HISTORY OF THE VICTORY LODGE No. 3509 - Centrepointcentrepointathorndean.co.uk/resources/Victory...

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5TH MAY 1911 to 6TH May 2011

Compiled by

W.Bro.M.L.Hayman. PM P A.G.Swd.B

Assisted by

W.Bro.C.E.Hutchings PM P.P.S.G.D

With foreword by Rt.Wor.Bro. M.J.Wilks P.G.M. Hampshire and IOW

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INTRODUCTION This booklet is produced to celebrate the first 100 years of The Victory Lodge No3509 E.C. Most of its contents are taken from the records of the Lodge which are still held at the Masonic Hall, Lake Road, Portsmouth (the   Lodge’s  birthplace). Included are photographs held by the Lodge and by some of the descendants of the members of the Lodge. In fact some of the information came from a source held by a current senior Past Master. Generally the information gleaned from the records is extracted from the Minute Books with additional information from other sources including Grand Lodge. There is disappointment however that Provincial Grand Lodge seemed not to hold very many Lodge records, or indeed any records of its own procedures and circulars. Appendix 1 tells some information from General Purposes Committee Meetings where most of the disagreements were aired amongst the Brethren from time to time, but generally there was harmony at these meetings. Readers of this booklet might think that the information contained in this booklet is a little mundane but there are highlights such as a Past Master being knighted, another Past Master was an arresting Officer of the infamous Doctor Crippen, and so there are highlights but it must be said there are troubled waters as in every Lodge such as surviving two World Wars, the Great Depression, and reductions in membership. But the Lodge has survived these and it is thought will continue to do so although, possibly not in the foreseeable future will the membership be as high as it had been in its early years.

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M.L.Hayman C.E.Hutchings

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Rt Wor.Bro The Earl of Malmsebury PGW

Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire and IOW

A   man’s   coming   of   age   is   usually   an   event   of   some  importance. It marks a definite stage in the human pilgrimage through which we are all passing. It confers on him the full rights of citizenship. The coming of age of a Masonic Lodge is, too, an important event and, we hope, makes evident the progress and success of twenty - one years of loyal work and fraternal companionship within it. The Victory Lodge may rightly be said to have sprung from that powerful union of spirit and work which has always bound men together in a common task and who seek even a higher level of joint effort for the welfare of their fellow creatures. There must be, however a note of sadness in celebrating a coming of age. We think of the Founders, some of whom, I am glad to say on this occasion are still with us, but we miss  the  “absent  Brethren”  who  will  never  again  join  us  on  our earthly pilgrimage, but who have been called to the Grand Lodge above.

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The Victory Lodge bears a great name – a name sacred to all who have the privilege of being citizens of this great Empire.    Nelson  and  “Victory”  must  ever  represent   in  our  thoughts all that stands for King and Country and for the future destiny of our race. The Victory Lodge is closely associated with our great services: it is a means of bringing together those whose duties carry and has carried them all over the world. We wish the Lodge and its members Prosperity, Happiness, and Peace- may they maintain the worthy traditions of twenty - one year’s work.

A Foreword 1932 -1961


Right Worshipful Brother Dr. W Attenborough MB., Bs.

Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire and IOW

I have been requested to re-write the Foreword to the history of Victory Lodge on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Lodge. This I decline to as I feel that it would be wrong to alter what the R.W.Bro. The Earl of Malmesbury expressed so ably on the occasion of the twenty first anniversary of the foundation of the Lodge. What I have written is an addition to what the late Provincial Grand Master wrote, with my own comments. The Earl of Malmesbury likened the twenty first anniversary of the Lodge to the coming of age of a young

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man. I will carry that simile further to the fiftieth anniversary  in  a  man’s  life  when  he  should  be  at  the zenith of his career and capabilities, and has been able to put into effect what he has experienced during his journey through life. He should realise what Masonry has taught him and be ready to go forward in carrying out our great principles to their fulfilment. I congratulate all members of the Lodge in the excellent work that has been done throughout the fifty years of its existence despite the difficulties brought about by two World Wars. The destruction of buildings in which the Lodge met added to the labours of those responsible for carrying out their duties. We regret that more of the Founders are not with us but rejoice that the first Worshipful Master and Founder of the Lodge, W.Bro. H.B.Townshend P.A.G.D.C. is still alive and I trust was able to be present at the fiftieth anniversary. May the members of Victory Lodge be blessed with Peace and Prosperity throughout the coming years.

A Foreword 1961 - 2011


Rt.Wor . Bro.M.J.Wilks Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire

and IOW

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THE FIRST REGULAR STEP It was the latter part of November 1910 that the late W.Bro’s.  Sir  John  Apsey  K.B.E.,  Manager  of  Constructive  Department , H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth and J.Welch Chief   Boatswain,   RN.   Of   the   Captain   of   the   Dockyard’s  Department, discussed the desirability of forming a new lodge to promote Masonic intercourse and fraternal union between those who were or are had been officially connected with any establishment associated with the construction or maintenance of the Royal Navy. W.Bro Apsey knowing that his Secretary, W.Bro. Coles had an intimate knowledge of the district asked the co-operation in the movement which he readily agreed to give. It occurred to these three brethren that the formation of such a Lodge would conduce to the best interests of H.M.Service and promote a kindlier feeling between brethren not sufficiently well known to each other, and as a natural sequence smooth many a little service difficulty, brighten the ordinary daily occupation, and create a better understanding between officials of various departments. So impressed were these brethren of the necessity of such a Lodge for the accomplishment of the objects named above that they determined to enlist sympathies of the many brethren who they knew as good and trusty Masons of the various Lodges in the Province and others who were not affiliated to any particular Lodge. The result of this canvass exceeded their expectations and it may be said, with all the optimism that prevailed in the minds of these brethren, it was indeed a great surprise on learning that 56 brethren of whom 21 were Past Masters readily grasped the idea, and heartily approved the formation of a Lodge which had excellent objects in view.

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Thus practically assured of success a meeting was held at the Masonic Hall, Lake Road, Landport on 21st December 1910. W.Bro. Apsey was immediately elected to the chair and ultimately was asked to become the 1st Master. He readily assented and under his personal superintendence the whole scheme was launched and sent to the Provincial Grand Secretary, Commander Hubert Giles R.N., praying for a warrant to be granted for the formation and opening of the Lodge. It often happens that the best objects are defeated and this applies to the proposed appointment of the Master of the new Lodge as a communication was received from the Provincial Grand Secretary stating that as W.Bro. Apsey was a Past Master of a Lodge under the Scottish Constitution and had not served the office of Warden in a Lodge under the English Constitution he could not be permitted by the Book of Constitutions to be the first Worshipful Master. This was very disappointing but a good choice was made, however, in the selection of Bro. H.B.Townshend, Deputy Expense Accounts Officer in H.M.Dockyard to fill the chair of King Solomon for the first year; W.Bro.Apsey to be SW; W.Bro. J.Welch I.P.M. Bro.J.G.Morgan, Deputy Ordnance Officer, Priddys Hard, J.W. and W.Bro.Coles Secretary. The following names were proposed for the Lodge and the vote took place to propose a name.- Victory 19 votes Supremacy 1 vote Britannia 6 votes Admiralty 12 votes Coronation 1 vote Imperial 1 vote Trident 1 vote Imperial and Supremacy 1 vote

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Naval Harmony 0 vote Having   received   approval   for   the   formation   of   “The  Victory  Lodge”  the  many  details  were  soon  settled,  and  the  whole of the founders worked with zeal and energy, and a keen desire for a triumphant send-off. W.Bro.Triggs proposed and W.Bro.Budden seconded that the meetings for The Victory Lodge be held at the Masonic Hall, Highbury Street. W.Bro.Neale proposed an amendment which was seconded by W.Bro. Jones that the meetings took place at Lake Road. There were 21 votes for the amendment and 11 against. It was a happy inspiration by Bro.E.Warne and Inspector of the Metropolitan Police in proposing the name of the Lodge   as   “The   Victory.”     A   better   name   could   not   have  been chosen, having regard to those who would be permitted to join and the particular objects for which the Lodge was formed. The crest of the Lodge was designed by W.Bro.Apsey, and a rough sketch is attached as a very interesting and unique souvenir (extracted from the original Minute Book)

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We were indebted to Pheonix Lodge No 257 as being sponsors for our formation, especially to the WM the Rev. Canon Scott Rector at Havant, the SW Bro.G.W.Baldwin, engineering Commander, R.N. and the JW Bro.P.H.Childs Deputy Coroner for Portsmouth. Also the officials at Lake Road Masonic Hall, who rendered every assistance, the principals being W.Bro. J.Welch, W.Bro.E.Pratt, and Bro.E.Milton the Secretary, all of whom belong to United Service Lodge 1428.

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“MASONRY  IS  A  PROGRESSIVE  SCIENCE” On Friday 5th May 1911 at 3.30pm., at the Masonic Hall, Lake Road the Consecration took place. The gathering was indeed remarkable. Joy and unanimity prevailed and amidst an assembly of 250 Masons the Rt Wor. Provincial Grand Master Sir Augustus Webster, Bt. supported by the Provincial Grand Lodge Officers performed the ceremony in accordance with the ancient usages of the craft. It was exceedingly unfortunate that owing to the illness of Lady Malmesbury the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Right Hon. the Earl of Malmesbury was unable to attend to perform the Installation ceremony, but this duty was impressively carried out by the Provincial Grand Secretary, Commander Hubert G.Giles RN. A  cutting  from  the  local  paper  the  “Evening  News”  giving  an account of the proceedings is attached to the original minutes of the Lodge. The   article   is   headed   “A   New   Dreadnought”   and  commences: Launched and commissioned on May 5th 1911, with a compliment numbering 56 all told, including 21 Past Masters well skilled in the intricacies of navigation, the good  ship  “Victory”  was  sent  on  her  maiden  voyage   from  the Masonic Hall, Lake Road, on Friday night, with every possible good wish for the congenial station and with the universal hope that for many years she would remain on the active list. She is a taught ship, well manned and well armed,   and   with   such   officers   as   ‘Commander’  H.B.Townshend at the helm and Messrs. J.Welch, J.Apsey, J.G.Morgan,   and   J.J.   Coles   as   his   ‘Chief   Mate’   there   is  little doubt that she will safely weather all shoals she is likely to encounter.

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The article concludes by stating that this latest addition, the Lodges in the Province of Hampshire and IOW number 53.

Oration delivered by Wor Bro. A.H.McElwee

Pro Grand Chaplain at the consecration

Rt. Wor. Sir and Brethren, What I have to say to you today makes no claim to originality. It is my privilege to deliver the Oration, usual amongst Masons, at the Consecration of every new Lodge and in this year of grace, when we hope to see our Sovereign crowned, we may dwell first on the great characteristic of every Mason – loyalty. It is impressed upon us in divers ways and in many forms, and if I may briefly sum up our teachings on the subject, it is contained in that motto from Holy  Writ  “  Honour  all men, love the Brotherhood, fear God,  Honour  the  King”. It expresses a four-fold loyalty; Loyalty to truth, loyalty to our Masonic Institution, loyalty to the sovereign of our native land, the King, and above all, loyalty to the King of Kings, the Almighty Architect and Ruler of the Universe. The great object of our Institution is the Glory of God. It is an object which appeals to the intellect. When a man joins the Institution, he receives a fresh call to to educate himself, to educate himself in all things of God. The beauty of symbolism is opened to his view. He enters into a new sphere. He is called upon now to think of what lies

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beneath words and signs, he tries to apprehend the mind of those who drew up our ritual. The higher world unveils itself, and shows itself in wonderous light. Every ceremony he goes through is a call to something higher. He is asked to apply his intellect to the study of the Sacred Law, to the great principal of morality symbolised by the Square, to the judicial attitude of mind taught us by the unerring compasses . Freemasonry is first, the business of the understanding. It teaches us not to be content with nature, to get above nature up to the super natural, up to where the Great Architect lives, constantly served by the highest intelligence in the universe. Dwelling there in thought, the constant vision of His love and Glory will raise our lives to a higher level. Free masonry appeals to our affections. It asks us to learn to love the good. Those who formed our Institution, knew that a desire was the strongest motive in the world, so they tried to set our desires upon the highest, to make the trend of life upward by giving it lofty aims, to make us love the good by the noble story of self sacrifice told us in the 3rd Degree. Truth, honour and fidelity were struck as the keynotes of the Masonic life. We must learn to love them if we would fulfil our Masonic obligations. Affections is the raw material out of which character is formed. If our affections are not set on high things, our life is lost, because our character is selfish. From the moment we enter the Institution seeking for light, right to the end of life. Freemasonry is a constant call to leave the lower things of earth, and to learn to love the higher things, the things which are pure, true, honourable, and lovely. We live by what we love, and our mind and life takes the likeness of the objects we desire. Therefore our Institution appeals to love the things which are above where our Devine Creator sits upon His throne.

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But Freemasonry is severely practical. Having gained our intellect and our love, she appeals to our will. Intellect and emotion are only useful in so far as they will influence the will, in so far as they change the life for the better; therefore charity of the young initiate is put to the test, the moral life is brought strongly before him, he is strictly to obey the moral law; he is to begin no undertaking until he has asked the blessing of the Great architect of the Universe, he is live his life under the Devine guidance, he is to be loyal, faithful and obedient, avoiding everything which would displease Almighty God, and doing only those things which could please Him. And you Worshipful Master and Brethren of The Victory Lodge, the motto you have chosen, is one that has inspired many heroic lives. May it inspire yours, and give you Victory over self . Victory can only be obtained by faith, by self discipline, and by self control. Self control is the great source of social and Masonic happiness, the forgetfulness of self, the endeavour to make others happy. The prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice impressed on us by our principals, are things which make life courteous, dignified, honourable, and true. May such a life be yours, and may the Great Architect of the Universe bless your Lodge and all its members, make it a Lodge of true fellowship where the highest lessons of life are taught, truth, honour, and duty, the only pathway leading  to  the  Grand  Lodge  above,  where  the  world’s  Great  Architect lives and reigns forever.

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Consecrating Menu SOUP Spring Tomato ******* FISH Salmon and Cucumber, Fillets of Sole, (Anchovy Sauce) ******* ENTRÉE Lamb Cutlets and Peas ******* REMOVES Roast Turkey, Bread Sauce, Boiled Chicken, Béchamel Sauce, Ham, Tongue, Saddle of Mutton (Red Currant Jelly), Roast Beef ******* SWEETS Savarin of Apricots, Macedoine of Fruit, Strawberry Cream ******* Cheese, Butter, Biscuits. ******* DESERT Coffee ******* Cost of Banquet Ten Shillings ---------- 50p

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Names of the Founders and the Officers


W.Bro.J.Apsey SW Bro H.W.Dunn W.Bro.A Armitage Bro.W.Evans W.Bro.G.Bromby Bro.S.Hammond Stwd W.Bro. G.Budden Bro.C.Harry IG W.Bro.Carrington Bro.T.Holt W.Bro.J.Coles Secretary Bro.A.Jannaway W.Bro.F.Hall Bro.H.Johnson W.Bro.C.Hill Bro..J.Knight Stwd W.Bro.F.Hooper Bro.J.Lowe SD W.Bro.E.Huxford DC Bro.E.Main W.Bro.J.Jones Bro.H.Mathias W.Bro.J.Lee Bro.F.Medway W.Bro.F.Neale Bro.J.Morgan JW W.Bro.Pellatt Bro.B.Palmer W.Bro.E.Pratt Bro.H.Quick Stwd W.Bro.W.Primmer

Office Bro.J.Rice W.Bro.J.Sivess

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Bro.E.Ridge W.Bro.L.Stevens Bro.W.Rudling W.Bro.H.Triggs Treasurer Bro.W.Scott W.Bro.J.Welch IPM Bro..J.Shaldrake W.Bro.R.Wyatt Bro.L.Stansfield Stwd Bro.J.Adams Bro.G.Stupple Bro.S.Back Bro.H.Tee Bro.F.Bennett Bro.H.Townshend WM Bro.W.Brand Bro.T.Trice Bro.S.Clunn Ass.Sec Bro.E.Warne Bro.E.Cock JD Bro.T.Westell Org Bro.A.Derrick Bro.W.Wilmott Ass.DC Bro.G.Rickard Tyler

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Officers of Victory Lodge 3509 E.C. 1911-1912 and some of the Founders ( photograph taken on board HMS Victory )

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First Byelaws of the Lodge 1. This Lodge is formed to promote Masonic intercourse and fraternal union between those who are, or have been officially connected with any establishment associated with the Construction or Maintenance of the Royal Navy, and only such persons shall be eligible for membership Time and Place of Meeting 2. The regular meetings of the Lodge shall be held at the Masonic hall, Lake Road. Portsmouth on the first Friday of every month from October to June inclusive, at such hours as the Worshipful Master shall appoint, the hour to be named on the summons, which shall be sent to every subscribing member at least seven clear days before the day of the meeting. Clothing 3. All Brethren shall appear masonicly clothed (i.e., in black or dark clothing with badge and white gloves). Naval and Military Brethren may appear in their respective uniforms. Fees and subscriptions 4. The fees and subscriptions shall be as follows: (brackets denote decimal currency) Initiation Fee. £10 10 0 (£10.50p) (Includes passing, raising, registering in Grand and Provincial Grand Lodges and includes Grand Lodge Certificate). Joining Fee £2 2 0 (£2.10p) For a Brother already registered in Grand Lodge of England, except as follows:-

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If a Brother’s   Initiation   Fee   and   Joining   Fee   previously  paid for any Other Lodge: £8 8 0 (£8.40p) or above £7 7 0 (£7.35p) £3 3 0 (£3.15p) £6 6 0 (£6.30p) £4 4 0 (£4.20p) £5 5 0 (£5.25p) £5 5 0 (£5.25p) If not registered in Grand Lodge of England, in addition for Grand Lodge Certificate. 17/ 0 (85p) Rejoining Fee £1 1 0 (£ 1.05p) Emergency Fee (for each Brother applying for same ( £1 ) Dispensation 5/ 0 (£0.25p) Dues for Quarter 6/ 0 (£0.30p) Resident Member (Dues per annum) 12/ 0 (£0.60p) Members residing in the Isle of Wight, or at a greater distance than 10 miles from the Lodge, and away for a longer period of six months, are entitled to pay Non-Resident dues from the end of the Quarter in which notice is given to the Secretary in writing. The Quarters shall begin on the first day in January, April, July, and October. All dues and fees shall be paid in advance. If any Brother neglects to pay his dues for a period of six months after they become due, he shall be called upon by

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the Secretary for them. Should he then neglect to pay within a further period of six months, he shall be liable to be excluded from the Lodge under Rule 210 of the Book of Constitutions. A member in arrear shall not hold office, nor shall have a right to vote. 5. Candidates for Initiation. Candidates for Initiation, duly qualified under Rules 184 to 186 Of the Book of Constitutions, shall be accepted, provided that in the ballot box there are no more than two black balls. If more than one candidate is to be balloted for, that ballot shall be taken collectively: but, in the event of more than two black balls appearing, the ballot for each candidate shall be taken separately. Should a candidate not attend for Initiation on either of the next three regular Lodge nights, after being duly warned, without tendering a valid reason to the satisfaction of the Worshipful Master, he cannot be admitted unless again proposed and balloted for. Should the Lodge reject a candidate, he shall not be eligible to be proposed again for a period of at least 12 months from the date of such rejection. 6. Joining Members Any Brother (qualified under para.189 of the Book of Constitutions and Rule 1 of these Byelaws) desirous of becoming a member of this Lodge shall be balloted for and accepted, provided there are no more than two black balls in the ballot.

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7. Honorary Members Any Master Mason who subscribes to a Lodge may be made an Honorary Member, provided he is deemed worthy, ands has been duly proposed and seconded at a regular meeting, and unanimously accepted by ballot at the next regular meeting. 8. Election of Officers. The Worshipful Master shall be elected annually (as directed by Rule 130 of the Book of Constitutions) at the regular Lodge Meeting in April. The ballot shall be conducted in the following manner: The names of all eligible Brethren shall be written or printed on slips of paper, one of which shall be given to every member present. Each member desiring to vote shall make a cross against the name of the Brother for whom he votes, and shall deposit the paper in the ballot box. The votes shall be counted and reported to the WM by two scrutinisers. The Brother who receives the most votes shall be declared duly elected. The election of Treasurer shall take place immediately after that of the Worshipful Master. The election of Tyler shall be elected by a show of hands. 9. Attendance etc., of Officers Every member elected or appointed to an office shall be considered by his acceptance of it, pledged to a strict observance of the duties attached thereto, and to a regular attendance at all meetings during the period for which he is appointed. 10. Duties of Treasurer The Treasurer shall make such payments as fully sanctioned by the Lodge, or on written order of the

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Worshipful Master or Officer ruling the Lodge. They are to be paid by cheque. He shall verify the accuracy of the amounts deposited in the bank from the counterfoils of the receipts given by the Secretary. He shall keep a Cash Book in which his receipts and disbursements shall be entered in such manner as to show at one view the state of the Lodge Funds, and also prepare the annual statements of the accounts as early as possible after the regular meeting in April, and present it for audit at least fourteen days prior to the next regular meeting, at which it must be submitted for approval in open Lodge. 11. Duties of Secretary The Secretary shall issue the summonses for all meetings, collect all monies and dues, and deposit the amounts with the Capital and Counties bank to the credit of the Lodge at the earliest opportunity, notifying the same in detail to the Treasurer. 1. He shall keep a register of the members and proper minutes of all transaction. 2. He shall conduct all correspondence and shall be responsible to the Worshipful Master for the prompt transmission of all returns, &c 3. He shall keep an account showing how each member stands towards the Lodge with regard to his dues. 4. He shall keep copies of all returns. 5. He may be exempt from all dues. 6. He shall inform the Worshipful Master all matters affecting the Lodge or its members, prior to being brought to the notice of the Lodge. 12. Director of Ceremonies. The Director of Ceremonies shall duly marshal the membership at all Masonic assemblies. He shall see that

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the Lodge Room is properly prepared for the reception and proceedings of the Lodge: that the Brethren are properly clothed, and that the visitors are properly placed in the Lodge and at the Banquet Table. 13. Tyler The Tyler shall be required to prepare the Lodge Room, and look after the furniture and property of the Lodge in addition to his ordinary Lodge duties, and attend the refreshment table. For these services he shall receive the sum of five shillings for each meeting he attends. 14. General Purposes Committee. The Worshipful; Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, and Past Masters who are subscribing members, and three Brethren chosen by the Lodge at the regular meeting prior to the Installation Meeting, shall form a General Purpose Committee. Five members shall for a quorum. This committee shall meet a fortnight before each regular meeting and report on such matters as the Worshipful Master or Lodge may refer to it, including full enquiries into the qualifications of candidates for admission as members, in accordance with Rule 183 of the Book of Constitutions. Also other matters affecting the welfare of the Craft, and particularly the Lodge. 15. Audit Committee An Audit committee shall be elected on the same night as the Worshipful Master, such Committee to consist of the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, and two Brethren chosen from the body of the Lodge. They are to examine and audit the accounts, furnish a report, in writing, of their proceedings, duly signed, at the next regular Lodge meeting, and shall also examine the Inventory of the Lodge furniture and jewels, and certify as to the correctness of the same.

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16. Order of Discussion The business of the Meeting as announced in the summons shall be proceeded with as the Worshipful Master may direct. On all subjects under discussion, any Brother addressing the Worshipful Master shall do so, and to order. If two or more Brethren rise at the same time to address the worshipful Master, the Worshipful Master may direct which he pleases to proceed. 17. Motions and Propositions. Every motion or proposition must be regularly moved and seconded, and when required a copy delivered in writing to the secretary to ensure correctness in the Minutes. 18. Furniture etc., of the Lodge. All property belonging to the Lodge shall be insured by the Treasurer for such sum as the Lodge may direct, and no articles whatever shall be taken from the premises without the permission of the Worshipful Master and Wardens. The inventory of all property of the Lodge shall be handed to the Worshipful Master at his Installation. 19. Resignation of Members Any Brother wishing to withdraw from membership of the Lodge must give notice in open Lodge, or in writing to the Worshipful Master or Secretary of the date on which he desires to withdraw. On paying all his dues up to and including the Quarter in which he resigns, he shall be given a Certificate to that effect, signed by the Worshipful Master, Treasurer, and Secretary. 20. Funds

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No sum of money exceeding £2 2 0( £2.20) shall be expended by the Worshipful Master, or £5 5 0(£5.25) by the Lodge, without due notice of motion being given in open Lodge, except as required for dues and current expenses. The funds of the Lodge shall be kept in the Capital and Counties Bank, and only be drawn by cheque, signed by the Worshipful Master, Treasurer and Secretary. 21. Bye-Laws No alteration is to be made in these Bye-Laws except on a written proposition, properly seconded, made in open Lodge, passed and confirmed at a subsequent regular meeting, by a majority of at least two thirds of the members present. These Bye-Laws must be read in open Lodge once a year, and their reading confirmed in the minutes. These Bye-Laws were read and approved at a full meeting of the founders on 31st March 1911 H.B.Townshend Confirmed in open Lodge 5th May 1911 Worshipful Master elect Approved Augustus F. Webster Rt. Wor. Prov. Grand Master 5th May 1911 J.Apsey Senior Warden elect J.G.Morgan Junior Warden elect

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Confrmed by the M.W. Grand Master E.Letchworth Grand Secretary 16th May 1911 Entered Hubert G. Giles Prov. Grand Secretary 20th May 1911

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Various Events during 100 years of the Lodge 1911 5th May. The whole of the consecrating team were asked to become Honorary Members. The Lodge was charged a total of 2/6d (50p) per founder to Grand Lodge. 2nd June. Bro. J.Morgan presented the Lodge with a sword for the Tyler and a Poinard for the Inner Guard and Bro. Knight presented a block and gavel to the WM. 6th October. Bro Primmer presented the Lodge with a Bible. 3rd November. W.Bro. Apsey presented the Lodge with a Square and Compasses and Bro Knight with a cushion. At the end of the first year there had been 5 Initiations and the Lodge gained 5 Joining Members. The cost of meals during the year were 2/- (10p) 1912 8th January W.Bro. Pellat gave a lecture on the First Degree Tracing Board and W.Bro. Hill gave a lecture on the Second Degree Tracing Board. No supper was provided on that night but the WM provided light refreshments. It was proposed and seconded by the JW Bro Morgan that a “Ladies  Night”  be  held  in  April  taking  the  form  of  a  dinner  followed by a musical evening with a cost not exceeding 5/- (£0.25p) 4th April W.Bro. Townshend and W.Bro. Apsey presented the Lodge with a Banner. 2nd May There were 70 members and 56 visitors attended and 2 apologies were received by telegram. 3rd June The WM carried out a double Initiation followed by a double Third Degree ceremony. (Tyted at 1930. Close Tyled at 21.30).

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1st November . Bro. L. Roberts presented the Lodge with a frame for an enlarged copy of a photograph of the founders. The Lodge was also presented with a picture of the “Victory”  with  a   letter   stating   that   the  original  was   in   the  possession of Sir.F.Crossley, Bart., and was exhibited by him in 1868. The painter was Clarkson Stanfield RA and he willed that only a few copies were reproduced and the plates were to be destroyed. That took place in 1836. The artist actually fought in the Battle of Trafalgar as an ordinary seaman. The whereabouts of this picture today is unknown. 27th October. A special Meeting of the Lodge was held to consider a proposition of which notice had been given that the future meetings of the Lodge be held at the Masonic Hall, Highbury Street. After discussion, in which many Brethren took part, the proposition was defeated. 2nd December The SW Bro Morgan was posted to Hong Kong and was unable to be Installed in the chair of the Lodge Bro. Lowe the JW took his place. 1913 3rd October W.Bro.Apsey IPM whose idea it was for the formation of the Lodge received Provincial Honours and was advanced to active rank of Provincial Senior Grand Warden. The WM stated that a Notice of Motion by the Treasurer W.Bro. Triggs for the Lodge to move to Highbury Street Portsmouth had been examined by the GPC and after examining the premises, a vote of 9 for and 5 against any move. The WM indicated that a Special Meeting would be held at Lake Road on Monday 27th October to discuss the matter. At   this   meeting   W.Bro.Triggs   supported   by   W.Bro’s  Primmer, Huxford, Pellat, Hill, and Bro Knight JW moved that the Lodge be re-located at Highbury Street and gave a long and reasoned account in favour of the re-location.

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Bro.Wilmott   SW   supported   by   W.Bro’s   Apsey   and   Neal  and   Bro’s   Price,   Martin,   and   Lock   spoke   against   the  proposition. W.Bro.Triggs then returned to wind up the debate, and a ballot was taken with 9 for and 31 against. The meeting opened at 7.30pm and closed at 10.00pm 7th November. Bro. Willmot presented the Lodge with a pair of gauntlets for the use of the S.D. During this year there were 5 Initiations and 9 Joining Members. But for the 3rd time this year the Lodge was reminded by the Provincial Grand Secretary of the need to furnish them with a clearance certificate for Joining Members 1914 6th February. Bro Hammond presented a pair of gauntlets for the use of the I.G. The outbreak of the Great War caused many difficulties to arise in connection with the working of the Lodge. The majority of the members held official positions in the Dockyard and unforeseen calls to duty in various parts of the world were responsible for many vacant seats on Lodge nights. 3rd April 4 Brethren had been nominated for Treasurer.    W.Bro’s  Neale,  Pratt,  Triggs  and  Bromby.    All  these Brethren withdrew their names in favour of W.Bro.Pratt, but as he was not present W.Bro. Triggs said he would remain in office for a further year. It was proposed by Bro Sewell and seconded by Bro. Holt that Bro. W.F.Q.Hayman became a joining member. (One of the arresting officers of Doctor Crippen) 1st May There were 44 members and 35 visitors present for the Installation but the WM regretted he was unable to attend as he had been posted to Constantinople. Another letter from the Provincial Grand Secretary stating that the Lodge was still contravening Provincial Rules by not producing Clearance Certificates or Grand Lodge

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Certificates, and that there were 4 errors in the Minute Book. W.Bro.Pratt was elected as Treasurer. 2nd October At the suggestion of the WM the Brethren signified their support for the King during the National Crisis that they rose and sung the National Anthem. 6th November. A letter was received from the Duke of Devonshire requesting donations to a fund headed by Princess Mary the Soldier and Sailors Christmas Fund. The Lodge donated 1 Guinea. A proposition from W.Bro.Martin seconded by the Treasurer W.Bro.Pratt that the sum of 2 Guineas bye taken from Lodge Funds and given to the Secretary W.Bro. Budden as a wedding gift. 1915 The Lodge finally realised the importance of efficient management and production of the necessary forms such as Clearance Certificates and Grand Lodge Certificates. The Statement of Accounts for the Lodge in March showed that it was in credit by the princely sum of £44. 7th May W.Bro.Cock was installed in the chair and there were 37 members and 27 visitors. The Lodge Tyled at 18.15 and closed at 19.45. Supper was 7/6d (37.5p) W.Bro.Cock was drafted to HMS Akbar and only attended two meetings that year. The IPM W.Bro. Martin installed the successor the following year. 4th June The Brethren passed a note of condolence to the Treasurer who lost his Son on HMS Princess Irene which was destroyed by enemy action. 27th March Grand Lodge directed that Rule 175BofC  be  deleted  and  a  new  rule  inserted:…..    Brethren  engaged in the service of the Crown during wartime will be excused from paying Lodge subscriptions and the words “War  Service”  be  inserted  in  the  Annual  Returns. 27th September The Secretary was instructed to return to Grand Lodge a Roll of Honour which was to be inserted in the Year Book.

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20th October A letter was received from W.Bro. Percy a prisoner of war in a camp at Ruhleben near Berlin asking Grand Lodge for donations to supply food and tobacco parcels to prisoners. Grand Lodge supported the request and asked Lodges for donations. The lodge donated 3 Guineas. 1916 7th January Steward Bro Sewell took his clearance as he was posted to Sheerness 5th April A resolution was carried to form a Charity Association in connection with the Lodge. The Association is still functioning and performing useful service under the guidance of W.Bro.Main in obtaining subscriptions for Masonic Charities. Many of the Brethren have served as stewards at the various Festivals. 27th April A communication from Grand Lodge stated the a change in their Constitution allowed delegates from the Provinces to be included in their Board of General Purposes. All Communications from Grand Lodge required the Brethren to stand whilst they were read. 5th May W.Bro.Martin IPM conducted the Installation ceremony. There were 45 members and 30 visitors present. The Lodge tyled at 17.30 and closed at 19.25. 2nd June One incident will remain in the memories of those who were present on that evening while the Brethren were at supper came the news of the Battle of Jutland. W.Bro. Apsey followed by quite half of the Brethren, immediately left to return to duty in the Dockyard. The Lodge possesses a number of votes in the various Institutions and is also a Founding Lodge of the Freemasons’  Hospital. 1st September A letter was received from the Province stating that they had introduced annual subscriptions for lodges to pay. For the first 50 member a levy of 10/6d (52.5p), for the first 100 members £1/10 shillings (£1.50p) any subsequent 100 members 10/6d (52.5p). The Lodge agreed to pay the necessary sums.

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28th September The Government introduced and Entertainments Tax which would be payable on such events as Ladies Nights. 6th December. A communication from Grand Lodge reminded all the brethren that on the 20th April 1875 a resolution was passed that the singing of Hymns or Anthems was not part of the Masonic ritual and that the Board of General Purposes strongly objected. But after representations from the Provinces the Board considered that the introduction of Hymns was permissible provided that the words are not identifiable with an exclusive form of worship. 1917 4th May Installation evening consisted of 2 Initiations, 1 joining member and the Installation ceremony. The Lodge was opened at 16.45 and supper was at 19.30. A sub committee was formed headed by W.Bro Apsey to consider changes in the Bye-Laws and report back at the October GP. 24th May Grand Lodge granted dispensation for the wearing of a breast jewel to commemorate the Bi-Centenary of Grand Lodge. Cost of the jewel 10/6d (52.5p) 28th September A Ladies night is to be held at Lake Road. Cost 5/6d (27.5p) for Gentlemen. And Ladies5/- (25p) Brethren were to complete the postcards and return to Secretary. (No telephones) 5th October As a result of the sub- committee report on the Bye-Laws it was proposed by W.Bro.Budden and seconded by W.Bro Neale that the following resolution be inserted in the bye-laws. The Lodge shall not exclude the admission of joining members, Brethren of proven Masonic worth who may be connected in an Official capacity with the contracting Establishments associated with the construction of the Royal Navy. It is not however desirable that anyone be Initiated into the Lodge who is not

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connected in an Official capacity with a Government Establishment…..  The  proposal  was  carried.   1918 7th January The GP recommended that the sum of £54/5shillings £54.25p) be invested in War Savings Bonds. A communication was received from Grand Lodge asking all Brethren to take a special regard towards food economy. The MW the Grand Master, His Majesty the King appealed for economy and frugality and hoped the Craft would set a good example to the nation in her hour of need. RW Bro. Lord Rhondda SGW Minister of Food stated that I know it is unnecessary to urge Freemasons to set an example but I appeal to them to use their enormous influence in the direction of food economy. In response to the appeal by W.Bro. Percy Hull in 1915 a prisoner of war Grand Lodge granted a donation of 100 Guineas (£105) to the total raised by the Provinces of £6769/15shillings (£6769.75p). Prisoners who had been repatriated reported that parcels had regularly been received every 14 days to that end Grand Lodge donated another 100 Guineas. (£105) 1st April A resolution was carried authorizing the formation of a Lodge of Instruction. This had proved extremely useful under the preceptorship of W.Bro.Hill, and enabled successive Masters to perfect themselves in their work and to see that their officers were capable in the performance of their duties. 3rd May The Lodge was opened at 16.15 and Bro Brice who was going to be passed to the 2nd Degree apologised for non attendance due to being posted to Ireland. W.Bro. Hammond was \Installed in the chair and the Lodge closed at 19.10 The   Lodge   supported   the   Grand   Master’s   appeal   for   the  establishment of the Masonic Million Memorial Fund many of the Brethren becoming individual subscribers. 7th June The Lodge was opened at 1700. The WM carried out a double Initiation, W.Bro. Knight did a Second Degree and W.Bro. Wilmott carried out a Third Degree. The Lodge close at 2015.

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4th October The Treasurer W.Bro. Pratt tendered his resignation as he had been promoted and posted to Chatham. Two names were nominated for treasurer and the ballot was in favour of W.Bro.Wilmott. 6th December A suitable Social Evening was proposed by W.Bro. Spencer to celebrate the Victory by Britain and her Allies. A committee was set up headed by the WM to organise it. 1919 3rd January Bro Westell proposed that the Lodge Room be heated for the next meeting. W.Bro. Neale explained that the form of heating was being changed from gas to electricity and would be completed by the next meeting. 7th March. Supper charges were to be increased to 4/6d (22.5p) A communication from Grand Lodge warning Lodges to be careful when choosing candidates to ensure they would make worthy Masons. The Board of General Purposes desires to bring to your immediate notice that in view of the Courts decision in the case of Lyons v Fox it has approached the Customs Authorities and has ascertained for the present they do not propose to press for future payment of Entertainment Tax in respect of entertainment provided after Lodg3e Meetings where entertainment is purely incidental to the Lodge and are not given in a separate room or as a main attraction. 2nd May There were 59 members and 68 visitors for the Installation and the cost of supper was 7/6d (37.5p). The newly installed Master referred to the fact that the Prince of Wales was being initiated into Freemasonry on this same evening. He directed the Secretary to send a congratulatory telegram to the Prince. Bro Peel asked for his clearance as he had been posted to Pembroke Dock. NOTE: The dress was now changed from Morning Dress to dark clothing or uniform. 6th June W.Bro Neale proposed and W.Bro Hammond seconded that a small committee be set up to arrange a summer outing.

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3rd October W.Bro Wilmott proposed and W.Bro Knight seconded that the expenses incurred for the failed summer outing be met from Lodge funds. A notice of Motion was given by the WM that the Lodge become a founding Lodge of the Hospital and Nursing Home and the sum of 100 Guineas (£105) be taken from Lodge funds in four equal payments. After being proposed and seconded by W.Bro. Wilmott the Lodge carried the motion. Bro W.Hayman stated that the Almoners Fund was very low. He proposed that an entertainments committee be set up with the view to raising funds. This was seconded by Bro Spencer and carried. 21st November Special Dispensation was granted by the PGM for Brethren to wear Regalia at the Ladies Night as he felt it would greatly enhance the popularity of the event. It was granted on the condition that the tickets would only be sold to Masons and that regalia would not be worn outside the entertainments room. 1920 2nd January An insert into the summons indicated there would be a Whist Drive held at the Grand Jury Rooms in the Town hall on 29th January to raise funds for the  almoner’s  fund.    Tickets  were  priced at 2/6d (12.5p) 6th February A letter was received from the Grand Secretary appealing for funds for a perpetual memorial as a testimony to its thankfulness for the conclusion of peace, and honour of those who fell and fought in the Great War. A Notice of Motion was given that a Lodge of Instruction be   held   at  Lake  Road   to   be   called   the   “Victory   Lodge  of  Instruction”.     The   name   of   the   meeting   place   was  withdrawn as the cost of 21/- (£1.05p) was high. The name of the meeting place was amended to the Crystal Palace Hotel at a cost of 7/6d (37.5p). Proposed by Brother Hayman and Seconded by W.Bro. Knight. The motion was carried. 1st April Bro. P Brunnen presented the Lodge with   a   cigarette   box   made   of   “Victory”   wood   and   metal,

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fashioned   after   the   “Victory”   Memorial   on   Clarence  Parade, Southsea. This item is still held although it is never used for cigarettes these days as the habit has become unsociable. 7th May The sum of 50guineas was voted to provide a tablet to contain the names of Brethren who had served the office of Worshipful Master. This tablet is still mounted on the Robing Room wall and has been filled to capacity necessitating the purchase of another honours board. 12th November Ladies Night was held at Lake Road. Tickets were 10/6d (52.5p) and Ladies 8/- (40p). Evening Dress was optional. Once again special dispensation was given for the wearing of regalia. 3rd December Due to the movement of Dockyard personnel Victory Lodge was often asked by various Lodges of different constitutions to carry out Degrees on Brethren who had been posted to the Dockyard. On this particular night Victory Lodge conferred a Second Degree on a Brother from a Scottish Lodge and a Third degree on a Brother from Malta. 1921 7th January. WM gave a Notice of Motion that the sum of £20 be taken from Lodge funds and given to the Secretary as a token of esteem in recognition of his services over the last seven years. The PGM appealed for funds for the RMI for Boys. The Lodge agreed to donate 100 Guineas (£105)

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CHARABANC OUTING 4th February A Baton made of Ivory, suitably mounted and bearing the Lodge Crest in Enamel was presented to the Lodge by a few of the members who did not disclose their names. An amendment to the Bye-Laws that Service and Dockyard personnel could be initiated into the Lodge and contactors to the Dockyard could only become joining member was retained with the addition that the Sons of members could be initiated. Initiation fees were raised to £10 Guineas (£10.50p) and joining fees £2 Guineas (£2.10p) 6th May Bro Marshall was installed in the chair. There were 82 members and 88 visitors present.

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Communication from Grand lodge stated that direct approaches to the Princes Wales and York regarding Masonic matters would be greatly frowned on. And should always be done through Grand Lodge. The number of Lodges in the Province increased from 1749 in 1913 to 2058 in 1920 and likewise the number of Grand Lodge Certificates increased from 14831 in 1913 to 27856 in 1920. 3rd June W.Bro Powell proposed a summer outing in a charabanc initially as a half day excursion. Bro Hayman amended the proposition to an all day affair, but although it was initially felt that being away from duty all day might be difficult W.Bro Neale seconded the amendment and it was carried. 7th October The Secretary had been in correspondence with the Secretary of Commercial road Masonic Club regarding the purchase of a suitable site for a new Masonic Temple at the junction of Bradford Road and Victoria Road. A letter was sent stating that Victory Lodge GP could not recommend the scheme. 4th November.     The   first   Past   Master’s   night   was  held and a double initiation and a Third degree was given. The Lodge opened at 17.30 and closed at 1945. Supper had now risen to 5/- (25p) The summons stated there would be a Ladies Night held at the Corner House on 10th November again the tickets would be 10/6d (52.5p) Gentlemen and 8/- (40p) Ladies. 2nd December The WM read a letter from the Mayor of Portsmouth proposing to give tea to necessitous children provided by the Portsmouth Masonic Lodges. Proposed by W.Bro. Neale and seconded by W.Bro. Powell that the lodge pledge their support. 1922 7th April A  “Broken  Column”  was  presented   to  the Lodge by W.Bro. Marshall WM. It is believed that it is still in use today during Initiation Ceremonies.

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At this time W.Bro.Apsey received a knighthood although it was never actually minuted but taken from the summonses. Although there were 5 Initiations, 4 Second degrees, 4 Third Degrees, and 4 joining members during W.Bro. Marshall’s  year,  all  the  ceremonies  were  carried  out  by  Past  Masters, except in March when there was a Second Degree 6th May Bro. W.F.Q.Hayman was installed in the chair. There were 67 members and 73 visitors present. The Lodge opened at 1630 and closed at 1930. There were several radical changes in officers for this year although the exact reasons are unknown. 12th June W.Bro Cook a founding member wrote to the Lodge and gave an interesting account of shipbuilding in Hong Kong where he had been posted. 6th October The Lodge learnt of the sudden death of W.Bro. Neale, the Lodge Almoner. The WM stated that consequently the Ladies Night would be cancelled. The Master appointed W.Bro. Hammond as Lodge Almoner. 1st December Reference was made to Grand Lodge not approving non-Masonic Charities. The issue was very unclear  but  as  a  result  the  lodge  cancelled  the  children’s  tea  party also a church service in aid of charity.

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Worshipful Master 1922

W.Bro. W.F.Q. Hayman

(Photograph taken on board

HMS Victory)

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1923 5th January The  Lodge  gave  a  Children’s  Christmas  party. 3rd March The Lord Mayor of Portsmouth wrote forwarding a statement of accounts regarding the tea for necessitous children and intimating that there was a surplus of £33.5:11d (£33.13p). that he was devoting to the “Princess  Mary  Wedding  Gift  Fund”.    He  also  was  seeking donations to this fund. W.Bro’s.  Hayman  and  McCarthy  were  elected  to  the  Committee of United Service Club and the club were holding  a  “Bohemian  Concert”  on  March  10th to raise funds. All Brethren were invited with their ladies tickets priced at 2/6d (12.5p). 4th May Installation meeting. There were 73 members and 69 visitors present the Lodge opened at 1715 and closed at 1930. The Installing Master installed his successor W.Bro. Spencer. He performed all the ceremony including   the   “Working  Tools”   in  all  3  degrees  and  all  of  the  three  “Addresses”.   1st June W.Bro Budden tendered his resignation as Secretary due to being posted to Barrow-in-Furness. The Assistant secretary Bro Cooper was appointed as Secretary. 5th October . The death of the Provincial Grand Master Sir Augustus F. Webster, Bart., was reported and the Province would be in mourning for 6 months. The brethren stood to order whilst the Organist played the “Death  March”   This meeting approved the donation of 100 Guineas (£110) to the 1924 Festival of the R.M.I. for boys. 2nd November The sum of 10guineas (£11) was donated to the earthquake appeal in Japan. 1924 4th January. W.Bro. Cooper, the Secretary was taken ill and did not return to the Lodge until March. The Assistant Secretary took over until the Installation in May when W.Bro. Pardon became Secretary. 3rd April . The sum of 50 Guineas was taken from Lodge funds and donated to the Million Memorial Building Fund

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2nd May. Installation meeting was attended by 79 members and 68 visitors. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1925. The Lodge had an official visit by the new Provincial Grand Master, R.Worshipful the Honourable Earl of Malmesbury and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Cmdr H.G.Giles RN. The PGM was afforded honorary membership of the Lodge and a letter of thanks from him is attached to the minutes. The sum of 20 Guineas (£21)was approved by the Lodge to the  Freemasons’  Hospital and Nursing Home. 3rd October. A letter was received from United Service Lodge 1428 inviting the Worshipful Master and all of his successors become honorary members which was gratefully accepted. A letter from the PGM thanking the Lodge for their efforts during the recent Festival for the RMBI. The Province raised the sum of £35,000. W.Bro.J.H.Martin who was the 4th Master of the Lodge was afforded the rank of Provincial Junior Grand Deacon. 7th November. The   Freemasons’   Hospital and Nursing Home sent a certificate acknowledging the fact that Victory Lodge was a Founding Member. United Service Lodge gave permission for it to be hung in the Lodge Room. A .letter of thanks was read from the Provincial Grand Secretary accepting Honorary Membership. A letter from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master announcing   that   the   Provincial   Grand   master’s   daughter  Lady Elizabeth Harris was getting married and suggesting that each Lodge in the Province subscribe 2 Guineas (£2.10p) for the purpose of giving her a wedding gift from the Province. The suggestion was approved. 1925 2nd January. A letter from the Provincial Grand Secretary informing all Lodges that the PGM disapproves of the practice of some Lodges that are adopting singing during the perambulation in the ceremony of Installation. A letter from the PGM stating that although he has great sympathy with raising funds for the Memorial Building he

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fully understands that some Lodges would rather get their own houses in order in the way of repairs etc especially as it is near to the efforts recently displayed in raising funds for the RMBI. 3rd April. In pursuance of a Notice of Motion the Worshipful Master proposed and W.Bro. Pellatt seconded that 50Guineas (£52.50p) be granted to Victory Chapter on its consecration. No fewer than 8 Brethren spoke on behalf of the Notice of Motion which was not wholly popular with the brethren. An amendment calling for a secret ballot was rejected by the WM. The motion was carried. The Chapter set and Annual Subscription of 10/- (50p) Exaltation Fee of £2:12:6d (£2.52.5p) Joining Fee £1:1:0d) (£1.05p) 1st May. Installation meeting there were 55members and 48 visitors present. The meeting opened at 1700 and closed at 1930. A telegram was received from no fewer than 9 brethren of the Lodge serving in Hong Kong congratulating the new Master. 1926 5th February. A demonstration of the Third Degree was given by the Victory Lodge of Instruction with W.Bro.W.Hayman acting as DC. The WM gave a notice of Motion that an amendment to the Byelaws be made changing the date of the annual subscriptions be changed from March to 1st January each year. 7th May. The Installation was attended by 57 members and 48 visitors and Bro Ling was installed in the chair. The lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1930. 1st October Grand Lodge informed the lodge that the laying of the foundation stone of the Memorial Building would take place on 14th July 1927. A Ladies Night was arranged for November 10th at the Corner House Commercial Road. Gentlemen 10/- (50p) Ladies 8/- (40p). It is believed that Gentlemen were charged extra for cigars and/or snuff.

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1927 7th January. A notice was placed in the summons that the Ceremony of the Laying of the foundation of the Memorial Building would take place at the Albert Hall on July 14th and synchronised by electrical control with the site in Great Queen Street. (Quite an event for 1927) W.Bro. W.Hayman warned the brethren that a Dockyard workman Albert Edward Loader was falsely representing himself as a Mason and was likely to ask lodges for financial assistance. 4th March. Fifty Guineas (£52.50p) was donated to the RMI for Girls. 1st April. Letter from Provincial Grand Lodge indicated that the Annual General Meeting would be held in the Great Hall at Winchester Castle. The letter also pointed out that when the PGM visits a Lodge then the salutations should be given in the degree in which the Lodge is working. However it would be desirable that Lodges resume working in the First Degree to maintain uniformity. A decision by Grand lodge in March 1916 resolved that any Mason belonging to the English Constitution who was of enemy birth should have their membership suspended and to abstain from attending any Lodge. In April 1926 Grand Lodge indicated that the resolution had never been expunged by the same token if Lodges voted unanimously voted for their reinstatement after serving a Notice of Motion they may again be able to enjoy the privileges of Masonry. Also a candidate of enemy birth could now be initiated or a joining brother could join a Lodge with the same provisos. 6th May. Bro A.G.Main was installed in the chair of the Lodge. There were 60 members and 54 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1915. W.Bro Hayman was appointed as Lodge Almoner. (Since 1922 when W.Bro.Hayman delivered all the addresses at Installation meetings the trend continued that the Installing Master delivered all three addresses) The sum of 25 Guineas (£26.25p) was voted to R.M.I.for Girls from  the  Almoner’s  Fund.

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7th October. A letter was received from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master pointing out that the second daughter of the late PGM Sir Augustus Webster was getting married and perhaps the Lodge would like to make a donation. The Secretary was instructed to donate 1 Guinea. £1.05p) A  letter  from  W.  Bro’s.  Dart  and  Grant church wardens of Thomas  A’  Becket  church(  Portsmouth  Cathedral)  inviting  the Worshipful Master and 21 Brethren to attend a service at the Cathedral on 11th October when the Chapter Room which had been furnished by Portsmouth Masons would be formally handed over to the Cathedral Authorities. 2nd December. The Secretary announced the passing of W. Bro. Coles a Founder and first Secretary of the Lodge, also the passing of Bro. Rickard who was the Provincial Tyler and Tyler of the Lodge since its consecration. The Secretary wrote letters of condolence to the families. 1928 6th January. It was proposed by W. Bro. Pardon and seconded by W. Bro. Hayman that Bro A. Mcgonigle a MM of Hope Lodge 2153 be appointed as Tyler of the Lodge. This was carried. A letter from the Provincial Grand Secretary suggesting that each Lodge make a donation to assist the widow of the late Provincial Tyler Bro Rickard. The Lodge donated 5 Guineas (£5.25p) 3rd February. W. Bro. Knight presented the Lodge with a baton for the use of the Assistant Director of Ceremonies. 30th March. A regular meeting was held by dispensation as the normal meting night coincided with Good Friday. All Lodges were asked if they would prefer that the Annual Meeting of Provincial grand Lodge was held on a different date other than in July. W.Bro. Pardon on behalf of the General Purposes Committee and W. Bro. Ling seconded that the Lodge would prefer it to be held in the latter part of May.

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4th May. Bro. Young was installed into the chair of the Lodge. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1915. There were 62 members and 38 visitors present, The Worshipful Master stated that the widow of W. Bro. Neale had been granted the sum of £75 from the Provincial Board of Benevolence. 1st June. The annual summer outing had been arranged. A Char-a-Banc tour of Petersfield via the Meon Valley to Cowdray Park where a picnic lunch had been arranged and time would be spent at games etc. The Char-A-Banc would then proceed to Arundel to the Norfolk Hotel for tea and the return journey would be made via Goodwood where al-fresco refreshments would be made available. 5th October. Bro Goss Inner Guard and Secretary of the entertainments committee had to resign both posts as he had been posted to Gibraltar. 1929 1st February. A letter from Bro. Wooler informing the Lodge that he had been elected as Worshipful Master of Royal Naval Lodge Malta. The Worshipful Master asked the Secretary to write to Bro. Wooler with the congratulations of the Lodge. 3rd May. The Junior Warden Bro Hows was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1945. The Provincial Grand Master the Rt. Hon Earl of Malmesbury attended the Meeting together with the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. The address to the Brethren was delivered by the Provincial Grand Master. 7th June. The annual summer outing was arranged for 11th July. A Char-A-Banc tour of the New Forest via Romsey, Cadnam, Minstead, Lyndhurst, and Beaulieu returning via Hythe, and Southampton. A letter was read from the Provincial Grand Secretary stating that it was proposed that a sum of money be raised throughout the Province for the purpose of making a presentation to W. Bro. Lt Cmdr. George Wright in recognition of his services as Provincial Grand Director of

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Ceremonies during the past 16 years. The GP committee recommended through a Notice of Motion that the sum of 5 Guineas (£5.25p) be donated. 1930 2nd May. Bro. C.Young was installed in the chair and there were 58 members and 41 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1930. W.Bro.Hayman under a notice of motion proposed that the sum of 15 Guineas (£16.25p) be taken from Lodge funds for the purpose of purchasing a suitable memento for the retiring Secretary W.Bro. Pardon who served the Lodge from June 1924 until May 1930. This was seconded by W.Bro Powell. At the June meeting The Worshipful Master presented W.Bro. Pardon with a gold watch suitably inscribed W.Bro. Long took over as Secretary 7th November. The Worshipful Master referred in feeling terms to the death of W.Bro. Sir John Apsey who had passed away on November 2nd. The Brethren stood to order in respect of departed merit. The Worshipful Master asked the Secretary to write to Lady Apsey on behalf of the Lodge expressing their deepest sympathy. 1931 6th February. A letter was read from Provincial Grand Lodge inviting Lodges to contribute one Guinea 9£1.05p) towards a memento in commemoration of the 80th Birthday of W.Bro. H.G.Giles Deputy Provincial Grand master to be presented to him at the Annual general meeting of Provincial grand Lodge. 27th March . The April regular meeting was held on this date because of Easter falling on the regular April date. The meeting was held by special dispensation and the Worshipful Master, Treasurer, and Tyler were elected for the ensuing year and three Brethren to serve on the GP Committee. 1st May . Bro Lt G.Edbrooke RN was installed into the chair of the Lodge. There were 58 members and 47 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1915. Supper was served at a cost of 8/6d (42.5p)

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5th June. A letter was read from the widow of W.Bro. Neale asking for assistance. The Almoner reported that he had written to Mrs Neale pointing out that the Lodge could do nothing further to assist her. The Worshipful Master congratulated W.Bro. Hammond on receiving the M.V.O. 2nd October. Fraternal greeting was read from various   Brethren.     W.Bro’s.Cock   and   Taylor   in   Hong  Kong, Bro Taylor in Gibraltar, Bro Walmsbury in Portland. 1932 1st January. The Lodge congratulated W.Bro. Howe on receiving am M.B.E. 6th May, Installation There were 67 members and 70 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1915. In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master Rt.Wor.Bro. The Earl of Mamlesbury and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. W, Bro Knight was installed in the chair. The Provincial grand Master delivered the address to the Worshipful Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Sir T. Bramsdon delivered the address to the Wardens and the Installing Master gave the address to the Brethren. 1933 5th March, The Secretary read a letter from the Provincial Grand Master congratulating Hampshire and IOW Masons on raising £108,260 for the RMBI 2nd June It was agreed to hold the Annual Cricket Match against St Georges Lodge 1958 1934 4th May, Installation. The Lodge was opened at1645 and closed at 1945. There were 54 members and 43 visitors present. Also on the agenda was a ballot for a joining member and a ballot for a double Initiation, however one candidate an ERA R.C.Hawton was unable to attend as his ship had left Portsmouth. In accordance with tradition the Installing Master gave all three addresses 1st June, The Lodge was opened at 1645 and closed at 2015. The business included was 2 Initiates, 1 Passing, and 1 Raising.

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September, Emergency Meeting The Lodge business was to Imitate Mr R.C. Hawton who had returned to home waters and to Raise 1 Candidate. 26th October. A letter was read from the Secretary of Royal Naval Lodge 2761 Malta agreeing to pass and raise Bro Hawton. 17th December, To Initiate two Brethren and pass another. A light supper of 1/9d (8p) would follow. The Lodge was in mourning owing to the tragic death of W.Bro.H.J.Martin due to a motor accident. 1935 1st February. The Lodge initiated 1 Candidate, Passed 2, and raised 1. The ceremonies would be carried out by Past Masters, who would then be required to provide musical entertainment afterwards. Supper will be 4/- (20p) 1st March. The Lodge passed 2 candidates and raised 1 candidate at the request of Daintree Lodge EC Wei Hai Wei China. 3rd May. Installation. There were 62 members and 38 visitors present. Cmr. W. Bro. Prosser was installed in the chair. A congratulatory letter was received from six brethren serving in Malta. It was proposed by Provincial grand lodge that a fund be set  up  to  celebrate  the  King’s  Jubilee.    This  would  be   in  a  form of donations to the Royal Masonic Hospital which had been opened by their Majesties the King and Queen. The donation was not to be less than 10 Guineas (£10.50p) 7th June. In consequence of the lamented death of the Pro Grand master the Rt Hon. Lord Ampthill the Lodge would be in mourning for 6 months. 1936 3rd January. A letter was received from the Provincial Grand Secretary stating the method of singing the National Anthem which the Provincial Grand Master wants adopted in all Lodges. 7th February . The worshipful Master expressed the grief felt by the Craft in general at the news of the death of King George 5th. The Brethren stood to order as a token of respect. The Grand Secretary let it be

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known there would be a period of mourning for three months. He also wrote that the Grand Master had the pleasure of appointing W. Bro. The Earl of Harewood KG.GCVO.DSO. as Pro Grand Master and W.Bro. Sir Francis Davies KCB.KCMG. as Deputy Grand Master. 1st May. At the Installation Meeting there were 50 Members and 41 visitors. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 1950. In keeping with what was now a tradition of the Lodge the Installing Master delivered all the addresses to the WM, Wardens, and Brethren. The New Worshipful Master made changes. He appointed W. Bro. Main as DC. Bro Aylen SD, Bro Combes JD, and W. Bro Davies ADC. 2nd October. The Lodge was granted special dispensation to Initiate the Son of W.Bro.Davies. A. Mr. W.J.Davies aged 20 years 346 days. W. Bro. Davies occupied the chair for the ceremony. In recognition of his services to the Lodge a Notice of motion was proposed that the sum of 20 Guineas (£21.00) be granted to W.Bro. Young, Secretary. On his posting to Scotland. W. Bro Aylen took over as Secretary temporarily until January 1937 when Bro Knight undertook the post temporarily until the Installation in May when W. Bro Coveny would be appointed. 6th November. A letter was read from the Grand Secretary appealing for funds for the Peace Memorial as the was a shortfall of £50,000 to complete the fixtures and fittings. 1937 1st May. Installation meeting was held and 28 members and 29 visitors and Bro.Lt. Cmdr. was installed into the chair of the Lodge. In pursuance of a Notice of Motion W.Bro Main proposed that the sum of 25 Guineas (£21.25p) be taken from lodge funds and presented in the form of an engraved watch to W.Bro.Hill in recognition of his valuable services to the Lodge. Fraternal congratulations were afforded to W. Bro. Hill on his appointment to P.A.G.Swd.B.

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A communication from Grand Lodge stated that HM the King had been pleased to accept the appointment as Past Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England. A very quiet year for Lodge business 1938 6th May. There were 24 members and 37 visitors present. Bro S Harcombe was installed as Master. The Lodge opened at 1630 and closed at 1925. Congratulations were read from P Sexton in Cape Town, Bros Damp, Main, Merritt, Ethelman, and Bedford in Gibraltar, W.Bro.Pardon in Glasgow, Bro Turner in Bristol, and Bro.Field in Folkestone. The Brethren seemed to be scattered World Wide probably in anticipation of the impending hostilities. August 1938. A letter from the Grand Secretary read:- Owing to the present political situation on the Continent (“Hitler’s  Germany”)   it   is   necessary   to   state   the   aims   and  relationships of the Craft in general which is to be read in every Lodge and a copy to each subscribing member. The Statement points out the general principles of Freemasonry including that although a Freemason may reserve the right to hold certain political views, he must not in any Lodge nor at any time in his capacity as a Freemason be permitted to discuss or advance his views on any theological or political questions. 26th September . A letter from the Provincial Grand Secretary calling attention to the decision of Grand Lodge regarding   “The   Loyal   Order   of   the   Moose”   and   that   a  notice be inserted in all Lodge Summonses for the next three months. (1) Brethren who have joined the order after being initiated into Freemasonry should be requested to resign from Freemasonry. (2) Brethren who have joined Freemasonry after having joined the Order should be requested to resign from the Order of the Moose.

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(3) Candidates for Freemasonry who are also members of the Moose should not be accepted. 1939 Such was the political situation that during the Masonic Year of 1938-39 there were 3 Lieutenants and 3 Lt Commanders serving as Officers of the Lodge. 3rd March. A visit by the Provincial Grand Master The Rt. Hon. Earl of Malmesbury together with Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge meant the attendance which had dropped dramatically rose to 69 Brethren in attendance. At the meeting the Worshipful Master announced the death of W.Bro.Hill PAGSwdB who was a founder and was acknowledged to be a superb ritualist, and was Director of Ceremonies for many years. 5th May. The Lodge was opened by the IPM W.Bro. Clough at 1630 there were 37 members and 12 visitors. The Lodge was informed that the Master Elect had been taken into Hospital and being unable to attend the Installation  was  postponed.    The  IPM  then  “called  off”  the  Lodge  and  when  it  was  “called  on”  the  Worshipful  Master  apologised for late attendance as he had been delayed with matters of National Interest. 2nd June. Installation meeting. There were 41 members and 45 visitors present and the Lodge was opened at 1715 and closed at 1940. Bro. Lt. Combes was installed in the chair and he thanked the Brethren for their good wishes. 7th September . At the direction of Grand Lodge all Masonic meetings are to be suspended. It is hoped that this is a temporary measure. 25th September. A directive from Grand Lodge that Lodges may re-open at the discretion of the Provincial Grand Master in each Province with certain restrictions. All candidates must be closely examined. Lodges may have their meeting date changed without special dispensation. Members of HM Forces abroad may have their subscriptions suspended. All Lodges must meet before 5pm. Supper may be served, but must be brief. All

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summonses must state where the nearest bomb shelter is situated. 3rd November. The Lodge opened at 1600. Before proceeding with Lodge business the Master-in-the-Chair informed the Brethren that the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Combes had passed away. The Past Masters agreed to share the work with the IPM occupying the chair. The Master-in-the-Chair made reference to the fact that both the Treasurer and the Secretary were both quite ill and asked the Brethren to afford any help to these two Brethren. Brethren were asked to note that no Supper would be served until further notice. 1939 5th April. For the first time in 6 months a light supper would be served price 2/- (10p) Letters of resignation due to ill health from both Treasurer and Secretary was read. 1940 3rd May. Installation meeting there were 34 members and 17 visitors present. The Lodge opened at 1630 and closed at 1920. A supper was provided at a cost of 7/6d (37.5p) 6th December. Bro Blakely at the request of Daintree Lodge 2938 had been passed and raised by Victory Lodge and had now written to the Lodge for his Grand lodge certificate. This had been posted to his Mother Lodge by registered post at the cost of 3d (1.25p) 1941 10th January. Lake Road Masonic Hall was totally destroyed by enemy action. The Minute books and records were saved because the Secretary and Treasurer kept them at their homes. The Warrant and early records had already been deposited with the Provincial Secretary. 14th March. A letter had been circulated to all the members of the Lodge stating that Lake road Masonic Hall had been destroyed by enemy action and the next meeting would be held at Derby Road Masonic Hall on the 4th April.

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3rd May. The Lodge was opened at 1430. There were 20 members present and 9 visitors. Bro H Green was Installed in the chair and the Lodge closed at 1630 6th June . The Lodge was opened at 1700. There were 17 members and no visitors present. The Lodge closed at 1745

The Lodge room was rebuilt almost to original style but not completely probably due to costs

Post World War 2

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1942 6th March . The Worshipful Master announced the death of the Grand Master MW Bro., Field Marshall HRH The Duke of Connaught and Strathern KG. 4th April. Still in keeping with the lighting restrictions the Lodge was opened at 1430. There were 22 members and no visitors. The Lodge closed at 1530. 1st May. Bro Lt Cmdr W Turner was installed in the chair. The Lodge opened at 1430 and closed at 1635. There were 20 members and 19 visitors present a further 10 Reigning Masters of neighbouring Lodges tendered their apologies. 8th June. A letter from Bro Blakely had not received his GL Certificate and that was due to the fact that he  had  been  given  a  “  pier  head    jump”  to  HMS  Fiji  and  sent to Wei HI Wei in Northern China. He also stated that his Mother Lodge Daintree 2938 had moved to Hong Kong but this had now been occupied by the invading Japanese. 7th August . No reason was given but the Lodge Summonses now appeared in blue print. 4th September. A Mr. C.W.Shearly had been initiated. 1942 5th February. The back page of the summons was taken up by a personal letter from the Right Worshipful The Provincial; Grand Master the Earl of Malmesbury thanking the Brethren for their continued support, and pointing out that he was unable to visit many lodges in his Province owing to travelling restrictions. He also ordered six months mourning owing to the death of the Duke of Kent. 1943 7th May. Installation meeting. The Lodge was opened at 1530. There were 24 members and 18 visitors present. Bro Fry was installed in the chair. There was now a change of Secretary to W. Bro. Young. It was agreed to take 15 Guineas from Lodge funds at present to W.Bro Aylen for all the good work he had carried out during the first part of the War.

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1944 5th May. The Lodge was opened at 1600 and Bro Pittman was installed in the chair There were 24 members and 15 visitors. For the first time during the War a light tea was served at 3/- (15p) Due to the political climate Grand Lodge wrote a letter setting out the aims of Freemasonry and caused it to be read in open Lodge. Bro Shearley-Sanders who was initiated on 2nd September 1942 was passed on 5th April 1946 and raised on 7th June 1946. A long time between degrees. 3rd November. An emergency meeting was called to initiate Mr Frederick Farmer who was serving in the Royal Navy and had received a drafting. 6th April. A Mr Wilfred Watterson and a Mr C.E.Jefferson was initiated. ( Bro Watterson was eventually to serve as Lodge Almoner an office he held in excess of 25 years.) 1945 4th May. Bro Babb was installed in the chair. There 34 members and 46 visitors.

3rd August. It was proposed that now the War was over the Lodge would revert to holding its meetings from October to June inclusive and that a light supper would be provided afterwards.

7th September The Lodge opened at 1500. The Worshipful Master carried out a double 3rd Degree, they then called off and had a light tea and afterwards Bro Skeens carried out a double 2nd Degree and afterwards the WM carried a double initiation. The Lodge closed at 1930.

7th December. A directive from Grand Lodge reads that:- (1) Lodges should meet in morning dress or uniform. There should be no insistence that a Lodge should meet in evening dress as this might deter prospective candidates. White gloves should not be worn (presumably because of clothing rationing) (2) Every Lodge should be summoned. The Master has no longer the power to cancel a meeting.

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(3) The interval between degrees must not be less than 28 days. (4) Where a Lodge has been using a copy of its warrant, the original must be obtained and the copy returned to Grand Lodge for disposal.

1946 3rd May. Installation meeting. The Lodge was opened at 1630. There were 48 members and 63 visitors present. W. Bro. FAE Lane was installed in the chair. The Lodge was closed at 1915 and supper was ser5ved at 7/6d) (37.5p).

7th June. The Lodge was opened at 1430. The Worshipful Master initiated a candidate and W.Bro Stickland passed two further Brethren. The Lodge was called off for tea at 1/6d (7.5p) and when called back on the Worshipful Master raised two Brethren.

12th July. Emergency meeting. The Lodge opened at 1800. The Worshipful Master explained that the meeting was called because Bro Buley had received a draft posting and consequently was raised. The Lodge was closed at 1945.

4th October . The Lodge was opened at 1700 and the Worshipful Master completed a double Initiation, and W.Bro. Young carried out a double passing. The Almoner proposed a notice of motion that the sum of 30 guineas (£31.50) be taken from Lodge funds and be presented to W.Bro. Pellatt in recognition of his services to the Lodge as Chaplain almost since its Consecration. He also read out a petition from Mrs Gross a Lodge widow for assistance from the Hubert Giles Trust. The Almoner stated that she did not qualify for assistance due to her age and the GPC decided that her financial position disqualified her from assistance from The Benevolent Institution.

1st November. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and the Worshipful Master carried out a double raising, followed by a double second degree by W.Bro Stickland.

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The Almoner turned his notice of motion into a proposal and gave a further notice of motion that the sum of 50 guineas (£52.50p) be taken from the Almoner’s   fund   and   presented   to   the   Hubert   Giles  Trust

6th December . The Lodge was opened at 1730 and the Worshipful master carried out and Initiation followed by a double Third Degree by W.Bro. Babb IPM

1947 February. Grand Lodge requested via the Provincial Office that all Lodges complete a form setting out their War Record. The Lodge complied and their record was a follows:-

No. of members 135

No. of meetings 54

No. of meetings actually held 49

Average attendance 19

No. of members in Royal Navy 36

No. of members in the Army 2

No. members in RAF 0

No. of members in Home Guard 2

No. of members served in ARP 64

No. of members on fire watch 31

No. of members killed on active service 3

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The written summary stated that the low attendance was due to the majority of members were employed by the Admiralty both ashore and afloat. Several meetings were held during air raid warnings and two were held during an air raid itself. 7th March. The Lodge carried out a double second degree and a double 3rd degree. A proposition following a notice of motion was carried to purchase a cupboard to house Lodge equipment. 5th April . The Lodge was opened at 1430 and a Mr VJ Sadler and Mr A Wood were initiated together. The Lodge was called off for tea at 1/.6 (7.5p) a head. The Lodge was called on and a double third was carried out. A Notice of Motion was given that 15 Guineas (£15.75p) be taken from Lodge funds and given to W.Bro. Young in recognition of his services as Secretary. 2nd May. Installation Meeting. The Lodge was opened at 1630. There were 51 members and 47 visitors present which included 13 Masters of neighbouring Lodges. There would have been 25 but 12 gave apologies. Six Stewards were appointed and invested and placed in order of seniority. 3rd October. Bro Sadler and Bro Wood were passed to second degree. In pursuance of a notice of motion the treasurer proposed that the sum of 25 Guineas be taken from Lodge funds and presented to W.Bro. WFQ Hayman in recognition of services as Almoner this was seconded and carried. An order from the Ministry of Food via Grand Lodge stated that no dinner, luncheon, or supper is to be provided to a party or persons exceeding 100 in number. Grand Lodge also pointed out that all Lodges should pay attention to prompt openings in order to conserve fuel. Victory Lodge decided to suspend all suppers until February 1948 when a light supper was introduced at a cost of 1/6 (7.5p) a head.

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Ladies Night at Kimbells Ballroom Southsea. W.Bro.FAE Lane Worshipful Master

1948 2nd January. The Secretary Proposed that the Lodge of Instruction be closed down owing to the fact that it was failing to attract Brethren who were not officers in which case the rehearsals were serving that purpose. This was seconded and carried. 6th February. The Treasurer presented the accounts and for the first time it showed a balance of £1000. The Secretary read a communication from grand Lodge stating that His Grace the Duke of Devonshire KG would be installed a Most Worshipful Grand Master on Tuesday 23rd March 1948. The Worshipful Master announced that he would be holding a Ladies Festival on Wednesday 17th March at Kimbells. Tickets were to be 15/- (75p) each. The Worshipful Master thanked W.Bro Young for the gift of a cupboard to house Lodge equipment.

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7th May. Installation Meeting the Lodge was opened at 1630 and Bro H. Aylen was installed as Master. There were 54 members and 59 visitors present which included 14 Masters of neighbouring Lodges. Supper was served at a cost of 10/- (50p) a head. 4th June. It should be noted that the Lodge summons now appeared very similar to the format that we now know, that is to say double sided with Officers printed on the back and also Past Masters. 5th November. . The suppers provided after the meetings now showed a steep rise to 6/- (30p) per head. It was proposed that a Ladies Festival at Derby Road on Saturday 27th November. Tickets priced at 15/- (75p) a head At this meeting the second degree tracing board was delivered by Bro J Finn a steward of the Lodge. A letter by air mail was received from Cathay Lodge No 4373 Zetland Hall Hong Kong stating that a Grand Lodge Certificate had been presented to Bro VJ Sadler on October 1st. A  directive  from  the  Provincial  grand  master  stated  that  “If  a Brother is elected to the chair of a Lodge of which he is a founder, he should not seek to go through the chair of his Mother Lodge, and no Brother, other than the founding master should go into the chair of any Lodge of which he is a founder if he has already been through the chair of His Mother Lodge. 1949 1st April. . W.Bro WFQ Hayman proposed his Son as a joining member. WFH Hayman a civil servant residing at the Clump Inn Chilworth Hants. A member of Albert Edward lodge 1780. It should be noted that 1949 was a very quiet year masonically for the Lodge and very little was held ceremonially. 1950 6th January. The year started with a double Initiation and a Second degree.

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3rd February. For the first time a ball point pen was used to write the minutes with varying success as the early models produced smudges, blots with some varying thicknesses of script. A Third Degree was held the lodge called off for tea at 1/6 (7.5p) a head. The Lodge was called on and a double Second Degree was carried out. The Lodge resumed in the First Degree and an Initiation was carried out. Al ceremonies were carried out by Past Masters. The Balance sheet still showed a healthy £1000 in the bank. 3rd March. Bro Hoskins presented the Lodge with two  deacon’s  wands   because   the   originals  were   destroyed  in the destruction of the building at Lake Road. 8th April. The Lodge opened at 1430. The worshipful Master carried out a double First Degree and a single Second Degree. A Mr LC Brisley was proposed a s a candidate. The Lodge was closed at 1700 followed by supper at 1/9 (10.5p) a head. 5th May. . The Lodge was opened at 15.30 there were 55 members and 44 visitors present. Mr Brisley was initiated along with Mr Cope by the IPM W.Bro Aylen. Bro Sexton was then installed in the chair. It was proposed and seconded that the sum of 15 Guineas (£ 15.75) be presented to Bro McGonigle in appreciation of his duties as Tyler. Arrangements were made for a Lodge outing to the Royal Masonic Institute for Boys on July 8th 2nd June. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and close at 20.00 a double Second degree and a Third Degree was carried out. A full supper at a cost of 6/6 (32.5p) a head was served. 3rd November. A notice from the Provincial Office stated the Most Worshipful the Grand master his Grace the Duke of Devonshire would install W.Bro. WG Attenborough MB. BS. PGD. As Provincial Grand Master of Hampshire and IOW in Grand Lodge on 7th December

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1951 5th January. The Lodge was opened at 1800. The Worshipful Master informed the Brethren that the Lodge was in mourning due to the death of the Grand Master, his Grace the Duke of Devonshire. A double third Degree was carried out which include Bro Brisley (Bro Brisley served over 50 year as a member of the Lodge and his Grandson was initiated into the Lodge in 2006) A Mr Barrow was balloted for as a Candidate. 2nd February. The Statement of Accounts showed the bank balance had increased to £1500. Some comparisons of expenditure are interesting:-. 1951 2006 Grand Lodge Dues £48.12s £1163 Pro. G.Lodge Dues £26 £412.82 Rent £40 £1556 Postage and Printing £48.3s.9d £332.79 Dining Fees £110.16s.5d. £3770.50 2nd March. . There was a sharp increase in dining fees and a light supper now cost 3/6 (17.5p). The Lodge had a full agenda of 4 gentlemen waiting Initiation and 3 Brethren waiting to be passed. It was proposed and seconded that the sum of 20 Guineas (£21) be taken from Lodge funds and presented to W.Bro. Young in appreciation of his work as Secretary. 6th April. The prices of suppers rose again to 4/6 (22.5p) 4th May. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1920. There were 49 members and 38 visitors present. Bro A. Benfield was installed as Master. Bro VJ Sadler was appointed a Steward for the first time. 1st June. The new Master opened his year by carrying out a double Initiation and a double passing. A notice was read from Medina lodge No175 stating that they were holding a Masonic Service at All Saints Church on the IOW and all would be welcome. Regalia would be worn. Grand and Provincial grand Lodge Officers would

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robe in the vestry whilst all other brethren would robe in their seats. The Secretary gave Notice of Motion that £40 be taken from Lodge funds for the recarving and renovation of the Lodge Tablet. 5th October. The Master carried out a double Third and the Lodge was closed in all 3 Degrees. 1952 4th January. Another steep rise in the cost of dining now costing 6/6 (32.5p). For the first time since the ending of the War a communication from Grand Lodge stating that white gloves will be worn at all regular meetings. The statement of Account showed a healthy £1000 in the bank. 7th March. The Lodge was in mourning of the death of His Majesty King George VI. 2nd May. Bro Purvis was installed as Master. There were 44 members and 40 visitors present. The Lodge Almoner stated that due to poor health and advancing years he felt compelled to stand down as Almoner after 24 years. It was proposed and seconded that £25 be taken from Lodge funds and presented to W.Bro. WFQ Hayman in appreciation of his services to the Lodge. 1953 1st May. The senior warden Bro A.Cue was installed in the chair. There were 44 members and 36 visitors present. Bro Sadler was now advancing to become Assistant secretary. 2nd October. The Secretary announced that he had received a cheque from the Board of Trade f0r £266.3.9 (266.19p) in full settlement of the War Damage Claim. 1954 5th February. There was an alteration to the byelaws stating that the sum of money payable to the Tyler should be deleted in order that the fee payable could be adjusted at any time. The statement of accounts showed a healthy £1300 in the bank.

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28th March. A special Masonic Service for all Portsmouth Freemasons that was going to be held at St Mary’s,   Portsea,   would   be   attended   by   the   Provincial  Grand Master and his Officers. Regalia would be worn and the Brethren would be robe in the Church. 7th May. Bro A. Sweetman was installed as Master. There were 50 members and 33 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1930. Bro A.McGonigle tendered his resignation after 26years due to ill health. 4th June. The new Master for his first ceremony carried out an Initiation and a double second Degree. The Lodge was opened at 1800 and closed at 2025. The Provincial grand master sent a letter of congratulations to the Brethren of Hampshire and IOW for raising £122000 for the RMBI 5th November. With 6 Fellow crafts waiting to be raised it was decided that a double ceremony would be carried out. It was proposed that the sum of 10 Guineas (£10.50p) be sent to King Edward VII Lodge No 3816 in appreciation of the material assistance given to the Victory Lodge. 3rd December. The Master was put to the test by carrying out a double Second and a double Third on the same evening. 1955 6Th May. The senior warden A. Miller was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1940. There were 53 members and 34 visitors present. 3rd June. A Notice of Motion appeared in the summons for the Lodge to move back to Lake Road. The petition was signed by 7 members and a discussion took place and it was decided to make reference back to the General Purposes Committee for them to consider and report back to a special meeting for consideration. 22nd July. Special Dispensation was granted by the Provincial Grand Master for the Lodge to hold a meeting to discuss a move back to Lake Road. 33 members attended

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the meeting and after a long discussion of for the move and against a vote was taken and a majority of 26 to 7 voted for the move. The worshipful Master declared that as the number exceeded the two thirds majority need the vote carried the proposal. 7th October. The cost of supper rose again to 7/6 (37.5p). W.Bro Miller proposed and W.Bro Purvis seconded the Provincial Grand Master R.Wor. Bro. W Attenborough be made an honorary member of the Lodge. This was carried and the PGM replied in a letter deeming it an honour and if elected would be delighted to accept. 2nd December. An alteration to the bye laws was granted by Grand lodge stating that the regular meeting of the Lodge would now take place on the first Friday in every month from October to June at the Masonic Hall Lake road Portsmouth. 1956 6th January. The first meeting back at Lake Road was held. But this year was a very quiet year with very little happening within the Lodge. 1957 3rd May. The Senior Warden Bro V.J.Sadler was installed as Master. There were 49 members and 32 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1730 and closed at 1945. During his year W.Bro Sadler carried out two double first degrees, two double second degrees and two double third degrees and a single first. On October 4th a party of 8 Americans attended Victory Lodge from all parts of the USA. They were duly examined by the DC W.Bo FAE Lane and allowed to enter the Lodge. 1958 4th May. Bo JH Goddard was installed as Worshipful Master. There were 53 members and 35 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1730 and closed at 1939. 7th November. Due to the sudden death of the Treasurer W.Bro. Strickland, a ballot was held and W.Bro Cue was elected Treasurer for the remainder of the year.

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A letter from Lake Road Masonic Club stating that the maintenance charge for tenant Lodges was to be raised to 5/- (25p) per member per annum. With the membership of 150 the Lodge would have to increase its annual subscription to £27.10.0 (£27.50) per member. The Secretary also read a letter from the club appealing for funds to ease the overdraft situation. After some discussion and after taking advice from the GPC it was decided that the Lodge would make a loan of £200 to the club free of interest. W.Bro Lane gave a notice of motion which was eventually proposed, seconded and carried. W.Bro Shimmings a Trustee of the club was in attendance and invited to give a short resume of the finances of the club. He stated that The War Damage Commission had agreed to pay £26000 which was later reduced to £24600. The cost of rebuilding was eventually priced at £39800 and the cost of furniture £3000. Since the time when tenant Lodges rents had been fixed the Rates (Council Tax) had risen from £220 to £750. There had also been an increase in fuel and lighting. United Service Lodge 1428 had contributed £800 to help reduce the overdraft. 1959 1st May. Bro PT Pafford was installed as Worship Master. There were 52 members and 35 guests present. The Lodge was opened at 1730 and closed at 1950. The Secretary then gave a Notice of Motion to be considered at the June meeting. 5th June. In pursuance of a Notice of Motion the Secretary proposed that the Bye Laws be amended as to the Annual Subscriptions and also the duties of the Treasurer and Secretary. In support of this he stated that due to the increased costs the expenditure had now exceeded income. The fees and dues were in fact at the same level as in 1924 and must be revised to put the Lodge on a sound financial footing. Initiation and other fees should be regarded as capital and not as working expenses. It was therefore proposed that:-

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Initiation Fee…………………………………………………….£20 Joining Fee…………………………………………………….£4 Re-Joining Fee……………………………………………………£2 Emergency  Fee……………………………£5.5s (£5.25p) Fees  of  Honour………….WM £5.00, SW £3.00 JW £2.00 Annual Subscription payable 1st January each Year…………………………..£2.10s  (£2.50p) The   Secretary’s   services   shall   be   deemed   equitable   to  payment of annual subscriptions Any member who for reasons acceptable to the Lodge is unable to attend for a whole year will be allowed to pay a reduced fee of £1.15s (£1.75p) the proposal was duly seconded and carried. 1960 6th May. Bro C. Pike was installed in the chair of the Lodge. There were 56 members and 53 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at1945 7th October. A letter was received from the Almoner W.Bro Pellat expressing his decision to resign from the Lodge for personal reasons. The resignation was received with regret and the WM appointed W.Bro Sweetman as Almoner for the remainder of the year. 2nd December. It was decided to make this a guest night and the Lodge appealed for all members to invite a guest. This decision was a success as the were 53 members and 29 guests. 1961 6th January. The cost of supper was raised to 8/- (40p) per head. 5th May. The SW Bro Stephens was installed as Worshipful Master. There were 62 members and 102 visitors present. 2nd June . The Secretary proposed that a sum not exceeding 50Guineas £52.50p) be taken from Lodge funds

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and presented to W.Bro. Lane towards his Grand Lodge regalia after being promoted to PGStdB. W.Bro Fry proposed an amendment that 10 Guineas (£10.50p) should be taken from funds and that the Brethren who wished to can make a donation. The amendment was defeated so the proposition was carried. 1962 2nd February A third Degree was worked by Past Masters and W.Bro Sadler acted as Inner Guard. 4th May Bro Crosby was installed as Worshipful Master. There were 56 members and 61 visitors present. The Senior Past Master drew the attention of the Brethren to the fact that the Secretary W.Bro. Young wished to resign his office which he had occupied for the last 20 years. In recognition of his services the Brethren had made donations as a testimonial. W.Bro. Young thanked the Brethren and said of the 45 years he had been a Freemason the last 20 years had given him the most pleasure. He also urged the Brethren to live their lives as set out in the charge after Initiation. W,Bro Miller was appointed as Secretary. 1963 1st March. Bro R.Ansell gave a notice of Motion that the amount of annual subscription paid by a Candidate for Initiation shall be in proportion to the quarter of the year he is initiated. 3rd May. Bro E Padwick was installed as Worshipful Master. There were 52 members and 67 visitors, 22 of which  were  Bro  Padwick’s    personal  guests. 1964 2nd March. Bro Ian Mackie was initiated after being proposed by his father Bro W Mackie and seconded by W.Bro Padwick. 1st May. Bro G Hoskins was installed as Worshipful Master. There were 63 members and 56 visitors present. The supper for the Installation meeting had risen to 15/- (75p) which was more expensive than the luncheon for the Provincial grand lodge Meeting at Southampton Guildhall which was 12/6 (62.5p) Bro Watterson JD was appointed SW and Bro Gisborne SD was appointed JW.

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2nd October . Bro’s   Feeney   and   Long   were   raised  and for the first time presented with their Masonic Bibles. This was the first time a presentation of the bible was presented in the 3rd Degree. There is no record as to why it was changed but it is assumed it was because of the ceremonies are based on passages of scripture 4th December. Bro Oatley was initiated into Freemasonry by the chaplain W.Bro.Goddard due to the Worshipful Master being absent through illness. The charge was delivered by Bro Gisborne. 1965 1st January. Bro Oatley was passed by the IPM W. Bro Padwick. Due to continued absence of the WM through illness. 5th March . Bro Oatley was raised to the 3rd degree and presented with a Masonic Bible by the Treasurer W.Bro. Cue. The WM was still absent and a Mr ER Hayman was balloted for. 2nd April. The chair was occupied by W.Bro Davies who had just completed his 50th year after being initiated into the Lodge on 1st April 1915. He then Initiated Bro Rees. Bro Cue resigned as Treasurer after 9 years and W.Bro Pike was appointed. 7th May. Bro Watterson was Installed in to the chair. There 50 members and 44 visitors present and due to the continuing illness of the WM the Installation was shared by W.Bro’s   Sadler,   Lane,   and   Padwick.     In   pursuance   o0f   a  notice of motion W.Bro Lane proposed that the permissive variations of the ceremonies authorised by Grand Lodge be accepted by the Lodge as from June 65. The variations consisted mainly to alterations in the obligation. 5th November.. Bro Roy Hayman was initiated into Freemasonry. The PGM Major General R Bond was present and delivered the charge after Initiation. 3rd December. W.Bro Townshend founder of the Lodge, was made an honorary member. 1966 4th March. It was stated on the agenda that the Annual General meeting of Provincial grand Lodge was to

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be held at Southampton Guildhall on 6th July 1966 and the cost of the meal at the Guildhall would be 16/- (80p) 6th May. Bro A.L.Gisborne was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1715 and closed at1950, there were 46 members and 46 visitors present. 1967 5th May. Bro J.Dunn was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2010, there were 54 members and 46 visitors present. 1968 3rd May. Bro F.Johns was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2010. There were 52 members and 49 visitors present. 1969 2nd May. Bro W Eddowes was installed in the chair . The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2000. There were 45 members and 34 visitors present. 6th June. It was proposed by Bro Davies that £20 be taken from Lodge funds to purchase a steel cabinet to be used for the storage of Lodge records. 1970 1St May. Bro J Williams was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1750 and closed at 2010. There were 57 members and 67 visitors present. 2nd October . The Treasurer in pursuance of a notice of motion proposed that the Annual Subscriptions be raised to £4 as from the 1st January 1971 7th May. Diamond Jubilee Year. Bro A White was installed in the chair. There were 56 members and 86 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2020. 1972 5th May . Bro W Mackie was installed in the chair. There were 54 members and 64 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2020 3rd November. Bro M Hayman and Bro T Lineham were initiated together.

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1973 5th January. Bros Hayman and Lineham were passed to the 2nd Degree. 2nd March. Bros Hayman and Lineham were raised to the 3rd Degree. 4th May. W.Bro W.Greer was inducted into the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2015. There were 62 members and 64 visitors present. 7th December. In pursuance of a notice of motion the Treasurer proposed that the annual subscription be raised to £5 1974 1st March. A letter was read from the PGM tendering his resignation. 3rd May. Bro C Longyear was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2020. There were 59 members and 54 visitors present. In pursuance of a Notice of Motion Bro Ethell proposed that a Victory Building Fund be set up for the Lake Road Masonic Club and that Victory Brethren be asked to donate to it on a voluntary basis. Also that £400 be taken from Lodge funds and be given to the club on an interest free basis. 1st November. The APGM WBro Phillips together with Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge attended the regular meeting. 1975 3rd January. Bro C. Gray was initiated. 2nd May. Bro Roy Hayman was Installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2000. There were 67 members and 57 members present. Among invested  as  Stewards  were  Bro’s  Kessell,  Coates,  Hayman  and Oatley 7th November. The Treasurer gave notice that the Annual Subscriptions be raised to £7 1976 7th May. Bro I Thomson was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1745 and closed at 2005. There

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were 67 members and 78 visitors present. Bro Kessell was invested SD and Bro Coates as JD 5th November. The Treasurer gave a Notice of Motion that the Annual Subscriptions be raised to £10. 3rd December. Bro Oatley Jnr was passed to the second degree. The Junior Deacon Bro Coates gave an explanation of the Tracing Board. 1977 6th May. Bro E. Jenkins was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 17.45 and closed at 20.32. There were 67 members and 64 visitors present 3rd June. In pursuance of a notice of motion W.Bro J Goddard proposed that W.Bro C. Kite be elected an honorary member in recognition of his services to the Lodge. Proposition was carried. 7th October. W.Bro.WBW Richards was appoi nted VGO of the Lodge. A letter was received from W.Bro Ernie Fayre that due to ill health he was no longer able to continue as Lodge Tyler. 1978 6th January. A dedication service was held to dedicate a replacement banner presented to the Lodge by W.Bro. E. Padwick PPGSwdB. The dedication was carried out by the Prov. Ass. G.Chaplain W.Bro. Canon H.Gilroy. It was now printed in the summons that the Annual Subscriptions were now due. 7th April. In pursuance of a notice of motion W.Bro. F.Johns proposed that any member who for reasons that are acceptable to the Lodge who find that they are unable to attend Lodge regularly, may on written request to the Secretary apply to pay 50% of the Annual Subscription. The proposal was carried. 5th May. Bro E Ford was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 17.30 and closed at 20.15. There were 61 members and 72 visitors present. A Notice of Motion from the Treasurer that the Annual Subscription be raised to £14. 3rd November. A letter from the Province informing the Brethren that W.Bro. T.Bennett Langton was to be

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appointed Provincial Grand Master in succession to R.W.Bro. Rev Bishop John Phillips MA who retired on October 31st1978 1979 4th May. Bro G. Kessell was installed in the chair. The APGM W.Bro Freeston attended with Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. The Lodge was opened at 1730 and closed at 20.10. There were 64 Members and 66 visitors present. 1980 2nd May. Bro E Coates was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 17.30 and closed at 20.10. There were 59 members and 47 visitors present. W,Bro Coates appointed W,Bro. ER Hayman as DC. 1981 2nd January. The annual subscriptions rose from £14 to £16. 3rd April.. The bye Laws were amended tom read Initiation Fee £50, Joining Fee £10, Re-Joining Fee £10 1st May. Bro. M. Hayman was installed in the chair, The Lodge was opened at 17.30 and closed at 20.10. There were 58 members and 78 visitors present. The Deputy PGM V.W. Bro. Surgeon Captain. G.S.Irvine attended with 4 Grand Officers and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge. 6thh November In pursuance of a Notice of Motion the Treasurer proposed that the Annual Subscriptions be raised to £20. 1982 7th May. Bro D. Oatley was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at17.30 and closed at 20.05. There were 57 members and 60 visitors present. There were also 5 Grand Officers which included PPAPGM and the Grand Marshall Scottish Constitution. 1st October. A combined Barn Dance with Victory Chapter raised the sum of £100. £50 was sent to the South Atlantic Fund and the rest went to Masonic Charities. 5th November. The Dep PGM V.W.Bro.Surgeon Captain Irvine attended with Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge.

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A letter was read from the MOD thanking the Lodge for the generous donation to the South Atlantic Fund. A letter from Portsea Lodge thanking Victory Lodge for taking part in a skittles match, the proceeds of which went to the 1984 Festival. A Notice of Motion from the Treasurer that the annual subscriptions be raised to £22. W. Bro M. Hayman proposed his Father Mr.LF Hayman (Lewis) as a candidate for initiation. 1983 7th January. W. Bro.M.L Hayman thanked the W.Master for allowing him to initiate his Father 6th May. W.Bro Feeney was installed into the chair of the Lodge. The Lodge was ope3ned at 1730 and closed at 19.50. There were 56 members and 81 visitors present. 3rd June. It was reported the W.Bro ER Hayman Director of ceremonies had suffered a heart attack. 1984 4th May. Bro R Todd was installed in the chair and the Lodge was opened at 1730 and closed at2015. There were 45 members and 45 guests. 1st June. Bro D Brady was initiated. The Charity Steward W.Bro. Jenkins stated that the Lodge had reached, and surpassed its target of £4000 by and extra £1000 for the RMTBG. W.Bro Feeney gave a report on a visit to Britannia Lodge USA and presented the WM with a medallion as a gift from that Lodge. 5th October.. A letter from the Provincial Office informing the Lodge of the appointment of Weber. Totheridge as VGO. 1985 5th January. Two gentlemen Keith and Barry Crockford who were educated at the expense of the Royal Masonic institute for Boys were initiated together. 3rd May. Bro A Thomson was installed into the chair of the Lodge. There were 55 members and 58 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1715 and closed at 2015.

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1st November. The Treasurer gave notice that the Annual Subscription be raised from £22 to £24. The APGM W.Bro McGarel-Groves was in attendance. The Almoner W.Bro Watterson reported the Worshipful Master had suffered a heart attack and was in intensive care. 1986 3rd January.     A   ballot   was   held   “to   place   on   the  market the Royal Masonic Hospital. The motion was defeated. 7th February. A letter was received from the Provincial Grand Master tendering his resignation on account of ill health. 7th March. The death was announced of R.Worshipful Bro Past Provincial Grand Master T.B.Langton. 2nd May. Bro D Oatley Jnr. was installed in the chair. There were 44 members and 37 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1715 and closed at 2000. W.Bro was the installing master as W.Bro Thompson was still unable to attend. W.Bro. M. Hayman was invested as Secretary and W.Bro Coates as Treasurer. 6th June. There was a demonstration by the William Cobbett Lodge No 7914 of an 18th Century initiation. 3rd October. The Almoner reported that W.Bro. Todd had suffered a heart attack and was making progress. For the first time the mode of dress was indicated on the summons and would be Dinner Jacket, Dark Lounge Suit or Uniform. The WM of Caer Peris Lodge gave fraternal greetings on behalf of the visitors. 7th November. The Treasurer gave notice that the annual subscription should be raised from £24 to £27. 1987 6th February. Although it was noted that the mode of dress was now to be adhered to it was expected that Officers would wear Dinner Jacket on nights of Installation.

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1st May. Bro S Dowson was installed in the chair. There were 48 members and 70 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1715 and closed at 2005. 4th December. The  Secretary  proposed  that”  This  Lodge should become actively involved in the setting up of a new Masonic Centre as set out in the written proposition and sent to every subscribing member. This was carried 39 to 3. 1988 8th January. Bro I Parkin was initiated. 4th March. The Secretary gave Notice of Motion that £500 be taken from Lodge Funds and deposited in the PBS No2 account. This proposal was carried at April meeting. 6th May. Bro Roy Jones was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1715 and closed at 1945. There were 49 members and 45 visitors present. Among the Officers invested was W.Bro. Kessell DC, WBro Oatley ADC Bro C Gray Ass Secretary. 3rd June W.Bro  Johns  presented  a  Past  Master’s  Jewel which incorporated a founders Jewel to the IPM. This jewel was unique and he stipulated that this jewel should  be  worn  by  all  IPM’s.    He  was  warmly  applauded  and thanked. 7th October. The Treasurer gave Notice of Motion that the Annual Subscriptions be raised to £33 as from 1st January 1989 4th November. The Secretary gave Notice of Motion that at the next regular meeting he would propose that£100 be set aside as payment for the New Masonic Centre and that £4000 is paid as and when required over the next 4 years. At the December Meeting this proposal was carried. 1989 3rd February Bro R Brooks was admitted as a joining member. 5th May Bro R.Ansell was installed in the chair for the second time and the Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1935. There were 43 m3mbers and 48 visitors present.

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3rd November. The APGM W.Bro. Moss attended the meeting and as this was the occasion of W.Bro Pafford’s  50th year in the Lodge the APGM gave a brief outline of his Masonic career and presented him with an illuminated scroll. 1990 2nd March. The Charity Steward stated that the target for the 1994 Festival for the RMBI was £8000 and urged Brethren to take out a covenant. 4th May. Bro H Martin was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1940. There were 44 members and 43 visitors present. The APGM W.Bro Mills- Goodlet was in attendance. 2nd November. The Treasurer gave a Notice of motion that the annual subscription be raised from £37 to £45. 1991 1st February. The Secretary informed the meeting that  it  was  the  intention  of  the  GP  to  withdraw  the  Lodge’s  application to move to Cosham as the circumstances had now changed. 1st March. A letter from the PGM RWor Bro James E Bullen would be standing down as PGM due to ill health and that the DPGM had been appointed PGM elect. 3rd May. W.Bro Norris PPGStdB was inducted into the chair. There were 45 members and 46 visitors present. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and close at 1940 1st November. The Treasurer gave notice of Motion that the Annual Subscription be raised from £45 to £50 as from 1st January 1992. 1992 6th March. The Charity Steward stated that the 1994 Festival  now  stood  at  £1.5M  and  that  the  Lodge’s  donation  was now at £7528. 1st May. Bro T Crawford was installed in the chair. The Lodge was opened at 1700 and closed at 1940. There were 40 members and 46 visitors present. The Almoner W.Bro. Watterson rose and thanked the Brethren for their

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support over the last 25 years as he was standing down. W.Bro Ansell was the new Charity Steward. 2nd October. The4 Charity Steward stated that the Lodge had raised £8000 so far for the 1994 Festival. W.Bro Norris rose and informed the Lodge that £1557 had been raised during his year as WM for charity. 4th December. The Secretary gave Notice of Motion that he would be proposing that W. Bro. W.B.W Richards be elected an honorary member. 1993 5th February W. Bro. Richards PAGDC was received and welcomed as an Honorary Member of the Lodge. 1st October The Charity Steward stated that the Targets for the Lodge for the 1994 Festival for the RMBI of £8k had been exceeded and was well on the way to £10k 5th November The Treasurer gave notice of motion that the Annual Subscriptions be raised from £50 to £57 as from 1st January. 3rd December W. Bro M. Hayman gave a talk entitled  “The  Apron”  and  then  invited  the  Brethren  to  purchase copies of the talk the proceeds of which would go to the RNLI in memory of W. Bro. Watterson. PPSGD 1994 8th April The Charity Steward reported that the Lodge had reached £11k for the 1994 Festival. The Secretary stated that the Provincial figure stood at £4.4m. The Secretary read letters from Lake Road stating that it intended to close the building but tenants would be given a buyout option. He also stated that the GPC on 12th April, would be open to all members. A Notice of Motion was read by the Secretary and signed by W. Bro. Sadler, Coates, Hayman, Crawford, Brady, Sutton,  &  Callaway  “  that the lodge be removed from Lake Road and relocated at  Havant” 6th May In pursuance of a Notice of Motion the Secretary rose and proposed that the Lodge move to Havant. A ballot was taken with the result being 25 for and

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19 against. The motion was defeated with no debate allowed by the Worshipful Master. 4th November W. Bro’s. Hatchard and Samuels members of St Georges Lodge presented a small table suitably inscribed to the Lodge in memory of W. Bro. Watterson. The Treasurer gave Notice of Motion that the Lodge Annual Subscriptions be reduced to £55. but the Initiation fee be raised to £75. 1995 5th May. W. Bro. M. L. Hayman was received into the Lodge after being promoted to active rank of Assistant Grand Sword Bearer in Grand Lodge. The Treasurer gave Notice of Motion that the joining and rejoining fee be raised to £50. He also proposed the sum of £2k be taken from Lodge funds and given to the Lake Road Building in the form of a loan 3rd November W. Bro. Hayman AGSwdB, Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies entered the Lodge and announced that the APGM of the Masonic Province of Hampshire and IOW accompanied by the Dep. Provincial Grand Master of Hertfordshire V. W. Bro. John Brier was without and requested admission. They were received in due form. The Treasurer gave Notice of Motion that the annual subscriptions be raised to £60. 1996 3rd May The Lodge was opened by the WM W Bro V. Callaway . There were 41 members and 52 visitors present. Bro Parkin was installed in the chair. 1997 4th April W. Bro. Sadler was admitted into the Lodge with much acclaim on being elected an honorary member. W. Bro. Seaman APGM attended the Lodge and gave a informative account of the 50 years that W.Bro. Sadler had been a member of the Lodge. W. Bro. D. James Pro.Asst Grand Chaplain then asked the Brethren to rise and he gave a prayer of thanks for the occasion. The W.Bro. Seaman presented an illuminated

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address to mark to occasion. This had been donated by members of the Lodge. 2nd May. The W. Master W.Bro. Parkin opened the Installation meeting. There were 39 members and 25 visitors present and W.Bro Martin was Installed for the second time as there was no Brother eligible for  the  WM’s  chair 1998 1st May . The Lodge was opened by the WM W. Bro H. Martin at 4.15 pm . There were 38 members and 30 visitors present. Bro C. Hutchings was installed as the WM 1999 9th April. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master. W.Bro BC Bellinger gave an address entitled parallel lives which informed the Brethren of the Masonic lives of famous Brethren in Pheonix Lodge namely Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Rudyard Kipling. 7th May The WM opened the Installation Meeting at 5.00 pm there were 33 m3embers and 223 visitors present. Bro A.J.Scott was Installed in the chair 2000 3rd March A visit was made to the Lodge by Brethren of Nelson Lodge No 18 IC 5th May The Lodge was opened by W.Bro Scott There were 42 members and 39 visitors present Bro J Towse was installed in to the chair by the WM 1st December After the business of the Lodge. a lecture was presented by W. Bro Wensley Secretary of the Grand Charity. Ladies were invited into the Lodge Room as well as guests to hear the lecture which was warmly received. 2001 4th May The Lodge was opened at 5pm. There were 38 visitors and 31 visitors present. Bro J Fleet was installed in the chair. The Craft was in mourning for the death of MW Bro . The Right Honourable Lord Farnham. Past Pro Grand Master

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2002 5th April. The Lodge of Instruction rehearsed a Second Degree 3rd May. The lodge was opened at5pm. There were 35 members and 34 visitors present. Bro C Brier was installed in the chair. 7th June. A notice of Motion was given that the Lodge reduce its number of meetings to 8 per year and cancel the December meetings A Notice of Motion was given to elect 2 Lodge Account Examiners in January each year. A Notice of Motion was given that it was no longer necessary to read the Lodge Bye-Laws in opened Lodge Annually. 4th October. Notices of Motion given by the Secretary at the previous meeting were turned into proposition and seconded by the Assistant Secretary and the Propositions were carried. 2003 3rd January Bro L. Brisley was afforded Honorary Membership of the Lodge for his outstanding membership of the Lodge having bee initiated on 5th May 1950. He was the only member to be initiated on an Installation Meeting because of Service commitments. 3rd April. The Lodge of Instruction demonstrated the 1st Part of the 3rd Degree. 2nd May The Lodge was opened at 1700. There were 30 members and 29 visitors present. The Worshipful master installed W. Bro M Puddicombe as Master. 6th June The Lodge voted to give the sum of £500 to the 2005 Festival 7th November The gave Notice of motion that the Annual Subscriptions be raised to £85. 2004 6th February The Lodge was in mourning for the death of Bro L. Brisley the only member to have been initiated on the same evening as the Installation Meeting in 1945.

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7th May The Lodge was opened at1700. There were 33 members and 33 visitors present. Bro J Harris was installed in the chair by W.Bro Puddicombe. 5th November. The Lodge was in mourning for the death of W.Bro E.R.Hayman. 2005 4th February. The Lodge was in mourning for the death of W.Bro Norris 6th May The Lodge was opened at 1800 and there were 31 members and 29 visitors present. Bro P Foster was installed in the chair by W.Bro J Harris 2006 6th January. The Lodge was in mourning for the death of Bro C Wilson. 7th April The Lodge was in mourning for the death of W.Bro E Ford. 5th May The Lodge was opened at 1800. There were 28 members and 13 visitors present. Bro T Le Mage was installed in the chair by W.Bro Foster. 2007 4th May The Lodge was opened at 1800. There were 29 members and 17 visitors present. Bro Cornwall was installed into the chair by W. Bro T Le Mage. 2008 2nd May The Lodge was opened at 1800. There were 27 members and 17 visitors present. W. Bro Kessell PPGSuptW was installed in the chair by W Bro Cornwall. The Secretary rose and reported the death of W. Bro H Martin PPAGDC 2009 1st May The Lodge was opened at 1800. There were 27 members and 13 visitors present. W. Bro. C Brier, Provincial Lecturer for 2008/9, was installed in the chair of the Lodge for the second time by W. Bro. Kessell. 5th June The Lodge resolved that the December meeting should be reinstated and the January meeting be dropped.

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2nd October A notice of motion was given by the Secretary that Lodge subscriptions be increased to £105 with effect from 1st January 2010. 6th November The Lodge resolved to increase the annual subscription with effect from 2010. The APGM W. Bro. J.M. Codd PSGD was in attendance and he was accompanied by several Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge 2010 7th May The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master W. Bro C Brier at 1800. There were 25 members and 13 visitors present. W. Bro. J. Williams was installed in the chair for the second time. The first being 40 years previously in 1970 This  evening  was  the  start  of  the  Lodge’s  100th Year. The Lodge will be 100 years old on the 5th May 2011. 4th June Letters were received from Lake Road Masonic Club and United Service Lodge stating that it was their intention to sell the building and that they had identified a possible site in the Cowplain Area. An impromptu meeting of the members who were present at the Lodge meeting were invited to put their points of view. It was decided to call an extra ordinary GPC at which all members would be invited to discuss the events as time was short for the centenary celebrations. The extra ordinary meeting took place on 23rd July and after listening to two representatives of Lake Road and Portsmouth Masonic Hall Co Ltd it was resolved to stay at Lake Road until the building is sold and go along in partnership with the present owners. July, August and September is the time when the preparations for the centenary celebrations will start to take shape and decisions made. November 5th. Replica photographs were made of the present day members taken on board HMS Victory. The Lodge resolved to increase the annual subscription to £110 for 2011.

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Present day members

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Brethren who have served as Worshipful Master 1911 H.B.Townshend 1962 C.Crosby 1912 J. Apsey 1963 R.Ansell 1913 J.C. Lowe 1964 G.Hoskins 1914 J.H. Martin 1965 W.Watterson 1915 E.Cock. 1966 A.L.Gisborne 1916 W.C.Willmott 1967 J.Dunn 1917 J.C.Knight 1968 F.Johns 1918 S.M.Hammond 1969 W.Eddowes 1919 J.Short 1970 J.F.Williams 1920 J.W.Powell 1971 A.White 1921 J.F.Marshall 1972 W.Mackie 1922 W.F.Q.Hayman 1973 W.Greer 1923 F.Spencer 1974 C.Longyear 1924 A.E.McCarthy 1975 R.Hayman 1925 W.G.Davies 1976 I.Thomson 1926 R.W.Ling 1977 E.Jenkins 1927 A.C.Main 1978 E.Ford 1928 W.Young 197 9 G.Kessell 1929 G.W.Howe 1980 E.C.D.Coates 1930 C.F.Young 1981 M.L.Hayman 1931 G.Edbrooke 1982 D.A.Oatley 1932 J.C.Knight 1983 A.Feeney 1933 J.H.Coveney 1984 R.Todd 1934 H.C.Skeens 1985 A.Thomson 1935 W.H.Prosse 1986 D.A.Oatley Jnr 1936 W.J.Webster 1987 S.Dowson 1937 J.B.Clough 1988 R.Jones 1938 S. Harcombe 1989 R.Ansell 1939 J. Combs 1990 H.Martin 1940F.C.Lawrence 1991 J.F.Norris 1941 H.F.Green 1992 T.Crawford 1942 W.Turner 1993 D.Bradey 1943 E.G.W.Fry 1994 D.Sutton 1944 W.J.Pittman 1995 V.Callaway 1945 J.A.Babb 1996 I.Parkin 1946 F.A.E.Lane 1997 H.Martin

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1947 W.B.J.Evans 1998 C.hutchings 1948 H.W.Aylen 1999 A.Scott 1949 C.V.Page 2000 J.Towse 1950 S.R.Sexton 2001 J.Fleet 1951 A.H.Benfield 2002 C.Brier 1952 J.E.Purvis 2003 M.Puddicombe 1953 A.A.Cue 2004 J.Harris 1954 A.G.Sweetman 2005 P.Foster 1955 A.G.Miller 2006 T.LeMage 1956 A.T.Johnson 2007 G.Cornwall 1957 V.J.Sadler 2008 G.Kessell 1958 J.H.H.Goddard 2009 C.Brier 1959 P.T.Pafford 2010 J.F.Williams 1960 C.J.Pike 2011 N.Brier 1961 S.G.Stephens Nothing now remains but to express gratitude to those Brethren who have held office of Secretaries, and Assistant Secretaries during the 100 years covered by this history, for the careful manner in which the transactions of the Lodge have been recorded, and which has made the compilation of this book an easy and pleasant task.

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Acknowledgments are due to W.Bro C.E.Hutchings, Bro.B.M. Jones, Mr.Craig Moore ( Photographer) and Mr Chris Jenkins (Printer) for their help in producing this book.