Holistic conversion optimization - Conversion Day 2014

Post on 15-Sep-2014

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Traffic, conversions & branding. Three different concepts, often separated within a company. What would happen if we combine knowledge & tactics from designers, information architects, strategists & online marketers to approach all three concepts simultaneously? Wijs explains this holistic approach using a theoretical framework accompanied by practical tactics & working methods applied to 2 major brands in the Belgian landscape: Carglass and JM-Bruneau.


Holistic Conversion OptimizationSam StalsOnline Marketing Consultant, Wijs




Work work work.

Execution optimization tactics

Result on CPC performance.

Result on global performance.

Execution optimization tactics

So what was the problem?

Effort & Timing


Easy peasy Hardcore



Optimization fatigue.

The Shane Battier effect.

Simplicity & limited data.

How do we optimize the entire online presence?

Map your touch points.

Map the different media touch points.



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Remember: we’re living in a multichannel world.

What about the impact from online marketing on offline marketing (and vice versa)?

Is it possible to get a complete overview?

No. It is not. Not yet at least.

But we can start.

Awareness Appreciation Action Advocacy







Advocacy Action

Awareness Appreciation



Facebook pageLinkedIn company page Twitter accountOwned



Awareness Appreciation AdvocacyAction

Organic Search Word of Mouth

Natural Search Referrals

Natural Search Referrals

Natural Search Referrals

AdWordsDisplay ads op Nieuwsblad, De Standaard, De Morgen, GVA & HBVLFacebook AdvertisingLigatus Advertising

Facebook AdvertisingLinkedIn Advertising

Google RemarketingFacebook Exchange LinkedIn advertisingCatalogues

Facebook Advertising

WebsiteFacebook Page LinkedIn company page Twitter account Folders

Facebook page LinkedIn company page Twitter account


Attribution Modelling.

Visualize top - middle and bottom of funnel.

Combine funnel with conversion data.

Use data & knowhow.

F*ck big data, use small data.

Conversion data

Acquisition data

Behavioral data

Technical data

Demographic data

Referral data

Cost data

Offline data

Marketing, UX design, IA & long term strategy.

Work work work_v2.

Practice makes perfect.

‣ First interactions.

‣ Organic & CPC are important for first interactions

Aantal  van  Medium

Medium Total  Entries

(none) 1343

compare 211

cpc 576

email 209

organic 2282

referral 269

Eindtotaal 4890

Source: Pivot table combining landing pages + medium as secondary dimension

Top of marketing funnel.

Organic & CPC

Middle of marketing funnel.

Direct !

Organic !CPC


Source: Pivot table combining top conversion paths with revenue per conversion

‣ Last interaction before a sale.

Source: Model Comparison Tool, Last interaction model

Direct & Mailings

Organic & CPC

Organic, CPC, Direct & Mailings

Bottom of marketing funnel.

Awareness Appreciation Action Advocacy

Organic traffic

CPC traffic

Direct traffic


Key take-aways.

Map online and offline media touch points.

Attribute the correct weight to each touch point.

F*ck big data. Use small data instead.

Use knowhow from different profiles.

Do not underestimate assisting channels.

Thanks!Sam StalsOnline Marketing Consultant, Wijs


