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February 2015

Trinity TopicsH O L Y T R I N I T Y L U T H E R A N C H U R C H


In observance of President’s Day, the office is closed Monday, February 16

“Be Still and Know that I Am God”

February is the shortest month of the calendar year, and this year February is almost evenly split between the Epiphany and the Lenten seasons. We transition from the season of light to a season of reflection as we journey with Jesus toward the cross. The tone shifts from the light and life of Jesus’ early ministry to a season that invites us to ponder how it’s going with us and our relationship with God and neighbor. Psalm 46 is one of the psalms we will hear in Lent, and it begins like this:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.

Our lives are rarely the way we want them or expect them to be. We live through troubles and disappointments, brokenness and sadness. Changes happen in our lives that we want either to undo or reverse. Relationships break, and we are shattered to our core. Some of us lived in the Bay Area when the Loma Prieta earthquake hit in 1989, so we know how the earth shaking feels. We know what roaring waters looks like. When life seems to turn on us, and the mountain is about to blow, we want to take control… to DO whatever we can to make things right and to return to status quo… the pre-eruption time… when the waters were clean and the trees were tall.

The psalmist reminds us that when we are in trouble and the mountains rage, God shows us the light. When wars break the people, God breaks the bow and shatters the spear. Whatever it is in our own lives that threatens to break us, God brings new life where old life is being destroyed.

The Lenten journey is a new “life journey”. In the forty days that begin on Ash Wednesday we will be wondering and wandering with these words of Psalm 46 together: Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

In our noisy world, it is good to become still before God, take a break from the chaos of life, and be filled with God’s peace and healing.

Come join this community on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings for fellowship, reflection, singing, praying as we journey toward new life that God promises to all people.


Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18

A Service of Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes at 7:00 pm



Adult Forums in February & March

Sundays mornings | 9:00 am | Conference Rm

“Animate: Bible”

February 1 | “Testaments: One Story, Two Parts”

February 8 | “Gospels: Unexpected Good News”

February 15 | “Interpretation: Scriptures Reads Us”

“Journeys in Faith”Lent has historically been a season of “faith

formation” in which women, men, and children

prepared for the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Let

us join in this tradition of inquiry on Sunday

mornings to discuss matters that relate to our faith

in an interactive format.

February 22 | “God: Faith Is A Quest”

March 1 | “Religion: Spirituality Is Not Enough”

March 8 | “Jesus: The Revolution of Love”

March 15 | “Cross: Where God Is”

March 22 | “Church: An Imperfect Family”

All are welcome!

Discipleship GatheringSaturday, February 7 & 14

Find out more about the history and teachings of the Lutheran Church in general, and Holy Trinity in particular at this Gathering from 10:00 am - 12 noon.

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. This is a good opportunity for anyone interested in making Holy Trinity their spiritual home.

We will be receiving new members on Transfiguration Sunday, February 15.

Please email Pr. Christian with any questions or to RSVP at jennert@sancarloshtlc.org or call 650.593.0325 x.1

We look forward to seeing you there!

Burning of Palms

Sunday, February 15As we prepare for Ash Wednesday

and the Lenten season, all worshipers are invited to bring their palm fronds from last year’s Palm/Passion Sunday

worship. We will burn the palms following worship in the courtyard and use the ashes in our Ash Wednesday

Service on February 18.


“Baskets of Promise - Signs of Hope”

We are rotating with Messiah Lutheran Church in Redwood City

February 25 Messiah Lutheran RWC

March 4 Holy Trinity

March 11 Messiah Lutheran RWC

March 18 Holy Trinity

March 25 Messiah Lutheran RWC

A simple soup supper precedes each Midweek Service at 6:00 pmIf you would like to bring a hearty soup, salad, bread, or dessert,

please sign up in the breezeway or contact Petra Gilmore.



Baptism of Hazel Marie Schemper Vorhes, January 18

Pastor's Epiphany Open House

Budget Presentationand Annual Meeting

Lori Friedman and Anita Reimann working on a PowerPoint presentation at the January council meeting.

Shirley Zimmerman and Pamela Bohlmann making music



Preaching on the Floor: A New Year for Preschool-2nd Grade Sunday School

Something new is happening downstairs in this new year. When the youngest of our congregation leave for Sunday school, our preschool through 2nd graders are engaged in a new curriculum.  Except that I hate to call it a curriculum. It’s really more like preaching. They’re sitting in a circle on the floor, hearing and seeing and touching a story from the Bible.

Upstairs, adults are listening to a sermon. If you’ve listened to a few sermons, you’ve probably noticed that sermons are different from teaching. (We don’t call them lectures! They’re something different!) In the tradition of the New Testament in its original Greek, pastors and theologians sometimes throw around the word “kerygma” when talking about preaching. “Kerygma” is the Greek word for preaching. It’s a completely word than the word for teaching “Didaskalo” (think of “didactic” in English). Kerygma is related to the word for “proclaim” or “cry out,” the way a herald would. And the New Testament pairs it with the idea of Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. So a sermon is not just teaching someone head knowledge, but crying out to them (with some urgency and excitement!) about the Good News.

By now, you are wondering what on earth the distinctions between Greek terms mean to a 4 year old. But here’s the idea: when this group of kids leave worship for Sunday School, we’re not exactly doing “school” with them anymore. We’re doing preaching at their level. Many Sunday School curriculums fall apart when they only try to teach, and not to proclaim. Downstairs this year, we’re using something called “Godly Play” and a nearly identical derivative format called “Young Children and Worship” to proclaim the Good News. It’s based on the system that Maria Montessori developed for her Italian students’ religious education (part of her curriculum that didn’t cross the Atlantic because most schools in North America that use Montessori method are secular).

To reach young children at their developmental level, they sit in a circle with a storyteller. On shelves around the room are the “stories”: sets of objects that are used as aids to tell the story.  The storyteller takes a set down from the shelf, and begins to tell the story using the objects in the box, because young children are concrete thinkers, and need objects to make the story real. When the story is done, they talk about it with the storyteller, using questions that begin with “I wonder…” This winter and spring, we are concentrating on the parables that Jesus told. The parable of the Good Samaritan, for example, is told using felt shapes that look like a road from Jericho to Jerusalem, and hand-colored laminated images of the characters in the story. At the end of the story, the storyteller and children might wonder together: “I wonder if you’ve ever had to travel somewhere far away? “I wonder if you’ve ever wanted to help someone?” They aren’t learning a “lesson” so much as they are entering the story and learning how the Good News is meant for them in their own lives.

It’s really not that hard to be the storyteller. There’s a script for the story. You get to use the storytelling sets (it’s sort of fun, like getting down on the floor and playing with children!).  And, children are usually so captivated by the stories and the objects that, even the most squirrelly sit and listen.

I’m hoping we will all fall in love with this way of preaching to our children. If you’re curious, come down and see some Sunday! Better yet, let me know if you want to help. There are a number of ways I could use your assistance in this. What could you do?

1. Pray for the children of our church. As we walk down the aisle after the children’s time, would you please say a little prayer for hearts and minds that are open to the Good News and the leading of God’s Spirit?

2. Learn to tell these stories! I’d say that if you enjoy reading a story to young children, you’d enjoy storytelling this way.

3. A bigger ask, but: we need to make more story sets for the 2015-2016 Sunday School year. I particularly need to find someone who is handy with a jigsaw to cut some figures for us. (I have patterns!)

4. Organize some crafting materials for the kids. After the story is told, we also respond to the story with some crafting time. Sometimes these are “guided” crafts, but sometimes it’s just letting kids do what they want with a box of supplies. I’m still working on designing a good way for each child to have a nicely organized box of supplies.

5. Thrift store shopping. No, really. There are some materials we need for the room that you might run into if you are an avid thrift store or garage sale shopper.

Pastor Erica



Facilities Update


Spring Sparkle is Back! Saturday, March 28

9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Now that many Facilities Audit projects have been completed, it is time to adopt to our ongoing maintenance mode. ALL ages are invited to participate as we prepare our campus for Palm Sunday and Easter. Window

washing, cleaning, gardening, touch-up painting and more . . . there is something for everyone! All materials and morning snacks will be provided. Come when you can, leave when you must. Many hands make for light

work and great fellowship –– God’s work, Our hands!


Wizard Plumbing and Drain working their magic unclogging the downstairs

Juan and Israel from Rossi Painting are back to paint! Painting will include: Beilstein Hall restrooms, classroom and chapel/meeting room; the downstairs classrooms and hallway. Painting will continue into February.

New bulletin boards, white boards and art work to follow painting.

New energy efficient dual-paned windows from Windows Unlimited are being installed in Pastor’s and Monica’s offices. Thank you, Doug Gallagher who also installed the Narthex windows.



Lydia Circle (of WELCA)

Tuesday, February 17

Beilstein Hall | Noon

Lydia Circle is tentatively scheduled to meet the usual 3rd Tuesday of the month. As always please bring your Bible, your Jan./Feb. issue of Gather and a sandwich. Tea and light refreshment will be served. Due to illnesses amongst us ladies we did not meet in January so let's try to briefly study both Session 5 and 6. Conveniently, both sessions are in the one issue of Gather. All women of Holy Trinity are welcome.

Please check with Lynn regarding the date of meeting and if you need a copy of the study. My suggestion is to move our meeting up one week to the 10th since the 17th is Fat Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday.)

Please remember: Box Tops for Education and Campbell product bar codes to benefit Rock Point Navajo School in AZ. Receptacle is on the bulletin board in Beilstein Hall.

& Book Study

Saturday, February 14 | 8:00 - 9:30 am | Beilstein Hall

We are starting a new book "God is Closer Than You Think" written by John Ortberg. All men welcome!

Sunday, February 1stBlood Pressure Check

Sandy Frojelin and her SFSU nursing students will be offering blood pressure checks after

worship in the the courtyard.

Confirmation Ministry in February Wednesdays nights

6:30 - 8:00 pm

February 2 Host: Ledwith

February 11 Host: Rohrer

February 18 Ash Wednesday/ No Confirmation

FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYSA birthday is God’s reminder to enjoy life. May your birthday be a day of


2/6 Holden Telfer2/8 Cathy Bready2/10 Betty Schornstein

Amanda Schrof2/11 Jim Baker2/13 Kristin Fox

Abram Vorhes2/17 Marion McDowell

Jeff Paulson2/18 Ruby Phillips

Coke Stimmler2/20 Barlow Gilmore2/22 Debben Hoffer2/23 Larry Richards2/24 Jennifer Ledwith

ANNIVERSARY WISHES!God bless you as you celebrate your

years together!

Siggi & Lynn Garbe-Recknagel2/14/1999 (16 years)

“Our Neighbor’s Faith”—Confirmation Field Trips in Lent

Wednesday confirmation classes are taking a hiatus till Wednesday, April 15.

Field trips to an Islamic Center, the San Mateo Buddhist Temple, and to Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco are scheduled on 3 Sundays in Lent.

Departure from HTLC is at~12:30 p.m. (Approximate return ~2:30 p.m.) for Glide is 9:30 am. (approximate return at 1:00 p.m.)

Exact dates and times will be announced.


F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5

Worship Leaders

If a conflict prevents you from serving as scheduled, arrange a trade and/or substitute and notify the office at 650.593.0325 or office@sancarloshtlc.org


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

19:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice11:30 AM Fingerprining5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

26:00 PMJazzercise

37:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall

410:00 AM StaffMeeting6:30 PMHTLC/MLCConfirmation7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:00 PMYouth/FamilyMinistry TeamMeeting

56:00 PM Jazzercise

67:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

710:00 AMDiscipleshipGathering1:00 PMCelebration of Life2:00 PMReception --Beilstein Hall5:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

89:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice11:30 AM Social ConcernsMeeting -- Conf Rm5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

96:00 PMJazzercise

107:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall7:00 PM CouncilMeeting

1110:00 AM StaffMeeting6:30 PMHTLC/MLCConfirmation7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom

126:00 PM Jazzercise

137:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

148:00 AM Men'sBreakfast -Beilstein Hall10:00 AMDiscipleshipGathering5:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

15TRANSFIGURATIONSUNDAY9:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom


1712:00 PM LydiaCircle7:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall

1810:00 AM StaffMeeting6:30 PMHTLC/MLCConfirmation7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:00 PM AshWednesdayService with HolyCommunion

196:00 PM Jazzercise

207:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

215:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

229:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

236:00 PMJazzercise

247:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall

2510:00 AM StaffMeeting6:45 PM MidweekLenten Service7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom

266:00 PM Jazzercise

277:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

285:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

19:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

26:00 PMJazzercise

37:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall

410:00 AM StaffMeeting6:45 PM MidweekLenten Service7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom

56:00 PM Jazzercise

67:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

75:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

Worship Leaders January - Febraury 2015

2/1 2/8 Youth 2/15 2/22

Assisting Minister Anita Reimann Anna Friedman James Reimann Gary Wiessinger

Lector Doug Southard Youth John McDowell James Reimann

Acolyte Maya Rohrer Cameron Martin Mackenzie Friedman Anna Friedman

Sound System

OperatorBob Beuthel Greg Bohlmann Leroy Padilla Dave Pitts

Altar Guild Vivian Southard Barbara Richards Karen Schornstein Pamela Bohlmann

Greeter(s) Anni Wunderlich The Wiessingers Cathy Bready Cathy Bready

UshersDave Pitts Richard

WunderlichLeroy Padilla

Greg Bohlmann

John SchornsteinDick Rescho

Nursery Assistant Parent to Stay Parent to Stay Zoe Reimann Zoe Reimann

Coffee Host Lisa Kersten Cathy Bready Kristin Fox Julianne Fredericks

CountersMary Webb Andrea


Leroy Padilla Mary


Greg Bohlmann

Chris Kidwell

Greg Bohlmann

Chris Kidwell

Sunday SchoolLori, Michelle, Erica,


Lisa, Anita, Peter,


Gaby, Hillary, Zoe,




Holy Trinity Lutheran Church149 Manzanita AvenueSan Carlos, CA 94070www.sancarloshtlc.orgPhone: 650.593.0325office@sancarloshtlc.orgSunday Worship 10:15 am

Want to go green? Please contact Holy Trinity (office@sancarloshtlc.org) to replace your printed copy with an electronic copy of our newsletter.

CHURCH STAFF......................................... ............................................Pastor The Rev. Christian Jennert Office Administrator Monica Cryan

jennert@sancarloshtlc.org cryan@sancarloshtlc.org....... ................................................................Dir, Child & Family Ministries The Rev. Erica Schemper Nursery Care Jo O’Brien

schemper@sancarloshtlc.org obrien@sancarloshtlc.org...................................Organist/Pianist Shirley Zimmerman


2015 COUNCIL OFFICERS & MINISTRY TEAM CHAIRS................................................... ..........................................................President Dr. Lori Friedman Worship & Music Erik Vorhes

friedman@sancarloshtlc.org ...................................Evangelism & Outreach Gary Wiessinger........................ .............................................................Vice President …………..Dr. Anita Reimann Stewardship Rick Gilmore

........................................................... ...............Secretary Bob Beuthel Social Concerns Barbara Padilla & Hillary Wiessinger.............. .......................................................................Buildings & Grounds Bob Beuthel & Leroy Padilla Youth Lori Friedman

............................................. ..................................................Congregation Life Peter Meier Financial Secretary Mary Webb................... ................................................................Endowment. Cathy Bready & John McDowell Treasurer Petra Gilmore

..........................Education/Sunday School Anita Reimann treasurer@sancarloshtlc.org