Histoy of ayurvedam

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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  2. 2. HISTORY OF INDIA India is a vast country which has large number of historical tradition and culture. The India is a country which was formed by the submerge of large Tamil continent KUMARI KANDAM(LEMURIYA). The country India was formed at 28,000 B.C ago The people of India (kumari kandam) was believed in different numbers of cultures , tradition and gave respect to the individual faith. The kumari kandam has a mountain range known as MERU MOUNTAIN RANGE and the history told that the mountain has large numbers of herbal plants and most of the heelers like NAGARJUNA are stay in the mountain range and heel the peoples
  3. 3. After the sub-merge of KUMARI KANDAM most of the peoples prefer to stay away from the oceans At 600 B.C the India was divided into 16 mahajanapadas and it was control by a group of people
  4. 4. The name of the 16 mahajanapadas were: Kashi Kosala Magadha Vajji Malla Chedi Vamsa or Vatsa Kuru Panchala Matsya Surasena Assaka Avanti Gandhara Kamboja
  5. 5. The group of people prefer in the peoples health first and the education to the people and then only they prefer to the administration The India is a country of believing the superficial things in and all the things in day to day life THE INTRDUCTION OF MEDICINE IN INDIA (BARATHA DESAM) According to the epics of India the first heeler was LORD BRAMA who was creator of the world. He do lot of work at a time but at a point he cannot do the creation and heling at a time so he create the ASWINI KUMARAGAL
  6. 6. ASWINI KUMARARGAL o Aswini kumarargal were twin brothers who have normal human body but with horse heads. o They are the second heelers who cure the peoples around the world LORD DHANVANTHRI To fill the place of ASWINI KUMARARGAL LORD VISHNU took the place in name of LORD DHANVANTHRI who was the god of medicine Later he was rejected by the people because he cannot save a kings life from a snake poison
  7. 7. Caraka India is vast Hindu country. The Hindus are divided into four main groups( Vedas ) they are 1)the rig Veda, 2)The sama Veda, 3) yajur Veda and 4)The Atharva Veda During the Dhanvanthris period he has only one person as his student his name was CHAKRA/CARAKA He was the first human heeler in the world With the help of his knowledge and learning he found the new type of heeling method which is known as "AYURVEDA
  8. 8. Ayurveda = Ayu + Veda Ayu is life Veda is knowledge or science Ayurveda THE SCIENCE OF LIFE AYURVEDAM
  9. 9. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life PRINCIPLES OF AYURVEDA DOSHAS DHATUS - Tissues MALAS - Waste products
  10. 10. Ayurveda tells that human body made 5 essential components Ayurveda tells that the human body was balanced by three things. They are 1)The vata(combination of atmosphere and air) ,2)The kapha (combination of earth and water),3)The pitta (combination of water and fire)
  11. 11. Ayurveda tells that the human body has 7 chakras(circles) which is also made up of the 5 elements. They are: 1)crown of head, 2)between the eye brows, 3) thorat, 4)right of the heart, 5) narvel, 6)above the genitals, 7)just above the anus
  12. 12. The Ayurvedic classics mention eight branches of medicine: kycikits (internal medicine), alyacikits (surgery including anatomy), lkyacikits (eye, ear, nose, and throat diseases), kaumrabhtya (pediatrics), bhtavidy(spirit medicine), and agada tantra (toxicology), rasyana (science of rejuvenation), and vjkaraa (aphrodisiacs, mainly for men)
  13. 13. The ancient Indians are excelled at surgery. The great surgical textbook, Sushruta Samhita, probably dates back to the last centuries B.C. This work described 20 sharp and 101 blunt surgical instruments. These instruments included forceps, pincers, trocars (sharp- pointed instruments fitted with a small tube), and cauteries (irons to heat and sear tissue). Most of these surgical tools were made of steel. The ancient Hindus also used lancets to carry out cataract surgery, scalpels to restore amputated noses via plastic surgery, and sharp knives to remove bladder stones. At about the same time, ancient Peruvians were performing trepanation. They left behind various surgical instruments, including scalpels and chisels made of obsidian. ANCIENT INDIANS SURGERY
  14. 14. Importance of Surgery It is known that ancient Indian physicians performed surgical operations such as cataract and rhinoplasty. Besides those, some other surgical operations to abdomen and bladder (removal of stones) and even dental surgery performed. Indian physicians knew how blood vessels should be sealed after cutting and performed cauterisation. All those show us that indian surgical treatment was excellent in those centuries.
  15. 15. Public health and hygiene Depending on written records, epidemics and illnesses must have been frequent throughout the subcontinent. There is evidence for malaria, dysenteriea, cholera, plague, leprosy tuberculosis etc. The first establishment of the hospitals are not clear, but there exist inscriptions that hospitals for humans and even for animals existed since the 3rd century BC.
  16. 16. VETEINARY SCIENCE Animals receive good medicine care in ancient India. Physicians treating human being were also trained in care of animals. Indian medical treaties like Charka, sushuta, and harita Samhita contains chapters about care of animals. The greatest and most reverted teachers of vednary science was salihotra, the father of vednary science followed by palkaya and atreya. Almost all aspects of surgery and medicine including veterinary ethics were dealt-in ancient medical veterinary science SALIHOTRA
  17. 17. GOLDEN AGE OF INDIAN MEDICINE The golden age of Indian medicine, from 800 bc until about ad 1000, was marked especially by the production of the medical treatises known as the Caraka- sahit andSuruta-sahit, attributed, respectively, to Caraka, a physician, and Suruta, a surgeon. Estimates place the Caraka-sahit in its present form as dating from the 1st century ad, although there were earlier versions. The Suruta-sahit probably originated in the last centuries bc and had become fixed in its present form by the 7th centuryad. Of somewhat lesser importance are the treatises attributed to Vagbhata. All later writings on Indian medicine were based on these works.
  18. 18. REFERENCE http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/plaintexthistories.asp?histor yid=aa52 http://www.ancient.eu/medicine/ http://www.discoveriesinmedicine.com/Ra-Thy/Surgical- Instruments.html https://suite.io/sanjiva-wijesinha/2kg82de http://www.hindubooks.org/sudheer_birodkar/india_contribution /medicine.html Article :ANIMAL HEALTH CARE IN ANCIENT INDIA By:Dr.D.N.Sharma,Emeritus Scientist( India )
  19. 19. THANK YOU