Hit and run zac

Post on 13-Mar-2016

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BOOM… again the explosion chucked a piece of dynamite. Thud, I hit the ground hard core then Evil Boom took me to his evil lair on Doon St.

¨  Hi I’m Arrow. I’m sort of getting chased by the slowest man in the entire earth. His name is Evil Bomb. I don’t mean to brag but I’m pretty fast. “But captain” …then

boom Evil Bomb threw a bomb at me.

Bash, bang, boom, he slapped hard as I tried to get my bow and arrow but it was no use.

“You’ll never get away with this.” I said. He said “But I already have.” “Grrr,” said Arrow. “This is not the last you’ll see of me.” ‘Yes it is” said Evil Bomb.

“What do you mean?” said Arrow. There was no time to lose. But how how do you get out of a death

trap? He thought. I’ll shout help!

Lasers were going to cut me in half. I struggled to get free but it was no use. I could hear a faint buzz In the distance. Suspense filled my body then out of the blue a motor bike slammed through the wall and took the lasers off their hinges. “Thanks” I said. But he was not there. So I investigated and found a trap door. Suddenly I got shoved down the slide. “Help.”

I thought I would die but I didn’t. It lead to the lair. It had lots of weapons and computers, you name it was all there.

An ambush of ninjas came. I had to fight a lot of ninjas. There was a really hard one then everything went black…