History of the Atomtheory 460 – 370 BC History of the Atom - Timeline 0 1700s 1800s 1900s ... all...

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History of the AtomScientists and Their Contribution to

the Model of an Atom

Tuesday, October 8, 13

History of the Atom - Timeline


Tuesday, October 8, 13

History of the Atom - Timeline







Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

Democritus proposes

the 1st atomic theory

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1743 – 1794







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - TimelineAntoine Lavoisier

makes a substantial number of contributions

to the field of Chemistry

1743 – 1794







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1743 – 1794







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

John Dalton proposes his

atomic theory in 1803

1743 – 1794







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

J.J. Thomson discovers the electron and proposes the Plum Pudding Model in 1897






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

Ernest Rutherford performs the Gold Foil

Experiment in 1909






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962

Niels Bohr proposes the Bohr Model in







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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962

1887 – 1961






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962

1887 – 1961

Erwin Schrodinger

describes the electron cloud in 1926






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962

1887 – 1961






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962

1887 – 1961

1891 – 1974






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962

1887 – 1961

1891 – 1974

James Chadwick

discovered the neutron in in 1932






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

460 – 370 BC

History of the Atom - Timeline

1766 – 1844

1743 – 1794


1856 – 1940

1871 – 1937

1885 – 1962

1887 – 1961

1891 – 1974






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Tuesday, October 8, 13

Democritus(460 BC – 370 BC)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Democritus(460 BC – 370 BC)

• Proposed an Atomic Theory (along with his mentor Leucippus) which states that all atoms are small, hard, indivisible and indestructible particles made of a single material formed into different shapes and sizes.

Image taken from: https://reich-chemistry.wikispaces.com/T.+Glenn


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Democritus(460 BC – 370 BC)

• Proposed an Atomic Theory (along with his mentor Leucippus) which states that all atoms are small, hard, indivisible and indestructible particles made of a single material formed into different shapes and sizes.

• Aristotle did not support his atomic theory

Image taken from: https://reich-chemistry.wikispaces.com/T.+Glenn


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Some Early Ideas on Matter

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Anaxagoras (Greek, born 500 B.C.)–Suggested every substance had its own kind of “seeds” that clustered together to make the substance, much as our atoms cluster to make molecules.

Some Early Ideas on Matter

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Anaxagoras (Greek, born 500 B.C.)–Suggested every substance had its own kind of “seeds” that clustered together to make the substance, much as our atoms cluster to make molecules.

Some Early Ideas on Matter

Empedocles (Greek, born in Sicily, 490 B.C.)–Suggested there were only four basic seeds – earth, air, fire, and water. The elementary substances (atoms to us) combined in various ways to make everything.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Anaxagoras (Greek, born 500 B.C.)–Suggested every substance had its own kind of “seeds” that clustered together to make the substance, much as our atoms cluster to make molecules.

Some Early Ideas on Matter

Empedocles (Greek, born in Sicily, 490 B.C.)–Suggested there were only four basic seeds – earth, air, fire, and water. The elementary substances (atoms to us) combined in various ways to make everything.

Democritus (Greek, born 470 B.C.)–Actually proposed the word atom (indivisible) because he believed that all matter consisted of such tiny units with voids between, an idea quite similar to our own beliefs. It was rejected by Aristotle and thus lost for 2000 years.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Anaxagoras (Greek, born 500 B.C.)–Suggested every substance had its own kind of “seeds” that clustered together to make the substance, much as our atoms cluster to make molecules.

Some Early Ideas on Matter

Empedocles (Greek, born in Sicily, 490 B.C.)–Suggested there were only four basic seeds – earth, air, fire, and water. The elementary substances (atoms to us) combined in various ways to make everything.

Democritus (Greek, born 470 B.C.)–Actually proposed the word atom (indivisible) because he believed that all matter consisted of such tiny units with voids between, an idea quite similar to our own beliefs. It was rejected by Aristotle and thus lost for 2000 years.

Aristotle (Greek, born 384 B.C.)–Added the idea of “qualities” – heat, cold, dryness, moisture – as basic elements which combined as shown in the diagram (previous page). Hot + dry made fire; hot + wet made air, and so on.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Anaxagoras (Greek, born 500 B.C.)–Suggested every substance had its own kind of “seeds” that clustered together to make the substance, much as our atoms cluster to make molecules.

Some Early Ideas on Matter

Empedocles (Greek, born in Sicily, 490 B.C.)–Suggested there were only four basic seeds – earth, air, fire, and water. The elementary substances (atoms to us) combined in various ways to make everything.

Democritus (Greek, born 470 B.C.)–Actually proposed the word atom (indivisible) because he believed that all matter consisted of such tiny units with voids between, an idea quite similar to our own beliefs. It was rejected by Aristotle and thus lost for 2000 years.

Aristotle (Greek, born 384 B.C.)–Added the idea of “qualities” – heat, cold, dryness, moisture – as basic elements which combined as shown in the diagram (previous page). Hot + dry made fire; hot + wet made air, and so on.

Tuesday, October 8, 13


Tuesday, October 8, 13


• After that chemistry was ruled by alchemy.

• They believed that they could take any cheap metals and turn them into gold. This is called transmutation.

• Alchemists were almost like magicians.– elixirs, physical immortality

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Contributionsof alchemists:

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Contributionsof alchemists:

Information about elements

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Contributionsof alchemists:

Information about elements - the elements mercury, sulfur, and antimony were discovered

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Contributionsof alchemists:

Information about elements - the elements mercury, sulfur, and antimony were discovered- properties of some elements

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Contributionsof alchemists:

Information about elements - the elements mercury, sulfur, and antimony were discovered- properties of some elements

Develop lab apparatus / procedures / experimental techniques

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Contributionsof alchemists:

Information about elements - the elements mercury, sulfur, and antimony were discovered- properties of some elements

Develop lab apparatus / procedures / experimental techniques - alchemists learned how to prepare acids.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Contributionsof alchemists:

Information about elements - the elements mercury, sulfur, and antimony were discovered- properties of some elements

Develop lab apparatus / procedures / experimental techniques - alchemists learned how to prepare acids. - developed several alloys

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Contributionsof alchemists:

Information about elements - the elements mercury, sulfur, and antimony were discovered- properties of some elements

Develop lab apparatus / procedures / experimental techniques - alchemists learned how to prepare acids. - developed several alloys - new glassware

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794) • Known as the “Father of Modern


Image taken from: www.ldeo.columbia.edu/.../v1001/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794) • Known as the “Father of Modern

Chemistry”• Was the first person to generate a list of

thirty-three elements in his textbook

Image taken from: www.ldeo.columbia.edu/.../v1001/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794) • Known as the “Father of Modern

Chemistry”• Was the first person to generate a list of

thirty-three elements in his textbook• Devised the metric system

Image taken from: www.ldeo.columbia.edu/.../v1001/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794) • Known as the “Father of Modern

Chemistry”• Was the first person to generate a list of

thirty-three elements in his textbook• Devised the metric system• Was married to a 13-year old Marie-Anne

Pierette Paulze; she assisted him with much of his work

Image taken from: www.ldeo.columbia.edu/.../v1001/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794) • Known as the “Father of Modern

Chemistry”• Was the first person to generate a list of

thirty-three elements in his textbook• Devised the metric system• Was married to a 13-year old Marie-Anne

Pierette Paulze; she assisted him with much of his work

• Was a tax-collector that was consequently guillotined during the French Revolution

Image taken from: www.ldeo.columbia.edu/.../v1001/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794) • Known as the “Father of Modern

Chemistry”• Was the first person to generate a list of

thirty-three elements in his textbook• Devised the metric system• Was married to a 13-year old Marie-Anne

Pierette Paulze; she assisted him with much of his work

• Was a tax-collector that was consequently guillotined during the French Revolution

• Discovered/proposed that combustion occurs when oxygen combines with other elements

Image taken from: www.ldeo.columbia.edu/.../v1001/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794) • Known as the “Father of Modern

Chemistry”• Was the first person to generate a list of

thirty-three elements in his textbook• Devised the metric system• Was married to a 13-year old Marie-Anne

Pierette Paulze; she assisted him with much of his work

• Was a tax-collector that was consequently guillotined during the French Revolution

• Discovered/proposed that combustion occurs when oxygen combines with other elements

• Discovered/proposed the Law of Conservation of Mass (or Matter) which states, in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed

Image taken from: www.ldeo.columbia.edu/.../v1001/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

• In 1803, proposed an Atomic Theory which states:o All substances are made of atoms;

atoms are small particles that cannot be created, divided, or destroyed.

Image taken from: chemistry.about.com/.../John-


Tuesday, October 8, 13

John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

• In 1803, proposed an Atomic Theory which states:o All substances are made of atoms;

atoms are small particles that cannot be created, divided, or destroyed.

o Atoms of the same element are exactly alike, and atoms of different elements are different

Image taken from: chemistry.about.com/.../John-


Tuesday, October 8, 13

John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

• In 1803, proposed an Atomic Theory which states:o All substances are made of atoms;

atoms are small particles that cannot be created, divided, or destroyed.

o Atoms of the same element are exactly alike, and atoms of different elements are different

o Atoms join with other atoms to make new substances

Image taken from: chemistry.about.com/.../John-


Tuesday, October 8, 13

John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

• In 1803, proposed an Atomic Theory which states:o All substances are made of atoms;

atoms are small particles that cannot be created, divided, or destroyed.

o Atoms of the same element are exactly alike, and atoms of different elements are different

o Atoms join with other atoms to make new substances

• Calculated the atomic weights of many various elements Image taken from:


Tuesday, October 8, 13

John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

• In 1803, proposed an Atomic Theory which states:o All substances are made of atoms;

atoms are small particles that cannot be created, divided, or destroyed.

o Atoms of the same element are exactly alike, and atoms of different elements are different

o Atoms join with other atoms to make new substances

• Calculated the atomic weights of many various elements

• Was a teacher at a very young age

Image taken from: chemistry.about.com/.../John-


Tuesday, October 8, 13

John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

• In 1803, proposed an Atomic Theory which states:o All substances are made of atoms;

atoms are small particles that cannot be created, divided, or destroyed.

o Atoms of the same element are exactly alike, and atoms of different elements are different

o Atoms join with other atoms to make new substances

• Calculated the atomic weights of many various elements

• Was a teacher at a very young age • Was color blind

Image taken from: chemistry.about.com/.../John-


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

1. All matter consists of tiny particles. Dalton, like the Greeks, called these particles “atoms”.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

1. All matter consists of tiny particles. Dalton, like the Greeks, called these particles “atoms”.

2. Atoms of one element can neither be subdivided nor changed into atoms of any other element.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

1. All matter consists of tiny particles. Dalton, like the Greeks, called these particles “atoms”.

2. Atoms of one element can neither be subdivided nor changed into atoms of any other element.

3. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

1. All matter consists of tiny particles. Dalton, like the Greeks, called these particles “atoms”.

2. Atoms of one element can neither be subdivided nor changed into atoms of any other element.

3. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed.

4. All atoms of the same element are identical in mass, size, and other properties.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

1. All matter consists of tiny particles. Dalton, like the Greeks, called these particles “atoms”.

2. Atoms of one element can neither be subdivided nor changed into atoms of any other element.

3. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed.

4. All atoms of the same element are identical in mass, size, and other properties.

5. Atoms of one element differ in mass and other properties from atoms of other elements.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

1. All matter consists of tiny particles. Dalton, like the Greeks, called these particles “atoms”.

2. Atoms of one element can neither be subdivided nor changed into atoms of any other element.

3. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed.

4. All atoms of the same element are identical in mass, size, and other properties.

6. In compounds, atoms of different elements combine in simple, whole number ratios.

5. Atoms of one element differ in mass and other properties from atoms of other elements.

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1808)

1. All matter consists of tiny particles. Dalton, like the Greeks, called these particles “atoms”.

2. Atoms of one element can neither be subdivided nor changed into atoms of any other element.

3. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed.

4. All atoms of the same element are identical in mass, size, and other properties.

6. In compounds, atoms of different elements combine in simple, whole number ratios.

5. Atoms of one element differ in mass and other properties from atoms of other elements.

Tuesday, October 8, 13


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s symbols, 1808

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Dalton’s atomic weights, 1808

Tuesday, October 8, 13

• Michael Faraday (1825)- Split compounds by electrolysis and showed that atoms have electrical properties

• 1833 Michael Faraday discovers quantitative laws of electrochemical deposition.

• He introduces the terms electrode, cathode, anode, ion, anion, cation, electrolyte.

• He establishes that a definite quantity of electricity is associated with each atom of 13

Michael Faraday(1791-1867)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

J.J. Thomson (1856 – 1940)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

J.J. Thomson (1856 – 1940)

• Proved that an atom can be divided into smaller parts

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2008/04/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

J.J. Thomson (1856 – 1940)

• Proved that an atom can be divided into smaller parts

• While experimenting with cathode-ray tubes, discovered corpuscles, which were later called electrons

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2008/04/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

J.J. Thomson (1856 – 1940)

• Proved that an atom can be divided into smaller parts

• While experimenting with cathode-ray tubes, discovered corpuscles, which were later called electrons

• Stated that the atom is neutral

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2008/04/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

J.J. Thomson (1856 – 1940)

• Proved that an atom can be divided into smaller parts

• While experimenting with cathode-ray tubes, discovered corpuscles, which were later called electrons

• Stated that the atom is neutral• In 1897, proposed the Plum Pudding

Model which states that atoms mostly consist of positively charged material with negatively charged particles (electrons) located throughout the positive material

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2008/04/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

J.J. Thomson (1856 – 1940)

• Proved that an atom can be divided into smaller parts

• While experimenting with cathode-ray tubes, discovered corpuscles, which were later called electrons

• Stated that the atom is neutral• In 1897, proposed the Plum Pudding

Model which states that atoms mostly consist of positively charged material with negatively charged particles (electrons) located throughout the positive material

• Won a Nobel Prize

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2008/04/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Discovered by J.J. Thomson. He said the atom was a

sphere of positive electricity, with negative particles throughout. This came around right after he

discovered the electron.Tuesday, October 8, 13

He was by far the most famous American scientist. He wanted to find the electrical charge of electrons. He measured water droplets, and that wasn’t successful, so he measured oil droplets, where all this proved electrons were negatively charged. He also was a professor for many years, and wrote many textbooks on chemistry.


Robert Millikan

Tuesday, October 8, 13

• Robert Millikan (1868-1923)– Oil drop experiment – 1909

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937)

• In 1909, performed the Gold Foil Experiment and suggested the following characteristics of the atom:o It consists of a small core, or nucleus,

that contains most of the mass of the atom

o This nucleus is made up of particles called protons, which have a positive charge

o The protons are surrounded by negatively charged electrons, but most of the atom is actually empty space

Image taken from: http://www.scientific-web.com/en/Physics/Biographies/ErnestRutherford.html

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937)

• In 1909, performed the Gold Foil Experiment and suggested the following characteristics of the atom:o It consists of a small core, or nucleus,

that contains most of the mass of the atom

o This nucleus is made up of particles called protons, which have a positive charge

o The protons are surrounded by negatively charged electrons, but most of the atom is actually empty space

• Did extensive work on radioactivity (alpha & beta particles, gamma rays/waves) and was referred to as the “Father of Nuclear Physics”

Image taken from: http://www.scientific-web.com/en/Physics/Biographies/ErnestRutherford.html

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937)

• In 1909, performed the Gold Foil Experiment and suggested the following characteristics of the atom:o It consists of a small core, or nucleus,

that contains most of the mass of the atom

o This nucleus is made up of particles called protons, which have a positive charge

o The protons are surrounded by negatively charged electrons, but most of the atom is actually empty space

• Did extensive work on radioactivity (alpha & beta particles, gamma rays/waves) and was referred to as the “Father of Nuclear Physics”

• Won a Nobel Prize

Image taken from: http://www.scientific-web.com/en/Physics/Biographies/ErnestRutherford.html

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937)

• In 1909, performed the Gold Foil Experiment and suggested the following characteristics of the atom:o It consists of a small core, or nucleus,

that contains most of the mass of the atom

o This nucleus is made up of particles called protons, which have a positive charge

o The protons are surrounded by negatively charged electrons, but most of the atom is actually empty space

• Did extensive work on radioactivity (alpha & beta particles, gamma rays/waves) and was referred to as the “Father of Nuclear Physics”

• Won a Nobel Prize• Was a student of J.J. Thomson

Image taken from: http://www.scientific-web.com/en/Physics/Biographies/ErnestRutherford.html

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Ernest Rutherford (1871 – 1937)

• In 1909, performed the Gold Foil Experiment and suggested the following characteristics of the atom:o It consists of a small core, or nucleus,

that contains most of the mass of the atom

o This nucleus is made up of particles called protons, which have a positive charge

o The protons are surrounded by negatively charged electrons, but most of the atom is actually empty space

• Did extensive work on radioactivity (alpha & beta particles, gamma rays/waves) and was referred to as the “Father of Nuclear Physics”

• Won a Nobel Prize• Was a student of J.J. Thomson • Was on the New Zealand $100 bill

Image taken from: http://www.scientific-web.com/en/Physics/Biographies/ErnestRutherford.html

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Gold-Foil Experiment


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962)

• In 1913, proposed the Bohr Model, which suggests that electrons travel around the nucleus of an atom in orbits or definite paths. Additionally, the electrons can jump from a path in one level to a path in another level (depending on their energy)

Image taken from: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962)

• In 1913, proposed the Bohr Model, which suggests that electrons travel around the nucleus of an atom in orbits or definite paths. Additionally, the electrons can jump from a path in one level to a path in another level (depending on their energy)

• Won a Nobel Prize

Image taken from: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962)

• In 1913, proposed the Bohr Model, which suggests that electrons travel around the nucleus of an atom in orbits or definite paths. Additionally, the electrons can jump from a path in one level to a path in another level (depending on their energy)

• Won a Nobel Prize • Worked with Ernest Rutherford

Image taken from: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961)

• In 1926, he further explained the nature of electrons in an atom by stating that the exact location of an electron cannot be stated; therefore, it is more accurate to view the electrons in regions called electron clouds; electron clouds are places where the electrons are likely to be found Image taken from:


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961)

• In 1926, he further explained the nature of electrons in an atom by stating that the exact location of an electron cannot be stated; therefore, it is more accurate to view the electrons in regions called electron clouds; electron clouds are places where the electrons are likely to be found

• Did extensive work on the Wave formula Schrodinger equation

Image taken from: nobelprize.org/.../1933/schrodinger-


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961)

• In 1926, he further explained the nature of electrons in an atom by stating that the exact location of an electron cannot be stated; therefore, it is more accurate to view the electrons in regions called electron clouds; electron clouds are places where the electrons are likely to be found

• Did extensive work on the Wave formula Schrodinger equation

• Won a Nobel Prize

Image taken from: nobelprize.org/.../1933/schrodinger-


Tuesday, October 8, 13

James Chadwick (1891 – 1974)

Tuesday, October 8, 13

James Chadwick (1891 – 1974)

• Realized that the atomic mass of most elements was double the number of protons discovery of the neutron in 1932

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2009/02/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

James Chadwick (1891 – 1974)

• Realized that the atomic mass of most elements was double the number of protons discovery of the neutron in 1932

• Worked on the Manhattan Project

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2009/02/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

James Chadwick (1891 – 1974)

• Realized that the atomic mass of most elements was double the number of protons discovery of the neutron in 1932

• Worked on the Manhattan Project

• Worked with Ernest Rutherford

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2009/02/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

James Chadwick (1891 – 1974)

• Realized that the atomic mass of most elements was double the number of protons discovery of the neutron in 1932

• Worked on the Manhattan Project

• Worked with Ernest Rutherford• Won a Nobel Prize

Image taken from: www.wired.com/.../news/2009/02/


Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Democritus & John Dalton

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

J.J. Thomson

+-- --

- -

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Ernest Rutherford

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Neils Bohr

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Erwin Schrodinger

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

Tuesday, October 8, 13

Progression of the Atomic Model

The structure of an atom, according to:

James Chadwick

Tuesday, October 8, 13