanka.with lowest being 35 by Zimbabwe against Sri lanka.

    Gayle & Mc.Cullum scored 100 in just 50 balls whileGayle & Mc.Cullum scored 100 in just 50 balls whileYuvis record of 12 ball 50 is irreplaceableYuvis record of 12 ball 50 is irreplaceable

    Only 2 players(Symonds &Morgan) have average ofOnly 2 players(Symonds &Morgan) have average ofabove 40 while their strike rates reach as high as 169.34above 40 while their strike rates reach as high as 169.34

    Umar Gul has 47 scalps while Mc.Cullum has 1100 runs.Umar Gul has 47 scalps while Mc.Cullum has 1100 runs.

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    CricketainmentCricketainmentAudience love to watch theAudience love to watch theraw, unadulterated form ofraw, unadulterated form ofcricket which brings results incricket which brings results injust 3 hours.just 3 hours.

    Attractive proposition for nonAttractive proposition for noncricket playing nationscricket playing nations

    New players get a doorway toNew players get a doorway toenter in the big fieldenter in the big field

    Full paisa vasool for timeFull paisa vasool for timeconstraint spectators with everyconstraint spectators with every

    ball bringing goose bumps.ball bringing goose bumps.More commercialisation, moreMore commercialisation, moresponsorship, moresponsorship, moreadvertisement, more flow ofadvertisement, more flow ofcapital in the gamecapital in the game

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    Looking forward to..Looking forward to..

    With T20 it is possible to cricket as an Olympic eventWith T20 it is possible to cricket as an Olympic event

    Minnows causing big upsets.Minnows causing big upsets.

    Competitions like IPL allow the famous retired players toCompetitions like IPL allow the famous retired players tocome forward.come forward.

    Under performing Shane Watson has become the nextUnder performing Shane Watson has become the nextbig thing in Australian Cricket.big thing in Australian Cricket.

    Brand Value of IPL has risen to $4.13 billion according toBrand Value of IPL has risen to $4.13 billion according toThe Times of IndiaThe Times of India

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    Going for the kill & not skill!......Going for the kill & not skill!......

    PlayersPlayers formform hardlyhardly remainremainconsistentconsistent..

    SloggingSlogging isis thethe onlyonly skillskill thereforethereforethethe youngstersyoungsters maymay getget carriedcarried

    awayaway inin hittinghitting justjust 44ss andand 66ss..SportsmenSportsmen shouldshould concentrateconcentrate onongamegame ratherrather thanthan moneymoney andandfame,fame, thosethose willwill automaticallyautomaticallyfollowfollow..

    LuckLuck hashas startedstarted playingplaying itsits partpartmoremore thanthan requiredrequired

    NewNew kindkind ofof shotsshots beingbeing triedtried bybythethe batsmenbatsmen withwith moremore nono of of allall

    roundersrounders andand lessless bowlersbowlers

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    In the coming years!In the coming years!

    Cricket between 2Cricket between 2

    countries may be reducedcountries may be reducedto World Cup in 4 yearsto World Cup in 4 yearswhile in other time therewhile in other time therewill be only county cricketwill be only county cricketjust like Spanish Leaguejust like Spanish League

    or English Cup.or English Cup.

    Cricket will become just aCricket will become just apage 3 item.page 3 item.

    More players takingMore players taking

    retirement just to playretirement just to playlonger in the shortenedlonger in the shortenedversion like for exampleversion like for exampleFlintoff and others.Flintoff and others.

    May give rise to evenMay give rise to evenmore shortened forms.more shortened forms.

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    Require Sustainable DevelopmentRequire Sustainable Development

    ICCsICCs limitlimit ofof 77 TT2020 perper TestTest shouldshould bebe reducedreduced

    NoNo needneed ofof 1010 wicketswickets inin aa TT2020 sideside asas tailtail endersenders dontdonthardlyhardly getget toto batbat..

    SameSame amountamount ofof moneymoney shouldshould bebe sharedshared inin allall formsforms ofof

    gamegame..RulesRules suchsuch asas freefree hithit andand bowlbowl offoff shouldshould bebe introducedintroducedinin teststests asas wellwell..

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET


    Change is necessary...Change is necessary...

    WhenWhen wewe hear hear peoplepeople say,say,ChangeChange isis thethe onlyonly constantconstant..ChangeChange isis necessary,necessary, withoutwithoutchangechange thethe worldworld wouldwould bebe soso

    boringboring.. Our Our groupgroup reallyreallypondersponders......thisthis isis truetrue butbut atat whatwhatcost?cost?......

    WeWe wantwant toto saysay

    New is always silver butNew is always silver butOld remains forever gold.....Old remains forever gold.....

  • 8/7/2019 History Of TEST CRICKET



    History of Test CricketHistory of Test Cricket

    Way to go...Way to go...

    Why Test Cricket?...Why Test Cricket?...



    Try these out...Try these out...

    NewNew versionversion knocksknocks inin......

    FactsFacts && FiguresFigures......


    LookingLooking forwardforward toto......InIn thethe comingcoming yearsyears......


    ChangeChange isis necessary?necessary?IsIs itit oror isntisnt it?it?